So Strange Is The Tranquil Li...

By Yuno_Hein

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This story revolves a man who is just...lost. Where does a warrior go when the battle is done? To the next so... More

One Last Task
Tip Of Strength
Colliding Beliefs
Curiousity Angers Those Disturbed
Small Reunion

Dragon's Venom

348 27 7
By Yuno_Hein

Third Person's Point of View

The four arrived back at the dome where Professor Ryze was the one who greeted them. Coach Rengar was nowhere to be seen and the place was still empty besides the group. Kai'sa immediately looked around hoping to find Y/N but no, gone again just like when they arrived at the sparring place.

"Professor, is Y/N here?" Kai'sa asked still worried about his injury. She guessed he couldn't have gone that far but it's really hard for Kai'sa to find Y/N by herself.

"Wwweeellll..." Ryze lengthened the word as he began to look around and noticed the door. He gestured it to Kai'sa and the rest making them turn to look only to see the door close.

"Now then, since you're the first to arrive feel free to go. I'll dismiss you for now and looks like everyone had it rough," Ryze continued as his eyes examined the Vastayans. Dirt and dust tainted their wings and even looked broken with the way some feathers were facing a different direction.

"Head to Dr. Soraka, you also need to fix the armband so go on ahead," Ryze gestured his arm to the doorway. Kai'sa looked at the pair who nodded and started to walk. Rakan tried to walk but a single step made humm groan. His thigh was aching badly as if it could tear any moment.

Xayah was quick to support the man when he was about to stumble but she had to move her wings to a safer position. The pain was killing both of them and Kai'sa noticed so she helped Rakan.

"Sorry and thank you," Rakan said with a pained look as he looked at his left talon. Kai'sa just scoffed with a smile before all of them began to walk.

"Need help?" Y/N said making all of them let out their spooky shout. Rakan, poor Rakan felt like his ears would burst from the high-pitched screech these two ladies made. Ryze nearly threw the paper he was holding and they all looked at the man who didn't find their reaction entertaining.

"Why do you? Nggh nevermind," Kai'sa didn't bother to finish her sentence when she guessed Y/N wouldn't answer anyway.

"Y/N you got to stop scaring everyone," Rakan said, even when his eyes portrayed how painful it was to stand, his sneer still made way to show.

"I...I was just standing here," Y/N said and sighed before walking to them. Though he heard Kai'sa was asking for him, he was planning to keep quiet and let them leave first. Seeing how Rakan was having it bad was what made him decide to show himself and, he wanted to make sure about something.

"You can even sneak up like that? How many other abilities are you hiding?" Xayah asked as she looked at Y/N who was busy tying the chains. He simply ignored her question and walked up to them.

"I'll handle this side," Y/N said to Xayah. Though she can handle this herself it might only make things difficult for Rakan. It's not that she's not strong enough but that even her legs were barely holding her weight.

Y/N took in Rakan's left arm and place it behind him. He didn't find the guy heavy but it was a pain to keep his stature a little low.

"Thanks," Rakan let out.

"Mmhmm," Y/N replied and they began to walk.

Y/N made it easier for Kai'sa when he let Rakan lean on him more. He's had many moments to do something similar but to Y/N, this was one of the good things. Because he knew he was carrying them back to a place where they'll feel much better, either to the infirmary...or to their next life.

"To the ones before and for the ones after," Y/N let out a whisper but Rakan heard it this time making him look.

"Where'd you hear that?" Rakan asked. That phrase was a little common to the Vastayans residing in forests. It was a phrase that was said to be taught to the First Ones from ages ago.

"...back home," Y/N replied a little late when he was unsure. It was his father's usual words when chopping up the trees.

"Oh? Haven't heard anyone from the city speak those words really," Rakan said and this made Y/N chuckle. Kai'sa has to look in case her ears were fooling her but it just sounded so soft. Compared to what she heard from him from their interactions this was just different.

