goodbye forever werewolf and...

By Estellaadams

22 0 0

im lillian im jack im may im clara im lucy im april im luke and this is our story we all have something in c... More

Fire,pizza and windows
2nd chance


4 0 0
By Estellaadams

It is 5:30 am time to wake up
I wake jack up
And jack wakes up Luke and mom and dad are already awake
Dad went to work and mom made breakfast eggs and sausage
I go down with jack and Luke I see a bag of blood there for me I smile
Morning I say
Morning they say back
Jack says you sound awake did you sleep last night
No I say
Luke says why didn't you sleep
Vampires don't sleep
We start to eat brecfast
Human a positive
Ya I know
I finish the blood bag and ask if I can get more
Mom says if you want you can go out get food and come back
Ok I'll be back I'm 1 min
Everyone starts counting
I get breakfast and arrive as they say zero
What did you think I would lie to you
No I thought you weren't being serious
Oh one thing about vampires we are very serious
Oh good to know we pack up our bags and get dressed
I'm wearing a black dress and red high heals
Jack is wearing a red shirt and jeans with green sneakers
Luke is wearing a transformers shirt and jeans
I fill my water bottle with blood and put it in my bag
We all have red and black backpacks
We say there's 2 seats in back who gets to sit up front oldest gets to sit up front
Jack is 11
how old are you they ask I'm 111
Ok she wins
We drive to school in the mustang
And arrive I haven't been to school in 5 years so I was 106 when I last went to school
We walk to our lockers to find Clara Lucy April and May there we put our stuff in the lockers and walk to the auditorium for morning anouncements

good morning students of greenwell middle school welcome back and welcome new students have fun

Fun at school ya right
We go to our first class reading mrs.nepoltano let's us pick books me and jack pick twilight how bad can it be we read 5 pages what is this crap this is a discrase to vampires
And werewolfs jack adds on
We pick a new book called doctors are fun
One page has a picture of blood on it my eyes do that thing and my fangs come out I grab my water bottle and drink some blood jack says are you ok
Ya I'm fine just let's pick a book that won't threaten the students here perfect book happy unicorn
We read if and oh my god it is bad like these were the words
There once was a unicorn named puppy
The unicorn wanted to be a dog
You get the point we pick a good book called (hunger games) this book is great
Jack throughs up I get mrs.nepolotano
Jack just puked
Ok bring him to the nurse
I carry him to the nurse
In the nurces someone has a bloody nose
I hold it in trying not to kill her I put sunglasses on and my eyes do the vampire thing
the nurse mrs.deperco sends me up to get jacks stuff I get it and bring it down
The nurce calls our mom and she arrives to pick us up
Can Lillian and Luke come home with me too
Yep shure
Can we have Luke Jackson to the office you are being dismissed
Luke me and jack get in the mustang and drive home
I say I can heal jack
well there's 2 ways 1 feed him my blood and
2 do a spell pick one
Jack chooses blood so I bite my wrist with my fangs and feed my blood to him
I lick the extra blood off and I heal
Feal better I ask yep I feal allot better
Thank you
No problem
(Knock knock)
Who is that I go up to the door it's 5 people I know them mom! don't invite them in
Who are they it's
Fin and rebecah
There originals the first vampires to be made
And they can't be killed easly
I smell wolf says kol ya that's all of us me Luke jack mom and dad
Sence when did you live here
Sence last night my mom abandoned me
oh that's nice what did you do this time kill someone or did she find a blood bag
Grr I growl at him and so do the others I close the door and say goodbye
Oh ya don't ever invite them in or they will kill you
Ok thank you
Ya no problem
Try to be freinds with them just don't invite them in
Lunch time I grab my water bottle from my backpack and they grab there chicken from mcdonalds
I look at my water bottle
Arnt you gonna eat
I take a sip
My eyes do that thing
I try to make it go away but I can't
So I just drink more my fangs come out telling me to kill something I dident want to hurt my family so I ran out the door
I found a bike rider and told them not to screem and I bite all moast killing them I feed them my blood and tell them to forget what just happend and go home so they do
I run back to the house
Where did you go
Hunting I dident turn around because I was coverd in blood
I'm gonna take a shower
Ok they say
I run upstairs
And wash the blood off mom knocks on the door
Yes mom
Can I talk to you later
I heard her walk away
What does she want to talk about is she kicking me out or trying to help me
I finish washing the blood off me and I put on a red shirt and sweat pants
Then go down to see mom
You wanted to talk to me

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