End Of The Beginning

By EOTB_08

770 27 0

We always thought that nature have a way of balancing things. What if it's not true ? what if it was somethin... More

Chapter 1- The New World
Chapter 2- The Impact
Chapter 3- Uninvited Guests
Chapter 4- Uninvited Guest
Chapter 5- A Friend in need
Chapter 6- Search
Chapter 7- Truth, Lies & The Lost
Chapter 8- Contact
Chapter 9- No More Lies
Chapter 10- The Beginning
Chapter 11- Lab 7
Chapter 12- Holding On
Chapter 13- Doorways
Chapter 14 - Backup
Chapter 15 - Storytellers
Chapter 16- Fix
Chapter 17- Make A Deal
Chapter 19 - AntFarm
Chapter 20- Escape Plan
Chapter 21 - Plan B
Chapter 22 - Hide
Chapter 23 - Plans & Preparations
Chapter 24 - Change Of Plans
Chapter 25 - MOS Protocol
Chapter 26 - Alternate
Chapter 27 - Trapped
Chapter 28 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 29 - Vessel
Chapter 30 - Allen's Story
Chapter 31 - Archives
Chapter 32 - Blast From Past
Chapter 33 - Camouflage
Chapter 34 - Visitors
Chapter 35 - East Or West ?

Chapter 18- Capture

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By EOTB_08

"So what did you find ?" Wayne asked NOVA

" I see movements 2.3 miles north. " Said NOVA

" How many ?" Asked Wayne

"4 " NOVA Replied

"What about the facility ?" Asked Wayne

" I can't pinpoint a location exactly. I'm seeing movements here and there. I Might have an idea where the camp is. But nothing shows up on my scans ." Said NOVA

" When you have a secret facility near a city, where the government used to run nuclear experiments you should take every precaution to hide in from any sort of exposure. It must be very deep. "

" The Power plant ? "  asked Wayne

" Can't find anything useful. We are looking for a radioactive material. They will keep it very hidden from any sort of exposure. Drones can't pick up anything. You have to check the facility in person ."  said NOVA

It was close to an hours since he left. He landed there, stepped out from the falcon and send it back to the facility.

" When did you figure it out ? About where we are? " Wayne asked NOVA

" When they captured you." NOVA replied

" So we are in a...." Wayne was about to say something

" Yeah we are ! " NOVA replied even before he could complete the sentence

" Well that's a bummer. " Wayne said to himself

" So whats our plan ? " Asked NOVA

" I'm a drifter, let's see how long it takes for them to find me. " said Wayne.

He told NOVA to send down a drone.

" I can't keep it. They will search me and find it.  " Wayne removed the ear piece. And placed it in a compartment in the drone.

Then he started walking straight to nowhere. He continued to walk for about one hour.

It was a hot sunny day. He stopped for a break. There was a truck crashed close to the road, he opened the door and entered.

" Captain I got movements, they are close. " said NOVA via the lenses

" Ok show me the details. " said Wayne

Then took a bottle of water and drank some. Suddenly he heard steps approaching him. He knew it was them. He smiled, slowly placed the bottle in his bag. Then he walked out like he didn't know what would happen.

After a few steps he heard someone shouting

" Hands up.... On your knees... "

Wayne raised his arms. One of them came close

" Which group do you belong to ? " He asked Wayne

" Group ? What group .....? I don't belong to any group. " Wayne replied

He turned around slowly and saw a guy in an army dress pointing a gun at him.

" On your knees. " the guys shouted again

" Ok ok.... I'm sorry I don't have anything. I'm not looking for any trouble. " Said Wayne

" On your fucking knees or I will shoot you. " the guy shouted

" No you won't, don't make jokes. Do you wanna know why you won't kill me ?.... "

" Cause right now I'm standing too close to you. So.... I will grab the gun from your hand and shoot the guy behind the car over there and use you as a human shield against the guy in the building. "

" While I'm busy killing you, I'm sure that the one who standing on the other side of the truck will try to sneak up on me. I will take this granade from your belt and throw it towards him and he will be dead even before he can make a move."

" Look I've been on the road for a long time, I know how to deal with scavengers. So stop threatening me. " said Wayne

" Stand down....." The guy behind the car shouted

They all come out from their cover. They all were wearing army gear. The guy who was behind the car walked towards him. Wayne assumed that he is the leader.

" Look I'm just a traveler... I'm passing through. I just wanted to take a break and when I'm good I will be on my way. " said Wayne

" What's your name ? " leader asked

" It's Wayne.  " he replied

" Just Wayne ? " That guy looked at him

" That's all you need to know. " he replied

" Why are you here ? Where are you going ? " The leader asked again

" I'm going to my parent's house to spend holidays." Wayne sounded annoyed. " I just told you everything. Are you dumb ? "

"You think you are funny huh... ?" The leader punched him in his abdomen.

" Cough.... Cough.... You punch like a baby. " he laughed

" You think you are tough ? " The leader grabbed Wayne by his hair

" No... I'm not... But are you ?...." Wayne laughed

" Do you want to know how tough I'm ? " The leader asked again

" Your place, your guys,you got guns. And you want hit a defenseless guy. " Said Wayne

" You think I can't beat you ....? You think I can't fuck you up if they are not here ? " The leader looked straight into Wayne's eyes

Suddenly the radio started to speak. The leader gave it to one of the guys and he walked away from them.

