Infinity | B. Barnes

بواسطة legoellis

27K 784 381

Y/n's life was turned upside down when she was taken hostage by HYDRA. After almost a year in captivity, and... المزيد

The breakout
Undercover in Lagos
The Sokovia Accords
The Winter Soldier
Caught red handed
Ready to comply?
Everyone's got a gimmick now
Divided we fall
The rescue
I just feel you
It's not hopeless
You are free
In the name of love
The Endgame
The aftermath
A moment of normality
Androids, aliens and wizards
The white wolf
Caps wingmen
Baron Zemo
The party
The Lab
Turkish delight
Looking strong, John!
The whole world is watching
You shouldnt have done that
The beginning of the end
You had one job
Captain America

Couples therapy

600 14 21
بواسطة legoellis

Y/n limped alongside Bucky as they walked through the streets of Baltimore, her hand was tightly holding Bucky's gloved hand.

Sam was walking on the other side of y/n when a young boy came running up to them. "Hey, it's black falcon. What's up?"

"It's just falcon, kid." Sam said to him

"No, no. My daddy told me it's black falcon." The kid said

"Is it because I'm black and I'm the falcon?" Sam asked

"Well, technically, I mean, yes." The kid said

"So are you, like, black kid?" Sam asked him

The kid looked away and his friend laughed at him. Sam chuckled at his reaction. "I got him, right?" He said to the kids friend

"Whatever, man." The kid said as Sam continued to laugh at him

Bucky led y/n up to a house, they walked up the set of stairs to the front door. Sam jogged up behind them to catch up after he had been talking to the kid.

Bucky knocked on the door, it had a metal door in front of the wooden door with a sign on the inside that said no trespassing. After a moment, the door creaked open to reveal a young boy.

"We're here to see Isaiah." Bucky said

"Nobody named Isaiah live here." The boy replied

"Look, we just want to talk to him." Bucky said gently

"You must not hear what I just said. You ain't getting in this house. Y'all can leave now." The boy stated

Bucky nodded. "Tell him the guy from the bar in Goyang is here. He's gonna know what that means." He said

"All right, wait here." The boy said, he then closed the door and left the three of them standing on the porch outside.

"Nice kid. How do you know this guy?" Sam asked

"I used to. We had a skirmish during the Korean War." Bucky said

The door then creaked open again, the boy opened up the metal door as well. "Today is your lucky day. He said he wanna see for himself."

Bucky walked in first as y/n and Sam trailed after him. The boy shut the door behind them as they entered their home.

"Isiah?" Bucky spoke to an older gentleman

"Look at you." Isaiah said

"This is, uh, Sam and y/n. Guys, this is Isiah. He was a hero." Bucky introduced them. "One of the ones that HYDRA feared the most. Like Steve. We met in '51."

"If by met, you mean I whupped your ass, then, yeah. We heard whispers he was on the peninsula, but everyone they sent after him, never came back. So the U.S. military dropped me behind the line to go deal with him. I took half that metal arm in that fight in Goyang. But I see he's managed to grow it back. I just wanted to see if he got the arm back. Or if he'd come to kill me." Isaiah said

"I'm not a killer anymore." Bucky whispered as he shook his head

"You think you can wake up one day and decide who you wanna be? It doesn't work like that. Well, maybe it does for folks like you." Isaiah said.

"Isaiah, the reason we're here is because there's more of you and me out there."
Bucky said

"You and me." Isiah stated in disbelief

"And we need to know how." Bucky said

"I'm not gonna talk about it anymore." Isaiah said angrily. He picked up a small box and threw it hard against the wall. The box ended up impaled into the wooden wall.

Isaiah then walked up to Bucky. "You know what they did to me for being a hero? They put my ass in jail for 30 years. People running tests, taking my blood, coming into my cell. Even your people weren't done with me." He said, his voice was thick with emotion and y/n's heart broke for him.

"Isaiah..." Sam started to say

"Get out of my house!" Isaiah yelled at them.

"Let's go, man. Let's go." The kid said as he placed his hand on Sam's back and led him towards the door.

Y/n sighed sadly as she walked towards the door. Isaiah deserved better than that, he deserved to be treated like a hero. Like Steve. Not like this, imprisoned for 30 years.

