Pirateinnit Tommyinnit pirate...

By weebs-simp

71 3 4

Tommy goes to exile and decides to not end it all. In exchange he is giving a new life and happiness.what hap... More

All in one

71 3 4
By weebs-simp

Credit to colm mcginess music on YouTube.
A/N; I seem to have found my way into another fandom this one I realised needs more tommy pirate AU's so I said fuck it and made my own. Feel free to comment. I love reading what you guys think while reading my books. This took quite some time to render and I hope you like it.
I'm going to try to link fun songs to listen to while you read. Enjoy :)

Now Tommy was definitely used to loss and betrayal, even hate, sorrow, death. None of the things a sixteen year old should truly know the feeling of. Even being forced to grind for food and resources, the betrayal of his best friend and both older brothers. Over time all the pain just built up and built up until it overflowed, he just felt nothing; it was an array of all the emotions he had ever felt. As he sat there on his little tower in the sky sitting above the land with potholes and dents from explosives. He just laid there wondering how he could escape from all his pain and fear.
"Damn it all, this world really hates me doesn't it?" he wondered aloud. Now laying on his back, head and legs both dangling off opposite sides of the massive dirt pillar. Lifting his head just high enough to see the night sky he could faintly see the bright twinkling of the stars in the array of black. A small flash of light snapped him out of his own thoughts, "What the he-" A shooting star shot across the sky and off in the direction of the ocean. You could see the star light up his eyes as they trailed its long but fast path.
"Woah..." In awe he sat up to see if there were more of the twinkling wonders. He saw a few more, only two or three all in the same direction, falling gracefully towards the horizon over the big blue mass of the ocean. Looking at the ground he sighed, "How am I supposed to get down before morning"? He looked at the water "I wonder if I can still swim." The water was a little bit far from the tower he had built but it was still manageable to land in. Somewhat recklessly and very lazily he jumped haphazardly into the water barely making it with his last life. Seeing as he had barely made it he jumped out of the water soaking wet and cheered a little. He walked over to his little hole in the ground and laid down for the night ready to make a plan once morning came.
When morning finally did come he sat up on the ground muddy with long mangled locks, after all he was yet to get a haircut."That was the one of the better, out of all the nights I've spent out here by myself"  he thought. Getting up he dusted himself off and walked over to the little trees that he had left, All the grinding did was lead to explosions anyways might as well make use of what's left. As he gathered all the spare wood he could hold in his inventory he made a crafting table and crafted a boat hoping to use it to get back to the mainland. By crafted I mean he grabbed the bigger splinters of the logs from log'stedshire and tied them together with thick grass and clay mixed with mud, setting it out in the sun for a few hours let it harden. As the raft set he grabbed a giant tree branch from a tree that was still remaining and made an oar. By noon he had found some non-poisonous berries on the ground and put those in his inventory."Made a fair amount of progress this morning." Thinking led him wondering when Dream would come and check on him again after all "it had been a week".  What Dream thought was that blowing up his things like that had left Tommy in despair waiting for him to come back so he could beg him to stay with him because of how lonely he was. "Tommy will think twice before crossing me next time I 'visit'." He thought. He had left him there to go tell Tubbo_ his weekly report and he needed to put on quite a show if he wanted Tubbo_ to extend Tommys exile. As he walked to the office he had made sure to get in a fight with some skeletons and piglins in the nether, before he went to make the wound convincing. Limping his way to the young president's house he knocked on the door. Scrambling could be heard on the other side before a tired "Coming!" rang through the house's top window. Tubbo soon opened the door to see a slightly beaten Dream with bruises and small bloody cuts everywhere. "Dream! Are you alright? Come in, I'll get you some potions and food." "T-thank you Tubbo_." Tubbo frantically ran around the massive presidential building grabbing all the healing stuff he thought could help Dream. "Here these should help enough"" thank you Tubbo again."
"Who Did this Dream? How did it happen?"Dream sputtered for a bit going on about how he went to check on Tommy and help him build his house but instead Tommy led him into a secret room in his house and attacked him. Even though none of the above was one hundred percent true.
Tommy didn't know how much longer he could wait to leave the hell hole that was his exile. After all, the tower was still standing tall in its intimidating glory. He looked at the raft then at the sky, it was around noon. "It's now or never" he thought to himself. With all the massive and tiring amounts of grinding he had done for the last week he had managed to get a nametag. He had ventured out far into the mountain and found a mineshaft that was old and abandoned, raiding the place provided him with some nice metals, a saddle, a lead  and a few nametags. Waiting till night he let the mobs spawn, he named one of them Tommyinnit with one of the few nametags he had gotten while in the mines. He then used the lead to trap the zombie on the top of the tower he had previously made for himself. Hoping it would work if he pushed it off the top of the tower, after he would do that he had twelve hours to get as far away from there as possible. He then ran to the raft with all his rations and pushed it into the water and set "sail" rowing like his life depended on it (cause it really did in a way.) he looked to the stars for guidance memorizing all the familiar formations from log'seadshire, already he had done the same with the ones from the Greater SMP. By morning he could not see the mainland any more; he had rowed to the point where he could hardly feel his own arms by the end. He sat holding the makeshift oar in his lap while he took out a piece of stale bread and munched on it while he tried to figure out where the hell he was."Finally I'm free from everything" he sighed looking to the horizon. On wobbly legs he stood up and almost lost his balance a few times but then he just cheered and yelled in a manner of great achievement. He sat back down to steer for anywhere but where he had come from leaving it all behind and creating a new life for himself.

