My New Life

Por robertwoth

216K 7.7K 1.9K

"Do you not remember who you are?" "A monster." "He's a monster." "You're a monster!" "He's going to be a mon... M谩s

Chapter 1: An Interesting Man
Chapter 2: Welcome to School!
Chapter 3: Suspicions
Chapter 4: Making a Friend
Chapter 6: Swimming
Chapter 7: Tie
Chapter 8: Cafe Pallet
Chapter 9: Theory Confirmed
Chapter 10: Info Dump
Chapter 11: Oddities
Chapter 12: Blossoming Happiness
Chapter 13: Waking Up
Chapter 14: Welcome to a Merit-Based World
Chapter 15: Chaos
Chapter 16: Sensei's Move
Chapter 17: Social Anxiety
Chapter 18: Confidence
Chapter 19: Study Plans
Chapter 20: Study Group
Chapter 21: Plan in Motion
Chapter 22: Reforming
Chapter 23: To Submit
Chapter 24: Back at the Library
Chapter 25: Sneaky Kitsune
Chapter 26: Dark Horse
Chapter 27: Eyes On You
Chapter 28: The Second Test
Chapter 29: Deal With Him
Chapter 30: Kushida Kikyo
Chapter 31: Knight In Shining Armour
Chapter 32: Midterm Results
Chapter 33: Start Anew
Chapter 34: Hanging Out
Chapter 35: A New Problem
Chapter 36: An Unknown Limit
Chapter 37: Sometimes Violence Works Best
Chapter 38: Annual Orchid Day
Chapter 39: Long Day
Chapter 40: Concluding
Chapter 41: Nationals
Chapter 42: The Best Motivation
Chapter 43: The Start Of Summer
Sub Chapter 1: A Caretaker's Diary
Chapter 44: The Island Exam Pt.1
Chapter 45: The Island Exam Pt.2
Chapter 46: The Island Exam Pt.3
Chapter 47: The Island Exam Pt.4
Chapter 48: The Island Exam Pt.5
Chapter 49: The Island Exam Pt.6
Chapter 50: The Island Exam Pt.7
Chapter 51: The Island Exam Pt.8
Chapter 52: The Island Exam Pt. 9
Chapter 53: The Island Exam Pt.10
Chapter 54: The Island Exam Finale
Chapter 55: A Peaceful Time
Chapter 56: Peaceful Time's End
Chapter 57: Lap Pillow
Chapter 58: The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 59: A Possibility
Chapter 60: Limit
Chapter 61: His Queen's Situation
Chapter 62: At The Ship's Bow
Chapter 63: Useful Useless
Chapter 64: Zodiac Exam, Finale!
Chapter 65: Rest, What Rest?
Chapter 66: Shizukana's Drive
Chapter 67: My Past Wishes
Chapter 68: Before The Festival
Chapter 69: The Festival Begins!
Chapter 70: Working Together
Chapter 71: Her Potential
Chapter 72: The Strongest Duo
Chapter 73: Dragon Hatchling
Chapter 74: Dangerous
Chapter 75: A Feeling
Chapter 76: Bursting Through
Chapter 77: The Sports Festival Aftermath
Chapter 78: Winding Down
Chapter 79: Waiting
Chapter 80: One Step Back
Chapter 81: Hidden Head Start
Chapter 82: The Hatchling Roars
Chapter 83: Ayanokoji Group
Chapter 84: Movies
Chapter 85: Having Fun Messing Around
Chapter 86: Carefully Prepare
Chapter 87: It's Time
Chapter 88: Confrontation
Chapter 89: Class C
Chapter 90: Atsuomi Ayanokoji
Chapter 91: Simping For Shizukana-chan
Chapter 92: The Great Koenji
Chapter 93: The Fruit Of His Work
Chapter 94: Creator
Chapter 95: Christmas
Chapter 96: Premonition
Chapter 97: Unity
Chapter 98: Talking About Feelings
Chapter 99: New Schedule
Chapter 100: Learning Environment

Chapter 5: Looking for a Club

4.3K 147 28
Por robertwoth


At the designated time after school, I found myself standing alone amidst at least 100 other students, mostly first years, as we waited for someone to come around to make an official announcement.

