The hero in era of shinobi

By Dead_man1584

12.8K 375 44

In this story Izuku has died and is reincarnated in naruto wolrd with little gift from me I don't own naruto... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

594 25 5
By Dead_man1584



" summoning/demon speaking"

"summoning/demon thinking"

"system notifications"


Something interesting was happening at the Uzumaki household. Naruto was excited to go on his first mission with his new team. Naruto was on Team 7, which was built from the last Uchiha and Rookie of the Year, Uchiha Sasuke, then there was kunoichi of the year Haruno Sakura and Naruto. Their sensei was Hatake Kakashi, Naruto's and Izuku's older brother.

Naruto shouted how happy he was that his sensei was Kakashi and his teammate Sakura, who was the blonde's crush. He was also cursing his other teammate, Uchiha Sasuke. Simply said, the blond didn't like the Uchiha.

Howerver, something was wrong. Normaly Izuku would be happy or having puzzeled face, wondering why Naruto liked Sakura so much or beating Naruto to ground for cursing. But now, he was just sitting on the couch, looking at him with blank expression and his deep blue eyes.

To Naruto, Izuku's eyes looked like a frozen lake. The blue color was a little lighter at the top of his iris, and the lower Naruto looked, the darker the blue became. The color at the very end of Izuku's iris was so dark it looked black. They were also cold as the ice. And if you didn't know any better, you would probably be afraid of these eyes, scared of being trapped in them. As in a frozen lake. But Naruto knew better. Behind those cold eyes is warmth. The same warmth as embrace from your loving father or loving brother could be. Naruto knew that Izuku cared more for him and Kakahi then his well being. And that was something Naruto hated about him, he hated the fact that the one who gave him the loving family would sacrifice his life and soul just to protect him and that said family. But that was something he couldn't change.

"Naruto, you better hurry or you will be late" said Izuku, snapping Naruto from his train of thoughts. Panicked, Naruto started running around the house gathering his things and bolting out of the door. It wasn't heard by the other boy, but Izuku lightly chuckled at that.

Izuku then checked his gear and also went out. The walk through the village was calm. Many people were keeping their distance from him, some were mumbling something about him which he ignored, and some greeted him.

After a few minutes of walking he arrived at the hokage tower to finally meet his teacher. He was wondering who would it be. He knew that teams were always made to cover up their weaknesses with perfect exemplar being team 7 with Naruto as close range fighter, Sasuke who could switch from close range to mid range with his sharingan that would help copy jutsus and Sakura with her good chakra manipulation could become genjutsu specialist or medical ninja, being the perfect support.
It was perfectly balanced team if you ask Izuku.

Softly rapping on the door with his knuckles, a faint "come in" was heard. When he opened the door two figures were there. One of them was Hokage and the other looked like a jōnin. "Maybe that's my sensei" thought Izuku with interest.

"Hello there Izuku-kun, as I said, today you are going to meet your sensei. This person will fill the role. His name is Yamato." Said Hiruzen with kind smile. To which Izuku responded by bowing "My name is Izuku Hatake-Uzumaki, and I'm honored to study on your team as the only member". The Hokage only chuckled at the politnes, he was nothing like Naruto in that part. However his sensei waved him off, signaling that bowing wasn't necessary. "Now Izuku you may be wondering why your team is different,, the answer is that this year the number of graduates didn't fit for teams, and after long discussion It was decided that you would be going with other teams when they start taking higher ranked quests, but for now you will be focusing on you training, is that clear?" After the explanation from Hokage, Izuku answered with salute.

"Good, now with this out of the way, i want you tomorrow on training ground number three at 6:00, do you understand?" Instructed patient Yamato, to which Izuku again saluted with loud Hai. "Good, until then you can go train or relax" after saying that Yamato disappeared from the room in cloud of smoke.

After saying good bye to the Hokage Izuku also disappeared making him look for a split second like a blur. To which the old Hokage looked shocked "What was that? was that body flicker jutsu? if so then with Izuku's intellect and creativity Yamato might have a harder time then he thinks". It was later decided that Hiruzen would send some ANBU to watch the fight and report everything he would see.