    By the morning after the night he left and was nowhere in sight. The zombie that he had set at top of the tower had fallen, sending a message to everyone's chat. Tommyinnt fell from a high place
Tubbo_ looked at his communicator in disbelief, his heart sank and he just cried and sobbed into Ranboo's coat. Dream was going to look for himself because he was angry and did not really believe that he had really died. Tubbo_ demanded that he come with him though so that's how Ranboo, Tubbo_ and Dream all were wading through the nether portal dream had made that led to log'sedshire. When they got there they saw the tower and the dropped items. Dream was skeptical because he thought Tommy was too chicken to kill himself "Surely he didn't jump" Tubbo_ stuttered, shaking slightly. "He very well could have" said Dream almost too calmly. "You were supposed to look after him YOU failed at the job that I trusted you with!" "I left him for a little too long is what it looks like."
"You are a sick bastard, get out of my sight, Dream!!"
    It had been a few days at this point and news of Tommy's "death " spread like wildfire, lots of people on the server gathered to make a funeral and grave for him and they held an entire service. Many locked themselves in their house for a few days afterwards. Meanwhile Tommy was still rowing. It had been a total of three days he had counted by the day night cycle, because he navigated better at night by the stars. "It's finally day three." he actually said aloud just as the sun rose, leaving the sky a brilliant red color. Tommy watched the sunrise and thought of something; one of technoblades old stories, he didn't just tell old greek myths and all the boring stuff he told him rhymes and tales of the seas and of the arctic empire. He remembered what Technoblade told him, red sky at night sailors delight , red sky at morning sailor take warning. It meant a storm was coming and he knew well enough he was not prepared at all for when it would hit if it even did. As the day went on he desperately looked for land rowing fast and in one direction it was around 4:00 at night when the storm rolled in he could look at the sky and tell how bad it looked for him and his little boat. When the thunder finally rolled in at long last Tommy struggled  to keep the raft together. Waves hit the sides and he capsized at least twice, once to get upside down the other to get right side up again. Water filled his lungs and he passed out after setting himself on the top of his beat up boat, he had swallowed so much water , and when he tried to spit it out another wave jerked his boat upwards trapping his lower leg underneath some of the logs on the boat. Seeing as how the leg was already in terrible condition he tried to untie his leg but ended up hitting his head and passed out.
Time skip a few hours (around 6-7)----

    He woke up with a crick in his neck and back and just about everywhere else. "Where the fuck am I?" He looked around the room he was in and tried to get up but failed miserably as he couldn't feel one of his legs and he seemed to be experiencing a large session of vertigo. The room spun after he jolted up right, so he layed back down to hear shuffling behind the door.
He sighed "Dream or one of the others probably found me" the shuffling noise stopped at the door to enter the room. But to his surprise he wasn't met with a smiley face mask or Tubbo_'s fluffy hair. Instead he was met with a young lady who walked into the room. She had long silky dark violet hair that was tied back into many massy braids strung with beads, gold and silver. A long waistcoat adorned her arms with plated shoulders and silver lining, along with the poet's shirt that sat lightly underneath the jeweled coat. She had fierce blue/gray eyes and a tricorn hat with beads strung all around the rim under one arm and something wrapped in cloth in the other. Walking into the room yet to notice that Tommy was indeed awake she walked around the room picking up and tidying the placement of things, when she finally walked over to check the boy over she saw that he was awake. "Boy you've been awake this whole time. You could have been helping with something around the room or taking a stroll if I knew you'd been up."
" Who the Fuck are you?!"
"What do you mean who the fuck am I?  I saved your arse from droning in the open ocean with an open infected wound on your old leg!"
He felt guilty for yelling at the lady she had only tried to help. Just then you both felt the room shake from one side to the other and rock back and forth for a few seconds. Whoever the woman was she was grumply looking at the door
"I'll be right back" she walked up and out of the hallway and left the door open behind her.
He could slightly hear her yell something along the lines of "I swear I let you steer for five minutes and you almost sink us."
She rushes back to the room housing Tommy with a small grin on her face. "Tell me boy, what is your name?"
"Thomas.. but most people call me Tommy I don't really like my name."
"Ahh make's as much sense as it can, So Tommy you want to walk around?"
"I cant feel one of my legs. I don't think that's a good idea."
"Tommy, look at yer leg why don't you?"
He took the thin silky sheet that had been carefully draped over his body and pushed it off.The look on his face was shocked, the reason he couldn't feel it is because it had been amputated.
"In the sea, me'n my crew found you floating on top of a big log face down with a badly infected and wounded leg."
"Well 'ye, It was unavoidable mate."
"I'm so confused, so much has happened to me in the past hour."
"That's pretty normal when you're saved by pirates."
"Oh you didn't notice, thought it was obvious." she sighed "Look mate I'm really sorry about your leg, but there was nothing we could do."
Tommy had every reason to be angry that a person could ever have, but for some reason he wasn't.
"To make it up to ye I went outta my way to forge ya a new one."
She then reached for the big object covered in cloth from earlier, that had been set up against the doorframe. Pulling the cloth off of it he could see it was a brilliantly crafted artificial leg. It was attached to his lower thigh with some straps and enchantments. Enchanted with mending and unbreaking at the calf and thorn and shattering in everything else. The prosthetic had been carefully engineered to behave like that of both dragon and cheetah. With a slim but curvy build, It had clearly been built out of netherite and made for speed and power.
"You made this for me?"
"Well yeah I felt bad for cuttin' your' leg off without consent."
"Thank you, are you sure I can use this?" he asked quietly
"Yeah course you can mate I made it for you"
"Could you help me put it on?" he asked sheepishly
"Sure"  she strode over and clipped and strapped it on to his thigh.
It fit beautifully and had almost no weight to it which greatly surprised Tommy as he struggled a little to stand and finally stood upright.
"It might take some gettin' used to but you should be a natural in no time." she spoke with a smile in her voice.
