The Wreckers: Human Unit

By ArcticWolf_Holloway

172 5 5

Ever wonder what happened to Miko, Raf, and Jack after the Autobots left Earth? Well, it's the story of the a... More

Ch2: Meet the Wreckers

Ch1: Setting Up Base

44 1 0
By ArcticWolf_Holloway

"So, let me get this straight? We don't have to take Automanian to NATO?"

"No, that's just what the government planned to do with it. But now that its plans are legally mine, I can do whatever I want with it. Well, there's still investors I have to convince to keep funding us, but Fowler did manage to have some private bank accounts that are connected to the project."

"Miko, do you realize how much money is here? You're practically a billionaire. No, not practical. Wrong phrasing, you are a billion."

"No, Automanian has billions of dollars to fund it. I just happen to own Automanian- because Jack is an idiot who can't see opportunity- I can't just use the money for my own means."


"I mean, I could change Automanian into a tattoo parlor and forever more take my anger out on people's skin."

"I wouldn't advise it."

"Me either, but it'd piss my parents and host parents off."

- - - - - - - - - -

A Month Later
3rd person (whoever reads this, do u prefer 1st or 3rd person POV?):

"When I agreed to quit the military and join your Automanian society," Millers mumble around a big cardboard box of her belongings, "I expected to have my own laboratory, fit with the best materials human technology could provide. Maybe even the best alien tech Earth could provide. I was not expecting-"

Huffing, Millers dropped the box unceremoniously in the corner. "A broken down bar with a subpar 'loft' area that serves as 'living quarters'." She looked over at Miko who was trying to fix a panel on the bar that seemed to have been kicked in. Miko looked up from her work and had to bite her lower lip to keep from laughing.

The past two months with Millers had taught Miko much about her new companion. Over the years, Miko realized she would compare people to the transformers she knew. Millers reminded her of Doc Knoc- er, Knockout. She was very prideful, always keeping a neat image. Her wild, curly hair straightened or pulled back into a ponytail that slicked the hair before puffing out in the back. She always worried about her clothes, over thinking the outfit. Like today, she spent twenty minutes trying to figure out what "style" she wanted. She finally decided on grunge. Miko didn't think she knew what that meant. Tight, pale blue jeans with patches in them with a crop top. Plus a scrunchy. Maybe she meant visco, either way she seemed to be hating yet flaunting it.

Well not anymore. Millers slumped over, a mere shadow of her usual superior self. Her hair was frizzy around her head, the humid air of the old bar not helping. Miko's gaze travel from her hair to her wrists yet she couldn't find the scrunchy. Millers's clothes were stained and she'd probably freak out and burn them once she figured it out. Miko asked if she was a germaphobe, but Millers scoffed and went on a rant about doing an experiment that made a biological weapon out of some microorganisms. Miko asked how it went, a little scared since the organisms could apparently eat human flesh similarly to acid. Millers had opened her mouth then closed it. She then walked off muttering something about canceled.

Millers seemed to realize how many of her projects were canceled that day.

"Well, if you're second guessing your decision," Miko sneered, wrinkling her nose as she hammered the new board in place, "then you can just go sobbing back to your petty superiors and-"

Millers scoffed, coming over and looking through the assortment of old alcohol on the shelves. Most of it they had to throw away, Miko had fun going out to the alley and smashing the bottles, but Millers insisted some were salvageable.

"Like you could survive without me." Millers stated, skimming through the selection.

"Hey, I'm a billionaire, I could make it." Miko said from her spot on the floor.

"I'm pretty sure you told me Automanian is the billionaire, you're it's pawn." Millers said, she had gotten herself a bottle and was now typing on her phone. She switched it off before going over and washing two glasses.

Miko stood up, popping over the bar with a mortified look. "Hey! I never said I was anyone's pawn."

"True, I doubt anyone could handle your unruly behavior." Millers mused.

"Made sure of it." Miko said, hosting herself up onto a stool. "Parents wanted me to be a lady. I wanted monster trucks and loud rock. Sent me to America to try and change me. Oh, did I change." Millers slid down Miko's glass down and she caught it.

Miko held her glass up and looked down at the drink as it swished inside the cup. "Is it supposed to be purple?"

