My Forever Love [Completed]

De laydeeshannon

12.4K 773 102

Another fan fiction on ParkxForth :) My fujoshi heart just couldn't get over this pair so I decided to pen a... Mais



1K 70 9
De laydeeshannon

Ning's funeral was by far, one of the most painful events in my life. I couldn't accept she was gone so quickly. She never was keen in having a child but knew how much I wanted to be a father.

In the end, this very wish of mine killed her. I couldn't even bring myself to see my daughter's face. She was named Sua and her English name was Laurel. It was something that Ning and I had agreed on.

I attended the funeral and then went home, only to be greeted by Park who had Laurel in his arms. Park had missed attending the funeral so he could keep an eye on Laurel who was literally a few days old. I cast a woeful glance towards her but couldn't bring myself to go see her. I walked away and went to my room and locked myself in.

A little while later, I heard someone knocking on my door. I ignored the person but he or she was very very persistent if I may add. I finally opened the door after multiple knocks. When I realized it was Park, I was so annoyed. He knew better than to disturb me when I was in this mood. I turned away, about to walk away when Park turned me around and punched me once in my face!

"Park! What the fuck?!"

"I should be asking you the exact same thing Forth. What the fuck?! Since you got discharged and came back, there's not once, not even one time you have seen Laurel. How could you?!"

"I can't bring myself to see her ok?! She killed my wife. Her presence killed her. If I didn't insist on the child, then Ning would never have died. So sue me if I don't feel like seeing her. Do you know how much it hurts not having Ning around?!"

"Have you thought about how much Laurel is hurting right now? She is a few days old but yet not once either her mom or dad have seen or approached her. She has come into this world seeing everyone else but her own parents. You are a grown adult and you feel the pain keenly. She is a baby so you think she feels no pain?! When did you start treating a child as a 2nd class citizen?! And she's your child, for the love of God."

I was stunned. I kept quiet. I never seen Park ever lose his temper at me like that. I took a step back and just collasped onto my chair. Park turned and left. He didn't come back looking for me for the rest of the day. Finally in the evening, I left my room and went to the living room downstairs. Both my parents and Ning's were there. Park's parents were also there and they were all playing with the baby.

Park was on the phone with his immediate managing director over some work issues. When he hung up the phone, he saw me but just ignored me. The elders saw me and smiled. My mom stood up to make a drink for me whilst Ning's dad beckoned me over. Park's parents patted me on my shoulder as I sat down. I watched as Ning's mum cooed and played with the baby. Laurel started crying then. They tried to soothe her but to no avail. Park went over and took her in his arms and she kept quiet instantly. He just carried her and bounced her gently as she fell back asleep. Once she was, I stood up, offering to carry her. I could see the surprise in his eyes but he didn't say anything. He just handed her over to me gently. I sat down and Park bent down to ensure she was tucked in neatly and carefully before he stood up. He went to do some work on the laptop as I watched Laurel.

Laurel really did look like an exact replica of myself and her mum. Her brows were like mine though her pouty lips and deep set eyes resembled Ning. I watched as her lips purred in her sleep and she tried to turn. She got frustrated and woke up, crying. Shit! What do I do?! I looked up alarmed and before anyone could react, Park was next to me. He just touched her forehead gently, caressing her ever so softly. She started to calm down and then snuggled back to sleep. He took my hand and got me to continue doing the same so she will fall back asleep.

I did it conscientiously and she fell back asleep deeply without stirring. About half hour later, my mum took her and transferred her to the cot. Nobody said anything, just happy to see me finally spending some time with her. We all had dinner together before Park and his parents took their leave.

He didn't say anything to me throughout. I know he was extremely pissed at me and I didn't want to push it so I let it be. I watched as he drove off, wondering if he will swing by tomorrow.

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