"I never really got your name either, could I know your name?"
"Oh how rude of me. My name's Maggie, but everyone calls me captain-Magia."
"So you're the captain?" he questioned
"Yup. Also want some help?" Magia offered her hand to help him get used to walking with a bit of a limp.
He took Magia's hand and she helped him hobble around till he felt confident enough to walk on his own. When he started walking by himself she told him to change his clothes to some of the parts that were in the chest at the front of the room across from the foot of the bed. Hobbling over to the grand chest he pulled out a poet's shirt and some burgundy trousers, taking the cotton fabric in his hands he slipped the new clothes on. There was a mirror in the room with him and a bookshelf, and he started to realize how nice the room he had been welcomed into was. A spruce bookshelf sat at the corner of the room next to the porthole that had a view into the ocean. He walked around a bit more and he then pulled out one of the large drawers on the dresser and found a pair of calf high boots. Pulling one boot on ( the other one didn't fit on his prosthetic.)  and hobbling out onto the top deck.  As he looked around he noticed how nice the ship actually was; the floorboards were a dark rich oak stained to match the rest of the ship. There was a figurehead of a dragon on the front of the ship that curled around the entire ship; This made it look like a great dragon was wrapped around the entire boat. And the beautiful sails of the ship were dyed a deep vibrant shade of violet. The crows nest sat above the tallest sail, and there were thick glass windows that looked into the office of the captain with red curtains covering most of the windows. Intricate carvings in many languages were carved out of the wood all sound the ships halls and polls. Cannons lined both far sides of the ship and were covered in a rubber type material to protect the boat from lightning. If you looked up at where the steering wheel was set, you could see a grand wood carved masterpiece into the back of the ship along with a single cannon that seemed to be set slightly into the ship so that it stayed put.This cannon was also covered in the rubbery material that the others were draped in. The great wood carved mural on the back of the boat was massive and it had plenty of unfinished space left over to carve more into it. All kinds of carvings littered the wall in precise detail. There was a flower, an island, a boat similar to the one he rode on now and many others, some small, some rather large. Walking up to it he ran his fingers all around the details of the carvings, greeted in turn with a soft sanded finish.
A soft "whoa" left his lips.
"Quite a sight aint it". Asked another crew member he had yet to meet.
"Who are you?" He asked with a squeak
"I'm captain schol (like skull and scholar mixed together), pleasure to make your acquaintance" they held their hand out for Tommy to shake.
" Oh, you're a captain too?" he asked
"Well I am married to Maggie so, it would make sense."
"Oh that's cool." he shrugged
"The way this ship does pirate names is different from what most pirates do." they explained
"We give everyone on board the chance to be a capitan, of different things of course. We all know how to fight and steer the ship, some more than others. The way you get your  title is by doing a heroic deed or by doing something stupid one too many times to the point where it becomes your nickname.This mural is the right of passage to all who have learnt how to steer the ship, everyone gets a chance to detail the wall further" they finished
" Okay ,that makes sense, by the way where are we headed?"
"We are headed to the Seraphine Isles, it's a place where pirates go for vacation, no foul play is allowed,and there isn't really a government in place. We govern ourselves by the law of commons, or common sense. Don't do anything you wouldn't want done to yourself. The people who founded it actually made it to where only those who live and don't intend to hurt the populace residing there can actually find the islands.''
"Makes about as much sense as it can, so that's where we're headed?"
"Yup, to help you get back on your feet."
"How much time do you reckon we have till we get there?" he asked
They looked at the sky and at their compass.
"I'd say in about a day's time we should find it."
"Thank you all so much for all that you helped me with." Tommy said
"Aye it's no problem really kid." Magia said as she walked out onto the deck.
"I am not a 'kid" Tommy huffed
"Sure, how about we get you some food and then we can all get to work."
"Sounds good to me if I get food."
"Alright have at thee then let's go."
With that they all walked into the room visible from the top deck and sat down, food already waiting for them. Waffles and bacon with hash browns and fried eggs. Everyone enjoyed their food that afternoon.
Time skip-------------------- when they get to the isles --
It was a late night when they finally reached the isles, and it was tiring for Tommy more than anyone. He had gotten sort of burnt out from new interactions with new people, because he had been getting to know all the members of the Violet Death's crew ( that's the name of the ship). When they reached the harbor the ship immediately docked and they all set off on a long winding path that let them all up to the top of a hill where there was a giant house that grouped a bunch of smaller houses together. All of the crew ran up to their parts of the mansion and Tommy just stood there awkwardly waiting for one of the captains to come get him. Soon enough Schol and Magia walked over after unloading all of the cargo off of the ship.
"Hey Tom's sorry for keeping you waiting, let's go turn in for the night." Schol said
"Alright but where will I stay?" tommy asked
"Aye don't worry we've gotta room for ya." Magia said
Both of the captains led him up to the house on the hill into a hallway that led to a room that was structured around the same way as the one in the ship he stayed in. Tommy had never felt unconditionally welcomed like this feck with it!  He was in the presence of two dozen pirates that had killed people before. He was lost deep in his own thoughts and walked into the room that was provided. He laid down on the bed and immediately sunk into the comfy mattress, it was covered to the brim with soft blankets and silky sheets. Sighing he just relaxed after he got comfortable and fell into a deep sleep.
-----the next morning--------
Tommy was rudely jabbed in the side a few times to get him to wake up by captain Magia.
"The fuck man-"
"Wake up sleeping beauty you've slept in till noon time to get your shit together!"
"I swear it feels like morning right now-..."
Just then Schol opened the door with a facial expression no one could miss.
"Did I or did I not tell you that I would wake him up when lunch was done?!"
"Sorry mate, I mean you're here now so it looks like I was on time ight?"
