
By LoveableMadison

6.5K 137 70


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Interview with Junebee!!

149 4 0
By LoveableMadison

The stylish Junebee!!!

1) On a scale of 1 to 10, how safe do you think Wattpad is for children 13 and under?

As safe as the Internet really can be when you're interacting with other people online.  The stories are rated in how offensive they can be, so readers have an idea of what they can expect as to be protected from repulsive works.  Swearing is banned, at least for commenting.  If swearing is seen in a post, it will be reported and then removed.  All in all, it's fairly safe. 

For kids under 13 though, I'd give it about a 9 or 8.  While it's very safe, Wattpad is not continually monitoring everything that is posted--so there can be the casual slip-up.

2) What interests you more, reading, or writing?

Reading, definitely.  When you're reading, you can be transplanted into an entirely different world.  Also, reading other novels can improve my own writing, as well as giving me new ideas.  Though, I will always keep my soft spot for writing.

3) How often do you typically update chapters of your stories?

Eh, I'm not really regular.  As of late, I've been updating fairly quickly, but it's mostly been because I'm on break from school.  Once school gets back in session, the updates will be more spread out.  Still, I hope to update every four to five days.

4) Have you ever been on the What's Hot list?

Yes, but not on the first page or second page (yet, I hope!).  I'm currently around number #456 on the What's Hot list, so I'm not really sure if that counts.

5) How often are you on Wattpad daily?

Too often.  There's so many talented writers on here that while I should be updating my own, I'm wrapped up in other's stories. 

6) Do you write rough drafts of your stories?

Not really.  My mind doesn't work like that, really.  I will make an extremely vague outline.  Just a few key points I'd like to get done per chapter.  As for the main idea of the stories, it's the same.  I have essential events that I want to happen, but besides that, the story just comes to me as I go along.

7) Have you ever thought of doing a story with another Wattpad member or a group?

Recently, I have been contemplating this.  During school and finals, it's hard to keep up doing a story all on your own--which is why I have been considering doing another story with another member.  I'm always interested.

8) Do you think any of your stories will win The Watty Awards?

Ha.  I'd like to think so, but I'm not getting my hopes up.  I only started on Wattpad a week or two ago, and it's been good to me so far.  Yet, there are so amazing writers out there with millions of views, so I'm not coming in with a big-head.  Winning any award would thrill me to no end.

9) Which of your fans do you talk to the most?

That's easy, glamourgirl2995.  Though the reason why it's so easy is because I know her in real life.  She's my sister. 

10) When you have writers block, what do you do?

Many things.  The real secret to my success is to completely stop thinking about my writing.  If I'm thinking about it--I can't stop having writers block, I just infuriate myself more.  That said, I will paint, read, watch television, talk to friends, go to a movie, listen to music, anything.  Just stopping thinking about my writing will usually give me at least one new idea.  Sometimes people get too focused on 'writing, updating, repeat'.  For me, that doesn't work.  You just have to go with the inspiration as it comes.

11) Are any of your stories based on real life events that have happened to you, or someone else?

Yeah, some of the things that happen have happened to me, or one of my close friends.  Though, not all of it, and never in the same exact way.

12) Are any of your real life friends, fans of yours on Wattpad?

Oh God no.  Besides my sister, no one.  I can handle other strangers reading, but my friends reading my stuff is completely different.  As of recently, my best friend accidentally found one of my writings and read it, and I was mortified.  I thought she'd hate it; I was completely freaked.  Turns out, she loved it and wanted more, which gave me a huge confidence boost.  But that was my best friend, I don't think I'll be publically advertising myself as a writer for quite some time.

13) When you get hate mail, what is your reaction?

Luckily, I haven't had much experience with this.  That, of course, is because I haven't had many views, so less people who are likely to send me hate mail.  I have had several stongly worded reviews before, but nothing all too bad.  Critiquing is a great tool.  If you are going to live to be a writer as your professional job, you've got to have thick skin.  No matter what, not everyone's always going to love your work.  And while it may be hurtful, some of the responses can be helpful in simply teaching writers to have thicker skin.

14) What advice would you give to other Wattpad members not on the What's Hot List?

The What's Hot list is not the Best-Sellers list.  It's not a prediction, some of these books may never get published.  Plus, the list is always changing.  And, even I, don't identify myself as really being on it.  I'm still in the 400's-ish.  Not exactly #3 or #4.  But that doesn't get me down, because you have to build up a solid fan base over time.  So, keep up your spirits and keep writing!

15) Do you LOVE writing? Or it it okay?

If you don't love writing, you won't make it as a writer.  I'm not saying you won't write good pieces, maybe even excellent, but to be a writer is a commitment.  I think everyone should pick a career that they love to do.  Yes, I love writing.  But I'm not completely certain if I'll be a writer when I'm older.  (It'd be so sweet if I could though! If it happens, I'll happily go with it.)

16) Which of your stories would you recommend a new Wattpad member to read first?

Ha-ha.  I only have one as of right now, but I'm starting a new one soon.  So go ahead and read Letters to Juliet and hopefully my new story will be up soon!

17) How long does it  take you to write a 3 paged chapter?

3 pages? I'm not sure.  It depends on fast the inspiration is coming.  Around an hour, hour an a half.  That's if I'm really moving, and the inspiration is good.  Maybe less.  It's all relative.

18) Do you get your inspiration from something, someone, or somewhere?

Yes, a lot of my inspiration comes from my friends.

19) Are your characters names made up, or based on someone?

All the characters' names are made up.  While I might get ideas from someone in my real life, I would never use facts about them and then use their real name too.  That'd be bad if I published it and they read don't want to offend those close to you!

20) Do you think you will be a real author someday?

Couldn't tell you! I'd jump for the chance to, though!

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