Outward Bound

By xenongabis

67 10 0

This three week outdoor adventure experience couldn't have come at a better time for Wikitoria. Maia, has... More



26 2 0
By xenongabis

Maia had walked past and seen the pamphlet on her Wikitoria’s desk for the last few weeks. She hadn’t taken much interest in it until the sports duffle bag appeared at the foot of her flatmate’s bed. Her new housemate had said something about needing some kind of new direction in her life, and taking herself out of their post-graduate existence for a few weeks sounded more like something she needed.
She’d picked up the pamphlet and read it on her bed earlier while Wiki was out. She had to admit she was feeling a little lost herself. Stuck between continuing her major in psychology or taking up something more community-based...Three weeks out of here, totally out of her comfort zone, she threw it down…maybe she needed this herself.

“Wiki your rides here!” Nat, their slightly younger, chubbier housemate, yelled up the stairs, hearing the taxi outside.
“Yeah, I saw him pull up!” Wikitoria carried her bag down the stairs, grinning at her housemates. “Well, this is it, guys!”
“I still can’t believe you will do this?”
“Yip, living off the land, camping in the mountains...” She animated. “Singing cheesy campfire songs around the campfire....” She chuckled, throwing her arm over her last flatmate Tammy’s shoulder and seeing her lip drop. “Aww, come on; you two will love having this place to yourselves.” She looked around, suddenly noticing it was quieter than usual. “I’m assuming Maia has gone on her break already?”
“Yeah, she left this morning. Something about beating the traffic on the way north.”
“She said goodbye to you, did she?”
Wikitoria met Tammy’s gaze beside her. “Yeah, of course! This morning.” She lied, hearing the taxi driver tooting his horn.
“I better get going, guys.” She gave Nat a quick hug, picking up her bag.
“See ya in a few weeks!”
She headed out the door.
She glanced up at Maia’s window, heading to the waiting taxi. She couldn’t believe her so-called friend had gone without saying anything. Maybe this really was a sign that she needed to get on with her life.
As they turned the corner, she suddenly noticed Maia’s car was still parked across the road. “Hey, what the…?” She immediately spun, looking out the taxi's back window at the black Suzuki Swift. “Wait? Where did you say you were going?”

“Alright, last one off.” The bus driver turned to look at the young woman sitting in the seat behind him. “Miss.”
The light blue-coloured eyes looked up at him from under her baseball cap, her blonde ponytail tucked in the collar of her denim jacket. She grabbed her backpack and stood up.
“Thanks.” She nodded, making her way down the stairs. Stepping onto the loose gravel, she looked up at the two large sailing boats in the marina.

The Outward-Bound van pulled up outside the marina. The van door flew open and
Wikitoria grabbed her bag and followed the others to the two big ships in the harbour. Adam stepped onto the ship's deck in his Outward-Bound camp t-shirt. “Alright, can I have everyone’s attention!”
The chatter stopped.
“Guys and gals, here is where your journey to self-discovery begins!”
“One, two, three,” He counted the heads. “Good! So, whether it be to reassess your life or find an inner meaning, our team Tia, Marco, Ruby, and I will be your leaders on this self-discovering adventure! Ok.” He looked around. “Right, those that arrived with me on the van, you are now Team Tawhiti, the soul searchers. The remaining group you are now named Team Mataara, the life changers. Grab your bags, guys! Mataara head over to Marco. Tawhiti team, you are with me. All on board!”

“Make sure you pay attention to your leaders’ guys! Teams give each other a wave; we are off!” Wikitoria turned and waved at the team on the adjacent boat. The girl wearing a denim jacket and baseball cap that looked distinctly like hers caught her eye. Frowning, she stepped over the hull and leaned on the rail.
Maia looked over, seeing Wikitoria looking back at her.
“Mai, what the hell!”
She quickly stepped up on the rail. “Don’t be mad! I’m doing this!”
“Nah, go home!”
“Wiki, don’t be...” Seeing the boats separating. Maia casually wet her lips. “Too late; I can’t get off.” She shrugged. Wikitoria’s brow knitted as she put her hands on her hips.
“This is not fair, Mai! Jump off! Just jump.” She animated.
“No.” Maia shrugged, seeing her getting agitated.
“Yeah, you can!”
“I’m not going to!”
“Yeah, you are; you can just jump!” Wiki could feel the frustration coming to her vocal cords.
A slight smile touched Maia’s cheeks as her eyebrow flicked up. Man, she loved winding her up.
Wikitoria shook her head in disbelief. “Seriously, I can’t believe you’re doing this to me, man.”
“Miss Tamati!” She looked over her shoulder, hearing Adam’s deep tone. “Do you want to get off?”
“No, sir.” She turned, giving Maia one last final glance. “I want this. I reeaally wanna do this.”