Millers shrug, taking a swig. Miko looked her features over for a tell tale sign of distaste, but saw none. Taking the risk, she raised the glass to her lips.

"Why a bar?" Millers asked as Miko set her glass down. Miko looked over to see Millers leaning against the opposite counter, staring around the room.

Miko shrugged, looking around as well. "Well, it's not like we can start in a state of the art facility."

"Don't feed a newly lit fire a tree trunk." Millers mused.

"That's going to be my new motto," Miko said, raising a glass, "but reverse it." She took a drink.

Millers cocked her head. "Feed a newly like fire an entire tree trunk?"

"Yup," Miko nodded, "and watch it die."

"Who ruined your childhood?" Millers asked with a small smirk, coming around and sitting next to Miko.

"Told you, parents and host parents." Miko said, laying her head on the bar.

Millers scoffed, looking away. A silence fell over them.

"At least you had a childhood." Miko sat up, looking at Millers. But the other girl was still turned away.

Taking a deep breath, Millers turned back to Miko. "I don't remember much before I was forcefully brought to the US. I'm... not for sure where I came from. I just know I wasn't raised by my parents. I stayed in a dark room- or hole- surrounded by the sharp light of computers. I did not speak much. I wasn't allowed to. All I could do, was write code. I remember guards, talking in a foreign language. Turns out, it was Russian. I learned the language by listening in on their obnoxious conversations."

Miko looked Millers over as her shoulders tensed. "I had to be obedient in the hole or else death. I always heard screams of others around me after they raised their voices. Sometimes gunshots followed suit, then silence." Millers got a far away look. "I made sure I kept my own mouth shut. Until I became foolish. I snapped. Ranting in Russian that they couldn't rush me. First mistake of my life."

A short pause came and Miko allowed it. She was actually learning about Millers. Sure, the past month she's gotten to know the other girl's personality, but she seemed to keep her past close to heart. Miko was glad she was opening up now.

Millers looked over at Miko, staring for a moment. She then pulled back her crop top's left sleeve. Miko stilled at the M burned into Miller's pale skin. "They got their message across that day." Millers went on, lifting the sleeve up again. "After that, I lived in fear. I pressed myself into the coding and mechanical work I received. It took a while, but one day I found myself calm while doing the chores I was given. If I could lose myself in it, then I could almost... forget." Millers's composure crippled for a brief moment as her bottom lip trembled. But then it was gone, and she was downing her drink.

Miko felt questions swarm in her head, but she was afraid to voice them aloud. When she'd been younger, she would always voiced her opinion. Hell, she had yelled at Megatron like she could do anything against him. The thought almost made her smile. It actually did make her cheeks warm. Joining the military made Miko more... observant. She tried (key word: tried) to get all the information before jumping in. Sometimes, it worked. Other times...

"How-" Miko hesitated, but hardened her resolve, deciding to just jump with it. "How'd you come to the United States?'

Millers looked over at Miko and smiled. "By taking a page out of your book."

Miko tilted her head to the side.

"By being reckless."

A scoff escaped Miko and she rolled her eyes. She looked down at the bar, wondering how painful it would be if she smashed her head into it. Millers chuckled, dragging Miko out of her thoughts.

"One day, I intercepted some information from an unknown source. It was in a language I barely recognized. I had no idea what they were talking about, so I decided to explore it. Without permission. Their security was unfamiliar and I ended up not completely covering my trail. Not even an hour later, American soldiers were breaking down my door." Millers smiled a little, before turning to Miko. "That's how I became the America's best kept secret."

Miko smirked. "Until the Autobots."

"Depends on your perspective." Millers shot back, both girls had a glimmer in their eye. Millers mood suddenly dropped. "My only regret is never meeting them. Their technology is magnificent." Millers stated, Miko has never seen so much compassion in such a confession.

"Well, I'll admit, even after a decade of them being gone, I'll never forget them." Miko said, remember Bulkhead driving her around, being chased by a zombicon, and sometimes just... talking, chilling around base. Although, there was one memory that made Miko's heart spike. Not many knew, but Miko's first kill wasn't human. It'd been an insecticon named Hardshell. That was one of the first times Miko shut up and just observed. She saw Wheeljack operate his ship. Instead of demanding to know what everything did, she watched, and she learned. That insight saved Wheeljack's life.

