Outward Bound

By xenongabis

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This three week outdoor adventure experience couldn't have come at a better time for Wikitoria. Maia, has... More



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By xenongabis

Wikitoria walked back into base camp exhausted. They had walked for six hours the day before. Hadn’t really slept at all and had just walked another five hours back. She was hungry and needed a shower. They could see the other team was back as they came into the clearing.
Maia heard her step into the girl’s cabin, eager to put her stuff down.
She found Maia at the back of the cabin, stretched out on her stomach on her bed. Smiling to herself, Wikitoria looked out the window for a second. Only Jada was asleep up on her bunk, snoring. Wikitoria put her bag down by her bed. She couldn’t get the smile off her face. She stood next to Maia’s bed, so wanting to wake her up. She looked over her length, noticing the curves of her bum. She looked around, checking no one was coming. Crouching down, she gently reached over, brushing a strand of hair off her face. “Hi, beautiful.” She whispered, moving her hand over her warm skin. She let her fingers touch the naked skin under the hem.
Feeling someone touching her, Maia opened her eyes and saw Wikitoria kneeling beside her. She felt her hand softly gliding over her lower back, her fingers sneaking under her top. “You’ll get caught.” She whispered. Wikitoria’s eyes met hers before taking a glimpse at the door. She wet her lip, returning with that cheeky grin.
“Now, if you’re quiet.” Her fingers slipped under the band of her shorts.
Maia gasped as her eyes flew open. She looked up, hearing Wikitoria putting her camping stuff down between them, her intensely dark eyes turning to look down at her for a second.
Wikitoria reached behind her for her towel, noticing Maia’s flushed features. She picked up her toothbrush. “You alright? You look all....” She waved her hand.
Crossing her legs, Maia rolled over, pulling her pillow over her head. Oh god, she was having a wet dream.
“Maia, you alright?” Millie noticed her burying herself in her bed.
“What? Oh yeah.” She glimpsed up at Wikitoria, who was still beside her. Her crooked eyebrow was an appropriate response to her inappropriate thoughts.
She chuckled to herself. “Just catching my breath.”

Later that evening, Maia noticed the time in the kitchen. 8 pm.
The curfew was nine.
She’d been thinking about Wikitoria since she’d seen her in the cabin earlier. Her team had been on kitchen duties while Wikitoria’s team was out kayaking. She’d seen her at dinner about an hour ago with Jake and Frankie at one of the park benches.
“Hey Marco, are we finished up here?”
The handsome, toned leader turned around to observe the clean kitchen. “I would say so, guys. Go out there and enjoy what’s left of your evening.”
They walked out into the darkness, lit by the bomb fire and the couple of spotlights that lit the camp at night. Maia came down the steps, adjusting her eyes to find Wikitoria. She was sitting with a group of them around Jake and his guitar singing. She walked around the side, trying to stay in the dark, hoping to get Wikitoria’s attention.
Wikitoria saw something move in the darkness ahead of her. She could just make out the blonde hair and her t-shirt. She dreaded the thought of no clothes in her wardrobe when they got home. She smiled to herself; Mai did look good in her clothes, though.
Maia indicated for her to follow.
“Be back soon, guys.” Wikitoria got up, heading the other way until she was under darkness, then headed for where Maia had been. She put her hand out in front of her, leaning on the big Kauri tree.
“Maia?” She whispered, looking around, listening for movement. “Come on, where are you?”
“I’m right here.”
She heard the whisper just before a hand touched her arm. Wikitoria turned around, keeping the tree beside her. “It’s pitch black out here. There’s like possums and stuff.”
“I don’t want anyone to see us.”
Wikitoria could feel her moving against her. Her hand slipped around to her cheek. “Look, Mai…”
Maia stepped into her, hoping she knew where she was heading. Wikitoria pushed her back. She noticed the light on the corner of the tree. “Come here.” She reached down for her hand, pulling her around. Those light blue eyes suddenly bounced back at her. She relaxed. “There you are.”
Maia could now see her, too. Smiling, she moved back against the tree, pulling her with her.
Wikitoria felt the tug, then her body squashing Maia’s against the tree.
“I’ve been thinking about you,” Maia whispered, her fingers sliding up Wikitoria’s arms to her neck.
Wikitoria felt the fine hairs on her neck stand up. She pulled back.
“Listen, I’ve been thinking about you too.” She moved back. “We need to talk.”
Maia bit her lip. She could see the moonlight in Wikitoria’s eyes. Wikitoria watched her step into her, wrapping her fingers in her hair.
“Hey, Nah.” Wikitoria reached up, removing them. “Mai, you need to stop this!”
“Wiki, it’s ok, no one-”
“No!” Wikitoria stepped back, pushing her away. “I don’t want this!” She growled.
“Wiki, but you-”
“No, It’s too late, Maia!” She bit, finally saying it out loud.
“I don’t want you anymore!”