Pamphlets with details about club activities were passed out upon entry, and I was surprised at just how advanced everything is.

Every club here seems to be high-level, and it seems that there are a lot of club members in this school that are nationally known.

In other words, you could leave the school on the premise of participating in an official competition.

Not to mention, everything is top quality as well, they even have oxygen capsules, and all the training equipment would put any other place to shame.

It's almost too orderly.

But that being said, it makes it that much harder to have your name engraved into the school's records.

I smile to myself, it doesn't matter what I do, I'm itching to prove myself.

"Thank you for waiting first years."

I looked up to the stage of the gymnasium, and saw someone holding a microphone as they spoke.

"A representative from each club will explain their activities and how to join. I am Tachibana, the secretary of the student council and the chairman responsible for this club fair. Nice to meet you."

Tachibana then called up the club representatives, who all lined up along the stage.

It seems that most of these clubs are just showing off.

I frowned as I noticed something.

With the way most of these clubs representatives were speaking, it's obvious they wouldn't allow any first years to join the club unless they had some natural talent, or lots of experience in the sport.

I find that to be entirely illogical.

If they manage to get as many first years as possible, reviews would go up in reputation, and it's more likely for the school to be further sponsored for all of this.

I perked up as another senpai walked on stage, and I noticed something different about this one.

"My name is Hashigaki, and I'm the captain of the archery club. I think there are a lot of students who find it old-fashioned and simple, but it is a really fun and fulfilling sport. We give all new students a warm welcome, so please feel free to join."

I smirked to myself as the girl wearing archery clothes finished her introduction, before filing off just like the rest.

From the looks of things, they're desperate for new members.

I smiled as I noticed that apart from the Archery club, any other sporty club didn't look like they'd find new first years appealing, although I did learn about some interesting clubs.

There was even a tea time club, who would've thought.

The gym's atmosphere was really lively too, it seemed everyone here would always excitedly talk about each club ever after they walked off stage.

But that all changed when the next man walked on stage.

I felt myself stiffen as he walked up to the podium, not speaking a word.

170 cm, a slender body, sleek black hair, sharp glasses and a calculating gaze.

There was no doubt about it, it was Horikita Manabu.

I felt myself straighten my back as he seemed to search the crowd with his cold gaze, before his eyes landed on me.

I gave a small, hesitant wave, and he turned his head, searching the crowd again.

By this point, most of the students, who, keep in mind, were mostly first years, began to laugh at the man, who many thought had stage fright.

But I quickly noticed that none of the second years, or third years were laughing, they were all tense.

He kept his apathetic front on at all times, and as the laughter slowly died down, a tense silence enveloped the gym.

It was quiet.

Deathly so.

I had no clue how long we were all there for before he spoke up.

"My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president."

I felt my eyes widen. The president!?

"The student council is also looking for first years to replace the retiring third years. There are no strict requirements to apply for a position, but those affiliated will have mandatory work to do. Any who apply must not be affiliated with other clubs unless approved by myself or the Vice President."

His tone was soft, but that mattered not, his presence had already been felt by the whole gym, and that was enough to silence them.

It was dominating.

This man wasn't on the chessboard, he was the game master. There is no other way to say it.

"Also, we on the student council have no room for anyone with naive thinking. Not only will that person fail to get elected, they will inevitably become a stain of the school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects more from us. Those of you that understand that can become potential candidates."

After that speech, with which he spoke with the utmost confidence, he walked off stage, and exited the gym.

Even after leaving, the tense atmosphere didn't leave, and it only changed after the Secretary steeled themselves enough to walk back onto the stage.