"Listen here you little shit-"
" Ah, see but you love me so I'm your little shit!" They both bickered playfully back and forth.
"So what's for lunch?" Magia asked after they finished their play fight.
Schol rolled their eyes and said."
"We're eating sandwiches"
"Ah yeh' those are good"
Tommy sat with a confused look on his face as he watched the two converse.
"Aye mate you okay, you look con-flik-ed"(conflicted) Magia asked
"Y-yeah I'm good, just thinking."
"What about?"
"Well you guys fought for fun, 'er it looked like you tried to make her angry? And no one got hurt or yelled too loudly or anything really... just something I'm not really used to." Tommy said.
Both of the pirates looked at each other with worried expressions clearly on their faces.
"Well mate ,that's - that's  normal it's called teasing." Schol said with a sigh.
"Uhh yeah it's when you poke fun at someone close to you for shits and giggles, no hard feelings are shared most of the time, and no one gets hurt."
"Really?" he looked as if he'd seen a ghost, shaking ever so slightly."I've never had that happen before. Most of the time you do something like that you either get exiled, beaten or thrown in prison.."
Magia and Schol looked shocked and bewildered by just thinking about the kind of thing the poor child had been through. "How old are you, boy?" Magia asked
"I'm a big man, thank you very much 16 just before you lot found me."
"Mate what happened before we found yo-"
Tommy noticeably flinched at the sudden loud noise and covered his ears the longer it went on. Schol ran out of the room leaving the door open, Magia went to close the door and after she did she walked over to the now quivering boy on the bed still in his one legged state as he took off his prosthetic to sleep. His eyes widened and he covered his face with his arms and was breathing rapidly as the sounds of walking stopped and he felt the mattress dip in next to him. She engulfed him in a massive hug and pulled him closer to herself to comfort the child.
"W-wha-t what are you doing??" he choked out between harsh breaths.
"  'M hugging you boy you need comfort right now more than anything."
Schol ran into the room again panting slightly
" I've saved the sandwiches! Now let's eat!"
Magia felt Tommy chuckle in her grasp." Come on Tom's don't want the burnt sandwiches to get cold now do ye'  "
"Hey!" Schol huffed "they aren't burnt they're just a little more charred than normal!"
Tommy got over to his leg that had been positioned just by the foot of his bed and strapped it on. After the process was complete he got up with a little help from Magia and Schol, and they all made their way into the kitchen to eat lunch where they saw many of the pirates. Not all were present in the dining hall for lunch, some had theirs to go so they could go train or clean the ship. The ones that were however in the dining hall were Whie, Scarn and H.D. all sitting at the table eating and chatting with one another.
"Aw hey bubs how'd ya sleep?" Scarn asked
Tommy hesitated he'd only been introduced to Magia and Schol not anyone else had come acquainted with him.
"Go'on they don't bite". Schol said nudging him a little.
"I KNOW for a fact that they do in fact bite you've just never seen it happen yourself!"
"Wait! Yer' jokin !"
" 'M not."
"Scarn! Help me out here! You did!"
Scarn kept quiet and just let everything play out, while laughing really hard at the other end of the table was H.D. and Whie. Schol was holding a chair doubled over in laughter. Magia was just trying to get them to believe her.
"Mate you believe me right?!" Magia asked Tommy
In response he started laughing too. "I don't know that doesnt seem like something they would do, like why would you bite someone?!"
"Ask them that question!" Pointing at Scarn
"I did, actually but it was a joke I swear!" They started laughing more and the room erupted in loud hearty laughter.
----After lunch------
After everyone finished and paid their respects to the cook they all got to work. Tommy had been pulled aside for a much needed talk about what happened.
"Tommy, I want to know what happened before we found you out at sea." Magia asked
"W-wait why? I said I didn't want to talk about it..."
"We need to know what you need- or we need to know what we can do for you."
"Imma big man I don't need help!"
"Tommy, we said we just need to know what happened to figure out how to help you."
Tommy was reluctant, but agreed after about half an hour of convincing. Both of the pirate captains were shocked that he was pulled into something so young but understood his circumstances, word of the SMP traveled around every now and again. He showed signs of having PTSD and severe manipulation in his past, again not surprising. Not wanting help he said he was fine and that all of what had happened was something he deserved, even though he was not to blame for most of the escalations or the wars. After a few hours of talking out  solutions to his conditions, they decided to ask him to join their crew of deadly pirates,but they didn't know how to do it in a chill, normal way.
"Well Tommy, we have an idea, one that might work really well, and help solve your problem." Schol started
"Oh Great! What is it?!"
"We think it woul-
"We Want ye' On The Deck mate' on all the cool adventures we go on!" (MAGIA)
"What?" He looked surprised and confused.
"Well what I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted was, That we are like a massive family on the ship and we dock, I'd say 'bout twice a month at most so we wanted to know if you'd like to be a part of the family Tom's?"
"Uhh yeah what they said '' Magia said pointing at Schol
He sat on the chair in the commons of the giant housing addition. Still shocked from what he heard he said" Wot?" quietly almost sinking and slouching in his chair.
"We want you to join our crew!" Magia said excitedly
"Why would you want me with you 24/7? I'm a lot of trouble and only cause problems even you guys were arguing over me the other day."
"We really enjoy yer' company mate, plus the other people you were with seem to not like you that much."
"You'd be able to help us stir up trouble when we sail to the mainland, and if you join we'd train you an' help ya heal."
"But what if my old friends and family want me back? If I left It'd be betrayal."
"Nar mate as long as you don't do anything that hurts us pirates as you leave no physical damage or crazy things to the ship you get off scot free, besides the fact that you'd have to visit we'd miss ya."
