Heart of Crystals

By Berlykate

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"Always have to get in my way, don't you?" The girl sneered coldly. He shrugged sending her a knowing grin, "... More

Prologue • Red
1 • The Wake Up Call
2 • The Battle Begins
3 • The Real Illusion
4 • The Game of Two Halves
6 • The Temporary Truce
7 • The Hard Truth
8 • The Extended Dysfunction
9 • The Newbies
10 • The Uneasy Compromise
11 • The Battalion
12 • The Meeting of the Mother
13 • The Motivation of an Assassin
14 • The Villians and Heroes
15 • The Next Step
16 • The Normal Realities
17 • The Added Complication
18 • The Lunar's Game
19 • The Touch Between Worlds
20 • The Unseen Origin of Hatred
21 • The Resolution but No Reprieve

5 • The Awakening

109 28 149
By Berlykate


My head felt like it was drowned in a thick and heavy fog. It was as if my brain was poisoned by the mist, leaving me thoughtless.

I heard footsteps near me but found I was relatively unconcerned. It was probably my mother, or maybe I'd fallen asleep somewhere and it was Max or Philip. The thought of my friends seemed to brush some of the fog away. I felt wariness begin to creep along my chest.

Something seemed to be pulling at me- it was an unsettled feeling that wouldn't relent.

I felt a chilling cold against my back that spread to my arms and legs. The sensation served to clear my head more. Where was I? I couldn't recall where I'd fallen asleep. The heaviness of the sleep in my body was weighing me down.

I pushed against the mental block that seemed to be constricting me. I worked to move my fingers- to open my eyes and exit my mind.

With great effort, I felt myself break through. My eyes fluttered open- my head slightly spinning.

Once I could keep my eyes open, I glanced over my surroundings feeling slight panic at the unfamiliarity of it all.

At first all I saw was black, and then I realized it was just incredibly dark. The clouds above me blocked the moon and the stars, providing no natural light either. I was leaning against what seemed to be a small ledge, and there were a couple of vents and solar panels on the square-ish area I was occupying.

I realized with a jolt that I was on a rooftop.

Chills erupted up my arms as a harsh wind brushed over me. It was freezing up here. While I was still wearing my jersey, my pads were gone as was my helmet. I spotted them next to the door to the rooftop, looking as if they were carelessly thrown against the wall. Why was my jersey...

The game.

I was playing a game! It all came back to me like a slap to the face. I remembered getting ready to throw the ball to Philip, and I remembered the lights going out...and then nothing.

How did I get up here?

I made to stand up, but was promptly yanked back down to my previous spot.

I looked down to see my arms were restrained by red crystals. The crimson gems were sprouted around both my arms, holding them firmly in place against the wall ledge.

My eyes locked onto the crystals. I'd been seeing blue ones all day- ever since that one above Hazel- but red. I hadn't seen red since that night I was attacked or thought I was...did that mean I would see-

"Good. You're awake."

My whole body tensed as my heart rate began to quicken.

I turned slowly toward the right, where the source of the voice had come from. She was hard to make out, but I could see the obscure shadow of her figure a few feet away.

She wasn't facing me. Her arms were clasped behind her back as she looked out from the rooftop.

I felt my stomach swoop as I took in the very real person standing just to the right of me. I wasn't on zero sleep and after seeing the blue crystals all day, I knew the girl in front of me wasn't a hallucination at all.

At that moment the girl turned her head toward me. I was pierced by two amber eyes, that seemed to almost glow amongst the darkness that surrounded them.

She turned her whole body to face me, unclasping her hands as she stepped out of the shadows.

Her expression was neutral for the most part, except for her amber orbs that held a calculated coldness.

"You're real," I heard myself mutter. The bewildered edge to my voice sounded foreign.

"Hm," she hummed, "Afraid so."

All I could do was gape at her as she stood over me. She was real. The crystals were real. All of it was real.

The girl knelt down in front of me, her sharp eyes going to mine.

"I don't think we've officially met," she stated, "I'm Cerise."

Introducing myself was on the tip of my tongue, almost like a reflex. It was horrifying to realize she probably already knew exactly who I was.

"You...attacked me," I accused instead, eyes narrowing.

Cerise blinked, seemingly unaffected by my accusation.

"It was a necessary action," she replied.

She then stood, her gaze lifting to look out from the rooftop once again. Her eyes seemed to focus on something in the distance as she scanned intently.

I wondered what she was searching for.

My eyes began to examine her. Now getting to see her up close while not being attacked, I could tell just how otherworldly she appeared.

There was definitely an ethereal quality to her dark wavy hair and olive skin. Even though she wore plain dark pants and a black leather jacket, something was just off- like she was too perfect to be real.