"Everyone, thank you for coming. With that, the club fair is over. We will now open the reception area for anyone interested in joining. The reception area will only be open until the end of April, so anyone interested after than can bring applications directly to the club."

Merci, Tachibana.

The reception area was then opened up by the club representatives, and I smirked to myself as I noticed something.

Out of all the sports clubs, the Archery club was receiving the least attention.

And by that, I mean only one person actually went there to sign up, another kid from my class no less.

I walked over to the the reception table for the Archery club.

"Hello." I said.

Hashigaki, who had been bored out of her mind, looked up at me.

"Oh! Hello there!" She said, jumping up.

I flinched back, and she looked worried for a second, as if she was scared she would frighten me off.


"Would you like to join the Archery club?" She asked, more politely.

I nodded.

"I just have a couple of questions."


"First off, how many m-members are there?" I asked.

She sighed at the question, bringing a hand up to move away a stray piece of her long, navy blue hair out of her eyesight.

"At the moment, only two, just me and another kid I signed on just now. This club mostly had third years in it, and most of the second years left a few weeks in. Anyways, they're all graduated now, so I was left to take care of the club by myself." She admitted.

"I see, c-compared to the other sports clubs, how many t-trophies have you guys won?" I asked.

She blushed in embarrassment.

"The highest we've gotten is third. Every other club has gotten first at least once."

"What are the r-rules if I were to join a competition, how would I be able to j-join this year?" I asked, gaining more confidence.

She looked at me like I was crazy.


I looked back at her, determined, and she sighed.

"We'd need to begin almost immediately, for Archery, we'd need to be ready for a competition for just before the summer break. You'd still get that time off of course, the actual competition will only be about three days, but that's only if you pass the one in May. Before you say anything, the only way you can qualify for the completion in May is to hold a request for the tournament examiners to come take a look at your performance in practicing."

I nodded, digesting the information.

"So then when is the next available time for practice?" I asked.

She rose a brow.

"I've yet to pass you into the club yet, you don't look like you know a thing about archery, why so confident?"

"Maybe I'm better than I look, and besides, from the looks of things you're desperate for members."

She sighed, sitting down and leaning back in her chair, looking up at the gym ceiling.

"You're really hellbent on this huh? Alright. Two days from now, on Thursday, six pm, don't be late." She said.

I smiled to her.

"I-I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Good to know." She replied, smirking back at me.


I made sure to keep the shirt as loose as possible.

Thankfully, we were allowed to where whatever we want, since the archery clothes were simply too uncomfortable for me.

I noticed something as I walked into the scheduled gym though.

Where's the other kid?

"Hashigaki-senpai, where's the other student?" I asked.

She sighed, mumbling something under her breath as she set up some arrows in a quiver.

"Apparently he had done some things back in his middle school, and has been banned from participating in any club until he has shown he's reformed."

"So it's just the two of us?" I asked, perplexed.

"Indeed. But at least this way I'll be able to gauge truly how good you are." She responded.

She pointed across the gym.

"Over there, I've set up three targets, based on the amount of points you get with a total of six arrows, two for each, taking the highest from each target: I'll be able to get a gist of your current skill level." She explained.

I looked across the gym, and nodded, understanding.

The first target was closer to me, and was about chest-height high. The second was further back, and was higher, about the height of an adult man. The third was even farther back, and was barely suspended above the ground at all.

The second was a bit to the right, and the third to the left.

"What's the highest amount of points I can get?" I asked.

"30 overall, but it is considered double points if you hit directly bullseye, since for some reason that's how they constructed it in the cross-school competitions." She mumbled the last part, clearly not happy about the point system.

"What's the highest anyone's ever scored on this initiation test?" I asked.

"What? Are you saying you think we hold the same initiation test every year?" She bit back.

"Do you not?"

She turned her head away, defeated, and I bit back a smile.

"If memory serves, 28, technically 38." She eventually said.

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I stepped forward.