"I didn't grow inside the walls of Ionia," Y/N said and looked at the building in front. It was just beside the dome and it's actually a little small with those same see-through glasses. The door was the sliding type and Xayah went first.

"Huh, from other places then?" Rakan asked. It was making him curious but during their fight, the mana he felt was leaning more from their homeland.

"No, the city outside the wall...before the war," Y/N replied.

"Ah," it made Rakan's curiosity shut down by those words. It's pretty well known that the villages didn't exist anymore and it's much harder for Rakan to keep pressing on a salty memory.

"Oh? Someone's pretty early today?" a soft and warm tone from a lady said as she stepped out of one of the rooms. The rooms didn't really have any doors so it was quite a surprise for the four.

There they saw the Doctor, a purple-skinned creature with white long hair that was braided behind her. What stuck out the most was a golden horn right in the middle of her forehead and her legs that was no different from a goat's. Her dress was the doctor's uniform with a dark blue shirt that was barely visible.

Y/N noticed that glow and regret forced his eyes to close up. A familiar face as well as a hateful one in a few ways.

Y/N knew the lady since she became their honorary healer in charge of healing the battalion. He however didn't visit her once when mostly after every battle, he'd hole himself in his room.

It's rude of Y/N to not even remember her name but what's the point when it's all too late. Late for him to need her healing, late for her to save his commander.
"So it's Soraka," Y/N whispered with a raspy tone as he covered his eyes with his left palm. He felt the cloth on his mouth and it reassured him a little but meeting the famed physician here was one of the last things he ever thought to happen.

That tone of his made the so-called doctor furrow her eyebrows confused. He also felt familiar to the lady but she was having a hard time trying to find where.

"Good morning Doctor, we uh...kinda need your help," Rakan said making Xayah roll her eyes. It was obvious really but Soraka just gestured her head for them to get inside the first room and so they did.

Y/N and Kai'sa laid Rakan down on a bed and Xayah dragged a chair for her to sit close. Y/N was really eager to go and was about to do so in an uncool way by speedwalking out but a firm grip stopped him before he could even take one step.

Kai'sa was responsible for that and in her view, she wanted to get this guy checked as well. The wounds made her panic and that was what earned her confidence to stop this man. Y/N looked at Kai'sa but looked away when those blurred-out eyes were annoying.

"Sit down," Kai'sa though her words were calm, the bulging vein behind her palm says otherwise. This made Y/N sigh and reached for the chair near him just to sit down. Xayah dragged hers again sitting beside Rakan's head while Y/N was facing them. Kai'sa also took a chair and sat beside Y/N with a sigh of her own.

"Miss Kai'sa, please let go," Y/N said as he raised his left arm. This made Kai'sa's right arm visible as it pinched his sleeve.

"No," a quick response from the girl who was busy observing the pair.

"...why?" Y/N asked and Kai'sa just shrugged. In her defense, this was the only way that comes to mind for her to keep track of Y/N.

"Just bear with me for today Y/N," Kai'sa replied as she raised her eyelids a little to see Y/N. He only saw his chest puff before letting out a quiet sigh.

Soraka came in with bandages since she was a little unsure if her magic could do all the work. Though she can handle most injuries, she's not a miracle worker to fix all of them hence the bandage. Soraka realized how bad Rakan's condition was when even at this distance that black bruise still was visible. Bruise, a big one at that.

She walked closer and felt her shoes stepping on something making her pull back and look only to realize it was someone's foot.

"S-sorry about that," Soraka said and Y/N just nodded with his eyes closed but this just made Kai'sa much more confused.

Kai'sa's Point of View

Oi oi, you're telling me she didn't see Y/N? N-nah, she must've been focused on the pair. Dr. Soraka went ahead and started to see the mark and could only grimace as she backed her head away.

"Still in this state after being healed?" Soraka asked and looked towards me. I nodded and this made her let out a groan. Hey, he even used two but let's not say that.