"All I'd have to do is visit you?"
"Yeh pretty much."
"But I thought family came before anything, if you leave them for any reason it's considered treason?"
"Mate come 'ere" Schol said
Tommy looked at them as if they'd grown a second head. "Why?"
"Cause" Magia answered
So he stood up and walked over to the couch that both of the captains were sitting on. Both parted ways to leave a space in the middle so he could squeeze in. After he had sat down both pirates leaned over and cuddled in on him. Taken off guard he tensed up and tried to wiggle out of the death grip of the cuddles but failed miserably.
"Hey, Hey calm down bubs."
Magia reached out and gently put a slightly scaly hand on his head, when she did that he froze in place.
"We would love to have you bubba, but we won't make you do anything you are uncomfortable with. Is this okay?" She spoke with a softness in her voice that Tommy had'nt heard in a long time.The cooing noises that the pirate was using to calm him down greatly resembled the Dadza chirp.
"H-how are you doing that?" he asked
"I'm a dragon hybrid so I have two sets of vocal cords." she said using the same coo that was used earlier.
"A dragon. Well that explains the tallness and the dark long violet hair."
" May I see If there is another way I can help you?"
"What do you mean" her hand still resting on the top of his head playing with his messy curled hair.
"Well you mentioned a guy named Dream being the admin of where you're from, yes?"
"Uhh yeah"
"Well the way you get admin powers is if you kill a dragon that lives in the end. Him being an admin means he likely killed an ender dragon and was given a certain amount of power over a large mass of land."
"Huh. That's news to me."
"And being an admin means you have access to the code of all things that are in your set of land boundaries." she explained
"Including the people who live there." he looked up at Magia, she let out a growl-like noise that scared him a little.
"Sorry, just a little angry that he would stoop that low." Tommy nodded and she put her hand back on his head.
"But being a dragon hybrid means that I can check for any abnormalities in your personal code. I have only ever had to do this a few times with other crew members but it could help if he locked or erased certain things to get those back for you."
"I'd never do it without asking first, so are you okay with me checking if your personal code is okay?"
Schol had just been nodding in agreement while Magia was explaining.
"I don't know what will happen if something is wrong?"
"Well, simple I get rid of the problem."
"Then I guess it's okay, will it hurt?"
"Oh no, not at all might make you a little sleepy though.
"Okay then."
Schol kept playing with his hair and cuddling with him so Magia could put her hand on his forehead. Pushing his head into her and Schol he relaxed. She started to look through his code explaining what she was looking for as she went so as to not startle him with all the numbers and logistics of it. A few minutes pass and she suddenly stops talking and goes quiet.
"I-is everything okay?" Tommy asked quietly
"I don't really know." Magia then leaned over a little flashing a small section of blurry jumbled code to Schol. They nodded, and Magia sighed
"Well I've found a little problem mate." she began softly
"It appears that he locked some pretty important stuff away in your code."
"What is it?" he looked at the small blob of jumbled discolored code.
"Well mate he locked away some hybrid traits. Or that is what it looks like to me."
"H-hybrid traits? But I've always been human!"
"Well this says otherwise." Magia leaned her arm forward and showed him the jumbled code that was trying to escape the walls of the lock down. It looked like it was trying to make a picture but was confused as to how to do so.
"What's gonna happen now?" To say Tommy was worried was an understatement he was a hybrid his entire life and Dream locked his traits away.This sure was news to him.
"Well I can unlock them for you if you'd like."
"Will that hurt?" He was shaking at this point.
"Hey, calm down your safe with us here bubba" Schol and Magia both pulled him into themselves again and got him to take some deep breaths, so he would calm down, which evidently worked.
" And no it won't hurt. You might be a little surprised after it's over though." Magia did the safe chirp again and Tommy stopped shaking as much.
"Do you know what kind of hybrid I might be?"
"Hmm, hold on a second." Magia reached into the code zooming in on some parts here and there.
"Well it looks like you might be a winged hybrid, but all I found was a code for wing growth so you could be anything with wings."
"I've got wings.That is going to be awesome fucking pogchamp."
"I'm going to unlock them now, so I'll carry you to your room."
Magia pulled the code up again and started to break down the lock while Schol picked Tommy up with little protest and carried him to his room with Magia in hot pursuit behind them still messing with code. Tommy was gently placed onto the mattress, After he got comfortable the pirates joined him on the king sized mattress (In a familial way dumbasses).
"Done! You should feel a little drowsy right about......." She waited a few seconds.
Tommy was met with a heavy wave of exhaustion and relaxed immediately into the mattress.
"There we go buddy. Good job."
Being under some heavy anesthesia he fell asleep almost instantly snuggling in very quickly.

-----After that was over-------
Slowly waking up out of his deep sleep he took a minute to adjust to the new feeling and the increased senses. He waited to open his eyes till the anesthesia wore all the way off. He could hear the same cooing noises that Magia had done earlier and he sighed or tried to, Tommy chirped in response, recoiled and had a very confused look on his face. Laughing Magia started to scratch the top of his head playing with the hair close to the back of his neck, and was pleasantly caught by surprise when he let out a tiny cooing noise himself and leaned into the touch.
"I see your awake early bubs." Schol said it had only been a few hours and they had both left one at a time taking shifts so they could make sure he was safe.
"What am I?"
"Well not too surprising, but it looks like you're some sort of avian hybrid which explains the bright red and blue wings you grew."
Tommy looked behind him, or at least he tried. His vision was however thrown off by hues of red and blue.
"Woah" He looked so starstruck as he flexed his wings a little by little as he stood up from the spot on his bed in his room. The wings that now lay on his shoulder blades were a beautiful shade of ruby red with the under feathers being blue. Fully extending his wings he Stood agasp in the center of the bedroom. With his wings fully flexed all the way out gold feathers were visible underneath the blue and red. All colors were vibrant but the gold shone like mica underneath the normal feathers that are used for regular flight. Twirling around in the mirror he laughed."