I slipped the leather glove onto my right hand, before gently grabbing the long wooden bow.

I set my feet as I fixed the quiver over my shoulder, and took out one of the arrows.

Pointing my left finger to my first target, I fixed the arrow in place, before pulling the drawstring back.

Why, does this feel so natural to me?

Have I done this before?

Not to my knowledge I haven't.

So then why? Why is it that I'm adjusting according to the target, simply because I can see where the arrow will go?

Why do I know this?

Exactly where the arrow will go when there is no wind, and little air resistance acting on the flying arrow.

I released the arrow, and quickly realized a mistake.

With a thunk, the arrow embedded into the target, and I frowned as I counted 6 points.

I took a deep breath, rolling my shoulders to help relax them.

I'd been too stiff, and because of that I had accidentally moved my left arm as soon as I let go with my right.

I rolled my shoulder for a little, before plucking another arrow from the quiver, placing it into the drawstring the same way I just did.

I pulled it back, and pointed it out towards the same first target.

For some reason, a smile fell on my face as I felt the side of the arrow lightly touch my cheek, before letting it loose.



I repositioned myself to aim more to the right, and repeated the process I'd already done twice now.

The target was higher, so I had to angle my left arm up a little bit, it's important that the right arm remains fixed, no matter where you aim.

I let the arrow loose once I was sure I'd found a good spot, and the satisfying thunk sounded off again.

8, not bad.

But I wanted more.

I took a calming breath.

No need to rush things, I reminded myself, picking out the fourth arrow from the quiver.

I adjusted my back foot just a tad, having noticed that the arrow had been lodged a bit to the left, and drew my bow once more.

I let the arrow loose.


I've gotten eighteen, and the score I need to beat is 38.

That's theoretically impossible, the best I can go for is a tie, but that's fine, I've already proved myself plenty.

This third target was a bit tricky though, I'm shooting to aim below my centre of body, so the positioning of the bow is easy to mess up, add the fact I'm shooting on an angle, since it's to the left of me on top of how far out it is, and it'll be impossible for me to hit the bullseye.

At least I have two tries, let's just see how this first shot goes.




That's a big old 4.

However, I know what I need to do now.

After a slight adjustment to the height I'm aiming at, I drew the bowstring for the final time, pulling it back further than before.

All I need really is more force, because the arrow had almost hit the ground with how low it was.

I felt good about this one.



I widened my eyes.

Apparently I had pulled it back just a tad too much, I was only centimetre out, if that, above the bullseye.

But still, that's 10 points.

For a grand total of 28.

I smiled as I placed the bow back down onto the stand, and took a calming breath.

How was I... so familiar with this?

I looked down at my gloved hand, curling my hand into a fist.

Two fingers and the thumb wrapped in leather, while the other two stayed open.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned back to look at Hashigaki.

"You, are pretty good. Your form could use a little work, but you seem to be able to hit targets with a higher difficulty easier. It's peculiar." She stated.

I rose a brow.

So my stance was off? But it feels so right, if anything, it feels more like my joints were too stiff.

"Hashigaki-senpai, are there specific stretches you do before shooting to h-help relax your muscles?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Yeah, that was another thing I noticed, except for the very last shot, you seemed pretty tense. Don't worry, I'll teach you some things."

She cupped her finger under her chin as she looked me up and down.

"Yes, it's true that you're very good, with a little bit of help and adjustments you should be able to make it to the nationals. But in that case, we'd need to make a model for you."

"A model? National? What?" I asked, feeling my face heat up at her words.

She giggled.

"Don't worry about it, for now. Let's stretch, and then focus on some basic shooting to help you get more accustomed to shooting close distances."

She grabbed a couple of yoga mats she had taken earlier and laid them out on the ground.

She took her shoes off, before stepping onto the mat, smiling in my direction.

"Try to copy everything I do, if you are unable to do it I'll teach you something else you could do."

"Got it."

Chapter end,


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