Maia returned to the shared cabin, trying to hide the redness in her eyes. Reaching for her pj’s, she looked up at Wikitoria on the top bunk facing the wall. Sighing, she leaned on the frame a moment, wondering what she had done wrong. The lights flicked off, and she was standing there in the dark.
“Night, everyone.”
She looked at the dark silhouette with her back to her. Wikitoria was the reason she was here. She wanted to be with her.

Wikitoria could feel her behind her. Her breathing hit her ears. Curling up tighter, she heard her move and her bed creek as she got into it. Opening her eyes, Wikitoria let the tears she’d been holding fall over her nose onto the pillow. No, she told herself. Maia was just going to have to deal with it. She’d already decided to move on from her spell on her. That’s why she was here. To move on from Maia.


Wikitoria had felt it this morning. She’d jumped down from the top bunk only to meet Maia’s hard eyes. She stood up straight, trying to ignore the hurt she knew she had caused her. She wet her lips.
Maia finished tying her ponytail. She grabbed her cap and left without a word.
“Oh, man.” Wikitoria followed.

“What’s up with Maia this morning?” Naydeen jogged up beside her as they came over the bridge. Wikitoria stretched out her arms, trying to untighten her shoulders.
“I don’t know. Why’s that?” They rounded onto the beach.
Naydeen shrugged her shoulders. “She’s running pretty heavy. Got something on her mind, I think.” As they slowed down to catch up with the others, Wikitoria noticed how different Maia was holding herself today.
“Shit.” She quietly said to herself, rubbing her hands over her face.
She needed to fix this.

Maia was trying to ignore her. She could feel her eyes on her, but it wasn’t going to work. The anger was coming to the surface with every press-up she did into the mud. Wikitoria had hurt her, blatantly disregarding her feelings. “Stuff her.” She said to herself. She picked up a handful of mud, washing her face in it. She was starting this again. She stood up, getting ready for the pier and washing Wikitoria out of her system.
Wikitoria stood there, knowing exactly what she was doing. She was letting her go.

A couple of days later, they set off on their morning run. Wikitoria admitted she was lagging purely to watch Maia run. She was staying in step with her and noticed they were keeping quite a good pace. She had naturally assumed she was in better shape than the blonde academic. Yet Wikitoria could see she was definitely in good shape in front of her. She smiled to herself. Really, she didn’t care what shape she was in; Maia was Maia.
She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she banged into her.
“Woo, Maia, what...” She stumbled over her, realizing she had stopped.
“Aah!” Maia fell to the ground.
“Shit, Mai, you alright?” Wikitoria put her hand on her shoulder. Maia moved her leg around.
“My ankle, uh.” She grabbed it in pain. “I’ve hurt my ankle!” Wikitoria looked up to see who was around. Frankie and Lindon came around the track.
“Hey, hey guys! Can you help!”

“Who’s that?” Adam pointed out.
Ruby covered her eyes from the rising sun. “One of the girls.” They saw the boys carrying her around the bend to the finish line. Ruby bent down next to Maia as the boys sat her down on the log. “What happened?”
Maia adjusted her cap. “I think I’ve rolled my ankle.”
Wikitoria stopped in front of them. “She just stopped in front of me. Is she ok?” Ruby felt her lower leg.
“We’ll get Tia to have a look. Guys, do you mind taking her back to camp?” Maia stood up, swinging her arms over their shoulders again. She frowned at Wikitoria; this was just great!

