Romantic killer tsukasa x oc

By Itsahabit17

4.3K 101 20

Ayano hoshino is the sister of anzu hoshino, she loves games, chocolate just like her sister, she likes creat... More

Its time for children to go to sleep
Our lives have become a dating sim!
The childhood friend is easy mode

Why is there so much legalese in magic!?

1.3K 22 3
By Itsahabit17

In a room alone, The girl known as Ayano Hoshino on her computer with her drawing pad connected, making her digital art, after some time she felt exhausted and put things aside for a break, just she heard "Aya!!!!!" She heard her sister call out

The girl got up from her desk, left her room and saw her sister stand at the doorway with a bag of chocolate, they're favourites snack holding a box " looks!" She whispered in excitement, In her hand was a package and Ayano gasped guessing what it could be " is it?!"

" it's finally here!!!" They squealed, with they're sister girly scream 'Mine and my sisters entire life is right here in my hands!!!!!'

In the past

Instead of reading magazines of cute boys with the other girls, anzu and Ayano are seen sitting with the boys playing video games

Ever since elementary school, me and my sister spent our time playing games with the boys'

In junior high

The two girls were packing up, anout to leave for home when, they're friends offered to invite them to hand out "Hey karaoke tonight?"
The two politely declined and are then seen at home, in a heated battle of the game then high five at they're victory

Beating the final boss was more important than hanging out with boys

The two are then seen with a bag full of chocolate, two friends look concerned

"Woah are you really eating all that?"

"Won't you gain weight? And you'll break out?"

The two just laugh it off

Neither of us care what anyone says, chocolates our lives! And what's more the best! I have my sister, who shares the same interests just like me!!! Although she works on her art a lot, she's the best! And she even made me a amazing art piece I keep hanged on my wall of lord Mathew and swordsman musashimaru!!!

Anzu is then seen trying to kiss the family cat, or at least trying to, the poor cat was trying to get away from her, Ayano is seen hugging her pet dog

But the love of my life is momohiki, and ayano's her pet husky, Romance was non existent in either of our lives until...

the guys eyes opened and looked at Aya surprised as she did him, anzu looked totally shocked  at her sisters they're current position with the guy 'Aya...Why...why are you...Yuka-doning this hottie?...' A small yellow figure just laughs to them self "Hehehe..."

The two sat on the floor game in anzu's room ready, chocolate beside them and the cat sitting in anzu's lap while the husky sat in ayano's sleeping  "and we get to play videos games!" Anzu began  " all weekend long!!!" Ayano finished  "yeah all nighters let's do this!!" The two cheered, however when the game started, instead of what they were expected, they're were cute guys opening " Huh? Did they change the opening a bit?" Anzu and Ayano looked at each other confused "I'm not sure" Ayano shrugged

The game start button appeared on screen "Ah, whatever! Start button!" She pushed the control button and the game began, the girl character with toast in her mouth on-screen run as a guy was coming from around the corner and bumped into each other "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" The guy asked being all charming, The two laughed as they skipped across a rainbow while images of the other guys floated around

The girl is then seen reaching down for her book, at the same time as the guy both hands touching "Oh?" The two are seen dancing together, laughing with the other characters around

Both girls had the same cringe face "What the heck is with this terrible game?"

Ayano picked up the game case and compared it to the game onscreen "It has to be the wrong one!" She said

"Hmm?" Something started happening to the screen then all of a sudden a yellow thing wearing a purple star hat and carrying a star shaped wand pulling itself out of the screen before finally getting out "Ah, fanfare please!" It cheered then Pointed at the two girls with its wand "You two have been selected today as subject one and two!" The two girls gasped in shock "So congratulations! Hello! I'm riri the wizard, who grants all of your dreams." The yellow creature introduced

"What? A wizard?" Anzu said in disbelief

"It's complicated to explain, So for the time being please just read this carefully" they said as words appeared int he screen, going on and on and on " what's with all this legalese in a magic themed game?!" The two exclaimed " and it goes in forever!" Anzu stated " can you just explain it in a few sentences?"