Y/n followed after Sam as he quickly walked through the door and down the steps with Bucky walking behind her.

"Sam..." Bucky started to say

"Why didn't you tell me about isaiah? How could nobody bring him up?" Sam asked angrily

Y/n limped slightly behind the two men as they stormed ahead.

"I asked you a question, Bucky." Sam stated when Bucky didn't answer him

"I know." Bucky said

"Steve didn't know about him?" Sam asked

"He didn't. I didn't tell him." Bucky admitted

"So you're telling me that there was a black super soldier decades ago and nobody knew about it?" Sam asked angrily

All of a sudden, a siren whooped from behind them as a car pulled up. Y/n turned her head and saw a police car approaching them.

"Hey." A police officer said as he got out of the car

"What's up, man?" Sam asked

"Is there a problem here?" The officer asked

"No, we're just talking." Sam stated

"We're fine." Bucky told them

"Yeah, nothings wrong." Y/n stated

"Can I see your ID?" The police officer asked Sam.

"I don't have ID. Why?" Sam asked him

"Man, seriously?" Bucky asked

"Really? We just said we're fine." Y/n stated in annoyance

"Okay, Sir, just calm down." The officer said to Sam

"I am calm. What do you want? We're just standing here talking." Sam stated

"Just give him your ID so we can leave." Bucky said

"No. I'm not giving him shit, we're just talking." Sam said

"Hey, is he bothering you?" The officer addressed Bucky and y/n. She furrowed her brows at the man. Sam was one of her best friends, of course he wasn't.

"No, he's not bothering me. Do you know who this is?" Bucky said angrily

The other officer leaned over to whisper to his partner. "Hey, these guys are avengers." He said

The man looked back to Sam and his mouth dropped in shock, finally recognising him.

"Oh, god. I am so sorry, Mr. Wilson. I didn't recognise you without the goggles." The officer chuckled nervously. "I'm really, really sorry about this."

Another siren then whooped from the other side of them as another police car approached.

"Guys, just wait here, okay? Just..." the officer said as he walked over to the other police car

"I didn't...I didn't tell anybody because he had already been through enough." Bucky whispered to Sam

The officer walked up to them again. "Mr. Barnes, there's a warrant out for your arrest." Y/n furrowed her brows as worry pierced her chest

"Look, the president pardoned him for all that." Sam said

"Not for that. You missed your court-mandated therapy. It's like missing a check in with your PO. I'm sorry, Mr. Barnes, you're under arrest." The officer said

Bucky sighed and walked towards them. The officer pulled out his handcuffs as Bucky stood next to the open door of the police car.

They put the handcuffs on his wrists and he got into the back of the car. Y/n thought it was ridiculous that they were putting metal handcuffs on him, as if he couldn't easily break out of them if he wanted to.

She watched with a frown as the police car drove away from them. They better not keep him for long, she's broken out of prison before. She's not above doing it again. Although, she'd really rather not have to.


Y/n sighed for what felt like the millionth time as she impatiently waited on Bucky's release. She felt like she had been there for an eternity as she waited in the prison waiting room.

Her leg bounced up and down from nerves as she stared down at the floor. People were mulling around, either picking someone up, getting arrested or they working.

"Sam, Y/n. I've heard a lot about you." Y/n glanced up and saw a woman standing there. Sam quickly stood up to greet the woman.

"I'm Dr. Raynor. I'm James's therapist." She introduced herself as she shook Sam's hand.

"So nice to meet you. Thank you for getting him out." Sam said

Y/n stood up from her chair and offered her hand to the woman. "Yeah, thank you." Y/n added as she shook her hand.

"That was not me." The Dr Raynor stated

Y/n's face contorted in confusion, if she didn't do it, then who did?

"Christina." An unfortunately familiar voice spoke loudly. Y/n sighed as she turned to face John Walker

"It's great to see you again." Walker said

"You gotta be kidding me. You know him?" Sam asked

"Yeah, we did some field ops back in the day." Dr Raynor said

"I heard you were working with Bucky, so I thought I'd step in." Walker said as he walked over to them after finishing taking photos with people. "Bucky's not gonna be following a strict schedule any longer."