Tia came back into the women’s cabin. Maia had her ankle up on the opposite bed. “Well...” Tia sat down next to her. “It’s not too serious, but it has put you out of the overnight camp tonight.” Maia sighed, looking at her wrapped ankle.
“So, I’m staying here on my own?”
“No, someone will have to stay behind with you.” Wikitoria noticed Frankie about to step forward.
“I will.” She got in first. “Look.” She sat down on the bed next to Maia’s foot. “I kind of feel bad that I tripped over you. This is my fault.” She looked at Maia. “Let me make it up to you.” Maia looked next to her at Tia.
“If you’re fine with that?” Tia asked. Maia glimpsed back at Wikitoria, trying not to frown.
“Sure. I mean, she sleeps across from me anyway, so...”
“Okay then.” Tia looked at Wikitoria. “I better give you a key to get into the kitchen tonight. Can’t have you starving yourselves.” Wikitoria got up behind her to follow. She gave Maia a little smile. Maia put her head in her hands. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought Wikitoria planned this.

Maia looked at Wikitoria sitting beside her on the log by the fire pit, waving bye to the others as they left. Wikitoria could see her out of the corner of her eye. She started laughing. Maia whacked her in the arm.
“If I didn’t know better, I would think you planned this!”
“Hey, I’m not the one who rolled her ankle.”
“Yeah, yeah. Well, now I’m stuck here with you.”
Wikitoria raised her eyebrow. “Yo, I could have gone with them and let someone else babysit you. Frankie was keen to spend the night alone with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Come on, Mai. Lucky, I know how to handle you.” She stood up, grabbing the crutch beside her patient’s foot.
“You take that back. I’m not that bad!”
Wikitoria looked at her sideways, picking up the other one.
“Do you remember when, and I still protest, I hit you in the ankle with my hockey stick?”
“Yes, I remember, and you did!”
Wikitoria helped her steady herself on the crutches. “You ran me, ragged man! Wiki, can you get me my socks? Can you get me my blanket, Wiki? I’m hungry; can you make me a pizza.”
“Now your pizza IS amazing.”
Wikitoria stopped in front of her. “The point is...” Maia grinned at her, causing Wikitoria to forget what she was saying.
Maia smiled to herself. “You’re point?”
A smile crept onto Wikitoria’s cheeks. “We actually have the whole camp to ourselves.” She stepped closer, helping with her balance.
“Don’t get too excited. Don’t forget you are my nurse, Nurse Tamati.” She let her hold her arm as she hopped forward.
Wikitoria closed the gap, looking down at her ankle. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But right now, I’m hungry.” She started running off, leaving her there.
“Jokes.” She laughed, coming back. “Come on, I’ll make us some lunch.”

