If Only I Were A Marauder

By SufferingStarlight

246K 6.1K 4K

Y/N Pettigrew is abused by her parents, and all she wants is to be friends with her brother's friends. Howeve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapters 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Chapter 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39 (The End)

Part 36

2.9K 62 20
By SufferingStarlight

Info - Horcrux. Begging for forgiveness, hatching a plan, escaping, asking for favors, apologies, crying, oral (female receiving), squirting, regulus being a dick, holding knife to someone's throat, veritaserum, fingering

"Break up?" He asked, and he looked genuinely horrified.

"No, no, no, not my light, don't take my sunshine from me," he begged, falling to his knees. He clung to my waist sobbing. I hadn't expected this reaction.

"Please, y/n, I'm sorry," he begged and I knelt down with him slowly.

"Regulus, I don't want to, I'm just so sad and angry all the time," I whispered to him.

"I don't want to do this to you," he said, his voice breaking. "We need to kill this thing before it kills us."

"Well Mr. Study, you've got to have some ideas," I said quietly.

"Right now, the only viable one is to go to Nocturn Alley and see what we can find."

"Why haven't we tried that?" I asked.

"It would be hard, very hard, we'd have to skip school. Dumbledore might notice if the locket goes away. I could be told on by someone. You couldn't come."

"There has to be a way," I said, then an idea struck like lightning. "Andromeda and Ted could watch it. I know they're not going to be happy about it, but they'll do one day. The locket will be here and safe and we will be more level headed.

"How do we get there?" He asked. "You can't disappearate inside Hogwarts."

"Floo Powder?" I asked.

"You can't use that either," Regulus countered.

"Our brooms then I suppose. The trip will be long, but we can go at least as fast as the train."

"That's true, but what about you. We aren't well known and you aren't marked. There's sure to be gossip of Regulus Black has shown up with a girlfriend and is looking for dark magic items."

"James's invisibility cloak!" I said excitedly.

"The hard part about that is in the name it's JAMES'S invisibility cloak, not ours," Regulus said dismally.

"No, no, I'll make Lily get it for me! I'll call in a favor since I changed James. She'll be sure to get it even if it's in the box."

"What box?"

"I made him a box to keep it in, but since I'm the creator I can get in even though it'll be warded. I don't think he would've reversed that enchantment. I kept it that way in case someone stole it from him and changed the wards, I enchanted it that I could always get in."

"What makes you think Lily will listen after the shit I just pulled," Regulus asked dismally.

"I can pretend you're abusive and I need it to hide or something if she puts up a fuss, but we can really do this Reg! The locket can finally die, and we will be happy."

"You're right, fuck you're so smart, it's incredibly sexy," he said and I could tell he was finally making an effort to fight the locket. I knew he'd been easily convinced by it because of his past, but I'd always fought, so I had immediately. He'd just needed time and determination.

"Let me eat you out as the first of my many apologies," he begged.

"I'll never say no to that," I said happily. He laid me down and pulled up my robes. He blew gently into my cunt and I grew wet. I squirmed for him.

"I still remember the first time tasting you, I was like nothing else on this earth," he sighed and blew into me again.

"Oh shit, you've hardly done anything and I'm desperate," I moaned. He smiled at me and dove in. He varied his pace, tiny kitten licks, then luxurious lapping. I was whining, my hands curling in his hair. I tugged and he moaned into my heat.

"Tastes so fucking good," he cursed and then his tongue darted into my entrance. He tongue fucked me for a little before switching to sucking. He sucked hard and then let me go to lave at my clit. I was in ecstasy and I told him so.

"You feel so good when your nice, oh fuck Reg. I missed this," I whimpered, my heart beating wildly. He then stuck his fingers inside me and paid attention to my bundle of nerves. I came undone in a way I never had. My world shattered as I moaned his name.

"Fuck, y/n, you squirted!" I heard my boy say as he raised his wet head.

"S-sorry, I just missed you like Hell."

"Don't be sorry, that was incredible," he said happily. He hovered over me and giggled as he kissed me so I could taste myself.

We fucked the rest of the day, in between making plans for our departure. It was easier than we thought. Andromeda was overjoyed we were finally doing something and said she'd watch the locket. Lily was easy to convince. When neither of us had the locket, things became a bit easier. However, the remnant was still lingering.