All I could see was her golden iris move as it scanned Rakan. Xayah was fairly quiet and reached her left arm to caress Rakan's cheeks while he leaned his face closer to her.

"I'll begin," Dr. Soraka said earning Rakan a nod before closing his eyes.

Soraka was sighing as she hovered over her palms to where the black mark was. I saw her close her eyes and her horn grew a little brighter before that green light came to view. I had to rise from my seat just to look at it and her arms were barely visible thanks to the light. It started to grow a little brighter forcing me to close my eyes a little. It's interesting to watch but it's a shame I can't see the injury. I had a cut once and it was satisfying to see how it was closing up thanks to Soraka.

The light started to fade and the mark was gone, nice now it's Xayah's turn. Once she's done I hope I could force Y/N to-...?!

"What?!" I stood up the moment I saw nothing changed at all. The black mark, instead of disappearing the mark only grew bigger.

"I...who did this to you?" Soraka asked as she turned her head to the two Vastayans. I looked at how confused they were but also felt my right arm being dragged lightly.

"Hmm," Y/N let out and earning my gaze. He walked beside Soraka and I had to let him go. Since he was the cause of this I hope he knows how to cure it as well. Please, he better know.

"I did," Y/N said and I saw how Dr. Soraka's shoulder jumped a little before looking behind her. Those eyes began to observe Y/N and she seems...troubled? Maybe confused by how the eyebrows were furrowed.

"You've clearly overdone it Y/N. This is no ordinary wound, in fact I wonder what even is it?" Soraka asked but Y/N didn't answer. He just looked at the wound and placed his right palm on Rakan's thigh. Not in a caring way when Rakan let out a pained grunt.

"Grit your teeth and hope not to die," Y/N said and that didn't make any sense at all. Xayah, well all of us wanted to know what he meant by that but I saw how he clenched the wound firmly. Rakan didn't like that, he was forced to raise his upper body with a grunt and tried to grab Y/N's arm trying to pull it off. Y/N didn't let him and used his left hand to stop his face and keep those arms distant.

"Endure," was the last thing we heard before Rakan's grunts turned into a deafening scream.

Rakan started to turn rabid actually to the point Soraka had to fall back. His nails started to grow and turn sharp and I can hear how he was letting out a growl. He was trying to resist and what's worse is how he started to harm Y/N. Y/N in turn had bright purple flames in his right hand and this agitated Rakan further.

"Rakan...stop this Y/N!" Xayah shouted but blood began to spill. The cause came from Y/N's left palm which Rakan tore a piece off through his mouth. As if that was not enough, his claw started to tear through Y/N's arm entirely when his clothes were already ripped off.

My mind's telling me to help Y/N, I just don't know if I can help at all! Just looking at Rakan was making me tremble when he's close to a beast than a man. My chest was burning with caution to stay away from those two but looking at them was not giving my mind at ease. I had to go, I need to so I stood up but it's all too late when Rakan was starting to calm down.

He looked tired but his nails turned back to normal and he wasn't moving anymore. The bed was showered in blood and even pieces of body tissues to the point it's making my stomach churn at the sight. I can hear Rakan phanting and Y/N eventually let him go which made Rakan plop back to the pillow.

"Hmm," Y/N let out while Rakan laid back down. He isn't...why is he so calm?!

"Dr. Soraka, check if there's any mana residue," Y/N ordered making her sigh and grab Y/N's left bicep.

"That's not what I...haaah, I don't need your help," Y/N growled the first but his tone changed after a sigh. Dr. Soraka was busy checking those torn flesh from his arm and was ignoring him completely which I would do too.

That tone, I nearly forgot about it but that demanding tone. It fits well with his build and his posture the time we fought.

"Haaah, sit down," Soraka said with an irritated tone. He didn't comply immediately but he did so that eased me up a little. Felt like he wasn't going to obey and that might make Soraka mad than she already is.

The moment Soraka removed her arms was also the time those purple flames came to life. It burnt high up close to the roof forcing Soraka to back away while me and Xayah flattened out backs to the wall. But it doesn't seem to hurt, with that size I could feel the heat or something but none of that.