Wikitoria looked over her shoulder at Maia, trying to get comfortable at a table in the hall.
“Hey.” She dried her hands. “Come here.”
Maia looked up, seeing her coming her way. “Where are we going?”
“Nowhere.” She helped her up. She walked her over to the bench beside where she was working. “Here, jump up.”
“I can’t sit up there. It’s food prep!”
“Jesus! Here.” She pulled off her jacket. “Now it’s covered.” Maia stepped back, and with a push from Wikitoria, she sat up on the bench. Wikitoria pulled over two chairs, putting them back-to-back with the rolled-up blanket Maia had used to rest her foot on. “Better?” Wikitoria went back to her pizza dough mix.
“Yip.” Maia leaned back against the wall and watched Wikitoria make her famous pizza. “How many times have you made this?”
Wikitoria stopped for a minute. “Man, umm maybe..., if I don’t count that time, I tried to make a business out of it... maybe twenty-thirty times.” She smiled.
“Is that because we always ask you for it?” Wikitoria looked up at her. Her eyes were smiling.
“Yeah. And besides, it’s my go-to. Nah.” She laughed. “Reminds me of Nan, Koro back home. My brother used to make us this all the time. Reminds me of home. It gets me thinking about how far I’ve come. I enjoy making it. Family tradition.” She laughed. Maia relaxed back.
“Oh, I’m so glad we don’t have to listen to Millie and Jazz snoring tonight. They are the worst.”
“I know, right? I think we better take advantage of this quietness before they come back. I wonder how Nat and Tamz are doing without us?” She stopped a minute, looking at Maia. “Do they even know where you are?”
“Yeah, of course. I’m in Auckland.”
“Maia! You didn’t tell anyone you were coming?”
Maia shrugged. “As far as they all know, I’m staying with a friend in Auckland for a few weeks.” Wikitoria shook her head.
“Yeah, I knew you hadn’t gone to Auckland.”
Maia laughed to herself. “Where did you think I was?”
Wikitoria put her knife down. “I had hoped...” She stopped next to her. “That you hadn’t bloody swindled your way into my Outward-Bound experience.”
“Aww, and now look at us.” Maia shrugged, dropping her head a moment, actually regretting the last few days. “I was hoping this would help me clear my head and decide what I’m actually doing with my life.” She watched Wikitoria making their pizza. “I think I’ve given up on wanting to be a psychologist. I don’t think my heart is in it anymore.” Wikitoria looked up at her.
“Wow, I mean, you’ve wanted to do that for as long as I’ve known you. What’s changed that?”
Maia leaned back against the wall, enjoying this chat.
“I think I see the world a little differently than I used to.” She glimpsed at Wikitoria. “Nat wants to go nursing. You’re volunteering over at the youth centre. Really making a difference. I guess I’ve seen there are more rewarding ways to help people than sitting in a room saying, ‘And how does that make you feel?’”
Wikitoria closed the oven door. “Hmm,” She turned around, tutting her chin. “And how does that make you feel?” She joked, coming back over to her with that grin. She stopped beside her.” Nah, you can still make a name for yourself; just do it from the heart instead of trying to make money out of it.”
Maia smiled up at her. She reached down for her hand, pulling her around between her legs. Wiktoria sighed.
“If this is not what you want, it’s fine. I mean, it did just hit me. I’m not even sure if it’s because we’re away from everyone we know or because I was wanna...” Wikitoria saw the lip bite.
“Woo.” She looked at her a moment. “So, you’re being like this because you’re horny?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“That’s what I’m hearing.” She stepped back.
“Wiki, that’s not...”
“No, Maia, if you wanted to have a fling with someone here, you would’ve picked someone other than me!” She looked over, checking her pizza. “I’m going outside.”
“Wiki!” Maia called out, watching her step out the door. She sat back, looking at her ankle. “I guess I’ll stay here then.”

Wikitoria looked out at the empty campground. This would be typical Maia. Couldn’t go anywhere without needing someone’s affection and attention. It just pissed her off that this time it was her.
Sighing, she turned around and walked back inside. She noticed Maia still sitting up on the bench. Crap, she’d just left her there.
“How’s it looking?” Maia asked quietly, not wanting to move. Mainly cause her bum had gone numb.
“It’s alright.” Wikitoria looked over at her, not wanting to be the one to give in. Maia bit her lip. She tried to get down but wasn’t going to ask for Wikitoria’s help. Moving her stiff body, she pulled her half-asleep leg down onto the chair facing her. She pushed the chair to give herself enough room to get down.
Wikitoria watched her drop herself down onto the ground. Waiting for the blood to run back down to her good foot, she held onto the workbench and hopped over to where Wikitoria was standing. Wikitoria stood there with her arms crossed. Maia stopped in front of her. She pulled at Wikitoria’s arm, trying to get her to let her guard down.
“Wiki, please.”
Sighing, Wikitoria uncrossed her arms. Maia hopped closer, using the bench space behind Wikitoria to balance. Sighing, she looked up at her stubborn-headed friend.
“Remember our first real day here? We were in the mud pit, and Marco said something about being our true selves and washing off our masks. You stood up and looked at me.” A smile came to her face. “I realized then that it wasn’t about what career I wanted to do; it was about being happy.” Her eyebrow tweaked. “You make me happy.” Maia saw her laugh to herself. “Hard to believe I know.” She rolled her eyes, smiling. “But you do.” She paused. “I just wanted you to know that.”
Wikitoria took a deep breath, watching her for a moment. She wet her lips. “Yeah, I um….” She rubbed her nose. “I did look over at you.” Her eyebrows rose as she admitted to herself the truth. “I was actually saying goodbye to you.”
“What?” Maia hopped back a bit.
Wikitoria sighed. “Look, I see you every day, Mai,” She noticed her moving back. “Look, I may not have come to your conclusion. Quite the opposite, in fact!” She laughed. “But Maia, it makes sense. I decided that the only way I could focus on what I want to do with my life is to move out.” Smelling the pizza, she quickly turned to check it.
“Maia…” She turned back around only to see her heading towards the door.