"Well glad you like them Tommy." all occupants of the room were smiling and laughing 
"When can I learn to fly?"
"I'd say in a day or two after you learn motor controls first." Magia gave a nod in agreement to Schol.
-----Time skip to when he learnt how to move the wings-------(flying lessons)

Magia had her long scaly dragon wings unfurled from her back where they normally were tucked away on the island. They had purple and cyan shift to the scales in a multichrome effect. Tommy thought they were awesome when he first saw them. After some days of learning how to open close , shift his weight and push off the ground a little he was going to learn how to stay airborne. That however was the most worrying part for Tommy, as of right now they were on the top of the crows nest. Not high enough to kill you but high enough to break his good leg. After some betting and convincing he jumped off. "OPEN YE'R WINGS BOY!" Magia yelled. He uncuffed his wings and caught the wing and blew up into the air.
"Look! Look! I'm doing it!"
"Great job bubba!"
He flapped a little harder and got higher into the air and while he was a little wobbly at first he got the hang of flying very quickly. Not long after he had stabilized himself Magia lifted off the boat and joined him in the sky. Both parties were enjoying themselves and whooping when Tommy successfully did a flip in the air. After a good three hours of early morning practice they landed and went to eat lunch. Chatting over the table with the whole crew this time he got to know everyone on the team. Whie, Scarn,and H.D. were the most experienced of the group. There also were birb,garnet,yasmine,captainsparklez,eme and many more but those were the most talkative.
_-----pirate shenanigans (healing montage)------_
All of the pirates had been training Tommy and helping him heal mentaly. The progress he made was astonishing, he went from flinching almost every time someone reached out to him to barely flinching when someone spooked him. Accepting help, therapy, learning to talk through his problems instead of bottling it all up. He was also maturing To the point where the entire crew thought it would be a good Idea to finally take him out to sea again. They set sail after only a year and a 17 year old Tommy had made tremendous progress. Magia would let him sail and teach him how to sail out of heavy storms. He ended up engraving his own picture on the back of the boat while they were at sea. It was a detailed carving of him and tubbo_ walking on prime path together. He had used the old picture he had sketched of them like that as reference. Schol made him learn the ins and outs of sailing from shooting cannonballs to hoisting the mainsail. After all of the yearly teachings he was a well taught fully fledged pirate and the crew threw a party onboard the ship as celebration. They all made a great amount of food that varied in flavor profile. During the becoming ceremony, that is what the party is called. They all sang and danced around to all kinds of sea shanties. While they were sailing the broad sea one day they ran into a bit of a predicament.
"Oi, is that another ship?!" Tommy yelled from the crows nest And what the entire crew thought was amusing is that after hanging around a lot of pirates who had heavy Scottish accents he had picked up on the accent and sounded a little more foreign to himself.
"Aye! That's not just any ship! Hoist the mainsail! Prepare for a fight!!" Magia yelled out
"What Is Goin on!?!?!" Yelling over the commotion tommy asked
"Shit!" tommy looked and craned his eyes so that he could see if they were firing at them or not
Sure enough he not even five seconds later heard a deafening explosion and flinched a little, a cast iron ball was shot at them.
"OI OI THEY SHOT!!! ARM US!!" he yelled while covering his ears.
Everyone was at a cannon except the two married captains who were keeping the ship on course. Tommy flew up into the air with a sword and a bow loaded with arrows.
The ship had been expertly steered and was now facing the attackers. All the members that could fly landed onboard the enemy ship and attacked. Tommy landed last and shot at them from the air, when he did land he slashed a good number of the opposing crew. The crew's captain blew a goat horn. Everyone panicked as two more ships emerged from the distance in a triangle formation and the Naval fleet fought back. Tommy flew back to the Violet death and warned the captains and the others about the predicament they had gotten themselves into.
"I think it;s time for the big guns!" Magia said with a smirk
"You know what, sure , go at 'em I'll drive!' Schol grabbed the wheel.
Magia ran to behind where the lone cannon sat up behind the wheel, over by the mural. Tommy gasped and yelled "THE FAWK! THAT'S AWESOME!" Magia had been gifted with super amounts of strength because of her hybrid blood. She went up to the cannon, picked it up and put it on her shoulder.
"Tom's my boy! Go grab some cannon balls will 'ye!" and she flew up into the air with a hollowed out horn of gunpowder in one hand, it was attached to her belt with a leather strap. Tommy glided down to the lower deck and grabbed an extra bag for the cannon balls and shot into the sky after Magia.
He had reached up to Magia and said " I got'em !"
"Good" talking over crossfire is rather difficult. She handed him some ear plugs to help him focus then roared
Loading the cannon and shooting down an entire naval fleet was much easier now.Tommy was holding her ammo and shooting his crossbow at the same time which took more skill than he would like to admit. But he had a shit eating grin on his face, and that is telling enough. Soon the battle ended with the crew of the violet death being victorious. The crew was exhausted and all dropped anchor to take a rest for a few hours.
"Now that wa fauking awesome!" Tommy pointed at Magia
"I did not actually think that was possible.!"
"It's all in the dragon bubs." she walked over to the starry-eyed boy who had come to them with gray, dull, empty eyes. Now they shone with joy and determination. Ruffling his hair she spoke,
"You were such a big help bubba thank you."
"No problem! I'm just that awesome I guess." he grinned
"But it was all thanks to you mu-........" he stopped himself
Magia looked at him eyes wide and she froze looking at him then smiled so wide Tommy didn't know it was physically possible. She hugged him so tight, he chirped in her arms ,she fell over and was laughing with Tommy as Schol walked over, confusion written all over her face. Magia looked at her and laughed " He called me mum!" she smiled into tommy blond wavy hair.