Wikitoria held fast the rope in her hand. She glimpsed over at the other ship the Mataara team was on. The water surrounding them was crystal clear, and everyone seemed to enjoy the view as much as she did. She could see the sandy blonde hair at the back adjacent to her. She was mad and disappointed as fuck in her so-called friend. Maia knew she had been looking forward to this break for weeks! Roughing it in nature, getting dirty and sweaty. She quietly laughed to herself. This was way out of Maia’s comfort zone. Being told what to do. “Aww, babe,” She relaxed. “You have no idea what you’re in for.”
Maia took a sip of her water bottle. She glimpsed over at the other ship just ahead of them. She could see Wikitoria sitting at the back, her ponytail sticking out from the back of her favourite cap.
She smiled to herself. She headed straight for Wikitoria’s wardrobe when she decided to do this. She had nothing appropriate in her own attire for this type of thing. Wikitoria had already packed her bag and picked out her gear, so what remained in her vast wardrobe were fair pickings. She looked down at herself. It’s funny that if she did get a little homesick, she could at least smell the cologne in her clothes.

After a good couple of hours on the ship, Adam directed them to the sandy beach ahead of them. Maia stood up, seeing the Tawhiti team stepping onto the sandy shore. She suddenly felt nervous when she saw Wiki happily grabbing her duffle bag and heading off into the bush with her teammate.
“Alright, team, we will pull up alongside and set anchor. Four at a time on the boats. Let’s go!” Maia sat back down. Marco waved her over. “Maia Williams, let’s go!”
Her eyes widened as she stood up at his military manor. “Yes, sir!” She looked over to where Wikitoria had disappeared. Taking a quick whiff of her jacket, she grabbed her bag and climbed into the paddle boat.

Wikitoria headed through the trees to the clearing, seeing the camp buildings ahead. “Wow, look at this place!”
“Awesome, right!” Jake, the young guy on her team, stopped beside her. She looked around.
“Do we all stay here?”
“Yip.” Adam came through the trees. “Safer in numbers.” He smiled, walking ahead. Jake looked back at her.
“What does he mean safer in numbers?”

“Oh, thank god!” Maia saw the clearing ahead, shaking off another bug from her jacket. She’d walked through two spider webs before noticing she had gone off the track. She ran, catching up with the others as she spotted the buildings ahead through the trees.
“Alright, are we all here?” Adam looked at Marco beside him, checking over his team.
“Yeah, all here!”
“Awesome!” Adam looked them over. “Welcome to camp! This will be your home for the next few weeks!”
Wikitoria glimpsed over at Maia, checking she was still breathing.
“The cabins. Males are on the left, and females are on the right. Males, females’ toilets and showers.” He pointed to the two smaller buildings on the sides. “In the middle, we have the communal kitchen and hall, plus your host team’s living quarters.” He looked at them all. “The rules!”
Maia glimpsed over at Wikitoria.
“You are all here to better yourselves for one reason or another. You are not here to get sidetracked by cute boys or pretty girls!” They laughed. “After our activities, you will have some downtime to mingle and make friends. You can roam the island, but there are boundaries for your safety and the safety of others. Please a hear to them. Respect for each other is a must!” He glanced over at Tia and Ruby. “Tonight is about getting you all settled. So, girls, grab your gear and head that way with Tia and Ruby. Guys, follow us this way!”

They headed down to the girls’ cabin.
“Right.” Tia, of Maori descent, turned around. “Chuck your bags up here, guys. Grab a brown paper bag, and we want you to put your cellphones, iPods, books, and jewellery in a bag, seal it and write your name clearly on the front.”
Maia started removing her bracelet.
“Miss, I can’t take this off.” Wikitoria indicated the pounamu (greenstone) around her neck.
Tia looked over at her, noticing the native girl’s internal struggle to disconnect from her culture. She waved her hand down. “Kia kaha bub. Just this once, aye. Keep it safe.”
Wikitoria glanced over at Maia, taking her leather necklace off.
“Nice, thank you, ladies. Head in there and select your beds. Then, we will head over to the hall. Make sure you have your running shoes on.”
Maia headed on in with Jaida and Millie from her team.
“Oh well, bunk beds!”
“Cool, mine!”
“Bums above you!”
Maia put her bag down on the bed at the back of the room next to the window. Wikitoria walked in. She headed towards the back of the room, watching the beds being taken up. She threw her bag down, noticing who was opposite her.
Maia looked up, seeing her looking down at her over her shoulder. She bent down to tie her running shoes.
“Maia, come on!” Millie yelled out. Maia stood shaking her jacket off. Wikitoria turned, watching her as she pulled her hoodie off. Maia could tell she was really not happy with her at all.
“You two hurry up!” Ruby yelled out.
“Hmm.” Maia straightened her shoulders, pushing them back. Adjusting her cap, she turned and left. Wikitoria rolled her eyes and followed her out.