"Tend those two, doctor," was what slipped out of Y/N's mouth before the fire went out. There it revealed how his arm was back to normal and it was nice in a way to see how his clothes also got fixed.

"You are quite an irritating man Y/N," Soraka said with a frown and a glare. I just kept quiet about it while Y/N stood up. I really wanted to make sure he's fine but there he goes out the door.

"S-sorry for that Dr. Soraka," I had to say it since I felt like I was responsible. She was staring at the doorway but her glare was replaced with a saddened look.

"It's fine, is he from Noxus?" Dr. Soraka asked as she went back to check up on Rakan. I shook my head making Soraka raise an eyebrow before looking at me.

"We met him back in Headmistress Karma's room and she told us he's from Ionia," I felt like saying he's a soldier would not be a good choice at all. I hid that fact since I have no right to let my lip loose on that matter.

"Huh," Soraka let out before her horn began to glow again. Her palms hovered on top of Rakan's chest and that made Rakan look a little better when she started to heal him.

"Dr. Soraka what was that mark?" Xayah asked. It was just a simple bruise by the looks of it but Soraka would have healed it if that's the case. I'm actually curious now that Xayah a mentioned it.

Even with how bright her horn as I can see she still backed her head a little. The moment it dimmed, I saw how she was nervous and that made me uneasy.

"It was similar to poison. Not just any ordinary poison but it's like a parasite," she said and went to get the chair that Y/N sat a while ago. She sat in the middle of us and just looked so anxious. What she said made me lower my jaw and furrow my eyebrows when I couldn't follow.

"The moment I tried to heal, it just sucked up the mana I was letting out and was growing further under Rakan's skin," she continued causing Xayah to flinch.

"Rakan's fine now don't worry. I don't sense it on you as well so that's good," Soraka said and faced Xayah entirely.

Poison, invisibility, that strength and the dragon. Y/N you are one fucked up guy if someone asks me what you are. No wonder you're a soldier, with those perks you could handle who you're against.

Y/N's Point of View

I left the school ground and decided to walk back to the apartment. There's nothing for me to do by now...I hate that.

It's only a matter of time before those noises will catch up, I need to find something to be busy for now. I decided to walk in the street walk this time since it's a different kind of noise which is better than the bashing metals.

Remembering what I did to Rakan made me close my eyes for a second. I didn't mean to do that, I just didn't think it through. It just happened for a second, a minute to bring my body back to those times and I hated it. My nose was itching for that scent of blood and even my muscles wanted to make sure they'd shed some to satisfy those urges. Haah, am I even?! Nggh! Calm...must calm down.

A car passed me by and the sheer loudness of it was tempting me to throw the halberd straight to the wheel. Ugh, it's hard to adjust in this place. I need to find a way, something that could help me silence the noise both in and out.

I noticed a lot of people were heading and walking away from the building to my right. I looked wondering why and it was just a department store making me look back in the direction I was walking.

Hmm, headphones. I wonder if it works. I'm sure this building sells some so I decided to check it out. I've been seeing people using them but I can't vouch how effective they are.

Entering this 7-story building was...a strange feeling by the number of citizens. I ignored them all entirely and went up through an escalator when this place held nothing of interest. 2nd floor, filled with clothes, 3rd floor, nothing but furnitures. Up again and here was full of electronics.

They all had this blinding design with white tiles and walls, the light was too much for my eyes but I can adapt. Headphones do need a phone or something, I'll figure out the rest soon since being here is awfully uncomfortable.

I could feel someone was looking at me but with a crowd like this I don't want to spend my time finding who it is. I went to another place where the people isn't as many and there it is. Arcane, Pilties huh.

Inside was a bit different with a golden colored corners and fluorescent lights were added just above the counter. That smell...mmh.

Seems like they're also tinkering with machineries by the scent of oil. Funny finding it on the same floor of electronics but it's not my business I guess.

