Death & Desire

By Selenes_Chariot

866 55 1

A Goddess, a mate, a God, a destiny. My life hasn't been easy, but I'll share it anyway. A portion of it any... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Three

65 3 0
By Selenes_Chariot

Linkin lead me to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich for himself and one for me and I grabbed two apples. We went back up to his office.

"How'd you sleep?" Linkin asked.

"Better than I have in a long time," I replied.

"Me too. was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tonight?"

"I would love to," I smiled reassuringly, "should I bring anything?"

"A swim suit if you have one."

"Oh I don't have one."

"That's okay, we can run to town if you want to get one?"

"Well if you have work to do..."

"It can wait."

"No, you should do that. I can go on my own."

"Well at least take one of the females with you. I can mind link one."


A few moments later a cheerful brunette opened the office door. "You called?"

"Lexi this is my mate Rivianna, Riv this is my cousin Alexia."

"More like sister really," Lexi explained while giving me an hug.

"Well I was thinking we could go shopping. I don't really know where the good shops are," I proposed.

"Are you kidding! Shopping sounds great," Lexi grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the office. "Who's car should we take?"

"I just have a bike so... your's," I decided.

"Ooh a motorcycle, Link would never let me have one."

I laughed, "For good reason, you know how many wrecks I've gotten into?"

"Nope, but you hardly have a scratch on you."

"Let's just say I heal almost as fast as you."

"Well, where shall we go first?" Lexi asked as we reached her car, a white Mercedes Benz.

"All I need is a swim suit, Linkin asked me out on a date."

"So you have makeup, an outfit to wear, and shoes?"

"Well... no," I admitted. "I have some makeup and a few things to wear."

"What makeup did you bring?"

"Just some eyeliner."

"First stop Sephora," she announced.

At Sephora, Lexi made me get my makeup done professionally and then bought me more than I needed. After that she dragged me to Victoria Secret to buy a swim suit and some underwear. Then we simply walked down the streets looking for a shop to go into. After I had enough clothes for a month without doing laundry we headed home.

It was already late so I had to hurry, I slipped my swimsuit on and followed with a gorgeous black off the shoulder dress that flared out. It went with the one strapped swimsuit. Then I pulled on a pair of sandals and touched up my natural pink lipstick. Then making sure I was alone, I pulled a gift of Aphrodite's out of my backpack. It was a powder that you sprinkle on your face so your makeup didn't get ruined. Even if I was swimming. I then gave myself an approving once over and ran to Linkin's office in a useless attempt not to be late.

As I entered the office Linkin stopped typing at his computer and simply stared at me. He got up and took my hand.

"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he whispered.

I looked up from under my eyelashes, "Thanks, you look handsome too."

He had on black swim shorts and a white tank top, he really did look handsome. "I figured we could take a walk to a little spring in the forest and then have a picnic dinner."

"It sounds perfect."

It wasn't a long walk, and as we neared the spring I could hear the water rushing. I let out a gasp as we entered the grotto. There was a stone wall towards the back of the pool with a waterfall running down it. Rocks were scattered around the water and I could see steam rising from the water. I could see the full moon in the reflection of the dark waters. I didn't think anything could me as beautiful as Mount Olympus, but this might rival it.

"It's beautiful," I sighed.

I noticed Linkin had pulled off his shirt while I took in the spring. The sight of him shirtless was a sight as well. A six pack with defined but not over done biceps.

Linkin pulled at my dress, "Your turn."

I kicked off my sandals and turned and allowed him to unzip the dress. Then sliding the strap of my shoulder, I let the dress fall and stepped out of it. I swimsuit itself was black and strapless. The bottom revealed more skin than I would have liked but Lexi assured me it was alright.

"You are bewitching," Linkin grinned.

"You're not so bad yourself."

He took my hand and led me into the water. He lead me towards the back, slightly away from the waterfall. There was a rock shelf like a bench that we both sat on.

"So, there's something I wanted to ask you... Why did you disappear that night? After my father died."

I looked down, "I could tell you I had a job to do or I didn't realize. I've been telling myself that, but the real reason is... I'm scared, terrified that you'll reject me."

"You are scared? Even now? But I've accepted you," he said confused.

"Not fully. I'm scared that once I tell you everything... you'll reject me."

"No," he cupped my face, "I will never."

"Give me... us a week. If I think I'm ready, I'll tell you everything."


We sealed my promise with a kiss. A simple on that quickly turned passionate, and hotter than the waters around us. A kiss that I quickly had to put a stop to.

I placed a finger on his lips, "A week."

"Maybe we should eat?"

"Race you."

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