"We don't have much time," she stated, eyes still fixed ahead, "You're awake enough though. It'll have to do."

"What do you want with me?"

Cerise's attention fell back to me, a single brow raising as if amused.

"The same thing the owner of the blue crystal wants," she stated, voice firm. "Your life."

My eyes widened at her words. The two people with crystals both wanted me dead? Why? What sort of messed up blood contract was I tied to?

Before I could ask further questions, Cerise made a soft motion with her hand resulting in red crystal shards materializing around her. She then held her palm open, directing it at my chest.

"What are you-ah!" I inhaled sharply as the shards raced to cover my chest and an intense pull was felt over my heart.

It started out as an insistent tug, and then evolved into a cold burning sensation. I grit my teeth as my entire chest began to constrict in pain. My heartbeat was wildly pounding in my ears.

It felt like my heart was trying to break out from my chest. It pulled and tugged, trying to push past my very own flesh- and then suddenly the pain stopped. I felt a barrier form over my body, allowing my heart to rest.

My chest was heaving as I breathed heavily. All my muscles that had previously tensed, were now like noodles.

I managed to glance up at Cerise, who's amber irises were now alight with fury.

She made a lifting motion with her hand, causing all the red shards to retreat from my chest. Before I could blink, she was kneeling beside me her hand over my heart.

"Dammit," she cursed, "Something's blocking..."

Cerise fixed me with an accusing glare, her fiery orbs were blazing in the night.

"Your defense is high," it wasn't a question, but a statement. "Tell me. What have you been witnessing that's been out of the ordinary?"

I wanted to lie or maybe barter for some sort of safety, but I was still panting from whatever she'd done to me. I didn't want her to do it again.

"Blue...crystals..." I muttered tiredly.

Her entire expression hardened to stone.

"How long have you been seeing blue crystals?"

"...all day."

Cerise cursed again, before abruptly standing looking entirely pissed. She paced away from me before pacing back. Her amber irises were still charged as they poured into me.

"Look the guy who wields the blue crystals is attempting to manipulate things. He may seem like the hero, but I assure you it is nothing more than a facade."

I blinked, trying to make sense of what she was saying. My breathing was returning to normal, but my mind was overheating.

"And don't be fooled by honeyed words," she warned, "Deception is often dressed in warmth."

"Talking about me sweetness?"

I looked past Cerise to see the guy who wielded the blue crystals standing on the ledge of the rooftop. Even though it was dark, his presence seemed light.

He hopped down onto the roof, sapphire eyes fixed on Cerise who was staring right back.

"Or rather telling lies about me and my intentions," he corrected, "We both know you're the only one here with a lethal objective."

Cerise's eyes narrowed, "I save my lethal objectives for you, darling."

"I'm touched," he smirked. His gaze flashed to me, before he focused back on Cerise seemingly pleased at the situation. "Seeing that Blaine here is still alive, maybe your statement does ring true. What's the matter? Having second thoughts about taking his crystal?"

Crystal? My crystal?

My attention darted between the two as my mind whirled at all the foreign information.

They had crystals that they wielded. Were they wanting more and somehow thought that I had a crystal to give? Was that what Cerise was doing?

She crossed her arms stepping a few feet back from me.

"Don't act innocent Azure," she snarked, "I know you've been doing something to ensure that Blaine's crystal would be unreachable."

"Well you didn't expect me to sit around and do nothing right?" The guy named Azure joked lightly.

"Hm," Cerise hummed with bitterness, "Of course not. Where would be the fun in that?"

She turned slightly away from Azure and began to pace slowly, almost leisurely. "You're good at anticipating, I'll give you that."

"Wow a compliment," Azure rose a brow, "Are you feeling ok?"

"Fine," she spat, "Simply stating the facts. Where you anticipate, I persevere."

Azure's sapphires irises seemed to shift as he watched her continue to pace. "Blaine's too strong to kill tonight."

"There's many ways to change that in the future," she shrugged, "To exhaust Blaine's body to the point of vulnerability. I did sleep deprivation first, which was honestly tame. Now I'm thinking I'll take a more violent route."

Sleep deprivation...

I felt a coldness wash over me at the implication in her words.

That was all her? She was the reason I was living life half dead! Suddenly things from the past few weeks seemed to fall into place.

My eyes shot to Azure though as I registered the words that followed that revelation. The more violent route- whatever it was- sent a chill through my body. I was hoping he'd oppose that.

I didn't understand ninety percent of what was going on. But I'd gathered that these two were enemies of sorts.

He had tensed slightly, but he didn't seem to be surprised by Cerise's statement. He stepped forward, his hands beginning to flex as if preparing for something as his eyes contracted in contemplation.

"What- are you going to torture him?" He looked disgusted by the notion, "You know I'm not going to let that happen."