"You mean like this?" Riri says making the writing smaller, but still the same length "No! Just give us a brief summary!" Ayano yelled "Well to put it simply, We came all the way from the magic world, To support those with no experience with romantic relationships like you two"

"Count us out!" The girls immediately said "So when Did your hearts last throb for guys?" Riri questioned

The two girls went into deep though, before finally remembering " with lord Mathew and swordsman musashimaru?" Ayano spoke

"Those are game characters, right?" Riri float around "Your both in high school, it's time to quit dreaming and face reality!" They cheered making the two physically angry "Are you the wizard who's supposed to grant out dreams?" Anzu asked frustrated "But I'm here now, there's no need to worry, I'm here to grant girls like you, who rejects all opportunities of romance, a chance to experience love through this dating game!" Riri explained, repeated the last word as they poked the girls faces

"Sorry..." anzu face palmed "Neither of us understand a word that you're saying" she said

"It seems to me that you have no problem with those dating games, as long as they're are made for women. Isn't that right Huh?" Riri questioned 

"Hmm, sure..." anzu replied while ayano looked at them suspicious

"Well then, as the selected test subjects, you'll get to enjoy living your lives!" Riri made the game cover float, then peeled away the cover, revealing the games actual form "just like the heroine of the game I programmed, romantic thriller!" They cheered "did You watch the lovely opening sequence? And for you, Anzu and Ayano, both your romance experience scores are at zero" they said as they pushed the cover into anzu's face, peeving her off extremely "So it may have been too intense."

"No, we didn't knew we were playing a terrible game with total amateur wring and production value!!!" Ayano yelled pushing the cover away from her sister face "Ah, so you're particular about the virtual world despite having no romantic experiences in reality" Riri began pushing the cover into ayano's face, making Anzu push it away from her sister "Of course do you have any idea how many dating games we've finished?!" She exclaimed

"But imagine if you could experience life surrounded by hot guys for real just like in the dating game, even your hearts would flutter with excitement, don't you think?" Riri asked while the girls looked wide eyed

"I—in real life?..." they asked at the same time with blushed "That's right" Riri says then they're voice becoming from high pitch to deep "in real life."A super normie life!" They exclaimed with acting a scene of being pinned by a guy, head tilted up for a Kiss "Fillers with ago-kui..." Riri starts making kissing faces "lots of kissing and kabe-don awaits you!" They squealed hugging themself

"R-really?" Anzu stuttered while Ayano looked like her brain had fried

"Yes really!" Riri confirmed "All kinds of serious hotties are going to stay appearing around you two! And your going to be oh so busy!!"

"That many guys?" Anzu pondered until she saw her sisters state " aya! Calm your brain! Your over frying your brain Cells!" Anzu shook her shoulders  "You see girls? Aren't you beginning to see me as an Angel?" Riri asked as the girls yelled "But, no I already have the love of my life, momohiki!/husky!" But they blinked feeling something off  "Wait where is he? momohiki? Huh! Oh momohiki!" Anzu panicked as she tried to find the cat as Ayano panicked about her dog "Husky?! Where are you?!"

"Ahem" Riri smirked clearing they're voice "To keep you focus on your romantic relationships, Your favourite video games, chocolate, your cat and dog, your three greatest desires have all be confiscated by yours truly!" They listed while the two gasped in shock "confiscated?" Anzu laughed in disbelief "Are you kidding? Come in! There's no way.." until riri's laughter made it more clear, the two began to panick "No! Huh?!" The two scrambled to the collection of games, only to find the cd's gone and replaced by snacks they both don't like


"all...All of our games  Have turned into kabayaki goro snacks!" Anzu exclaimed in horror

"And look" Riri pointed out "It's the soft kind, too" they teased "Not funny at all!" The two glared at them "What about our chocolate!" Anzu exclaimed as Ayano checked they're sweets only to scream at the sight of the mission chocolate in the pieces, the chocolate coated nuts, with no chocolate, The pocky sticks with no chocolate "What? Oh no! There's no chocolate on anything! The delicious parts are all totally gone!" She cried while anzu was in a state of shock

"Hehe confiscated, Eating to much chocolate is bad for your skin and it's a lot of fat" Riri said all smug like with the chocolate coating round they're lips "Don't sat that while your covered in chocolate!" The girls yelled at them while they kicked the chocolate off "So now do you understand what it eliminate your three greatest desires?"

