Pokémon; Journey Through Kanto

By pokepal14

57.1K 981 172

Yuki, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a word famous Pokémon Master and Coordinator who travels... More

The Journey Begins
Route 1
Viridian City
Viridian Forest
Pewter City
Mt Moon
Cerulean City
Pokémon Tech School
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!
The Lighthouse
Vermillion City
S.S Anne
Beauty and the Beach
Tentacool and Tenatcruel
Maiden's Peak
Saffron City
Lavender Town
Happy Halloween!!
Celadon City
Drowzee and Hypno
Breeder's Lane
P1 Grand Prix
Gringy City
Merry Christmas!!!
Happy New Year!!! 2024
Fuchsia City
Pokémon Ranch
Valentine's Day!!
Pokémon Preserve
The Safari Zone
The Bridge Bike Gang
Stone Town; The Eevee Brothers
Dark City
Question 2
Kanto Pokémon Fossils
Author's Note
The Mystery Egg Hatches
4th of July
Happy Independence Bahamas!!!
Princess Day
Admission's Exam

Cerulean Cape

1.7K 25 1
By pokepal14



After leaving Mt. Moon, Yuki and Brock traveled along the paths of Route 4. 

"Ah, what a nice day," Yuki stopped in the middle of the road to stretch.

"We should be in Cerulean City in less than an hour," Brock said as he was looking at the map.


An hour has passed before our heroes made it to Cerulean City. Of course the first stop was the Pokémon Center.

Yuki decided to call her parents.

"Daddy, how's Mom?" Yuki asked.

#"She's doing great,"# Red smiled.

"That's good to know," Yuki said.

#"How are things with you?"#

"I just arrived in Cerulean City & I'm hoping to get my second badge."

#"I know you'll do fine, honey. Just do your best & think positive."#

"Thanks Daddy. I love you."

#"I love you too. Bye princess,"# Red waved before he hung up.

"Alright, your Pokémon are all set," Nurse Joy said as she handed a trainer her Pokéballs.

"Thank you so much!" the girl bowed politely before grabbing her Pokémon balls. "We spent all day training for the Cape battle."

"Cape battle? What's the Cape battle?" Yuki said as the girl turned around.

"The Cape battle is a tournament Cerulean City holds every year for trainers to come and test their skills against others for fun," the girl explains. "I'm Charlie."

"I'm Yuki and this is Raiden," Yuki said.

"Pika," Raiden greeted.

"I'm Brock," Brock said.

"Nice to meet you both," Charlie said as she shook their hands.

"Can you show us where it is?" Yuki asked.

"Follow me," Charlie said as she walked out the door with Yuki & Brock behind her.


They arrived at the outskirts of town by the Nugget Bridge where several trainers were engaged in battle.

"So this is the Nugget Bridge. It sure is pretty," Brock commented.

"I've heard this bridge was made by the rare gold nuggets that the miners found years ago," Charlie said.

"This is perfect," Yuki said as she and Charlie walked up to the sign-up table.

"I'd like to sign up, please," they both said.

After they signed up, Charlie left to prepare.


"Vespa Twinneedle," Yuki said.

Vespa's stinger-like arms glowed bright blue and hit Clefairy multiple times.

"Clefairy use Fire Punch," the trainer said.

Clefairy's fist became engulfed in flames and charged at Vespa.

"Block it." Vespa shielded herself with her arms as Cleafairy punched into them. "Now Pin Missile."

Vespa's stinger-like arms glowed white and fired white orbs trailing green streets of light.

"Clefairy use Flamethrower." Clefairy fires a stream of fire from its mouth, overpowering the Pin Missile and Vespa flew back to avoid the attack. "Clefairy after it."

Bouncing up, Clefairy swats Vespa, making her fly backwards.

"Vespa!" Yuki calls out as Vespa regained balance. "No more Mr. Nice Guy, use Fury Attack."

Vespa's stinger-like arms glowed white and jabbed Clefairy with them, making it scream in pain.

"Keep it up Aerial Ace." Vespa became surrounded by light blue streaks and clashed into Clefairy at fast speed.

"Fairy!" Clefairy hits the ground with swirly eyes.

"Clefairy is unable to battle. Beedrill wins."

"We did it," Yuki said as she hugged Vespa.

"Bee," Vespa said happily.

"Does anyone else wants to battle? Yuki asked as she returned Vespa.

"How about you try your luck against me?" A boy calls out, getting Yuki's attention. "I'm Jay."

"Yuki," Yuki said.