“I would rather have been on the overnight with everyone else than be left here practically on my own.”
The silence was starting to play on Wikitoria’s nerves. She watched Maia hop her way out of the toilet block. “It’s kind of creepy.”
“No kidding!” Maia stopped beside her, leaning on her shoulder. “I really need to get off my feet, Wiki. It’s going to get dark soon.”
“Yeah, I know.” She looked down at her. “It’s so quiet in the cabins, though. No radio, no tv, it sucks.”
Maia looked around for a minute. “Surely, they would need to know the weather and stuff. There must be a TV, radio or even a computer here. What keys have you got?” Wikitoria reached down into her pocket. She pulled out the bundle.
“A few.” She looked. “Here.” She handed her the crutches. “Are you alright to get over to the fire pit? I’ll try these out, then come get you.”
Maia watched Wikitoria head over to the storeroom, the shed, and the leaders’ cabin. The door opened. Wikitoria looked back at her with her mouth open. She pushed the door open and slowly went in. It looked plain, like their cabins. Nothing exciting. She was about to turn back around when she noticed a dim light coming from the back. “Well, I’ll be..”
Maia saw her step out of the leaders’ cabin. “Well?” She watched her walk up to her, trying to hide her grin.
“Oh, you’ve gotta see this.” She put her arm over her shoulder. Holding the crutch in her hand, she walked her over to the cabin.
“Wik, this looks like ours.”
“Just wait. Keep going to the back.” She walked her around the back half of the wall.
“Oh, no way!” She hopped over to the couch, seeing the large TV on the wall. “Does it go?” She sat down, feeling the softness under her bum. Wikitoria reached behind the TV, finding the power button. Voices came to the screen. “Oh yes! Yes, Wiki, we have a tv!” Wikitoria stepped back, looking at the screen.
“Oh yes, Man, I’ve missed you.” She directed to the moving pictures. “Ok, so.” She looked around. There was a small kitchen with a jug and toaster. A fridge, microwave, and little cooktop. She looked at the TV again, and Maia sat on the couch.
Maia watched her walk past her back out to the front of the cabin.
“What are you doing?” She heard her moving something banging into the wall. She saw her come back through the door, dragging a single mattress.
“Put your legs up.”
Maia swung her legs up onto the couch so Wikitoria could put the mattress down in front of it. She pulled the cushions off the chairs and threw them at Maia’s feet. “Here.” She passed her the remote. “I’ll be back.” She headed out to the girls’ cabin and grabbed her and Maia’s bedding and PJs. Maia saw her walk through the doorway, her arms full of stuff.
“Wiki, we are not moving in.”
Wikitoria dropped everything on the floor. “For tonight we are.” She threw their pillows on the mattress and made the bed up. She stopped for a moment to decide what to do next.
“Wiki.” Maia’s voice rang in her ears.
“Come here.” As Wikitoria stepped closer, Maia turned to put her feet on the ground. She reached up and grabbed a fist full of Wikitoria’s singlet. Wikitoria dropped to her knees on the mattress, laughing. “Yes?” She grinned, being pulled closer until she stopped between her legs.
Maia laughed with her, and she leaned in to kiss her.
Wikitoria’s eyes quickly fell to her lips. She wet her own moving back. “Hey, come on….” A smile came to the corner of her mouth. “You need to stop this. We are not like this.”
“Like what?” Maia played, taking the opportunity to touch Wikitoria’s skin.
“Like...” She knitted her brow, more frustrated with herself for being like this. “Like we are together or something.”
“Or something.” Maia leaned in.
“Mai…” She sighed.
Maia leaned forward, taking her lips in her own. Wikitoria pulled back. Maia pulled her close again, kissing her this time with more hunger. Fighting with herself, Wikitoria’s fingers flexed before she touched the girl’s thighs, pulling herself up between them. Maia moaned, wrapping her arms around her neck as she felt their bodies touch. She could feel Wikitoria’s hands on her hips, about to circle up her back. Her attempt to tease her was quickly becoming anything but. She flicked her tongue against Wikitoria’s full lips, unable to stop what she had started. Abiding, Wikitoria opened her mouth, letting their tongues meet.
Finally, the moan came from her throat; sliding her hands around to her ribcage, Wikitoria pushed herself back.
Maia looked at her in front of her, her eyes closed, trying to compose herself. Opening them, Wikitoria searched the now glowing eyes looking back at her. She wet her lip, returning her hands to Maia’s thighs. She scratched her forehead.
“Umm...” She shook her head, taking her hands off her. “What do you want for dinner?”
“You.” Maia leaned in.
Wikitoria blushed, moving back. “Umm, no.” She scratched her head. “I mean, like food-wise.” She got up quickly, putting some distance between them. Maia could see how bright her eyes had gone.
“Whatever you can find.”
Wikitoria stood there a moment, pursing her lips. She could still feel her warmth under her hands. For the first time, she could see the curves of her body through her clothes.
“Wiki?!” Maia saw her bite her lip, her eyes somewhere on her body. She reached over for a cushion, throwing it at her.
“Hey!” Wikitoria bent down to pick it up.
“Stop undressing me with your eyes then!”
“I wasn’t!” She blushed. “I was thinking about my stomach!” She threw the cushion back at her, grabbing the keys from the table. Maia watched her from the couch.
“Don’t lie; you were imagining me naked.” She reached out, tapping her ankle as she stepped over the mattress towards the doorway.
“Stop it!” Wikitoria smacked her hand away. “I need to get us some kai (food) and lock up.” She stopped a moment, seeing the smiling eyes looking up at her. “You just stay put. Rest that ankle, ok.” Maia watched her disappear out the doorway. She grinned to herself. No one had made her feel like this before. She looked up at the entrance. She definitely wanted more of this.