"Monster!" Anzu growled looking at them with hatred

"If you want to gain something you have to pay the price, Did you think you'd get a paradise of hotties for free? Don't be ridiculous! Come on!" Riri shrugged

"You devil!" Ayano growled "Hey, please watch your mouth" Riri poked her cheek with the wand "To be honest with you, I'm just your everyday gentle hearted wizard, I'm saying this with your best interests at heart" they states "What is this? Brainwashing?!" Anzu pushed them away "Some sketchy cult?!"

"is the only way that to get you to prioritise cuties over your cat and dog" Riri explained "When you get lonely you two most likely turn to chocolates instead of a boyfriend" they stated which was true "Instead of setting aside time for dates, you sped all your time playing games, So now, do you get it? How toxic your three greatest desires are for romantic relationships? They will be confiscated indefinitely until you achieve a lovely romantic thriller-level of relationship!" They revealed

"Impossible! riri!" Ayano said in shock as her sister " we can't even handle a day without them!" The scale between the two was outweighed "The two of us can live without guys, okay? But our three greatest desires are a total necessity for us!" Anzu says before both were smacked across the face by the wand

"Exactly why are you were chosen, Like I said, We are here to solve Japan's extremely serious low birth rate problem" Riri unveiled

"low birth rate?" Ayano says in disbelief of what she heard "That's what this is all about?!" Anzu glared " Look at that You didn't read the explanation in the beginning carefully" Riri sang as they made the writing on screen bigger again, the two turned while like they're souls had left they're bodies "Either way I'll be assisting you two with your romantic relationships, As best as I can, For love, for the future of Japan, and most importantly, for my salary" Riri smirked smugly at the last thing

"Keep that last after yourself, alright?!" The two shout at them

"Oh my goodness!" They suddenly day confusing the two "Huh?"

"I forgot that I left over the stove on earlier, Well, time to go back to the magic world" before they can escape Ayano grabbed them in her hand " don't you even think about it! We are not getting involved with this! Do you understand me?!" She said In Anger "Actually remember hittting your sister hit the start button before?" Riri reminded "Too late! there's no turning back even if it feels like sailing a boat made of mud!"

"No way! A mud boat!" Ayano says

"Come on, it was only a little joke, In reality, an exciting titanic level romance awaits you!" In rifi's imagination, the mud boat, was replaced by a beautiful titanic boat, which anzu interrupted  "Either way, the boat is sinking! Life without our three greatest desires is gonna be miserable! Give mine and my sisters back my reasons to live!" She demands

"Until next time" Riri waved "Bon voyage!" And vanished in yellow smoke "Wait a sec! Hey wait!" Anzu cried, before running down stairs to the living room where they're mother sat "Mom! Where's momohiki and husky?" Anzu questioned "Hm, they're right over there" she pointed towards the air conditioning, which momohiki and husky were perched on top of "Why the heck are they up there!?" The two exclaimed and tried to get them to come down " and how did husky get up there?!?" Ayano exclaimed

"momohiki, please, please please, so me your cute face!" Anzu crierd

" come here husky!!" Ayano cried, just then a door closed and the sound of they're fathers voice called out

"I'm home!" And walked into the room

" Huh? Oh, your home early" they're mother smiled as she walked over to him "Yeah. I know this is sudden...But it's been decided that I'll be transferred to the US" he revealed shocking both sisters but making they're mother happy "Wow!"