"So I have something to tell you son." she looked at Tommy face stiffening
"What i-is it!" he asked worried
"I need to tell you ............." she paused for a long time "You're adopted!' and then burst out laughing.
"OH GAwd! I was worried ''Don't scare me like that!" he huffed
That night was fun Tommy had sat down after dinner and sketched in his little leather bound book that the pirates made just for him. He had gotten into sketching as a coping mechanism, if he ever got worried he would bust out his art book. After doing that for a year you'd think you'd get real good at it, just as Tommy did. The captains had an array of instruments in the storage compartment on the ship and he had graciously been taking lessons for the violin and the acoustic guitar. Gotten pretty good at that too.
----a few weeks later----
The crew had been laughing at H.D. and playing steering charades, everytime you got something right you'd get to steer the ship. Till H.D. walked up to start his turn he said "If any of you guys can figure out what my pirate name stands for, I'll get you a present" 
"H.D? it stands for something?" Tommy asked
"Yes it indeed does"
Tommy thought for a while and finally said "Does it stand for Hard derrick?"
"I'm sorry!?!? Did I hear that right!?!" Everyone burst out in laughter.
"Oh no. Did I get it wrong?"
"Uhh yeah your way off!" he struggled between laughs
"So anyways I think I found you a name boy."
"Oh cool what is it!"
"Derrick..." bursting out in laughter the crew fist bumped Tommy who kinda accepted his fate.
"So derrick-'' he couldn't even finish, everyone was just laughing so hard their slides hurt.

------time skip again------( a few more years Tommy is 19)

Tommy had been such a good pirate to  the crew over the three years they had been together and had broken out of jail at least three times, that's about once a year. Taken down a dozen ships from many different enemies of the violet death. Had almost gotten killed in a storm twice and docked back at Seriphine iles six times. Everyone looked a bit different now especially Tommy, or now known as derrick. His hair was shoulder length and had gotten a little lighter due to sun bleaching. He had freckles all over his arms, legs and face, And had two piercings in each ear. His prosthetic had been with him through all three years and still looked as it did when he first got it. Being around a bunch of pirates who had a deep scottish accent made it where his voice dropped and had sounded completely different. While he could still sound like the old Tommy he just chose to be a pirate. But he would always yell in his British accent because he was not used to yelling in his Scottish one. He loved the way the sea felt welcoming to him now, and the adrenaline he got when escaping from the navy of an opposing people. Having gotten through so many sketchbooks he had a shelf of them in the library section of the room he stayed in on the iles. And would fill a new one out every time he went out to sea. Learning all of the instruments and playing them on the nights where they all would celebrate with song and food. He had also found out he had quite the voice. Being the person he was he would start singing along with Magia and Scholl and the others but when they stopped and quieted down, he kept going and everyone would always sing along with him. Almost every night was a new adventure. They had gotten treasure and new land, but the most exciting to Tommy (captain derrick) was the new members they had picked up along the way. Two little kids, twins, a boy and a girl who were moth hybrids. Who had been found while the pirates were escaping from prison. The two very small children had been running away from the warden as well, because the escape of the worlds most feared pirates panicked the entire prison .The reason they had both been stuck in the cruel dark damp prison was because they had stolen a some bread, and brought it back to the orphanage, only to be turned in as soon as the dean realized they had been eating food from outside.They were small and kind and Tommy had willingly taught them all he had learned. And had the pleasure of naming them, clementine and shroud. Clem had straight dirty blonde hair that went down to her lower back, usually in a long braid. Sprouting from her back was a beautiful pair of wings that looked like the face of a fuzzy owl when stretched out all the way. She had the most amazing amber colored eyes and little antenna poking out from her dark blonde locks. Shroud, her twin brother, had red eyes that sparkled when he was happy. He has short light brown hair that was extremely curly on the top of his head, as well as small fluffy moth wings on the back of his lower shoulders.  Shroud's favorite outfit was a pair of dark red trousers and a purple shirt, because it matched the ship. Clementine's favorite clothes were a yellow pair of overalls and a brown top. Both little kids favor Derrick (Tommy) ; he sings them songs at night and tells stories to them. A favorite story of theirs being the one about the old man and his kingdom in the cold, and great black wings. Even better is the song about a special place that told them about his past. Both of the kids were under his grasp as he climbed up into the crows nest to teach them how to fly. Just as Magia taught him how he would teach the two smaller children. Both of the twins giggled as they all flew through the air around the ship.
"Dad! Dad! I'm gonna do a flip watch!" Clem yelled
Tommy was not expecting to be called that mid air and froze up and stumbled and stuttered like a broken machine. Catching himself before he crash landed he said "Okay! Okay I'm watching!"
She flew up and did a somersault in the air like it was nothing. "Shroud you try!"
"Okay..." he looked at the sky and then looked down at the boat "You'll catch me if I fall right dad?"
"Oh course! Don't worry mate! I've gotcha" 'Man I sound like Philza, more than I'd want to admit'
Chuckling to himself he stood guard as Shroud tried to do a flip like his sister, key word tried. The very instant he stumbled  Tommy shot into the air to catch him.
"See I told you I'd catch you bubba."he smiled
The rest of the day was Tommy throwing the twins into the air and catching them, teaching them tricks and racing. That night as the time passed they all sat down to eat dinner and Magia spoke up over the noise of 24 hungry pirates.
"Everyone listen up!" the room quieted down instantly "thank you"
"We seem to have gotten a job offer" everyone looked around the room confused
"They have agreed to let them on their land, and allow us to use their supplies without being turned in." the room started at a hushed whisper.