Maia glimpsed over at Wikitoria in the kitchen again. How could she go from being her flatmate to someone she couldn’t keep her hands off? She heard the noise coming from the TV. She hadn’t been paying much attention since Wikitoria had been standing there the last few minutes.
Wikitoria could feel the eyes on her. Every time she looked over her shoulder to check on her, Maia was looking back at her.
“Can you stop it?”
“Mai, you’re making me conscious of what I’m doing!” Not hearing a reply, she turned to see her injured friend getting up off the couch. “Where are you going?”
“I’m coming to help you.”
“You need to rest.”
“I need to move around.” Maia hopped over to her. “Besides, I need to give my foot a stretch.” She stopped beside Wikitoria, seeing what she was doing. “What can I help with?”
“Honestly, babe, I’m fine.” She saw the grin come to Maia’s cheeks. She rolled her eyes.
“Did you just call me babe?” Maia teased.
Wikitoria blushed a little, turning back to what she was doing. She cleared her throat. “. I said brah, but it sounded more like a cough, bra-be.”
“Sure.” Maia hobbled around behind her, slipping her hand down her back.
“Mai…” Wikitoria could feel her moving behind her. She was touching the skin on the back of her neck.
“Mmm.” She gently pressed against Wikitoria’s back, slipping her hands under her singlet.
“Just ignore me.” Her hands came around the front, touching her stomach. Wikitoria could feel her breath against her neck.
“I thought you said you were going to help me.” Her voice broke a little. She couldn’t deny the little nerve under Maia’s lips on her neck was travelling down to between her legs.
“I’m supervising.”
“That is so not what you’re doing.”
“Okay,” Maia whispered in her ear. “I’m seeing how long it takes me to break your concentration.”
Wikitoria laughed to herself. “Hey, I’m not that easily distracted.”
“We’ll see.” Maia moved her hand, slipping her fingers under the band of Wikitoria’s shorts.
“Woo.” Wikitoria dropped her knife quickly, stopping the hand in her pants. “Maia, far stop it!” She turned around, dropping her hand. Maia noticed the seriousness on her face.
“Sorry. Did I go too far?”
Wikitoria leaned back against the bench, trying to compose her words. She chewed her lip. “Look, I haven’t had much experience with this stuff.”
“Now I know you’re lying.” Maia touched her tattoo with her fingers, meeting her eyes. Wikitoria’s face twitched as an uncontrolled grin spread across her face.
“It was once, and we were drunk.”
Maia’s body sighed, clearly remembering what happened a few weeks back between them. “We weren’t that drunk, and you were definitely enjoying yourself.” Wikitoria leaned back against the bench. She knew exactly what she was doing and who with whom. She pursed her lips.
“You have high expectations, Mai, way higher than me,” She turned back around, picking up her knife.
“Wiki, I ran out of expectations a long time ago!” She laughed softly, leaning into her shoulder. She looked her over for a minute. “I’m waiting for the surprises.” Wikitoria relaxed; she gave her a little smile over her shoulder. Maia squeezed her arm. “And I’m not experienced either, so I’m not a slut.”
“I didn’t say you were.” Wikitoria tilted her head, relaxing into herself a bit more. “But, gees, your self-confidence is crazy.”
Maia smiled to herself. “Oh, I think it’s more because I can be myself with you. I don’t have to be perfect with you.”
Wikitoria turned back around, a cheeky grin growing on her face. “That’s for real, and whoever told you you were perfect was lying. You’re definitely not perfect. Ouch!” Seeing that grin, Maia leaned in, kissing her softly. Wikitoria opened her eyes, a slight blush crossing her cheeks as her eyes fell to her lips. Her eyebrow twitched. “So, you’re going to help me?”
Maia shrugged her shoulders, moving back. “I think I just did.” She winked, heading back to the couch.