"What?!" The girls exclaimed "And I want you to come with me" they're dad said to they're mother "It's always been a dream of mine to live overseas!" She smiled at the thought "Wait what about us?!" Anzu questioned "Anzu, Aya, girls you have school" their mother reminded "It only be two or three years" their dad said like it was nothing


"You two should be able to hold down the fort yourself by now" he said, While mom nodded her head "We'll take momohiki and husky with us too" he said "Wait! Things are happening too fast!" Anzu says grabbing her head 'And dad, aren't you the post office employee? Why a relocation, seriously?' The two wondered

"We should get started packing right away" he says "And we should also celebrate tonight!" Their mother nodded

Next day

The parents were ready, momohiki and husky in separate carriers both turned it to his goodbye to their daughters "Alright then, we're off" Their dad smiled "Make sure you eat every day, And keep all the doors locked" their mom reminder "Take care" both then left, anzu fell to her knees while Ayano looked at the door still in disbelief to everything happening "It took them no time to get packed and they're moving overseas! Mom and dad were much too casual about this, and the whole highscoolers living alone thing is way to forced!" She stated

Just then in yellow smoke the little devil they referee to appeared again "Well, I had to establish to playing field earlier on" Riri said floating around, Anzu growled grabbing the little wizard and threw them yelling as they screams, hitting every side of the wall in the hall way

" Damn if we were outside that would've been a home run..." Ayano commented "That's right I've got extra energy because I'm mad and you better watch out!" Anzu threatens cracking her knuckles as the wizard lay on the floor groaning in pain "I expect nothing less...You're the anti- heroine type, I recognised..."

Those words hit hard, however ayano's sister recovered and grabbing them making them cry as she increased her grip "I don't care what you call me, Just turn things back to normal now. Give me and my sister back momohiki and husky!!!!" She screamed shaking them "Impossible!" They cried

Anzu then ran out of the house with Ayano running after her " anzu come back!!!!"

"Damn it!!!!!!" Anzu cried out to the word

Going to different stores to find Chocolate anywhere " Are you kidding me!? Chocolate?"

"Sorry" the first store owner apologised


"We're closed today!" The pastry chef said

"Where's the chocolate?" Next place "We're having a sugar free snack fair"

At the convenient store, anzu looked at the shelf with not a single bar of chocolate left "For real they're all sold out? Is that a thing?" She asked Ayano clenching her head " not that I've heard..." she admitted, Her sister turned teary eyed "are we cursed to never eat chocolate ever again in our whole entire lives? Ever?" She asked in a whimper

She looked at her hand "The chocolate..the cacao...I'm getting withdrawals Why is this happening?" She grabbed her sister in head in frustration "Your kidding me!!!" She cried as Ayano tried to comfort her

"Are we really gonna let that thing who created that awful Romantic thriller game tell us what to do?" Anzu questioned her sister "Are you kidding me?" Ayano gave her a look "Hell no!" She said " Even if a hot guys do show up, we just won't fall in love, right?" She asked "Right!" Anzu nodded determined "I'm sorry but there no way someone exists in real life who could surpass the high standards we both set on after experience with 2d guys!!!

"As long as no romantic relationship develops, then that thing will have no choice...but to give up and leave us alone!" Ayano added,  it's laugh evily as lightning strikes in the background "Sneaky devil that stole our greatest desires! Yes! Romantic thriller you say?! We'll destroy it all " both fist bump the air "And will become the romantic killers!!!" They say in unison

Ayano begins walking to the entrance, anzu behind her "That being said, bring it on you so called cuties!" Right as she opened the door, it bumped into someone's phone, knocking them out of his hand and hitting the floor, It then turned off completely Indicating it broke " ahh! I'm so sorry!" She cried as he kneeled down to pick it up " that's a pretty good crack" he muttered

'Wow a hot guy actually showed up' Ayano stared in surprise before shaking her head "I'm really sorry! I'll pay to fix it!" She stated

"You don't have to pay for the repairs" he said

"What?" She blinked

"I wasn't playing attention either" he replied, anzu saw her sister in shock and began pulling her as she stuttered "Well, then, uh, thanks! Thanks a lot! I'm sorry I bumped you. Goodbye!" She says before running off with her sister, While he looked completely confused to what just happened, what any of them didn't know was a little yellow creature with the hat was watching

Time skip

The next morning the two were ready for school. "We're off to school.. Not like there's anyone else home to hear..." anzu muttered, Ayano was in deep though ' I can't believe I bumped into that guy yesterday, but as long as I avoid getting involved-'

"Good morning to you!" Riri smiled appearing behind them 'they're back...!'  The two grit they're teeth "All right! Time to march to school!" The two made a run for it "Wait what?"