Bulkhead would forever have hold of most her memories. And she'd never give them up for anything. But Wheeljack was a big part of who she was now too. She was a Wrecker, because of him.

"If I could have chosen any place to start Automanian," Miko spoke up, rounding back to what started their conversation, "I would have chosen Autobot Outpost Omega One." Miko paused a second, taking a deep breath. Just saying the name of their old hangout brought back too many memories and emotions. Miko's favorite memory was probably Fowler walking into the base in the elevator. Any time he'd come in he would shout in his signature voice "Prime!" If she could, Miko would try to find old camera footage from the base and take snippets of Fowler saying that, making a remix out of it.

"Ah, that would have been a glorious start." Millers agreed, seeming to bask in what could have been.

Miko cocked her head. "You've been there?"

"Why yes." Millers said, seemingly excited. "I helped get it- how would you put it- not babyproof, bot proof?" Millers looked over to see Miko giving her a deadpan look. She chuckled nervously before continuing. "Plus, I looked over the schematics of it to show some soldiers where to put-" Millers froze before clearing her throat, "the sensors."

Miko nodded, not really offended anymore. Actually, she hoped Millers could start up her project again. To have groundbridge tech under her control... Miko didn't even dare dream what she could do with it. She just hoped Millers could pull it off.

"We have a lot of work ahead of us." Miko suddenly grumbled, looking around. Usually any... "projects" she took up didn't take long. Miko could tell her energy level would be depleted by the time they managed to fix the bar up.

And it's pretty useless anyway. Even if Automanian lives, we won't be using a fucking bar as a base of operation.

Miko's thoughts were interrupted when a sudden voice came into her head.

Automanian will die with Miko Nakadai. General Bryce's voice sneered in Miko's mind.

Miko narrowed her eyes. No, it won't.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Jack! What the hell was that?" Miko demanded as they both walked out of General Bryce's office.

"What the hell was what? Miko, it's a scam." Jack said, waving her off.

"To hell it's a scam. It's Fowler. You're seriously going to throw his legacy away?!"

"Miko, it's not like that." Jack said, somewhat hesitant.

"Yeah, then what is it?!" Miko yelled, getting angry.

"It's-" Jack stopped abruptly and sighed. "Look Miko, I don't want it. The doors wide open, go and play Autobots while I continue to live in the real world."

"Oh no fucking way." Miko stomped forward until she was in front of Jack, hands on hips. "Don't tell me that's what this is about. What would Arcee say if she saw you right now? Or Optimus?"

"Nothing, because they're not here." Jack said, meeting Miko's gaze for only a second. "They're back on Cybertron, their home. Living... happily ever after or something." Jack turned to the side to slip past Miko. "They aren't coming back."

Miko felt herself hesitate. She had tried to call Bulkhead on her outdated flip phone when it still got service, no answer. It was stupid, a stupid flip phone wasn't going to be able to reach a planet galaxies away. But they promised they'd come back if needed. And Miko clinged to that promise with a desperation that she'd never admit to Jack.

"That doesn't mean you can't just turn down a once in a lifetime opportunity like this! Don't you get it?" Miko stomped forward again, trying to keep up with Jack. Over the years, the awkward teen just got taller, so did Raf, while Miko only grew an inch taller. She was the shortest now, she cursed Jack's long strides.

When she finally got around him, she fanned her arms out so he couldn't try to go around. "This is your chance to change from Orion Pax to Optimus Prime. This is your phoenixing! Your matrix of leadership!"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't give me that crap. May I remind you, I'm not Optimus. I may have... reminded Ratchet of him when he was Orion, but I will never be Optimus. I'm Jack Darby, my own person. Lieutenant Colonel. But, be my guest Miko," Jack traded spots with Miko, mockingly bowing. "It's all yours." Then he was turning the corner.

Miko glared at the wall that he used to be in front of. She fisted her hands and had a slight pout on her lips. But then she smashed her mouth into a firm line before marching back down the hall. She got to General Bryce's office and slammed the door opened before kicking it shut. Bryce gave her a disapproving look before going back to organizing the papers.

"I'll get Raf on the line and see if he'll accept the project." Bryce said, sliding the thick folder aside. "I'll have someone escort you off the property and allow you to enjoy your early retirement." Bryce went to get up, turning away from Miko who glared out the window.