[Time skip, a few minutes later with Izuku on training ground three]

After getting to know where he would fight, he thought it would be good idea to map the terrain and train. He thought about making a plan but then he realized that he didn't know what would be his objective, so he decided it would be better to just train and not waste any time on plan that would be totally useless. The training ground was mostly made out of trees, with river running through, with a clearing and three wooden posts.

Standing in the middle of the clearing he started to plan his training. "First of all, I want to test how fast I'm, then I will train those jutsus and try to make some combos with them" and so he got to the end of the clearing and took a running position. Then for untrained eye it would like he disapperad only for him to apper in a split second at the edg of the river, at the other side of the clearing. "System how fast was I" after a few seconds later, he got his answer. "You overtook the seventy meter distance in 2.56 seconds, quite the feet for fresh out of academi genin" said system. And it was, Izuku was confident that he might be the fastest one from his generation.

After that he trained his jutsus, and he found out his limits. Du to not having them mastered, they consumed much more chakra then he would like to. He could only perform 5 fireball jutsus before running low on chakra. After a few minutes of rest and one military ration pill, he got back to training. This continued for all his elementar jutsus, and he find out he could perform 5 fireball, 6 water bullet, 9 water wall jutsus.

With his current transfer jutsu it was kinda complicated. Although he could perform this many times, it was only for a few seconds. Or he could perform it once and hold it for up to 8 minutes. He later discovered that the time also depended on the tension he wanted. The lower the voltage, the lower the chakra consumption. And the higher the voltage the higher chakra consumption. The problem was the lower the voltage, the less damage. So giving it too little voltage and he would be just wasting his chakra, while too much voltage and he would run out of chakra too fast. Even thought he would do some serious damage, he would have to time it perfectly to not waste anything.

And to that he had to use it on a weapon like kunai or his tanto blade. Basically, he needed to expand his chakra training in the near future or it could cost him his life. But he didn't have the time for that right now. "System, how can I level up fireball jutsu" Izuku requested the answer from his system. "You can just use the jutsu over and over again, train your fire affinity or use you jutsu points" The first and third made sense to him, by doing something continuously you actually can master it. The third also made sense to him, cuz the system literaly said that jutsu points were used to level up know jutsus or unlock new ones. But he didn't want to spend them just yet. However, the fire affinity training was something he didn't understand.

The system reading his mind started to explain "The fire affinity training, is part of the elemental training. The elemental training is something used to train you affinitis. But this training is usually taught when the individual that is supposed to be trained has reached the rank of at least chunin. By training your elemental affinities your jutsus, depending on the type of element you trained, will be stronger and cost you less chakra. Meaning that with fire affinity training, all your fire jutsu will all be naturally stronger and would cost you less chakra, while also giving all your jutsus + 10% to progress to leveling up with each level of your fire affinity training." Izuku sucked up all the informations given to him like a sponge. "How many levels are there in the training and how do I start" The fire affinity training gave him much benefits, and that was good, too good to his liking. If it gave him this much good stuff then that training would surely be difficult. There would be surly reason why it was taught to people who were at least chunins.

"There isn't any specific number of levels. You could allways create new one, harden the the others. But for start I would recomend to try and make a leaf ignite and turn into ash while using only fire chakra." with the instruction, Izuku got to work. He grabbed one leaf from a tree that was nearby and tried to ignite it. Only to relise he had no idea how to do it. "How am I supposed to use fire chakra, without using any hand seals." Izuku was totaly lost, he never relised that to make jutsus you allway use hand seals. So how was he supposed to do it without any? "You have to feel it. Imagine the warmth and light from a fire and try to push it into the leaf." The system elucidated.

It took a few moment, but Izuku managed to lit the leaf on fire. Only for the fire to extinguish a few moments later. The leaf was only slightly charred. Izuku on the other hand got many informations from this. Now he knew he had to create more fire and a much stronger one at that.

In the end Izuku trained his fire affinity until the sunset. Then he got on his way home, completely exhausted.

On his way home through the village, not many people were out. And those who were, were mostly adults or shinobis. Most of the citizens were just at their way home like he was. Some shinobis were on their duty to guard the streets, some of them were just walking around or going somewhere. While some of them were just coming from their missions. Among them was what looked like a genin team. They surly stood out.