“Lights out in ten girls!”
“Seriously?” Wikitoria’s teammate Naydeen kicked her shoes off next to the door. “Damn, my legs are killing me!”
“If I wanted to go to the army, I would have.” Jazz flopped down on her bed, watching Wikitoria walking past.
“Far, I’m stuffed!”
“I don’t think I’ve run that far before. How far was it?”
“10 km.”
Molly climbed up onto her bunk. “I just ran 10 km?!”
“We all did.” Maia walked in ahead of Jaida. “And we’re doing it again in the morning.” She glimpsed down at Wikitoria, sitting on her bed. She sat down. As she untucked her shirt, she looked over the other young women chatting in the long room. She didn’t mind sharing a room, but this? She turned to see Wikitoria doing the same thing before their eyes met.
Wikitoria reached down for her bag and pulled out her sleep shirt and shorts. “I’m out, guys. I need some sleep.”
“Yeah, man, let’s get some sleep.”
“Shut the door, Nay.”
Naydeen got up carrying her nighty with her. “Night, guys.”
“Night, everyone.”
The lights flicked off.
Maia looked out the window above her at the clear night sky. “Night, Wik.”
Wikitoria closed her eyes, trying to relax into her bed. She sighed.” Night.”


Naydeen heard the boots at the door as it opened.
A loud whistle blew, and the lights came on.
“What the hell!”
“Good morning, ladies!” Ruby stood in the doorway. “Running gear on! You’ve got ten minutes! Up up up!”
Maia sat up, rubbing her face.
“What time is it?”
“Who knows.” She looked at Wikitoria, still asleep. She could sleep through anything. “Hey.” She stood up kicking her bed.”Get up!”
“Go back to sleep, Mai.”
Maia looked up at Jazz pointing to Wikitoria.
Smiling Jazz snuck over, crouching next to the bunk. “Get up, soldier!”
Wikitoria almost hit her head on the bunk above her. “Alright, alright!” She watched Jazz laughing as she headed back to her bed. Annoyed, she swung her legs over, looking up at Maia, who was ready to go.
Maia bent down, chucking Wiki’s gear on the bed beside her. Wikitoria watched her heading towards the door. She quickly threw on her stuff and ran out after them.

The path had been dark, but the sun was slowly rising, and as they jogged down past the beach, the view was all worth it. Maia had gotten into pace behind one of the guys from Wikitoria’s team. They stopped on the sandy morning beach, seeing Marco waiting for them. Catching her breath, Maia looked behind her for Wikitoria. She came into view jogging with Naydeen.
Marco started counting them off. “Good morning, everyone!”
“Morning!” They all answered, catching their breaths.
“Right this morning, I want you to take your shoes and socks off. Leave them here. Any extra clothing as well, then follow me.”
Stripping down, they followed him up through the track back up into the grass along the stream to a muddy patch.
“Everyone in a circle. Right, press ups, give me twenty!” They were getting dirtier and dirtier, more tired, and slowing down. They were covered head to toe in mud.
Marco looked at them, staring back at him, feeling the effects of their morning boot camp. He dropped his head into the mud, smearing more of it on his face. “This mud...” He started. “This mud forms on us like a mask. In a sense, it’s covering up who we are and buries us in the same paint. Yeah?” They all agreed. “This is your opportunity to remove that mask and let yourself be seen. Use this time here, away from family, away from friends, away from workmates, to finally find out who you are. What you can do and about fighting back against your fears.” He looked around at them. “Take a moment. When you are ready, feel ready to embrace the changes in your life and be who you want to be.” He pointed towards the path back to the beach. “Make your way to the pier and wash off everything holding you back. Today, you start your new journey!”
One by one, they started getting up. Maia looked over at Wikitoria opposite her. She could see her face twitch as she held her internal conversation. She saw her nod to herself before she got to her feet. Her dark eyes found hers under all that mud. Maia looked up at her as her friend gave her a weird little final nod. Unsure of what she was seeing, she watched her turn and started running off toward the pier in a new, confident stride. Maia looked down at herself, covered in the drying clay. She laughed to herself. Who was she kidding? She knew why she was here. She nodded to herself. It was time to wash this mask off.