Bryce went to grab the door handle.

"Whoever said I turned it down?" Miko said in a low, surprising calm voice. Bryce froze, hands skimming the cool metal.

After a moment, Bryce turned back to Miko. "I understand you want to do Fowler proud, Nakadai. Especially after..." Bryce let the sentence hang. "I think it's best if you let the project be passed down to Raf. He'll have the resources and voice to get this passed by NATO."

Miko stayed quiet, slowly turning to Bryce with her head down. After a moment of silence, Bryce went to turn around before Miko interrupted.

"Where's a pen?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Another month came and went as Miko and Millers got the bar built up. The building was three floors. The bar with it's old tables and chairs having been knocked around or destroyed. Not to mention the layer of soot. The first thing that was fixed was the bar, Millers wanting it to look vibtage. Miko had been proud of her work, getting it patched up. She had come "home" one night to see all her hard work undone. Though Millers just beamed at her, pouring her a drink. The update came with a new selection of alcohol. Miko was thankful, but was a little disappointed to see the old bottles front and center.

The basement looked to have been a cellar of sorts. She didn't know why it was there. It wasn't like this was a luxurious bar inside a city. In fact, it was located somewhat in the middle of a run down town similar to Jasper. Only it was in Connecticut, not Nevada.

The cellar was now Millers secret lab. Miko had been locked out, not allowed to go anywhere near the staircase that led to it. Forget the lab itself. When she was finally qualified for a tour her jaw dropped at the pristine while walls that reflected the light coming from multiple machines Miko knew were expensive. The only thing she recognized was a computer hooked up to a huge mainframe. Plus, what looked like a medical table.

"How'd you do this?"

Millers just shrugged. "I'm a good organizer."

The last floor was old apartments. Six dust filled recks that needed renovates. Yet Millers refused to let Miko near them.

"We don't need them."

"Not now, but when we get more members-"

"We'll have moved on from here."

"Then what the hell is with the state of the art lab!"

"It's my travel equipment. I could have it packed it fifteen minutes."


Miko and Millers lived on the half floor that sat in the back of first floor, dividing the ceiling and floor wall in half. Under it was the bathrooms and kitchen. Millers lived that she had her own bathroom while Miko couldn't really care less. Really, she wanted to know what their "bedrooms" had been used for. Because it looked like it was a party room parents could rent out for their kids. But it was a bar... as in: not kid friendly.

Millers waved her off, saying it would be renovated anyway.

Miko stilled wondered if there had been cameras. And if the tape survived.

Going up to the bar, Miko got her keys out of her pocket. She rarely left their hangout, letting Millers get groceries. But today she wanted fresh hair and went for a drive in a nearby park. She was kinda glad she was surrounded by trees and not vast desert landscape. It would have been...

Too nostalgic. Miko thought, still remembering the rev of Bulkhead's engine.

"Hey." Miko paused, clearly caught off guard when she saw a group of boys a few feet away from here. She looked them over, remember the knife and glock she carried.

Miko looked over the boy in front, remembering the red head with a dusting if freckles. "Vince?"

Small world, she thought as she gave him a once over. He hadn't changed much. Still had greasy stains all over his clothes.

Vince narrowed his eyes, tilting his head. "Darby's Chinese girlfriend?"

"Japan." Miki snapped, definitely wanting Vince to leave her life for good. "And I'm not his girl." She slipped the key into the door, twisting it.

Vince jutted his head. "So when you opening? Maybe I'll drop by sometime and get a drink?"

"You can once you remember my name?" Miko shot back, smirking as Vince's confidence dwindled. "Besides," Miko pressed her thumb against the hidden scanner, a buzz going up her hand. "It's a private establishment." Her smirk widened when the lock swished open and she turned the handle.

Quickly, she shut the door, not even looking back at Vince. He was probably stupidly trying to look inside the bar, even though he'd only see his reflection, while Miko could see his stupid face.

"Well, that was random." Miko thought aloud, throwing her wallet towards the bar before shrugging her jacket off. "Hey, Millers, how's the kitchen renovation?"

"Dr. Millers is currently in her lab, Ms. Nakadai."

Miko froze at the unknown voice. She looked over at the bar, seeing a speaker sitting on the top shelf.

