
By bellamyb15

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By bellamyb15

Madisons pov

Madison says"this is a shit hole.

Billy says"we're just here to find out more about Michael then we're out so chill.

I groan in annoyance because I never wanted to be back in this house again.

We go inside.

Billy sets up everything for the spell.

Madison says"I've never seen that spell.

Billy says" this will help us see the spirits. They don't want to be seen we're trespassing in there home.

Madison says"we only need to talk to certain people.

Billy says"I know but it's the others I'm worried about it's really crowded in this house.

We both cut our hands and bleed into the bowl and we tie a cloth on our hands to stop it and start the spell.

A few minutes later.

Madison says"did it work?

All of a sudden we hear something and look over to see a little girl run down the hall way.

Billy says"I would say yes.

Madison says"me too.

We hear guy talking to another guy and we go over there and listen.

Tate says"I've told you this a million times. you're my psychiatrist. You're supposed to help me.

Ben says"I have helped you. We've had daily sessions going on for years now.

Tate says"I feel like the only reason your talking to me is cause your wife refuses to talk to you.

Ben says"let's leave her out of this.

Tate says"well then let's talk about your daughter. Cause that's what I really need your help with. It's torture. Can you just talk to her?

Ben guy says"what do you want me to say? You set fire to your moms boyfriend, you shot and killed over a dozen kids in your high school, you helped kill her parents, plus, you impregnated her mother. Any one of those things would be reason enough...

Tate says"I'm different now. I'm...you know I'm dead and I'm hot and I...I know she has feelings for me.

Madison says"your not so hot.

Tate looks at me confused.

Madison says"that's right you can see us and we can see you.

Ben says"who are you?

Billy says"I'm billy and this is Madison Montgomery.

Tate says"it's nice to see you again, Madison.

Tate walks away.

Madison says"Ben please help us.

Ben says"it's nice to see you again as well but I'm busy.

Billy says"what do you have to do?

Ben says" masturbate and look out the window and cry it's a daily thing.

Ben walks off and we walk out of the room and we're by the stairs when a kid jumps on top of me and billy about get him off me when a lady stops him.

Lady says"you don't want to do that. This spirt is nice and if your mean to him you'll have a whole house of spirits bothering you.

She grabs the ball and tosses and the boy runs after it.

I stand up.

Madison says"who the hell are you?

Lady says"a friend of the house and it's residents. They don't take kindly to strangers.

Billy says"you ain't dead?

Lady says"oh honey I'm one of the few live ones they let come and go. And you are Madison Montgomery sister to Haley Montgomery.

When she mentions Haley I'm on the verge of tears

Madison says"have you seen one of my movies?

Lady says"no, but I know your sister.

Billy says"what are you?

Lady says"Billie dean Howard. Medium to the stars.

Madison says"so, you're like a shitty ms.Cleo.

Billie says"your sister wouldn't say that before that I was her best friend.

Constance says"now who do you think you are coming in here. Swanning around, spewing vulgarities?

Madison says"we're the new owners.

Constance says"I should've known one day you would buy this house,Madison.

Madison says"we need your help.

Constance says"you get rid of the maid and I'll help you.

Madison says"fine.

We go to the yard and find her bones and go back inside.

Madison says"maid.

Maid turns to her.

Madison says"where do you want to be buried?

Maid says"next to my mom.

Maid writes down the location and hands it to me.

Madison says"thank you.

I grab the paper and we leave.

We get to the grace yard and Billie buried her and we go back to the house.

Madison says"we did what you asked. The maids gone.

Billy says"tell us about Michael.

Constance says"he was born right here in this house With a loving family. When his mother died I took the burden of raising him.

Madison says"why you?

Constance says"he's my grandson. His father was that handsome young man in the sweater and the mop top that you saw when you first came in...Tate. But you already knew that didn't you Madison?

I look away uncomfortably.

Constance says"he would give me presents as his way to express his love for me.

Madison says"what do you mean?