I looked around wondering if they have what I need or if something would catch my interest. Hah, not like I had any, and not like these place have those as well.

I strolled tinkering with what my right index finger could until I finally arrived in an aisle where it had what I need. Phones, headphones...hmm, it's different than what the other store provides though.

Gold-colored membrane, mana? Why? It seems like I can grab it since there's a wire that seems to prevent it from going elsewhere. The sides had the similar gold-colored metal, I doubt it's real gold for a lot of reasons and it's light actually. The size is no different from the rest but to put it in perspective.

It's like the case was the golden membrane. It crossed to an X behind the phone trying to protect 3 small lines where these light blue colored lights were busy going up and down and a different 3 going left to right. It's faint but it's mana, just a weird one. Arcana's the only thing that comes to mind since it's from Piltover. Well the touchscreen's fine but the software is...questionable.

I felt a faint thud coming in my direction making me close my eyes when I felt like I did something wrong. I placed it back where it rested and looked at the person behind me. A girl, that hair is a little vibrant since it held a lot of colors depending on where the light came from. The fluorescent light was forcing it to have the same color but it's gray, the usual light coming from the door gave me an insight into its real colors but it really is making me dizzy. Light green, light blue...hmm.

"Good afternoon sir, do you need help?" a sweet, soft and strangely cheery came to my ears. I looked at her face and was just annoyed how her eyes were just wiped out of it.

"...need a phone, and a headphone," I replied since I think she'll help me leave quicker from this place. She nodded and went to my right, I'm in the right place so that's good but I just realized the variation of what I just saw a while ago.

"Sir can I ask why you want one? If for photography, for simple uses, for gaming or something that could last long without charging?" she asked with a smile plastered to her lips.

"Just something to silence the noise," I let out. She did ask the purpose so I gave her exactly that. The girl hummed a monotone one and snapped her fingers with a nod.

"I think any phone is capable of that. Can I ask how much you're willing to spend so I can provide you with what I think suits you in that limit?" she asked again and I looked up as I tried to remember. I do have the wallet in my suitcase and I think the card is there.

"15 RP," I replied and I noticed her back away. Those smile turned a little anxious as she stepped back with her arms waving as if she's telling me that's not a good thing. Hmm, not enough I guess.

"S-sir, that's...too much for a phone. If you're planning to buy a car then that might just fit in. The highest phone we have is less than 1 RP with the highest being priced 50, 000 blue motes," she said and I got confused.

"How many blue motes can be converted to RP?" I asked since I was ignorant about it. In my defense, I never even thought I'd survive long enough to spend any of my earnings so I didn't think too much about my monetary problems.

"Uhm, 100, 000 blue motes," she said and the tone of her voice sounded anxious. Who wouldn't be when they don't even know their penny but...huh.

That means 100RP is 10 million blue motes and I got a bundle of those. I'll take it then. I looked at the lady and couldn't bring much of her expression but not like I needed to in the first place.

"...something in the 25k line would do," I said making her nod slowly.

"The one you were holding before is 24, 500 blue motes sir. The problem is that it's heavier than its siblings since it's focused more on its durability as well as battery and storage capacity. Ram and Cpu wise they are in the latest trend bla bla bla bla," my ears refused to pick up on the rest when I'm being overloaded with unnecessary information. I just wanted something to play me a static noise for God's sake.

"I'll take it," I cut her mid-talk since she was slowly cracking up with every detail I didn't need. She nodded and I also gestured to the headphone which was just displayed right behind these ones.

"And one of those," I continued as I pointed at a black ordinary one.

"Alright then. 1 S-Ens 4 and Diro headphones, anything else sir?" she asked making me shake my head. It's a little annoying how I'm being addressed like an old man when her pink armband was visible. Well not like it matters, my minds just trying to find things to stress over and it's irritating.

"That will be all," I replied. The girl gestured me to follow her and we got to the counter where transaction was done with ease.