In the subway

Ayano and anzu are walking down the stairs while talking to the thing. "Why are you following us, huh?"  Ayano glared"Not to worry, no one but you two can see me!"  Riri stated "Exactly. That's what we're worried about!" Anzu glared at them "We'll look crazy if people think that we're talking to air!"  Ayano added "Don't worry about that either! Whenever you're talking to me, everyone else is seeing an illusion, so they won't notice!" Riri assured

"You're so annoying.. I'll probably just ignore you!" Ayano said turning her head away "However young lady!" Riri then hit her in the knee, anzu gasped while the little rat was smirking, Ayano fell over onto the ground "You must not underestimate my magic!"  Riri says 

"But come on! That wasn't really magic at all!"  Ayano yelled

"I'm off before you take revenge!"  Riri disappeared again in yellow smoke "ow my knees..." she groaned, as she was getting up, she noticed the same guy she'd bumped into yesterday 'it's that guy...from yesterday!?'  She then noticed his uniform ' Wait that uniform...he goes to the same school as me and anzu?!...'

She looked away '  that little devil! Riri set me up!' She cry from embarrassment ' hang in sis!' Anzu came to help

the other boy makoto, his friend asked "Huh? Are you ok? What happened? Jeez, Tsukasa, don't just stand there give her a hand!"  He scolded him

"Huh?! Oh, it's ok! I'm fine!" Ayano got up immediately Laughing nervously ' no way in hell is that thing getting it's way...' The guy looked at her slightly surprised " uh..." but moved in " s-see ya" makoto said then rushed to catch up with him Anzu just said "Big deal, he ignored you again."

" yeah..."

The two continued they're way to school, up ahead were the two boys from before, as they go down the stairs, two girls were standing " oh hey, here he comes!" She said to her friend " excuse me!" The girl with the long brown hair says getting his attention " you been on my you go will you please read my letter?.."

' woah, a girls confessing her love for him...' Ayano noticed as the girls passed them 'Typical day of the life of a hot guy I guess...'

"That was really brave of her" one girl whispered

"I don't want it..." the guy said the girl beside her gasp and the girl looked dejected "What?!?" Makoto exclaimed But he continued walking "I'm sorry about him" he apologised but ran after him


"That poor girl..."

Both sisters looked at him like what the heck 'Ouch.. Ice king much?'  Ayano says in thought ' he's cute but his personality isn't' A girl who was originally sitting ran up to him " hey Tsukasa good morning" she smiled " I saw that, but I do get it, a letter is just, a little bit extra these days, don't you think so?" she asked as she pulled against hair to straighten it

"Really?" Makoto says surprised "I would be flattered if I got a letter, I mean You should have At least accepted it from her" he lectured "I don't want her to get the wrong idea from me" Tsukasa stated "Understand she's not your type right" the girl said, While Ayano looked away infuriated 'He's so full of himself! Just because he's popular! There's no way I'd date a guy like him!'

"But anyway, I sent you a message yesterday and you didn't even read it" the girl stated "My phone broke" he replied which made Ayano freeze in fear, knowing she was the reason that phone got broken yesterday "That blows" the girl says disappointed

"Do You have insurance?" Makoto asked "It was cheap" the guy replied, Ayano felt stabbed "I didn't get it"

"That sucks, I'd die without my phone" the girl said "Aren't you gonna buy a new one?" She asked

"Not for a while" the guy said making Ayano feel more stabbed "I can't afford it" the last words nearly made her fall if anzu hadn't caught her " aya! Hang on! Please get up!" She pleaded in a hush tone


Time skip

After classes, the girls and they're friend saki went to the cafeteria to get some food, waiting in line  "Whoa your dad was transferred to the us out of no where?" Saki asked surprised "Yeah..." Ayano sighed "I didn't have time to make lunch for either of us..." she sulked "Sorry to drag you with us saki" anzu apologised "No worry's" she smiled assuringly "It's my first time here I'm excited"