Constance says"at first it was small rodents and then he graduated to grander things. Then the incident with the sitter. I was able to convince the authorities that she had taken her own life. Up until that point I thought I was raising a garden variety Serial killer. Then something happened he was late for school and I went to wake him when he was grown he wasn't six years old anymore and he aged a decade overnight. Now that was something far outside the natural realm. It was almost as if he was in a hurry to get somewhere age-wise you know what I mean? Then came the incident with him almost killing me he didn't like that I told him what to do. So, I called a priest to come help the situation but I heard something and when I went up there the priest was dead. So, I took the easy way out I came here and ended it. I couldn't take another day with him. As for my grandson I never wanted to see him again.

She blows out the smoke from her cigarette.

Constance says"well, there it is the whole story.

Madison and billy say"thank you.

We walk away to find Ben.

Madison says"we need your help.

Ben says"fine. The day Constance died was the first day I'd seen my son but that's also when Haley saw him.


I saw Haley about to walk over there.

Ben says"no. He just lost his grandmother he needs someone there for him.

Haley says"ok, are you saying I can't be that someone?

Ben says"someone with humanity.

Haley closes her eyes and I'm thrown into the wall and she holds me there and I watch her go over there.

Haley says" hey, are you ok?

Boy says" my grandmas dead.

Haley says"I'm so sorry. What's your name?

Boy says"I'm Michael.

Haley says"I'm Haley. Come now I'll help you.

Michael stands up and Haley puts out her hand out and Michael grabs it and Haley walks upstairs and she looks happy she lets me go and I let it go I let them be happy.

[end of the flashback]

Ben says"when I saw him for the first time I wasn't alone Haley was there too. It seemed like they were good for each other. I saw them get closer day in and day out. They played chess, watched tv together I mean they literally did everything together and it was good for him. Until he met Tate and Michael was touching some of his stuff and Tate said some hurtful things and Haley heard and she grabbed Tate and slit his throat and threw him over the staircase railing. 


I over hearded what Tate said to Michael and I go in there.

[haley's pov]

I over heared what tate said and I go over there and grab him and slit his throat and throw him over the stair case.

Haley says"leave or your next.

Ben left the room and I go over to Michael and lay next to him.

Haley says"hey.

Michael turns to me and he's been crying and I wipe his tears.

Michael says"did you kill him?

Haley says"he's temporally dead but he's dead all the same. I wasn't gonna let him get away with hurting you.

Michael smiles and I smile at him.

Ben's pov

I look in on Haley and Michael.

Michael says"I love you.

Haley says"I love you too.

Michael kisses Haley.

[end of flashback]

Ben says"In that moment when I saw them kiss and say I love you I thought ok maybe this a good for both of them. Then it got worse I found him and Haley torturing someone in the basement cutting them open and ripping out there insides and they were enjoying. I let it go because they were just torturing a spirt here. Then things got really bad. The house sold and a new married couple came in and they killed them.


Bens pov

I saw haley and a guy in the suit that Tate wore. I go over there to help and haley closes her eyes and I get thrown to the wall and she makes it to where I can't get up.

Ben says"those were good people. They deserved a chance.

Michael says"they don't belong here.

Ben says"Because of what you two did they'll be here forever.

Haley says"well at least they'll be together.

Ben says"I know you two this isn't who you two are.

The people wake up as ghosts.

Michael puts out his hand and they starts burning alive until they just vanish.

Ben gets up and walks over to us.

Ben says"I never could've helped you two your lost causes.

Michael falls to the ground and starts crying and Haley hugs him and I leave the room.

[end of the flashback]

Ben says"so as you see Haley wasn't good for him. Haley has darkness in her and she wasn't always like that she was a good person and then she died at the hands of her sister and it turned her dark and when she met Michael he had darkness in him too that's how they connected they bring out the darkness in each other. But Michael didn't just kill those women he made them cease to exist. He murdered there bodies and destroyed there souls.

[Madison's pov]

Madison says"so, basically our new supreme is pure evil.

I turn to billy.

Madison says"we should go. Cordelia will know what to do. How to get rid of him.