"Who are you?" She inquired a little too sharply.

"I am Egxcel. Dr. Millers personal artificial intelligence."

"Oh, yay." Miko deadpanned, instantly regretting hiring Millers.

"Oh, yay, indeed." Egxcel said in a surprisingly clip voice. Miko sneered at the emotion it showed.

What did Ratchet say? I hate talking machines.

"I've alerted Dr. Millers of your arrival. It was terribly awful meeting your acquaintance." Egxcel shut off with a click.

"Same to you." Miko muttered, shaking her head a little. She jogged over to the stairs, sliding down the rail. When she landed on at the bottom, she froze, suspiciously looking at the doors to Millers lab. A strange noise emanated from behind the doors.

Is that classical music?

Miko made her way over to the doors and they slid open. Yup, classical music was playing throughout the lab. Millers was back in her pristine white lab coat. She had straightened her hair, making it twice as long as it usually is.

Miko just stared as Millers worked at a machine.  She typed on it before looking at some readings. After a moment she pressed a button. She then got a... cup? She walked over to a water tap, but instead of clear liquid pouring out, it was ruby red.

"Please tell me your not making blood."

Millers turned around, grinning. "Ah, Miko! Just the person I wanted to-"

"I would have alerted you of Ms. Nakadai's presence, Doctor." Egxcel suddenly spoke up. "But I am programmed to not interrupt you during your procedures."

Miko sneered at the word programmed, reminding her how unnatural Egxcel truly was.

"That is fine, E. I wouldn't have expected anything less." Millers said, waving him off. She turned to Miko. "Oh, Miko, I'd like to present-"

"Yeah, we've met."

"We've already made unfortunate acquaintance."

Miko and Egxcel said at the same time.

"Oh." Millers said, just looking at Miko. "Honestly, I'm surprised. I thought you'd enjoy Egxcel's company on the chance..." Millers trailed off, pressing hers lips together.

Miki just shrugged, stretching out her shoulders. "Don't you think it-"


"-is a little sci-fi and not... realistic."

"Darling," Millers got a dangerous glint in her eye, "Egxcel is apart if the future. We're nearing our apex in technology. I hope to someday rival Cybertronians. Humans are quite exceptional when playing catch up. Britain had been the first to industrialize their civilization, yet the United States played catch up very quickly, overcoming them in no time. I predict," Millers said, walking up to Miko and putting the cup in her hand, "that I'll surpass Cybertronian scientists."

"Yeah, good luck." Miko said, looking down at the plastic cup, swirling the red contents inside. "They have million- possibly billion- years of a head start."

"You forget, Miko." Millers said, going over to a computer and pulling up some sort of chart. "The first mobile phone was made in 1973. Not even fifty years later we have the invention of the smartphone." Millers gestured to Miko's apple phone sticking out of her pocket. (Okay, Transformers Prime came out in 2010, so that's the time I consider Miko, Jack, and Raf met the Autobots. It's been ten years since they left, eight years Miko has been in service, so it's 2020 now. Except, no covid. Yay!) "Not to mention, artificial intelligence has already been installed in almost every home with the... Alexa." Millers wrinkled her nose. "Even though the device is crude and nothing compared to Egxcel's interface." Millers walked over to some sort of machine and rubbed it fondly. Miko tried to figure out where she could get her hands on a chainsaw in a short amount of time. "It just goes to show human technology is rapidly expanding."

"I applaud your effort." Miko said sarcastically, although a small part of her wondered if Millers could do it.

She's got the positivity and confidence. Not to mention Raf's trying to crack zone travel. Travelling to unknown dimensions is kinda like teleporting.

"Well, go on."

Miko snapped out of her thoughts and turned back to Millers.  "What?"

Millers rolled her eyes, looking at Miko expectantly. "Drink it."

Looking down at her hand, Miko just remembered the cup in it. "It's not blood, is it?"

"No! I'm not trying to make humans vampires. That would be going against everything I've worked towards. Vampires are technically dead. Plus, their weaknesses are totally unethical. I mean, seriously, the sun? You can't handle the sun? Half our life is spent in it! And wood? Wood?! That's all it takes. Can you even imagine how ineffective it would be to-"

"Okay, okay!" Miko raised her hand and fisted cup, trying to surrender. She wasn't expecting Millers to flip out like that. "Honestly, it was just a joke."