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked him

"We haven't finished our work. Who authorized this?" Dr Raynor asked in confusion

"Um..." Walker pointed to himself. "He's too valuable of an asset to have tied up. Just do whatever you got to do with him, then send him off to me. Got some unfinished business, him and I."

The lights suddenly flickered violently in the police station as y/n clenched her fists at her side. Everyone glanced around them in confusion.

"Bucky is not an asset. If we weren't in a police station, I'd kill you." Y/n said angrily as she tried to step towards him. Sam very quickly put his hand across her body to stop her from attacking him

"Woah, y/n. Calm down." Sam said as he gave her a warning look and glanced down at her hands.

Y/n followed his gaze and saw that her powers had activated. A blue powerful haze wrapped around her closed fists. Walker looked visibly afraid as he took a step back.

"Okay...I'll see you guys outside." Walker stated as he walked away from them with his hands raised in front of him.

Y/n sighed heavily as she glared at his retreating form. "I'm gonna kill him." She muttered violently

Sam gently tapped her shoulder, causing her to glance up at him. "What?" She asked

He nodded his head over to the front desk of the police station, y/n glanced over and felt her nerves ease a little. Bucky was standing there, next to the counter with his hands in his pockets.

Y/n walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Bucky quickly reciprocated her embrace by wrapping his arms tightly around her. He gently kissed the top of her head before letting her go.

"Are you okay?" She asked him

"Yeah..." Bucky nodded

"James, condition of your release, session now. Sam, y/n, you too." Dr Raynor said as she walked past them

"That's okay. I'll be out here with..." Sam started to say

"That wasn't a request." Dr Raynor stated

Bucky put his hand on y/n's lower back as he walked after Dr Raynor, taking her with him. They walked through the corridors of the police station until Dr Raynor opened up a door that led to what looked like an interrogation room.

Sam and Bucky both took a seat at the table. Y/n pulled an extra chair from the back of the room and carried it over to the table. She placed it at the end of the table next to Bucky and awkwardly took a seat.

"So...who would like to start?" Dr Raynor said as she opened up a notebook.

"All right, Look, Dr Raynor? I Get it, why you want me to talk to Freaky Magoo over here. But I'm 100% fine." Sam stated

"It is my job to make sure that you're okay. And so, yeah, this may be unprofessional, but it's the only way that I can see if you're getting over whatever's eating at you." Dr Raynor said to Bucky

"This is ridiculous." Sam said dramatically
"Yeah, I agree." Bucky said

"See? Making progress already." Dr Raynor said

"So, who wants to go first?" Dr Raynor asked, but she was met with silence. "No volunteers? Wow. How surprising."

"Y/n, why don't you start, then?" Dr Raynor addressed her.

"I- I don't know what to say." Y/n said quietly

"Why don't we start with your anxiety." Dr Raynor said

"My anxiety?" Y/n asked, how did she even know that

"I could tell when I first met you that you're an anxious person." Dr Raynor said

"I mean, yeah, I am..." y/n said, she shifted awkwardly in her chair.

Dr Raynor nodded. "What makes you anxious?"

"Lots of things...I'm an avenger, I've been through a lot. Experimentation, imprisonment, life threatening situations..." y/n said

"Do those things ever make you want to quit?" Dr Raynor asked

"No. And even if I did, I don't know what I would do. My whole life has been taken over by this." Y/n stated

"And that can't be good for you. To feel like your only purpose is to be a weapon." Dr Raynor said

Y/n looked down at her hands as she nervously fidgeted with her fingers.

"Okay, how is this helping me?" Bucky interrupted.

" does your anxiety affect your relationship with Bucky?" Dr Raynor asked y/n

Y/n paused and looked up at the Doctor. "What? It doesn't?"

"Are you sure? You haven't become over protective of him because you're afraid to lose him." Dr Raynor said

"I- I guess I can be a bit protective..." y/n hesitated

"A bit? You threatened to murder captain America." Dr Raynor said

Bucky looked at her with an impressed and amused expression. "Did you now?"

"Yeah, so what? I wouldn't actually kill him." Y/n defended herself

"These types of things, when they go unchecked, can ruin a relationship." Dr Reynard said. Y/n shuffled uncomfortably at her comment, the thought of her running the best thing that's happened to her made her upset.

