When Heaven and Hell Meet

By CC1259

709 51 16

Not good at intros sorry! Blight always stuck to the shadows. All people ever see of her is her shadow or a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

139 6 7
By CC1259

I sit beside a small pond and watch the fish swimming around in it. I take in a deep breath. The fresh smell of spring is quiet relaxing, considering all the troubles I have been in. Taking off my shoes and dipping my feet in the pond, I watching all the fish flee before looking up at the crystal clear night sky that is filled with endless stars.

A didn't realize how long I was gazing at the stars until I looked at my watch reading 12:01. Thats when I hear a rustle in the nearby bushes. I quickly unfold my wings and fly up to the top of a nearby tree to hide. I watch the person pass and I hold my breathe when he looks up, afraid that he might spot me. He does not seem to see me and he moves on. "Thank God." I quietly say to myself. I wait about ten minutes before deciding that it is safe for me to leave the tree. I jump out and start to flap my wings.


I've been flying for about half an hour when suddenly something nicks my arm. It hurts like Hell, but it is just a scratch.

What the fuck? 

A few seconds later more start to fly through the air and I recognize them immediately.


I feel an adrenaline rush. Now that I know they are coming, I simply dodge each one easily. After a few minutes it comes to an end and I relax a bit. However, that relaxation is cut short because next thing I know a net is flying at me. I try to get out of the way, but I'm too late. My whole body gets caught in it and I immediately start to fall out of the sky.

I land on the ground with a loud thud and cringe. I feel a pain throughout my body, but nothing seems to be broken. I try to get out of the net but it's no use, I just keep on getting tangled even more. I am still struggling when a man walks through the trees with a smirk on his face.

"Finally!" he exclaims as he walks better into my view. He has short, light brown hair, brown eyes, a square jaw with a bit of stubble and he is tall with a muscular body.

"You seriously have no idea how long I have been trying to catch a dem..." the man stops talking for a second and looks at my wings. "Angel?" His smirk is gone and is replaced with a look of fear and regret. I stay silent and make sure that my sleeve covers the mark that shows I have demon in me.

He comes right up to me and bends over. I inch back as best as I can in the net.

"Hey, it's okay," he says. Yeah right, the guy just shot me down from the sky. "I'm not going to hurt you." I look at the bruises starting to form from my fall and then to the nick on my arm from his first bullet, but instead of attacking me again he untangles me from the net and pulls me up.

I step back. The guy is simply just looks at me with softness in his eyes. I feel really uncomfortable given the irony of the situation. Normally in this situation I would have bolted a long time ago, but something is telling me to stay. It feels like it has been an eternity by the time he speaks again.

"Sorry, I just assumed you were...something else." he says and looks at my wings. I'm guessing he could not see the color and just assumed they were black, not white. Although he was kind of right about what I was when he first started shooting me and when he untangled me.

I just look at him.

He holds out his hand. "Black." He says. I just stand there looking at his hand. Something is telling me to shake it, but a voice tells me other wise. After a brief second of thinking, I decide which I should do.

"Blight." I say quietly and shake his hand. Unfortunately, my sleeve moved up a little and the mark shows. His eyes glance towards my arm and I quickly try to cover it up.

I see a little bit of pink in the sky, telling me that the sun is about to rise.

Meaning I need to get home.

"I really should get going I say." and I turn to leave. The sun is starting to peek over the mountains and I cringe at pain as it reaches my skin.

Black sees, but he blocks my path. Shit.

"Hang on a second." he says.

Once again I normally would have ran by now, but I feel compelled to stay. The sun continues to rise higher and higher and the higher it gets the more pain I feel. As it reaches the peak of the mountain the pain becomes unbearable. I start to shake trying to not give in, but it just gets worse and worse. I start to fall but Black catches me, throws me over his shoulder and runs to what must have been a small cave nearby.

He sets me down against the wall, gently. I look into his eyes and I see regret. Which for? Not killing me or leaving me out in the sun?

Probably the former.

He gently grabs my arm with the mark and rolls up my sleeve, which I instantly try to pull back but his grip is hard. When he sees the mark, he just drops my arm back onto my lap and looks at me with guilt written across his face. You could almost see the word guilt written in sharpie.

"What are you?" He asks. I know he knows, however he probably just wants to be reassured.

I hesitate. "Why?"

"I did shot you out of the sky. I think I should be told what you are."

"I'm half demon, half angel.."

"Well that explains the wings and the mark."

It's quiet for a few minutes.

He finally speaks up. "I think I've seen you around before, hiding any time someone walks near you. Why are you so afraid of them?" he asks.

I immediately respond. "Because I watched both of my parents being killed at two separate times." I start to tear up. A look of shock has grown onto his face and he has lost all color, but it only lasts for a second. It's as if something in his brain clicks.

He wraps his arms around me and I flinch at his touch. Then all at once the floodgates open.


It is about three P.M. by the time I stop crying. Black is sitting right beside me with his arm wrapped around me.

 Why hasn't he tried to kill me yet? I know he is a demon slayer and I'm part demon...

The gears start turning and I realize how vulnerable I am right now. This is the perfect time for him to strike. I bolt up.

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

Don't say a word. I feel the look of fear spread across my face for a split second. He saw it.

"Look. If I was going to hurt you don't you think I would have done it by now?" he asks.

He has a good point. "I guess..." I say still uneasy.

"Exactly. If I was going to kill you I would have done it while you were in my arms crying."

"Okay, I don't doubt you." And I don't. I have no idea why but for some reason I trust this guy who I just met, and the only reason why I met him was because he shot me out of the sky. I yawn and look outside. I should have been home and sleeping hours ago, looks like I wont be out tonight.

"I should get you home." Black says.

"You don't even know where I live."

"But you can tell me. You kind of have to unless you want to burn to death on your way back home."

"Fine." I say and then I tell him how to get there.

Black puts an arm around me, it feels comforting, puts his sweatshirt on me and pulls up the hood to shield me from the sun, walks me to a old, beat up Ford Fusion and drives me home.

WOW! I am really proud of myself for some really weird reason right now.

So I wanted to thank those of you who are reading this book. Its my first one so bear with me. Also I wanted to say if you guys want to make banners, trailers,covers or whatever please do. Just PM me with the link or email me at cc1209wattpad@gmail.com with the subject When Heaven and Hell Meet Also please tell your friends to read this book and don't forget to comment and vote!

So with all that said

1. What do you think is going to happen with Blight and Black

2. What do you think was going on in Blacks head when Blight told him that she watched her parents die?

3. So far who is your favorite character?


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