Blood of the Trinity

By Tempesta771

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Set in Victorian Era in London, England, this follows the story of Father William AKA Priest, who encounters... More

The Transfer
Mother Superior Mary-Catherine
I Am Sorry
Social Events
The Enemy's Arrival
Scotland Yard
Gained Trust
A Wicked Move
Not Safe
Trip to Italy
First Casualty
The End


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By Tempesta771

They weren't prepared. Even though they had prepared themselves, set themselves up in strategic positions and had emptied every single clip of sliver bullets, Sapphira's enemy had won. Sapphira had managed to survive. The individuals from the Scotland Yard hadn't been so lucky.
Sapphira limped to her estate, bleeding, weak and thirsty. She made it to her estate and drank as much as she could from her butler without killing him. She needed rest. A constant supply of blood would be required as well. She went to her room and saw Priest. She groaned when she realized he needed the same thing as she did.
She called her butler, told him what was required for both her and Priest and then dismissed him. She went to bed, pulled the blankets over her body and was unable to rest.
Priest regained consciousness and was fed from a street urchin. Sapphira had let the street urchin live. Priest did not. Sapphira's butler removed the body and Sapphira was finally able to rest. Every hour, Sapphira's butler returned, giving Priest a constant supply of fresh blood.
Three days passed before Priest's fever broke. He regained consciousness and didn't recognize his surroundings. He slowly sat up in the guest bed and looked around.
"You're awake," Sapphira's voice stated from the corner. Priest froze and was unable to squash his instinct to flee. Sapphira had anticipated this and grabbed Priest before he reached the door. Priest struggled and then froze when he felt Sapphira's fangs press gently against his neck.
Sapphira mentally counted to ten before withdrawing her fangs. "Do not make me hurt you again Priest," Sapphira hissed. Priest's whimper was muffled, but he remained still. "I am going to release you. If you run, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to stop myself from killing you," Sapphira told him, slowly releasing Priest.
Priest turned around to face Sapphira. Sapphira watched Priest as he eyed her warily. "Priest, I know we got off on the wrong foot. I apologize for feeding on you while you were unwilling. I overreacted and let my anger get the best of me," Sapphira explained.
"What do you want?" Priest questioned.
"The same thing as last time. I want you to take me to your maker," Sapphira replied.
"I don't have a choice, do I," Priest commented.
"You do. You have a choice to help me or die," Sapphira said with a kind smile.
"No, no choice," Priest told her, shaking his head. He didn't want to take Sapphira to his maker. He didn't know why, but he didn't like the thought.
"What is a choice that you would consider?" Sapphira sighed. She wanted his cooperation. She didn't want to kill him. Yet if she had to decide between her life and his, she would kill Priest.
"Che?" Priest asked, speaking in Italian. His confusion, along with the events that had occurred had made him revert to his native tongue.
"A choice you would consider," Sapphira repeated. Priest stared at her with confusion. Sapphira repeated her question in Italian.
"Let me go," Priest answered.
"How is that a choice that benefits both of us?" Sapphira inquired.
"How are the options you give me helpful to anyone but you?" Priest countered. Sapphira felt her rage begin to boil and calmed herself before it took over. She walked over to the bed and sat down. Priest watched her cautiously as she stared at him. Sapphira considered Priest's question and sighed when she realized he was right.
As a businesswoman, she should have remembered that to make a deal with anyone, something had to be given in return.
"I have a proposal for you then," Sapphira said, still speaking in Italian. Priest watched her, waiting with disbelief that Sapphira would grant him freedom.
"What is it?" Priest questioned with a sigh.
"You bring me to your maker and I let you go," Sapphira proposed.
"What?" Priest breathed.
"You heard me," Sapphira said.
"How many did you lose?" Priest inquired after a long pause. Sapphira fell silent, a frown flickering across her face. "All of them," Priest stated. Sapphira hissed softly and looked at her hands that were neatly folded across her lap.
"Yes, all of them," Sapphira confirmed. "I'm in trouble and you're the only one able to help. Now, if you do decide to assist me, you will have your freedom," Sapphira told Priest.
"What did you do?" Priest asked.
"What do you mean?" Sapphira inquired with confusion.
"There has to be a reason why he's mad at you," Priest answered.
"That is not your concern," Sapphira replied.
"It is my concern when I get Changed into a Vampire to get revenge on you. It is when you take me to your estate, make a proposal and have every intention of killing me if I don't agree to it! So what did you do!?" Priest exclaimed, his fangs elongated and sharpened with his surge of fury. Sapphira was silent, studying Priest with an unreadable expression.
"Apologies," Priest apologized after he calmed himself. "I may have overreacted," he said.
"A different proposition I believe is required. Taking me to your maker is...suicidal. I am unfortunately unprepared and far otnumbered, no matter how many individuals I bring with me," Sapphira stated after some consideration.
"I suppose I die if I don't give you what you want," Priest sighed with exasperation.
"You gain your freedom, even if you don't assist me," Sapphira said. Priest looked at her with confusion.
"Surely you jest," Priest commented, though he was curious now.
"No, I'm not," Sapphira told him. Priest was silent, studying her.
"What do you want?" Priest cautiously asked.
"Information," Sapphira responded.
"Information," Priest repeated with a nod. "Of course," Priest mumbled, rubbing his head. He was silent, debating his options. He had them now and he would still be free, whether he helped or not. "Alright, what do you want to know?" Priest questioned with a sigh. Sapphira barely managed to suppress her smile.
"What's your maker's name?" Sapphira asked.
"I don't know. I haven't heard his name," Priest replied.
"Is there anyone he's with besides Allison?" Sapphira pressed.
"Just her," Priest responded.
"Does he ever go out and explore London?" Sapphira inquired.
"Perhaps. I'm not able to stay awake during the day anymore," Priest answered.
"So he's always where he is at night?" Sapphira asked. Priest nodded as a reply. "Are there different scents on him and Allison when you wake?" Sapphira questioned. Priest became thoughtful, watching Sapphira carefully.
"There's the scent of tea and what smells like death. At least I think it's the scent of death," Priest said.
"What death?" Sapphira asked.
"What do you mean?" Priest questioned with confusion.
"What kind of death?" Sapphira repeated.
"I don't know," Priest answered.
"Does it smell like they're dying or dead. There is a difference," Sapphira stated. Priest was silent.
"I don't know," Priest repeated. He didn't have any intention of telling her that he had visited the dying individual. Only once, after he had fed.
"Thank you Priest. You can go," Sapphira said. Priest cautiously reached for the door and opened it. He then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him and then ran from Sapphira's estate.
Sapphira sighed and studied the guest bedroom. She had lost a lot of individuals. But now, it was her enemy's turn to have losses of their own.

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