Wikitoria had just managed to get the mud out of her hair when she caught Maia running along the pier, screaming as she jumped off the end, splashing into the water.
“Wooah, was that Maia?” Greg from Maia’s team asked Wikitoria not far from him.
“Yeah, that’s her.” She chuckled, watching her friend begin scrubbing the mud off her face. “I think she might actually need this too.”

Maia walked into the communal hall, with Millie sitting at one of the tables. They had just finished coming back from orienteering. The other team had left earlier, as they were on kitchen duties.
Wikitoria was watching Maia with this new sense of confidence. She had more adventure in her than she’d given her credit for, and she was a lot fitter than she realized, too, taking her out on both runs with no problem.
Maia sat down, feeling Wikitoria’s warm eyes upon her. They had known each other for a few months, and having her as her friend and flatmate gave her a different sense of security. It was one of the things she quietly enjoyed about the young feminine tomboy whose eyes flicked over her again.
“Wow!” Millie looked at the plates coming out from the kitchen.
“Who made this, bro?” She asked Clinton from Wikitoria’s Tawhiti team as he placed the large pizza in front of them.
“Oh, yeah, that was Wiki.” He grinned. “Nice as aye!” He flicked his eyebrows. “Enjoy.” He smiled, heading back for the next plates. Maia looked down at her pizza, laughing to herself.
“Mmmhmm! Yum!” Millie pointed. “You gotta try this!”
“I will.” Maia smiled, catching Wikitoria’s eyes on her. “Thank you.” She mouthed. Wikitoria flicked her eyebrows, giving her a little nod as the smile crossed her cheeks.


The following day, Wikitoria noticed Maia was being a little too competitive with her. They had been out kayaking earlier in the day after their run, and in the races, she had to be faster than her. It was starting to get agitating.
They split into two teams to take on the 10-kilometre obstacle course just after lunch. Wikitoria had managed to get a lead on Maia halfway through, but she’d just fallen off the rope swing when Maia flew past on the other rope.
“Ahh, hell no!” She grabbed the rope quickly and swung again. Maia laughed to herself, realizing she’d finally gotten ahead of her. She stepped onto the stumps and hesitated a second, allowing Wikitoria to pass her quickly. “Keep up, Mai Mai!”
“Grr!” The race was on!
Coming up fast, they ran past Jazz and Frankie. “What is up with those two?”
“Don’t know. There’s some mean tension between them.”
Wikitoria ran onto the balance beam, sensing Maia hot on her heels. She headed up the ropes. Maia jumped up onto the rope ladder behind her. Wikitoria slipped a little, bumping her.
“Then get off!” As Maia climbed over her, she tried to get her foot back on the rope.
“Let me pass!”
“No!” Wikitoria pulled herself up, causing Maia to lose her grip and slip down a foot.
“Damn it, Wiki!”
“Nah ah!” Wikitoria looked down at her. “I’m not letting you beat me at this!”
“It’s a race Wiki. Can you hurry up!” Maia started to reach over her again.
Wikitoria stretched up higher, bumping her again with her hip. “Can you just let me have this!” She crawled over the top beam, followed by Maia’s feet hitting the solid ledge. Maia followed her along the decking to the rope bridge.
“Damn it, Wik, it’s a bloody race! Move it!”
As Wikitoria stopped suddenly, Maia took the chance and pushed past her. “Yo, yo, keep up, Wik!” Laughing, Maia ran across the swing bridge, turning to get smart at her behind her. Jazz was there running across. She moved out of the way, seeing Wikitoria still on the other side. As he passed, she moved out of Frankie's way and noticed Wikitoria’s hesitation.”Hurry up.” She waved Clinton past her, quickly heading back over the swing bridge. She stopped in front of her. “Hey, hey.” She lifted her chin, getting those chocolate-brown eyes to focus on her. “Hey. You can do this.”
“Yeah, nah.” Wikitoria backed up.
“Babe, come on.” Maia grabbed her hand, backing up to the bridge. “Just put your hand here opposite mine.”
“Aah!” Wiki growled but did as she was asked. She placed her hand in front of hers.
Maia was watching her. “And that one. Babe, come on, focus on me.” Wikitoria’s frustrated eyes met hers. “Come on. One foot in front of the other.”
“I’m not a kid, Mai,” Wikitoria’s stubborn growl muttered into the air.
Maia ignored her and started moving backward. Wikitoria followed her lead quietly as Maia watched her hesitate again. Clearly, she needed to break into those stubborn thoughts.
“I knew you didn't like that jacket I brought you the other week. You won’t wear it, will you?”
“Nah, I do. It’s just….” Wikitoria knitted her brow at the change of subject. “Just because we had a moment doesn’t mean I’m going to let you dress me, Mai.”
. “Oh, come on, don’t be like that,” Maia laughed, squeezing her fingers gently as she felt the end of the bridge under her feet. “Babe, you know you look gorgeous in it. Totally worth it.”
Wikitoria heard the wood under her feet. She stepped back, looking at where she had just come from.” Hey, I actually did it. We did it.”
“Yeah, well, can we do it faster next time?” Maia started running around to the other side. “We’ve got times to beat. Let’s go!”