Wikitoria closed the door from the leaders’ bathroom. She suddenly felt self-conscious, wearing only her bed shorts and a singlet. She was practically naked. She could see Maia still lying on the couch, watching the movie on the TV screen. She hadn’t noticed how dark it had gotten until the light from the TV lit up the room. She sat back down on the mattress, leaning back against the couch. She felt the gentle pressure of Maia’s leg touch the back of her shoulders. Her pulse jumped. She handed up her hot chocolate.
“Thanks.” Maia took it from her hands. She was thinking about the others coming back the next day. This was going to be the only time they were alone. She looked down at Wikitoria’s toned legs; she was sipping her hot chocolate. It was about 9 o’clock.
Wikitoria felt her get up.
Coming back, Maia stopped in front of her. She’d changed into her singlet and bed shorts. Wikitoria looked up at her, taking another sip of her hot chocolate.
Wikitoria swallowed. “OK, what?”
Maia stepped over her, leaning on the couch. Wikitoria quickly put her drink down, getting an eye full as Maia found her way onto her lap. She rolled her eyes. “Maia, you’re not helping me by….”
“Yeah, I am.” She got comfortable before she met her eyes. Dropping her shoulders, she let her fingers play with the hem of Wikitoria’s shorts. “Are you serious about letting me go?” She felt Wikitoria’s hand touch her thigh gently before the tough girl tucked her hands behind her back.
“This is important to me. I need to do this.” She noticed her soft features looking back at her. “It’s not you,” Wikitoria whispered, touching her skin gently before tucking her hand back again.
Maia searched her eyes for a moment. “Fine.” She nodded. “Then I guess we can just pretend we are strangers again.” She rose to her knees, reaching for her hot chocolate at the end of the couch. Wikitoria breathed in as she pressed against her, her exposed skin touching hers. Biting her lip, her hands found her waist steadying her as she came back to sitting in her lap. Meeting her eyes, Maia could see Wikitoria knew precisely what she was doing. She tried to hide her smile as she sipped her cup. “It’s only for a couple of weeks.” She pursed her lips, leaning in a little. “We won’t be alone like this again.”
Wikitoria closed her eyes a moment; shaking her head, she laughed to herself. “It’s against the rules, Mai, and you know it.”
Maia shrugged.
“Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Miss Tamati. Besides...” She whispered seductively. “Nobody knows we are here; we are all alone.”
Feeling her deliberately rock her hips pressing into her, a slight moan escaped Wikitoria's throat. Maia was teasing her; she pursed her lips hard, her hands clenching at her sides, trying not to give in.
“Hmm.” Maia’s eyebrow rose. “Ok then,” She reached beside her for the remote, breaking contact. “We can just watch TV then.”
As she went to move, she felt Wikitoria taking the remote and cup from out of her hands. She watched her put the cup down next to hers and switch the TV off, tossing the remote up onto the couch. Wetting her lip, she tilted her chin up, drawing her closer.
Maia brushed a hair behind her ear, and a smile came to the corner of her mouth.
“So, I take it no tv then?”
She felt Wikitoria start moving under her.
“Nah,” She pulled Maia’s legs around, dropping her back against the mattress. Getting comfortable, Wikitoria lay down on her, wrapping her hand around her thigh pulling her closer. She sighed, brushing her neck with her lips.
Maia gasped, feeling the goosebumps in her kiss. “Thought you didn’t like the dark?” She whispered, feeling herself melting into her touch. Wikitoria stopped by her ear.
“I only want to hear you.”


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