While the three got closer Ayano began pondering aloud "right? Now let's see, What to get?"What she didn't notice, was someone else getting lunch near here " i'll order for both of us" his friend said

"Alright the decision is made" Ayano said as they got to the front

"Uh I'll get-" the person beside her began "One set A" they said at the same time "Eh!?" Ayano gasped seeing him and turned her head away stiff

The girls sat at the table away from the guy waiting to his friend " I think he's the hot guy that everyone's been talking about" saki stated "Kazuki from class 7" Ayano out of curiosity gazed back at him from her seat and heard plus saw girls at a table gushing over him while sneaking glances "Kazuki?...I see..."

"Yeah, And he's really popular with all the girls, You probably didn't notice cause you two usually play your video games during lunch" saki giggled, Making anzu flinch and laugh nervously knowing she's right while Ayano sarcastically laughed with a tired grin "Oh ha ha~"

"I heard he moved here alone form another prefecture, Apparently the girls like him cause he's reserved and doesn't smile much" saki stated

"I see..." Ayano murmured thinking about how he acted before

"I don't want it.."

"I don't want her to get the wrong idea from me..."

'He's reserved Huh...' she thought eye twitching 'I say he's got some personality issues...'

Just then a little fuzz ball appeared peeving off both girls "Slowly falling in love after a terrible first impression is a classic scenario~" they coed

"Shut up and Go away you rat!" She yelled enraged while anzu ducked her head, avoiding her sisters attacks on the fur ball "finally, Time to eat!" Before she could take a bite of her meal, she heard "Tsukasa!" She heard the girl from before and almost chocked on her rice, anzu and saki flinching "I'm gonna sit next to you" she takes a seat next to him, which was right behind Ayano, she tried to ignore but it was practically impossible "Oh so hey, He heard you live all by yourself  That's nuts. I wanna come and hang out, Where do you live?"

Ayano shook before grabbing her head 'Ugh not listening! not listening! Nope!' She starts eating quickly ' Shut them out! Don't wanna know!! I gotta avoid going to the cafeteria as much as possibles!' And swallowing hard, while anzu cringed at how painful that must've been for her

Back home

The two were laying back on The couch looking half dead  "There nothing to do here!" Anzu And Ayano groaned "I'm Bored...Ah! How do people live without gaming!" She wailed "Momohiki and husky are gone and there's no chocolate..." she sighed before grunted, playing dead

Ayano heard her stomach and got up " time to make dinner" as she headed for the kitchen, she gaped at what she saw on the floor "Ahhh!!!" She screamed at the sight of a roach which the visual appearance turned into a sliced cake

"Roaches are unseemly, So instead, cake. Your welcome" the narrator said

"Ahh! Mommy! Run anzu it's a roach!!!" She screamed running out the room with her sister screaming behind her into the hall way "That's right! I mom would handle the extermination's when ever they showed up! And now she's gone with dad!" She cried As Anzu ran up the stairs "Anzu? Anzu?!" She exclaimed as upstairs a door can be heard slamming shut

Ayano growled with determination "Alright that's it's!! It's time to awaken the soldier within me!" She grabbed the can of bug spray "Take this!!" She shoots but only a tiny puff comes out....


Out of frustration she threw the can onto the ground "Why is the can empty?!?" The can bounced, barely missing the 'cake?...' it flinched back before charging at her, she screams running out of the house and is then seen sitting at a play park all alone, also wearing two different shoes sitting on top of a blue elephant for kids  "I rushed out, so I didn't bring anything with me...And I'm wearing two different shoes...I don't wanna go home, but I'm seriously starving..." she brought her kneels to her chest

Just then she felt something wet hit her knee and looked up to see it began to rain, starting to drench her on water "Ugh! This is the worst! Gotta find cover!"After trying different places she was now sitting underneath the cat dome "Man it's pouring..."

Walking by with an umbrella in hand, Tsukasa was obviously heading his me carrying a plastic bag when he noticed someone under the cat dome

While Ayano waited for the rain to let up, two feet appeared in view " huh?..." she looked up to see him "Uh...."

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