▰ lullaby ★ denki kaminari x...

By na_darling

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ • • • ★ "your voice is so gentle.." he reached out to trace her cheeks with his fingers, admiring... More

Prologue: Cursed
01: Rehabilitation
02: Adjustment
03: Convenience
04: Destiny
05: Encounter
07: Resentment
08: Insistent
09: Neutrality
10: Standoffish
11: Panic
12: Initiative
13: Modesty
14: Predicament

06: Clouded

60 1 3
By na_darling



quiet: making little noise; calm.


THE IDLE CHATTER AND BUSTLE of the students made Kawa shiver in discomfort as she hastily slithered through the crowd.

She needed a breath of fresh air.

Even though she couldn't leave until her guardians were done with their judge work, which might've taken hours, Kawa still needed to escape to the outside so she could breathe.

Finally finding a spot by the school entrance, Kawa sat down on the stairs and let out a long and exhausted sigh.

It was only after a few minutes of closing her eyes and relishing in the soft breeze that Kawa felt someone standing behind her. She quickly turned her head, senses on high alert.

"—Fuck Ejiri, don't do that!" Kaminari shouted and stumbled backwards, small sparks flying off of him and into the air. The small girl looked on at awe at the mesmerizing electricity for a few moments before turning back to look unamused at Kaminari.

"Trying to make me fall for you? Well, you've already got that covered..!"

"You have not fallen on the ground," Kawa stated matter-of-factly, yet so naive and innocent that Kaminari resisted the urge to coo. "Why would I purposefully cause you harm?"

"..Er—you know what, never mind!" Kaminari chuckled quietly, plopping himself down to sit next to Kawa. "So tell me Ejiri, how do you think you did on the test?"

"..I'm certain I passed," she answered off-handedly, staring off into the distance at the bright and cloudy sky.

"..Do you like clouds?"

Blinking in confusion, Kawa turned to glance at the electric blond, who was completely enveloped in curiosity. "Pardon?"

"Do you like clouds..?" He repeated the questioned, pointing out the fluffy cumulus clouds that floated in the far distance. "I think they're pretty neat!"

Kawa observed the blond for a long minute, her brows furrowed as Kaminari's eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.

Like electricity.

"..They're calming," she responded, too embarrassed to pull out a full explanation as to why she enjoyed clouds. The reality was a bit depressing anyhow.

Clouds were the only thing she could see from her old window, after all.

Then it was quiet; not silent, for Kaminari would gently ask questions and Kawa would answer, but quiet. It wasn't for another half hour until a loud honk sounded off a few meters away from the pair and disturbed their peace.

"Denki!" A woman, who looked eerily similar to Kaminari, called out his first name. "Stop flirting and let's get a move on..!"

Kaminari silently cursed his mother for interrupting their time. He turned around, flashing Kawa a coy smile.

"See ya' around, Princess!" Kaminari waved, winking slyly at her. "Maybe you'll end up in my class if you're lucky!"

The boy bounded away, promptly entering the car and driving off. Kawa sat silently on the stairs, now feeling isolated without anyone to talk to.

Even if that's how she had lived her whole life.

Thumbing the plastic of the flower clip Yaoyorozu made, Kawa went back to looking at the sky, ultimately ignoring her feelings of loneliness.

After a half hour, Kawa heard her guardians come up behind her. "We're done," Shota stated, reaching a hand out to help Kawa to her feet.

Trailing behind them, Kawa propped herself up in the backseat of their car, buckling her seat and fiddling with the flower clip.

Though the only noise was Hizashi, talking about the students he showed the most interest in, the car was otherwise silent.

"So who was that boy you were with during the written exam?" Shota questioned, keeping his eyes on the road as he pulled out of the parking lot, but glancing briefly at Kawa through the rearview mirror. "—The blond one."

"Denki Kaminari," Kawa nodded in acknowledgement. "Why do you ask?"

Shota made a soft grumbling noise, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "He looked like he was bothering you."

"Woah, are we giving Kawa the boy talk already..!?" Hizashi exclaimed, though his expression turned excited in a manner of seconds.

"Are we driving boys away from her..?"

"No Hizashi.."

Shota let out another tired sigh, glancing at Kawa through the rearview mirror once more. "Look uh.."

"There's this thing about looks.." Shota began, his finger tapping against the steering wheel. "..People flirt with others because they believe they're good-looking."

"Listen, if someone is flirting and complimenting you, especially if it's someone you don't know, you should get an adult or ignore them." With a deep sigh, Shota continued his talk. "You could get hurt and there's a lot of dangers to getting involved with something like that, but that's a talk for another time."

"..Do you understand, Kawa?"

The mentioned girl nodded, lowering her gaze to look at the carpeted car floor. She was still a bit confused. "Why did you ask about Denki Kaminari?"

"..He was very obviously flirting with you," Shota spat bitterly, driving off of the main road and into a quiet row of houses that Kawa recognized well.

Kawa, having ignored the fact that they were close to the house, suddenly hummed in thought.

"I believe I was being flirted with.." Kawa spoke out loud, catching the attention of her two guardians. "Denki Kaminari said something about pickup lines, dreams, and princesses, though I don't believe I hold up any royal lineage, so I'm not sure why.."

Hizashi began to laugh while Shota just grumbled and turned into the driveway.

"Let's just get inside.."


[ Word Count: 929 ]


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