That should've been the end of it until her phone started playing a tune. Music, quite the upbeat either and the volumes all the way up. It earned me a gaze to which I saw those 4 ladies on stage dancing with the rhythm they're singing.

So that's what popstar does? Their voices do sound soothing but it's really on the energetic vibe. Not my cup of tea when it's giving me the urge to battle since that's the only thing I know to do.

"S-sorry," the girl said before pausing the tone. I just shook my head when it helped me understand how troublesome those ladies are in this place.

"Thank you for your purchase sir..." she had to lengthen the last word. I can feel her looking, observing as if she wants to get a hint of my name.

"Y/N, you are?" I asked feeling like we will meet again soon. Judging by Karma's taste, it's possible that our section will collide this week...haah not like I want to attend but I have to admit, if I didn't make that blunder then I'd say it was a fine time.

"Seraphine, good to know you sir Y/N," she said before reaching out her left arm.

"No need to be formal Seraphine, I think we're the same age," I replied and shook her arms. She looked like she was doubting my word but I just bid her goodbye and went outside.

Now that I know the currency I feel like spending some. A house...would be nice.

That thought came to mind and it just made me feel a fuzzy feeling in my chest. It felt warm but it's just making me lose my will to go on when I can feel it fade. A home, it won't be the same but I could try.

Akali's Point of View

"Haha, we got lucky," I said making Ekko chuckle. He raised his left arm clenched into a fist which I responded by punching it lightly.

We looked at the two muscle head that was gripping the collar of the other as they gritted their teeth.

"You dumb fuck, I told you not to get in my way!" Darius growled making Sett's eyebrow twitch before smacking their foreheads lightly.

"You're the one who got in the way!" Sett responded. Haah these two never really change don't they?

To say we stomp them would be a lie. I was lucky enough for Ekko to provide his slowing ability in the nick of time. If that didn't happen I'd be the one lying down with a couple of injuries.

"Hey now calm down," Ekko tried to ease the situation but they wouldn't even listen. Haah they would only stop if Rengar or a teacher will stop them.

"-Tsk!-" the two jinxed it as they let each other go and walked to the exit. It's a relief they didn't have to step up their brawl since it would seriously be a pain to the whole class.

"Say, Qiyana's asking if you guys want to eat lunch together," Ekko said peeking through the corner of his eyes. Made me hum out a monotone one as I tried to recall if the others are free today. Oh right, now that I think about it we have to check up on Evelynn's little sister.

"Sorry Ekko, we already had plans to go out with someone today. Maybe next time, I'll try to ask Ahri if she could schedule that for tomorrow," I replied with an awkward smile. Though we haven't hung out for quite a while I just didn't want to force the others to go with me.

"Hey it's fine, maybe next time then," Ekko replied which I replied with a nod. He bid his farewell while I decided to wait for the rest of my friends.

Maybe they came in earlier so I decided to text them where they're at in our own group chat. I looked around as I waited hoping to cure the boredom but I wanted to see someone.

I wonder who Y/N sparred with today. Maybe I could ask what role he plays, I bet he's like Darius with the weapon he held but I'm not that sure. Nngh just thinking about what his abilities could be is a little exciting.

A small ring came out making me look at my phone. It's from Kai'sa and the thing she wrote was quite short than what she'd usually reply. Kinda confusing as well when all she said was 'Infirmary'

Seeing how Ahri and Evelynn haven't seen the message I guess they're still fighting so I decided to go to where Kai'sa said. It's quite rare for her to be here but I guess her partner messed up or something. I bet Evelynn's sister will be there so might as well.

The place was still empty as always and then I had to see the room on the right. Though I saw Kai'sa, my eyes were focused on the bloody sheet making me rush to where she was. I observed who was there and could only gasp to see Rakan was showered as well.

"What happened?" I whispered when I noticed Xayah was sleeping right next to Rakan. Soraka was there with them but she seemed so lost in her thoughts.