Millers chest rose and fell as she looked Miko over, eyes almost mad. "Egxcel?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Add this to lab rules," Millers said as she turned away from Miko to look at a machine. But then she dramatically turned around to stare at Miko. "No. Joking."

Miko sheepishly smiled, taking a sip of the ruby liquid. "My bad."

"Shall I print off a file declaring the other rules for Ms. Nakadai so she does not-"

"Oh, shut it." Miko snapped, draining the cup. It kinda tasted like cran grape juice. Except there was a bitter aftertaste. Miko grinned as Egxcel seemed to sputter. She didn't think a computer chip could make such humanoid noises.

"You want the cup, or can I toss it." Miko asked, holding the cup up. She didn't want to anger Millers more than she had. If she got on the scientist's bad side, Millers might try to poison her.

Millers turned around, cocking her head in confusion. Her gaze then went to the empty cup. Her eyes lit up and she did the one thing Miko never expected she'd ever do: scream.

"What?! Was I not supposed to!? You said-"

"Egxcel, write down the time Miko consumed the Grizzle." Millers said, rushing over to a computer.

"Grizzle? What the fuck is- oh, don't tell me I just drank your newest invention." Miko said, groaning. She wondered if it'd do any good to make herself throw up the contents.

"Indeed it is. Now, when was the last time you ate something?" Millers asked, furiously typing.

"Uh, I don't know? Last night-"


Miko gave Millers a deadpan look. "I was actually about to go get some food at the diner. That's why I came down here, to ask if you needed-"

"Oh, yes. But I'll get it. I can't have you eating anything for a week."

"I- what?!"

"Yes," Millers turned around. "Substance- 62, or 'Grizzle' is my attempt to appease the human appetite for a long period of time. It's supposed to coat the stomach with a geal substance called-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Miko said, waving her hands around. "You didn't think to get my consent for this! And- shit- Substance- 62! Why is it called that? Have you made 62 other liquids that failed!?"

"Not failed necessarily-"


"Relax," Millers said, standing up. She started walking away. After a second, Miko blanched before quickly following. "I would not have tested it on my greatest ally if I was not certain it would work. It's harmless, Miko. Either it will flow through your system miraculously, or it will do its job and get rid of your famine for a certain period of time."

Millers hung up her lab coat before walking up the stairs. Miko just followed her, sputtering. A whole week, a whole week she couldn't goddamn eat anything. That sounded so... unnatural. What am I even supposed to do? As soon as Miko thought that, she wanted to kick herself. Dude, you'll be fine. You don't have a fucking eating disorder. Go for a run or something.

Or, Miko counteracted her own thoughts. You could go recruiting.

"I'm heading out." Millers announced, shrugging on her faux fur coat. "Have to get my salt intake for the week."

"Fine," Miko grumbled, already wanting to strangle Millers. She got up onto a barstool and let her head drop on the counter. "Get me a glass of water, I guess." She said sarcastically.

"Oh, no drinking, either." Millers voice said. Miko glared absently at the one way window.

"Yay!" Miko attempted to sound joyful.

"I'll have Egxcel watch you to make sure you don't get any wine down." Millers said, before the door was opening.

Miko lifted her head up and continued learning until she was toppling to the floor. Years of basic training have made her nimble enough not to get bruised.

"A babysitter," Miko drawled from her spot on the floor, "how glorious."

"It seems that you need one." Egxcel stated. "I honestly cannot calculate how you've lived this long."

Miko threw her shoe up at the speaker.

Sorry this chapter was a little on the boring side. It was mostly to set things up. Hopefully the next chapter gets a little more interesting.

If you're wondering, the AI Egxcel is actually spelled that way, not Excel. If you want to know how to pronounce it, it's the same way you pronounce the suffix of excel. Then, take the long e sound like Eep from "The Croods". Replace the p with a g. Smash those two together and you get Egxcel (don't ask me how I came up with that, I honestly don't know).

I'm going to work on the next chapter right away, but I don't know if I'll finish it completely and get it out to publication. I still would like to finish the first part of my Spider-Man fanfiction. We'll just see where my obsession takes me.

Again, please tell me if I make any mistakes. Thanks!

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