"Look, I didn't sign up for couples therapy, okay." Y/n stated

"It's not gonna ruin our relationship." Bucky argued

"Well, speaking of couples therapy. I have a little exercise for you and Sam." Dr Raynor changed the subject, leaving y/n's head spinning.

"It's something I use with couples when they are trying to figure out what kind of life they wanna build together. Are you familiar with the miracle question?" She asked

"Absolutely not." Sam stated

"Of course not." Bucky said

"Okay, it goes like this. Suppose that while you're sleeping, a miracle occurs. When you wake up, what is something that you would like to see that would make your life better?" Dr Raynor asked. Y/n couldn't lie, the first thing that came to mind was to have her family back together, like it used to be. For Steve to come back to them, and Wanda.

"In my miracle, he would...he would talk less." Bucky said

"Exactly what I was gonna say. Isn't that ironic?" Sam retaliated

"You guys are leaving me with no choice. It's time for the soul-gazing exercise." Dr Raynor said

"I like this better." Bucky jokes

"Oh, god. He's gonna love this." Sam said

"Yeah, I'm ready." Bucky said

"This is right up your alley." Sam said

"Turn around. face each other." Dr Raynor said

"You should really enjoy this." Sam said as Bucky turned his chair to face Sam

"I'm going to." Bucky said

"I know you are." Sam said

"Yeah." Bucky agreed sarcastically

"Sam. Face each other." Dr Raynor said when Sam hadn't turned around

"Let's do it. Let's stare." Bucky said mockingly

"Get close." Dr Raynor said

"This is a good exercise. Thanks, Doc." Bucky said

"All right, Good. All right, get close." Dr Raynor said

The two men shuffled closer to each other by an inch, and apparently that wasn't close enough. Y/n covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh at them.

"Come on, a Little closure." Dr Raynor said

"Which way you want to go?"

"Right or left?" Bucky asked

"Why're your legs open?" Sam asked

"You know what? Fine. Here. you happy now?" Sam asked as he pulled Bucky's chair closure to his so their legs were practically interlocked. Bucky's left leg was in between sams. Y/n snickered at the scene she was watching.

"All right." Dr Raynor and Bucky said

"Good. That's Fine." Dr Raynor said

"We're locked in." Sam said

"That's a little close." Bucky said exasperatedly

"Very close. That's what you wanted, right?" Sam asked

"Guys." Dr Raynor interrupted, causing the both of them to stop bickering

"Good. Now look at each other. You need to look at each other in the eyes." Dr Raynor said

Bucky and Sam begrudgingly looked up and stared into each others eyes

"There, you see? That wasn't so hard." Dr Raynor said

Absolute silence fell over the room for a moment as Sam and Bucky stared at each other. "Wait, what are you doing? Are you having a staring contest?" Dr Raynor asked exasperatedly

"Just blink." Dr Raynor clicked her fingers. "Sweet Jesus."

"All right, James, why does Sam aggravate you?" Dr Raynor asked Bucky, Bucky looked over at the doctor with a smug grin on his face. "And don't say something childish." She told him

"Why did you give up that shield?" Bucky asked him

"Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?" Sam stated in annoyance

"Steve believed in you. He trusted you. He gave you that shield for a reason. That shield, that is...that is everything he stood for. That is his legacy. He have you that shield, and you threw it away like it was nothing." Bucky said

"Shut up." Sam said quietly

"So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me." Bucky said, his voice was thick with emotion and he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

Y/n clenched her fist and flinched, she hated seeing him upset. She glanced down at her hands and shifted uncomfortably, fighting the urge to leave the room.

"You finished?" Sam asked

"Yeah." Bucky whispered

"All right, good. Maybe this is something you or Steve will never understand. But can you accept that I did what I thought was right?" Sam asked

Bucky looked down at his legs and Sam scoffed. "You know what, doc? I don't have time for this. We have some real serious shit going on. So how about this? I will squash it right now. We go deal with that, and when we're done, we both can go on separate, long vacations. And never see each other again." Sam stated

"I like that." Bucky said

"Great. Well, let's get to work." Sam replied. He then turned to Dr Raynor. "Thanks, Doc, for making it weird. I feel much better."