“Wait, here they come!” Jake and Molly were standing next to Marco, who was timing.
“Go Wiki!”
“Come on, Maia!” They cheered. Wikitoria tapped her feet through the tires. Maia was a step behind her, but Wikitoria was the first to clear them.
“Go Wiki! Go!”
Maia just couldn’t match her pace. Wikitoria sprinted across the finish line, with Maia only half a second behind.
“Here.” Jake handed Wikitoria a water bottle, congratulating her with a smack on the shoulder.
She leaned on her knees, catching her breath. “Thanks.” She glanced across from her at Maia, taking a bottle.
“Time of thirty-three minutes thirty-two seconds.” Marco tapped her shoulder. They had both come last. “By the end of camp, I want to see you achieve this course in under twenty-five minutes.” He smiled over at Maia. “But we are here to support each other, and I commend you, Miss Williams, for helping someone from the other team. Round of applause, guys!”
Maia stood up, welcoming the attention. Wikitoria leaned back, stretching. “Yeah, alright.” She joined in their praise of her mate. She stepped closer, seeing the smile on her friend's face. “I still bet you, though.”
Maia stood up straight, seeing Wikitoria wink at her before throwing her arm over her shoulder and giving her a buddy hug.
“But I guess you’re just going to have to deal with that, aren’t ya.”
“Oh, I think I can.” She turned into her, her eyes flicking over her full lips. A little smile came from the corner of her mouth as her hand graced her stomach. “But can you?”
Wikitoria swallowed hard, feeling her face burn up. Her eyes fell on Maia’s subtle lip bite before moving out from under her arm.
Wikitoria rubbed her face, turning to see if anyone noticed that. “Shit.” She sighed, regretting them both being here. Maia would start flirting with her again, which was the last thing she needed.

Maia could see Wiki standing in the doorway to the hall, laughing with Jazz.
The striking girl had only been an acquaintance, and a few months ago, she’d needed a place to stay and had moved into the room across the hallway from hers. She had become that annoying little voice in her head. Wiki had an opinion on everything she did. Most of the time, she had been right, though. It was weird; Wikitoria Tamati did put up with her pretty well.
She caught those dark eyes smiling again, and she chuckled to herself. Yip, it was time she took this mask off and let everyone see exactly who she was. She was Wiki’s; she just didn’t know it yet.

Wiki made her way over, noticing Naydeen had left. She sat down on the stump beside Jake and Maia at the firepit. She had seen the guys flirting with her pretty flatmate. It was nothing new. When were guys not flirting with her gorgeous friend?
She caught Maia’s hand reaching across Jake towards her mug of hot chocolate.
“Hey, guys, can I have a moment with Wiki?”
Jake turned, looking beside him at his slightly more tomboyish teammate. “Yeah, sure.”
Watching them go, Maia leaned onto her hand, watching her dark-headed friend looking back at her. Wiki leaned forward, sitting in front of the fire.” Heights, they just get me sometimes. That’s all. I just froze for a minute. It was nothing.” Their eyes met. Maia smiled at her, handing back her hot chocolate.
Wiki looked around to see where everyone was. She picked herself up and sat next to her. Maia watched her leaning in, searching her features for a moment.
Maia’s eye flicked over her lips as her shoulders dropped, leaning in closer. She ran her lip through her teeth.
“Mai, you gotta stop looking at me like this,” Wiki said quietly, feeling her palms getting sweaty.
Maia smiled softly, the corner of her lip curling. “Turning you on, Miss Wiki?” Wiki nervously pushed a hair back.
“Lights out in ten, guys!”.
“I better take this back.” Wiki wet her lip, getting up and seeing Adam rounding them up. Maia chuckled, watching her head back to the kitchen.