"Which is exactly why I don't plan on harming Blaine just yet." A smug flame flickered in Cerise's eyes as she flexed her hand and summoned a single red crystal blade. The crimson shards forged together, promising destruction by its sharp edge. "That's something for after I've dealt with you."

Before I could really process what was happening she charged- lunging across the rooftop and swinging her blade down towards Azure.

In that split second, he dove out of reach and clenched his fist to summon his own blue crystal blade. The sharp glass-like sound once again filled the rooftop as his hand closed around the hilt, before he swung the blade diagonally in front of him.

"I'm your new target then," he pressed.

Cerise scowled. "I can't get to his crystal with you present. So the solution is simple!"

She charged again, but Azure was successful in dodging her once more- swiftly moving to the other side of the roof.

"You refused to fight me," Cerise held her blade in front of her, positioned to engage in combat. "Now you have nowhere left to run."

Something in the air shifted then, like the clouds had become electrified with danger.

Cerise practically flew through the air, her weapon leading. Azure ducked and slid past her, turning just in time to block Cerise's blade as she whirled around and swung toward him.

Their weapons met with a loud clang. The two blades remained pressed together with both of them applying pressure as they glared at each other through the crossed crystal.

"You're at a disadvantage. Not using all your shards," Azure glanced at the red crystals still holding my arms in place.

My eyes flew to the red crystals around my arms before darting back to them. I realized, watching the two, that Cerise previously wielded dual blades. She must not be able to summon the other one because her crystals were currently being used elsewhere.

Cerise didn't seem to care. She simply glowered at Azure, "I'll manage."

"We'll see about that."

Azure pushed up against Cerise's blade easily and sent her back a few steps. It was clear his advantage here was strength.

Cerise regained her footing quickly, this time she waited for Azure to make the next move.

He stalked toward her, and Cerise countered his movement.

All I saw was Azure swing and then their blades were clashing in a series of rapid attacks and deflections.

They went back and forth across the rooftop.

Clang, clang, clang.

I watched them fight in awe. They were clearly highly trained.

It was as if the more I watched the more interested I became. Somewhere in the back of my mind it registered that I should probably try to- I didn't even know what but something more than just watch. But I found myself intrigued by the way they fought. 

They seemed evenly matched. Even though Cerise was much smaller, she knew how to use her size and speed to her advantage. Azure was tall and built but knew just how to use his strength, without completely relying on it.

I continued to watch their intense battle as they fiercely fought to claim victory over each other. The thought entered my head again though- why? What did I have that warranted all this fighting?

They kept saying 'his crystal' implying my crystal. What the hell did that mean?

They both fought with crystals. Cerise with red ones and Azure with blue.

Cerise called Azure the owner of the blue crystal, which clearly meant she was the holder of the red one.

Something in my mind suddenly clicked. Thoughts and possibilities began rushing past me.

Were they implying that I...was like them?

The thought freaked me out. How was that even possible?

My eyes shot to the red crystals still firmly rooted around my wrists. It wasn't possible. There was no way. I'd never heard or seen anything like this before. Not to mention it was all insane. I couldn't somehow be a part of this.

I turned back to the fight in front of me, almost as if I'd get answers from watching them again. I wanted confirmation that I wasn't part of this craziness.

My eyes went back and forth between the two warriors feeling my blood pressure rise as my mind continued to reel.

Cerise swung her blade over her head and down toward Azure. He blocked the blow, pushing back against her weapon and sending her back a step once again.

It was clear that without the second blade she was used to wielding Cerise could keep up with Azure, but beating him was a whole different story.

"You sure you don't want to use all your shards?" Azure asked, his eyes glinting.

They took a small moment of reprieve, circling around one another.

Cerise scoffed, "Don't look so worried."

"I am," he winked, "What if I actually tarnish that gorgeous face of yours?"

"Then I'll gladly return the favor," she snarked.

Azure's face spilt into a grin, "You'd tarnish my gorgeous face?"

"Without a second thought."

"But you agree I'm gorgeous."

Cerise's scowl deepened and her eyes seemed to flare.

"You're pathetic."

Azure's grin turned into a simmering smirk, "You didn't deny it."

"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

Before I could blink they were fighting again, the battle now elevated.

My eyes were inherently drawn to their crystal weapons. The red and blue colliding over and over again.

My involvement in any of this was impossible, but looking right in front of me- so was all of what was happening. Everything that happened to me over the past few days was impossible...and yet I was witnessing it all around me. It wasn't a hallucination.

This was real.

I felt something in me shift. I'd concluded that I hadn't hallucinated any of this earlier, but it was as if for the first time- I actually believed that.

My eyes widened as I watched the crystal weapons collide.

Red. Blue.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

Blue. Red.

Clang. Dodge. Clang.