It was a team of four, with three male member and one female member. What he thought was their sensei, was a tall man. He had fair skin a strong jawline, a somewhat large nose, and black hair. He was mostly noticeable for his shiny bowl-style haircut and thick eyebrows. He wore a green jumpsuit, orange striped leg warmers, and the standard Konoha flak jacket. He had blue shinobi sandals.

Then there was what looked like mini version of their sensei. He had the same hair-style and he also had thick eyebrows. He had bandages around his forearms up to his fingers. He also had blue shinobi sandals.

Then the last male meber. He could guess he was a hyuga. He had the same featureless white eyes as Hinata from his class. He had fair skin and long black hair which looked more dark brown then anything else. He wore a beige-coloured shirt. He wore dark brown shorts, blue shinobi sandals, and wrapped bandages around his right arm and right leg. He tied his hair back in a loose ponytail tied a few inches above the end. He wore a black forehead protector , under which was a smaller headband with two straps that frame the sides of his face.

Then there was the only female member of the team. Her hair and eyes were both dark brown. She wore her hair in two Chinese-style buns on her head with short fringe-bangs framing her face. She wore a pink sleeveless blouse with red sleeve trimmings and yellow fastening buttons and dark green pants.

Seeing them he didn't know why but he started to walk over to them. When he was only a few meters in front of them he wanted to greet them, but the mini version of the teams sensei bumped into him. The boy in the green spandex fell over due to the shock and surprise. The other member looked shocked, none of them seemed to notice him.

When the guy on the floor broke from the shock he started to apologize. "I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you. I didn't mean to bump into you!" the boy practically screamed on him. Izuku looked at him with his dead eyes. He wasn't angry nor mad, afterall it was practically his fault, he got into their way. So he sticked his hand out to him "It's ok, it wasn't your fault". With that action and words he surprised the whole team. They all thought that he was going to shout at him at least. His eyes didn't match his actions and words.

The boy on the floor could only smile and take the hand. "Thanks, my name is Rock lee and you?" the now known Lee introduced himself. Izuku pulled him up and noded "My name is Izuku Hatake-Uzumaki, but you can just call me Izuku" Izuku introduced himself. Rock Lee gave him a flashy smile and thumbs up, he then proceeded to introduce his team.

After a brief introduction Izuku got to know their names. The teams sensei was Might Guy, the Hyuga boy was Neji Hyuga and the girl was Tenten. Izuku also got to know that they just came back from a mission, and they raced to the Konoha gates. Neji and tenten were heavily panting, while the other two were mostly fine just swety. "I see, then I shall excuse myself, I don't want to hold you all here any longer." and with that Izuku left.

But the team was wondering about something. "Did any of you felt any presence from him?" asked guy. They all shook their head. The entire time it felt for them like talking to a wall. His eyes were also very dull.

This was the very first meeting of team two and someone who would very soon become a very special.

[Time skip, when Izuku got home]

When Izuku got home he was met with now very happy Naruto. And seing Naruto smile made Izuku happy. "I'm home" sayd Izuku to Naruto. Every time Naruto would hear that he would smile even more. He was so happy that he had someone in his life. Without meeting Izuku, Naruto doubted he could be allways so happy when ho got home. "Wlcome home!" shouted Naruto.

After izuku took shover and changed his clothes to more comfortable one. He had dinner with Naruto and kakashi who got there while he was taking the shover. They all takled about their days. How Naruto got all scratched up by a cat. What Kakashi had planned for their training. And how Izuku spend the whole day training. Kakashi also gave the two boys some books he thought they could use to train. They were about tactics, jutsus, kenjutsus and even some seals. Naruto was never the type to read books that much. Most of the time it was that Izuku read the books and then taught anything he found important to naruto. Izuku ofcourse took that seriously.

So after the dinner, Izuku was lying on his bed with the books on his nightstand and one in his hand. He wanted to read all of them before going to sleep. "Man, the perfect memory skill is sure coming  handy" and with that Izuku stay up late to read all the books. When he finished the last one he put it on the nightstad, he snuggled into the blanket and drifted to sleep.

To be continued

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