Regulus kissed me before we mounted our brooms. We bolted into the air. Just for extra precaution we'd had one of our friends distract Dumbledore when we escaped.

I loved flying next to Regulus. The wind rippled through our hair as we left the heavy feeling of the locket behind. If we weren't on a schedule I'd have asked him to land so we could cuddle without the presence of the Horcrux.

As we continued, the trip became less fun. My ass ached, rain had started leaving us damp and stiff. When we landed we stumbled getting off our brooms. I immediately threw on the invisibility cloak and followed my boyfriend.

He'd changed immediately too. He stood up straight, with his nose in the air. He had his sleeves pushed up to show off his dark mark. He sauntered, and said sorry to no one he inconvenienced. He'd been right, people were staring.

He headed to a shop called Borgin and Burkes. I'd never heard of such a place before. I just made it through the door before it closed. He walked haughtily up to the cash register.

"Borgin," his voice was venomous.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Sir Black?" He asked. He known him right away.

"I'm buying a gift, for my mother. She will want something of dastardly power, I'm sure you know what she's like."

"Yes sir, but shouldn't you be in school?"

"It's Saturday, ask no more tedious questions of me, show me what you have stored here."

I watched in awe as a full grown wizard ran to do a teenagers bidding. I was impressed to say the least.

"No, these are all much too dull. I've heard stories of your horrific magical items, and I must say I'm disappointed."

"Well I have more, nothing for the eyes of a wizard who has only just come of age though," he chuckled. I watched Regulus's eyes flash and he grabbed the man by the robes.

"Do you see this?" He demanded and pulled down his sleeve. Borgin gasped.

"I'm assuming you know what this means," he snapped and shoved his forearm into Borgin's face.

"Yes, Sir, I do know," he agreed.

"Then you will agree that I am not just some boy looking for a thrill. I am from the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black! We are pure and our spells never miss. I suggest you find whatever you've been hiding from me immediately!"

Borgin scurried to the back. I couldn't help but reach out and squeeze my boyfriend's hand. He stayed still, but inclined his head ever so slightly, acknowledging me.

"H-here," Borgin came out with an armful of things. One seemed to catch Regulus's eye.

"What is this?" He asked, holding the sapphire encrusted dagger. He held it carefully.

"The Varitas Dagger, s-said to have been forged by Ravenclaw herself, it is also rumored to be imbued with veritiserum. She wanted to be able to learn facts she could trust to be true when using it to threaten dark wizards."

"And how is it that you have it?" Asked Regulus, I realized he was worried it was a fake.

"A trade. I knew a descendent of Rowena. He was more inclined towards the Slytherin ways, our house," he reminded Regulus as if that would spare him.

"We made a bet, some game I can no longer remember, that we would trade an artifact from our houses to the winner, and I won."

"I see, why don't we test it's validity," Regulus said with a grin. In a swift move, bred from practicing Quidditch for so long, Regulus had the dagger at the store owner's throat. I gasped but Borgin was too distracted to notice. Reg pushed until a drop of blood landed on the weapon's blade. Borgin went slack.

"Is everything you've told us true? Is this dagger truly thought to be forged by the Rowena Ravenclaw?"

"Yes," said Borgin plainly. The mundanity of his answer proved he was under the veritaserum's influence.

Regulus backed away.

"I'll buy it," he said.

"But master Black, a Ravenclaw artifact for your mother? Not to mention the cost-"

He was cut off as Regulus poured galleons and gems onto the counter. Finally, to sweeten the deal, he slapped down a mask that looked like a snake. My heart warmed. That was the mask we wore when he'd had sex before me, when he'd needed to pretend he wasn't himself.

"This is wonderfully crafted," Borgin said in awe.

"Please get on with it, I wish to return to Hogwarts before the eve."

Borgin prepared it. Soon we were back in the air. I was so elated I did dives and swoops and twirls. Regulus mirrored me happily. We had some hope of finally killing this thing!

"Did you do it?" Andromeda raced to us as we landed. She held out the locket to me. I felt it quiver when it was near the blade Regulus held.

"We did it," I beamed, excited for our prospects.

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