Red. Blue.







My head was suddenly filled with visions of yellow.

Something in my chest was tightening as I saw a golden flash that encompassed my body. It felt like my chest was burning as the shade of yellow intensified.

I squeezed my eyes shut but the image wouldn't relent.

What was happening to me?

The golden color deepened to a blinding ray that reminded me of the sun. As the light grew the energy in my chest burst sending shockwaves throughout my entire body.

It felt like electricity was sent through my veins, traveling to the tips of my hands and feet. I heard what sounded like thunder in the distance as my entire being felt like it was submerged in an overwhelming flood of power.

The sensation was unnerving.

Just when I thought my body wouldn't be able to take it any longer- everything subsided. I felt tension leave my body and air rush into my lungs. The relief I felt made me realize I had been holding my breath.

My eyes shot open- I was suddenly in control of my body again. While the episode had passed a certain energy still waded within me. It hummed in strength, but at the same time I felt drained.

I slumped forward, my body suddenly very tired. I stared blankly at the rooftop surface, still trying to make sense of all that was going on.

Among the grey roofing, I spotted broken red crystal by my hand. My eyes widened as they shot to my wrists that were now completely free.

A little further from the red crystals were yellow crystal shards- still in tact and glinting softly.

My brows furrowed as my attention darted between the yellow and red, before landing on the yellow crystals.

...my crystals.

Did I do that?

I then realized that it was completely silent on the rooftop. There was no more taunting or sharp clangs of crystals colliding.

I looked up to see Azure and Cerise were at a stand still. They were facing me and both of them were panting slightly as if they just stopped fighting.

Azure had a satisfied smirk on his face while Cerise looked pissed. I was pretty sure there were flames dancing behind her eyes.

Azure glanced at Cerise still looking pleased.

"Can't take his crystal now. It's awakened."

She didn't respond, but seemed to be annoyed further by what he said.

Cerise lifted her hand up and all the red crystals around me shot to her. I couldn't help but flinch slightly at the quick movement.

"You can relax," Azure assured me with a smile, "She won't hurt you now."

Cerise waved her hand and all the red shards dissolved into thin air. I did notice that her grip on her blade tightened though.

"Stop playing the good samaritan," she sneered, before looking to me, "Don't forget what I've told you, he wants to obtain your life too just in a different way."

"Don't lie to the guy," Azure crossed his arms.

Cerise shrugged, "I'm not. And if anything my way would have spared him a lot of pain down the road."

Light was suddenly spread over Azure and Cerise. I turned from my spot on the rooftop to see lights coming on from another building, the parking lot, and the football stadium.

We were on top of Freemount. I had no clue that I hadn't been moved very far. I could now see that people were getting in their cars and exiting the stadium lot.

My eyes were drawn to my mother who looked like she was desperately trying to get a hold of someone on the phone.

Shit, it was most definitely me.

I didn't know what exactly had happened with the game, but I disappeared and she had no clue where I was.

Almost without thinking I stood, planning to go to her and tell her I was alright.

I paused though, remembering the two crystal wielding warriors next to me. My eyes went to them cautiously.

What did they want with me now? What was their plan? What was happening to me? Why did yellow crystals appear out of no where?

I had about a hundred questions on my tongue, all pulling in various directions. I knew so little about them, about whatever power they possessed, and my own for that matter. I didn't even know how much danger I was still in.

"It's ok man," Azure said after a moment, "Go to your mother. They'll be time to talk later."

When I looked to Cerise next to him she nodded her head slightly, but neglected to verbally respond.

I still felt very on edge and out of it. Trusting anything said to me felt like a bad decision- and I was currently battling what felt like my own instincts trying to figure out what to do.

I wanted to get out of here and I wanted to know more, but right at this moment my desire to get away was greater. Still, I needed to know when I would see them next. It also didn't escape me that these two people clearly needed me for something. There was something of value to my life now. That gave me the barest minimum of comfort to ask the question...

"When?" I steeled myself, "When will we talk?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, Grind Cafe," Azure replied easily. His quick response made me wonder if he knew just how desperate I was to purge information out of them.

"Come alone," Cerise added lowly, shooting an even glance at Azure. He eyed her carefully, before the corner of his mouth turned up slightly and he shrugged.

I could feel unease swarm at the thought of being alone with them. I didn't trust the two.

"They'll be witnesses," Azure assured, likely deciphering where my head was at, "We'll be in public."

My stomach still rolled uneasily, but I knew that I needed answers. This way, I could mentally prepare for my next meeting with them.

I nodded slowly, before I could think too much about what I was deciding to do.

I eyed the two warily as I made my way to the rooftop exit. Once I reached the door, I sped up my movement eager to get as far as I could from all the craziness that was drowning me.

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