" You want to fight ? Lets do this. Let's see who will be the last one standing. " said the leader

" Oh you.... my little boy, you think beating someone makes you tough ? That's funny." Said Wayne

The leader was losing it.

" Ron.... Don't... We are taking him. Zy wants to talk to him. " Said the guy with the radio

" Tie him up, and blindfold him. Quick.... It's almost sundown. " said the leader

They blindfolded Wayne and began walking. In a few minutes, they had taken him to a vehicle and began to move. He sat there for another few minutes until the vehicle stopped. After hearing a metallic door open, one of them pushed Wayne out of the vehicle.

" Move. "

He didn't see a thing. They kept walking for 3-4 minutes. They tied him to a chair and took off his blindfold..

" Do you want some water ?"

As he looked, he saw a woman around her 30's, wearing a tank top and jeans, with short hair, holding a gun in her hand.

" You must be the leader. " Wayne looked up

" You could say that, they call me Zy. I will tell you about myself but I'm more interested in you, tell me who you are. " she replied

" What if I don't ? " Wayne asked

" Then I will put a bullet through your head.  " she came close to Wayne

" Haha a real bold move....! Killing a tied up man. Wow you are a force not to be reckon with. " Said Wayne

Suddenly, Wayne felt a fist on the side of his face. When he looked to his right, it was the same man who had tried to kill him before.

" Come on.... you call that a punch.  " Wayne's lips started to bleed

" You want more motherfucker ? " He was about to swing his arm again

" Why don't you untie me, then let's see what happens. " Wayne laughed

" Ron, GET OUT....!!! Take him. " Zy told other two guys who were in there

" Close the door behind you. " Zy told them as soon as they left the room.

Wayne heard the door close behind him

" I don't like hitting an unarmed man, but you deserved it. " said Zy
" Mmhhh. " said Wayne

" So why don't we start over ? " Said Zy

" Let me think..... "

" Well I decided not to cooperate. " Said Wayne after a short while.

" Then it's time we say goodbye.  " she pointed the gun to his head

" I don't care what you do. You're running out of time. You'll all be dead soon. " Wayne closed his eyes

" What are you talking about ? " She put the gun away

" Those monsters are coming for you. Couple of days ago I saw one. Not at night. In broad daylight. " said Wayne

" And it didn't kill you ? " She came closer to his face

" No,I think it was struggling under the sun. I ran as fast as I can. I didn't stop until my legs couldn't move. " said Wayne

" Thats a good story. " She clapped her hands " I am amazed by how fast you came up with a made up story, when you are afraid."

" Afraid ...? Hahaha...... You think I'm afraid ?"

" Oh it's gonna sound cringy. But look into my eyes, you can see anger, pain, pity... But do you see fear ? " Wayne looked at Zy

" So you think I won't kill you because you have no fear ? " She loaded her gun

" Maybe... Maybe not. But every word I said is true. Those things are coming. Think about it, what do I gain by lying ? Either way, you're going to kill me. " Said Wayne

She took the gun away from his head, and went out, he sat there for hours. Then one guy came in and untied him.

" Let's go. "

He followed the guy into another room. After pushing Wayne into the room, he shut the door.

Wayne made an unsuccessful attempt to unlock the door. He turned around and saw 2 peoples in the room, one woman and one guy.

" Hey there. " Wayne waved at them

They didn't speak, the sat there silently.

" I'm Wayne by the way. " Said Wayne

They didn't reply. They seemed tired and hopeless. Wayne proceeded slowly towards a corner of the room and sat there.

Wayne was trying to make a conversation, but they weren't interested. So eventually he stopped trying.

Time passed on....

" Mary " said the woman

" Um.. what, I'm sorry what did you say ? " Wayne didn't hear what she said.

" My name is Mary, that's Irwin.  " she replied

" How long you been here ? " Wayne asked

" Almost a year I guess. " she replied

" What about you ? " Wayne asked Irvin

" 2 months. " he replied

" What do they want with us ? " Wayne asked

" We are slaves to them,they will assign you a job and you do it. Jobs like laundry, cleaning, cooking." Said Mary

" Are there any more prisoners ? " Asked Wayne

" No. " said Irwin

" How many people are in here ? " Wayne asked again

" Why are you asking too many questions ? If they hear you, they will beat the crap out of you. " Said Irwin

" I'm not planning to stay in here for long. So I need to know what I'm up against. " said Wayne

" That's impossible, they have weapons.You can't escape. " Said Irwin

" We will see about that. Now tell me about this place. " said Wayne

" I won't, I prefer being alive. And if you want too, then I suggest you should stop talking. " said Irwin

" Doesn't matter, I will escape. " said Wayne

" Can you take us ? " Asked Mary

" Where ?" asked Wayne

"  You said you have a plan to get out from here, can you take me ? " Asked Mary

" I don't know. " Said Wayne

" Please, I'm begging you, I will die if I stay in here. " said Mary

" What I'm going to do is dangerous. I don't know if I can keep you safe. Atleast you are safe in here. " said Wayne

" SHUT UP ....and go to sleep. Lights out in 5. " Wayne heard a loud bang on the door.

" We should talk tomorrow.  " said Wayne.

Wayne lied down. The lights were switched off a short while afterwards. He gradually shut his eyes.

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