“Any idea what we’re doing tomorrow, guys?”
“I hope we’re not doing anything physical. I’m tired of being sore already.”
Wikitoria walked through them to her bed.
“Nothing wrong with being physically fit.”
She glanced at Maia, pulling her duvet down.
“Never know when you might need the energy.”
“Like running from a bear?” Millie laughed.
“Or your boyfriend!”
“Shut up! He’s not my boyfriend.”
Naydeen stood up, heading towards the door to lock up. “Whether he is or not, remember no cute boys or pretty girls.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“That’s the rules, you.” Wikitoria kicked Maia’s bed before she jumped up on the top bunk, mumbling to herself. Maia turned her head, smiling to herself as the lights flickered off.


“So today.” Adam looked out at the young adults sitting around the campfire pit. “We are Team Tawhiti and Team Mataara today. Each group will be given a map, a compass, water, and food rash ins.” Wikitoria glimpsed at Maia, sitting beside her. “Today, guys, you will follow the trail through the bush for a couple of hours until you reach your tent sites, where you will stay the night.” Maia glimpsed at Wikitoria. “You will need to work as a team to get there. Once there, you must gather firewood, build your fires and prepare your meals. In the morning, you can make your way back here to base camp.”
Clinton put his hand up.
“Are we going to separate sites?”
“Correct. You will be at separate sites.”
“Ah, man!”
“Alright, so pack yourselves some warm clothes. Marco and Tia will pick your team captains, and we will meet back here in ten minutes.”
“Alright, let’s go!” Tia rallied them up. The girls headed back to their cabin. Ruby followed.
“How long should it take us to get there?” Jazz asked, packing some clothes.
“Normally around five hours.”
“Oh, man!”
Tia watched them getting themselves ready. “Right ladies, your attention, please.” They all stopped and looked at her. “Ok, now we have to say this, and I know you are all mature enough to understand what I am about to say.” She looked at these young women. “You will be in your teams mixed with both guys and girls. We trust you to look out for each other, protect and stand up for each other.”
Wiki was trying to put her shoe on. She leaned into Maia, trying to find her balance. Maia smiled to herself. She moved her hand back, slipping her hand down over her.
“Remember, we are strict on our rules about relationships of any romantic interests between any of you.” Wiki moved away. “You are here for yourselves only.” Tia looked at her watch. “See you outside in a few.”
They watched her go.
“You are here for yourselves only.” Millie imitated her.
“Yip, no camp sex for you. You gotta do it yourself.”
“Shut up!”
Maia turned around, looking at Wiki behind her. Wiki pursed her lips, seeing the look in her eye. “After we pack, meet me at the toilet block; we need to talk.”
“Ok.” Maia smiled.

Flushing the toilet, Wiki headed out of the cubicle over to the sinks. Maia came running in, seeing her there.
“Hi, hang on!” She closed the cubicle door, going for a quick pee.
Wiki sighed. They were running out of time. “Maia, I had hoped we’d get some time to talk today.”
Maia flushed the toilet and headed over to the sink. She checked they were alone.” About what?” She smiled.
Wiki leaned against the sink bench, kind of nervous. “You know about what.”
Grinning, Maia stepped closer, reaching down for her hand. “Does this mean...” She looked over at the door, stepping closer again. “You want to...”
Wikitoria stepped back.
“I have to go!” Molly ran into the toilet block, closely followed by Naydeen. They watched the two cubicle doors slam shut. “Oh my god, a nervous pee!”
“I can’t pee on demand! I’ve got stage fright!”
Maia turned back to Wikitoria, who was pretending to dry her hands again. The horn went. They were out of time.” Wiki...”
“I can’t do this with you now.” They started walking out. “It’s going to have to wait until tomorrow.” Wiki stopped her as the others walked past. “But you’re going to have to figure out why you’re really here cause it’s not for me.”
“Oh, I know why I’m here.” Maia chuckled. Wiki huffed, looking over her shoulder as she left. “See ya tomorrow.”

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