"I'll see you outside." He dramatically hit Bucky's shoulder and stood up from his chair.

"Thank you. That was really great." Dr Raynor said as Sam left the room

Bucky nodded to her and stood up from his chair. "I know that look. What's wrong?" Dr Raynor asked

Y/n stood up from her chair as well and walked over to Bucky. He turned to the doctor. "What was rule number 2 again?"

"Don't hurt anyone." She Said

"Goodbye, doc." Bucky Said, he turned towards the door and pushed it open.

"Bye." Y/n said to the doctor as she followed Bucky out of the room.

She walked quickly to catch up to Bucky as he stormed down the corridor. "Buck? Are you okay?" She asked

He slowed his fast pace and allowed her to catch up to him. Y/n stepped up next to him
And wrapped her hand around his, she gave him a small smile as they continued walking.

"Not, really." Bucky admitted quietly

Y/n nodded sympathetically as she squeezed his hand gently. "I know. We'll get through this though. I'll steal the shield if I have to." Y/n said

"Thanks, sweet heart." Bucky smiled gently at her.

"Anything for you, Buck." She said quietly as they reached the main doors.

Y/n felt relieved as they finally stepped through the police station doors and back out onto the street. Night had fallen over the city and the street lights were on.

They caught up to Sam as he was walking away from the building. "Well, I feel better." He said sarcastically.

"I feel awful." Bucky said.

Suddenly, a loud siren interrupted them. The blue and red lights lit up the street around them for a brief moment before the siren switched off. Y/n glanced over in surprise but sighed heavily once she saw who was standing next to the vehicle.

John Walkerwas leaning up against the vehicle with his friend, Lemar. He was hitting the siren so he could catch their attention.

"Gentlemen, lady. Good to see you again."
Walker Said as they walked over to him

"Look, if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance, you guys know that." Walker stated as Bucky walked over to the car Walker was leaning on and dramatically placed his head on the roof of the vehicle

"So what do you got?" Sam asked

"Well, the leader's name is Karli Morgenthau. We've been targeting civilians who've been helping Karli move from place to place." Walker said

"They geotagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across central and Eastern Europe." Lemar said

"We think she's taking the medicine she just stole to one of these camps." Walker said

"Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since the blip. So I guess you'll have to look real hard" Bucky said

"Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?" Walked attempted to brag

"Where is she now, Walker? do you know?" Bucky asked

"No, we don't know, Bucky." Walker raised his voice at him. "It's only a matter of time before we find out."

"Things are really intense for you, aren't they, Walker?" Bucky asked mockingly

"Take it Easy. Look, Walker's right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them." Sam said, he then turned to face Walker. "But you guys have rules on engagement and all kind of authorisations you have to get. We're free agents. We're more flexible. So it wouldn't make sense for us to work with you."

"Sam's right, you'll just slow us down." Y/n said to them. The three of them turned away from Walker but he called out to them before they could leave.

"A word of advice, then. Stay the hell out of my way." Walker said angrily. Y/n glanced at him with her eyebrows raised.

Y/n rolled her eyes at him as he and Lemar walked away from them, she really hated that guy.

Bucky wrapped his arm around y/n's shoulder as they walked down the dark street. Sam was walking on her other side.

"So what are you thinking?" Sam asked

"Well, I know what I have to do. When Isaiah said my people..." Bucky started to say

"Oh, don't take that to heart. That's not what he meant." Sam said to him

"No, he meant HYDRA. HYDRA used to be my people." Bucky said

"HYDRA Were never your people, they were your chapters." Y/n said to him

"Not a Chance." Sam scoffed

"Walker doesn't have any leads." Bucky added

"I know where you're going with this, no." Sam stated

"He knows all of HYDRA's secrets, don't you remember Siberia?" Bucky asked

"So you're just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?" Sam asked.

Yes" Bucky replied hesitatingly

"Okay, then. We're gonna go see Zemo." Sam said

Y/n looked over at him, but she sighed and reluctantly nodded, if there was one thing she never wanted to do, it was to not let Bucky choose. HYDRA never gave him a choice, and she would never take his ability to choose away from him. So, zemo it is then.

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