Both trainers got into battle position.

"I'm going with Goldeen," Jay said as he sent out a white fish-like Pokémon with orange markings.

"Goldeen," it appeared.

Yuki scanned the Pokémon

Goldeen, the Goldfish Pokémon. Goldeen is a very beautiful Pokémon with fins that billow elegantly in water. However, don't let your guard down around this Pokémon—it could ram you powerfully with its horn.

"Triton, I choose you!" Yuki sent out Triton.

"Karp," Triton appeared.

"A Shiny Magikarp?" Jay said, surprised as everyone was confused.

"Weird choice for the final battle," Charlie said.

"I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you," Brock said.

"My Triton is special and not just because he is a Shiny," Yuki said.

"Battle Begin!" The referee said.

"Horn Attack," Jay ordered.

Goldeen's horn glows white and swam towards Triton.

"Dodge it & use Tackle" Yuki countered.

Triton dived underwater and swiftly dodges Goldeen's horn. Then he tackled Goldeen.

"Two can play at that game," Jay said.

Both fish Pokémon rammed into each other again and again.

"Goldeen Ice Beam." Golden fired light blue beams of ice from its mouth.

"Hydro Pump." Triton fired a powerful stream of mouth from his mouth, colliding with the Ice Beam. Everyone was shocked and surprised Triton knew that move.

"Told you," Yuki grins.

"You've raised him well," Jay compliments.

"Thank you. Most people say that Magikarp are weak Pokémon, but I don't like to think of my Pokémon as weak," Yuki said. 

"Magikarp," Triton smiled.

"I'm starting to like this girl," Charlie smiles.

"She has that affect on people," Brock said.

"Triton Flail." Doing an underwater backflip, Triton smacks Goldeen away.

"Goldeen use Blizzard." Goldeen released a powerful blizzard from its mouth.

"Karp," Triton shivered a bit.

"Hang in there and use Bounce." Escaping the attack, Triton flew out of the water before diving back down.

"Time to slow them down. Use Supersonic." Goldeen released supersonic waves from its mouth which caused Triton to became confused and repeatedly rammed himself into a beam of the bridge.

"That's gotta hurt," Charlie said as she, Brock and all the other trainers winced.

"Triton please snap out of it," Yuki called out to her Pokémon.

"Now Goldeen use Mega Horn." Goldeen's horn glowed green and jabs Triton from the side, making him slam into the beam again.

As a result, the second impact helped him snap out of it.

"Thanks for that. Triton Tackle." Growling, Triton tackled Goldeen hard, sending it flying up to the surface. "Now Flail."

Swimming up, Triton smacked Goldeen back into the water.

Soon, both fish Pokémon were panting heavily.

'I have to end this quick. I don't think Triton can handle anything else,' Yuki thought.

"Horn Attack!" Jay said.

Goldeen charged towards Triton with its horn. When Goldeen got close...

"Dodge it," Triton narrowly dodged the attack. "It's all or nothing. Hydro Pump."

"Karp!" Triton fired Hydro Pump at Goldeen.

Upon impact, Goldeen falls back with swirly eyes.

"Goldeen is unable to battle, Magikarp wins. So the match goes to Yuki Ketchum!" The referee said.

"You did it, Triton," Yuki cheered as she and Raiden hugged him tightly. 

"Karp Magikarp," Triton smiled.

"That was one of the best battles I've ever had," Jay said as he returned Goldeen.

"Thank you," Yuki returned Triton before shaking Jay's hand.

"Maybe we'll run into each other again," Jay said as he walked away.

"Bye," Yuki said, waving him off.

"Here," the referee said as he handed Yuki a Pokémon Egg in an incubator. "This is your prize."

"Wow, thank you. I can't wait to see what Pokémon this is when it hatches," Yuki said as she gently takes the incubator.


Yuki and Brock returned to the Pokémon Center where Yuki healed her Pokémon and got ready for her Gym battle tomorrow.


Yuki's Pokémon:

Pikachu (Raiden) (M)

Shiny Charmander (Adeen) (F)

Pidgeotto (Skye) (F)

Shiny Magikarp (Triton) (M)

Meowth (Meowzie) (F)

Happiny (Galen) (F)

Butterfree (Hesper) (M)

Shiny Beedrill (Vespa) (F)

Nuiluna (Aruna) (F)

Sandshrew (Tarrin) (M)

Clefairy (Stella) (F)

Brock's Pokémon:

Onix (M)

Geodude (M)

Zubat (M)

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