Viven says"it won't be so easy.

Madison says"viven.

Viven says"it's good to see you again Madison.

Madison says"what do you mean it's not gonna be easy.

Viven says"you're not just dealing with any other crazy witch you're dealing with the Antichrist. First it was the crows and then they came.


[Haley's pov ]

I hear the door open and Michael is fast
Asleep on my chest and I try to wake him up but he won't wake up and I try to get out from his grip  he tightens his grip around my waist keeping me there.

Michael says"where are you going?

Haley says"someone's here.

Michael says"yes I know spirts are here.

Haley says"no someone opened the front door and came in.

Michael gets up and walks over to me.

Michael says"ok, let's check it out.

[Vivens pov]

Michael and Haley walk to the stairs when they see 3 people in black cloaks.

Michael puts haley behind him to protect her.

Michael says"who are you?

Guy says"I'm Antonio I'm from the black church of Satan. And these are my cardinals. I faked my death to prepare for this day.

Michael and Haley walk down.

Michael says"I don't understand.

Antonio says"we're to help you reach your full potential.

[end of flashback]

Madison's pov

Viven says"something changed in him that it's like they opened a door and showed him his real path.

Madison says"why didn't you stop them?

Viven says"I think I thought it was a joke. That is until the black mass. They murdered her and they did some spell and then they ripped out her heart and Michael ate it and he got more powerful and Haley loved him more for it. That night there was a terrible storm. Hail as big as rocks. Rain of blood. It was then that I made the decision to kill him.


Vivens pov

I walk into Haley and michaels room and there both naked and Haley is laying her head on his chest and his arm around her waist and I walk closer to the bed and I'm about to stab him. When I start burning alive.

Haley woke up to see me  burning alive and she smiled and then Tate knocks me down to stop me from burning and haley sighs annoyed.

Haley says"why'd you have to ruin the fun?

Tate says"you two are crazy.

Michael pulls up the blanket to make sure Haley's covered and she layed back down and fell asleep and we left.

[end of the flashback]

Madison's pov

Viven says"Tate saved me. After we put the fire out Michael and Haley were long.

Madison says"what do you mean Haley was gone? She's dead she can't leave.

Viven says"I'm telling you she's not here. He must've been powerful enough to bring her back and get her out of here. I don't know maybe she's just not coming out and I'm wrong and she's still here I don't know but what I do know is that Ben is not his father nor Is Tate he was born from the evil in this house and he's here to destroy the world.

I walk away.

Billy says"Madison.

I don't respond.

Billy says"Madison!

I turn to him.

Madison says"look I know it sucks that the guy you put your hope into turned out to be the antichrist but you are not stopping me from telling the council.

Billy Says"I wasn't gonna stop you. I never would've fought for Michael to be supreme if I had any idea who he truly was. We just wanted a leader.but he is clearly not that. What if we can't stop him? What happens then?

Madison says"I don't know.

I hear crying and go over there and see violet.

Madison says"give me a second.

Billy says"who's that?

Madison says"an old friend.

Billy Says"ok.

Billy walks away and I walk over to violet.

Violet says"madison.

Madison says"hey.

Violet slaps me and I'm shocked.

Madison says"what was that for?

Violet says"for what you did to Haley when you killed her I lost my best friend. Just because you were jealous that she was more powerful than you.

Madison says"no, that's not true.

Violet says"After all these years you can tell the truth and be honest with yourself.

I start crying.

Madison says"it's true I did and I feel terrible about it. I wish I would've thought about what I did before I did it I hate that I'm responsible for the person she become and I love her so much I just want to be sisters again and best friends like we used to be and I hate that I let my jealousy get in the way of that.

Violet says"I know I just hope when you see her eventually you two can make things right.

Madison says"I hope so to. But I can make a wrong a right.

I blow powder in violets face and show her what really happened.

Madison says"be happy.

I leave and we go to the car and I look up at the window and see Tate and Violet kiss and I smile and we get in the car and leave.

The end of the chapter.

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