"Spar turned to a fight. Turns out Y/N can also cast poison," Kai'sa replied with a sigh.

"That explains the blood," I said and pulled out a chair to sit close to Kai'sa but she shook her head. It started to confuse me but she just sighed and looked at her palm, there I saw a piece of cloth that only one man in mind had something similar.

"Wait, seriously what happened here?" I had to ask. Thinking about it myself would lead me nowhere.

"To summarize, Y/N removed the poison he placed, problem was that the procedure was painful. Painful to the point Rakan turned wild, very wild," Kai'sa's voice turned to a whisper at the end.

"Y/N held him down alone and," Kai'sa continued before gesturing her arm to the blood. Ugh just seeing it at this rate is disgusting enough!

"Are you alright?" I was worried since seeing it in person would totally be a different level. Kai'sa nodded with a smile which is freaking me out. Oh, I need Ahri and Evelynn for this.

"Ladies, would you please leave the room? I need to clean all this up and...these two need some rest, so do you Kai'sa," Soraka whispered making me zip my lips. I could only nod and pull Kai'sa out of the room when the stench of iron was getting to my nose. Though I made people bleed, that was...that was just awful.

I felt something grab my wrist making me look at Kai'sa who was just smiling as she tried to ease up my arm. I noticed how hard I was gripping her wrist making me loosen it up with a bow.

"S-sorry," I apologized and let her go to which I heard her chuckle.

"It's fine, are Eve and Ahri done?" she asked making me shake my head. This caused her to look out the door and her smile widened a little.

"Nah, they're done," was what came out of her mouth making me look back. There they were, doesn't seem too worked up and even the one we're joining today was with them.

"Did you wait long?" Evelynn asked. I shook my head when I didn't really waste any time though I had to look at Kai'sa. The blood smeared to the wall was about to dry so it must be quite a while.

"30 minutes actually," Kai'sa said as those eyes looked back at mine. That...what?

"Hold on, you were waiting for the previous 30 minutes or did that include your match?" Ahri asked and I'm glad she did cause I highly doubt they'd finish their spar that soon!

"After the match, now that you mention it like that. Ugh," Kai'sa let her groan out paired with her right arm to her forehead. I immediately reached out to her when she was stepping away and supported her back.

"Y/N, that guy is no joke," she let out. Ahri was surprised but someone else held the same expression as she immediately started to scribble in a notebook.

It got my attention as I saw how those cyan hair tied to a twin tail began to sway as she looked at what she wrote. Evelynn also turned to peek at what the girl was writing but she already held out the note for us to look.

-How do you know that name?- were the words written as they covered half of her face. Her light blue iris looked with such intent causing Kai'sa to look back with a smile.

"He's a transferee, anything wrong Sona?" Evelynn replied making the girl look at Eve. She began to scribble with a smile and raised it to her with a shrug.

-Nothing, reminds me of someone back then- was what I could see from my side. It's actually making me curious about who that someone might be but Evelynn just hugged Sona and pulled her head closer to Evelynn's chest.

"Now now little sis, Kai'sa do you want to go back to the villa or join us for lunch?" Evelynn asked with a caring tone. Those eyes were slowly shifting little by little as she observed Kai'sa but are we going to ignore Sona flailing around?

"The hell are you guys so worked up for? Let's just go eat already," she replied with the usual enthusiasm and Sona got out of Evelynn's grip with a deep breath. I felt like Kai'sa's hiding something but I'd rather not press on the idea so I sighed with a smile.

"Sushi!" was the food I felt could ease everyone. I looked at Sona since she's our important lady of the day who grinned and jumped a little. Seems excited making us giggle before we went on our way.

As we did so I tried to see if Kai'sa's having any trouble but my mind can't help but wander a little over a few years ago. I've known Evelynn for almost 11 years and have always known her before Ahri recruited us to the K/DA. Just thinking how she used to complain over her adoptive little sister, it's great to see how she's treating her comfortably.

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