"However, they want us to help them with something." The chatter amongst the room's occupants was louder now.
"What that something is, is still unknown to me." everyone went silent
"But the only thing stopping me from accepting this offer is because it might compromise the safety of Captain Derrick." she spoke louder now growing visible frustrated
Tommy stiffened at the mention of his safety.
"This is because I've just received a letter by crow, from President Tubbo_ asking for assistance."
Tommy seemed more relaxed, after all he forgave him a long time ago. What he was worried about was the kids. The Dream SPM is no place for small children, he speaks from experience.
"It's okay, You should accept his offer" Tommy said
"Are you one hundred percent sure you're ready mate?"
"Yes..." he paused. '' The thing I'm worried about is my kids. I know more than anyone that the SMP is no place for small children to walk about. I don't want them to get hurt, but I don't want them to attack us because they recognise me."
"I see where the concern comes from but if they stay with you or the boat they should be fine."
Everyone seemed to be in agreement and Tommy walked up to the wheel and set the course for The greater SMP. Magia walked over to him and gave him a hug
"That is going to take a lot out of you, but we're here for ye' " she hugged him
"Thank you so much Magia."
"By your side till the end bubba"
"How long till we arrive? I've already set a course, but I don't know how long it will take us."
Magia looked to the sky " looks like it will take a few days with how far out we are, but we should get there fairly soon."
Tommy had matured so much from when he was first found by his crew, so vastly different. His hair, he decided to grow it out so it reached just beyond his shoulders, bits and bobbles sorted throughout the many small braids in his hair. His voice was unrecognizable now that he had a deep Scottish accent, only sometimes would he talk in his British one, but that was usually to make fun of someone on the SMP. He had sorta adopted two children, and he had wings. The wingspan reached about eight feet across in both directions with fiery red, royal blue and freckles of golden yellow. His blue eyes had returned, and you could swear that they had never been brighter. A golden undertone overtook his skin after he started sailing while his blonde was less Yellow, trading it for a warm wheat like tone. He had a scar over his face from his left temple down across his nose all the way down to his chin and just missing his lips. Fighting to get out of prison will do that to you, and everyone was so worried about him when they saw it that they put him on probation and sailed back to seraphine for a break while he healed. Family is not always blood, but the people who would shed it to keep you safe.
That night they all sang songs and drank ( not the kids ) and Tommy had been toasted and played his heart out that night. After they biggest part of the party Schol proposed to play uno at the table outside for  little longer, so Tommy went to go put the kids to bed.
"But we wanna play uno dad!" Clem whined
"You don't even know how to play." Tommy chuckled
"Teach us!" Shroud said
"Right now, you lot need to sleep more than learning how to play a new game, we have a big day tomorrow."
"Stay with us tonight?" shroud clung onto Tommy's arm
Tommy looked down and smiled, he was definitely doing a better job than Phil and Techno.
"Sure kiddo lay down and let me go change, I promise I'll come here after I get into some more comfy clothes bubba."
"Nononono your bed is bigger! We should sleep there!" Clem said
Tommy laughed. She somehow had his personality. He had no idea how it got there but it was there.
"Yeah that would be smarter now huh?"
He carried both of them under his arms as they laughed and giggled from being carried like a sack of potatoes. Setting them down on the bed they both got comfortable as he changed out of his captain's coat and took off his prosthetic. Jumping with his good leg over to the bed he gently flopped over both kids and fake snored.
"DaD! Ya'er squishing us!" they both laughed
They both wiggled around trying to get out from underneath him, laughing as they failed for a few minutes.
Tommy then got up and snuggled in properly and said "Okay now you've had your fun lets sleep."
"Night night papa"
They all slept through the night, and woke up to the crew's cat creeping into the room to play with the kids. Who were still sleeping, because they stayed up past their bedtime.
The cat pawed at the bed and woke both little kids up.
"Good morning to you too Scurvy" they both escaped Tommys grasp so they could take care of the cat. Scurvy was a tabby cat who was missing one eye, he had white paws and a few splotches of the same color elsewhere too.
Tommy slept in till noon, mostly because at noon Magia came and shanked his sides with her knuckles poking him till he woke up and tried to chase her out of the room to which he promptly fell over, due to not having his fake leg on. Magia stuck her head into her room and laughed at him helping him off the floor and apologizing profusely. He went to eat lunch with the crew who had a good giggle at the falling over story. Clem was in the crows nest; it was her 'post'. She had chosen to fly up there after she finished lunch, only to not even five minutes later shout
"LAND HOOoo!" she cheered.
Shroud flew up there to get a good look at it too, and sure enough they had reached the SMP.
Tommy visibly stiffened, but relaxed after Schol put their hand on his shoulder.
"Let's get ready to dock Derrick."
Tommy nodded and got up standing and helping with whatever he could while they made preparations to dock the boat. 
"Hey where is scurvy? We need him to send a letter to the president." Whie asked
"I've got em!" Said H.D.  He held onto s the cat who now had a red ribbon tied around her neck with a letter that had the wax emblem of the violet death on a letter. After they had fully docked and set up the ramp so that they could walk off the boat, they set Scurvy loose to find the person who was incharge of the SMP. Soon enough the cat returned with a small welcoming party in tow. He jumped back onto the ship and got a treat from Magia. Tommy was watching from the side as Magia and Schol walked over to greet the non-seadogs. The surprise on his face when he realized the party who had come to greet them was made up of Tubbo_, Technoblade, Philza and Sapnap.
He had thought Phil and Techno were done with the government, and Tubbo_ who was working with the person who executed him, really a strange sight.
"It is absolutely lovely to meet you lot!" Magia exclaimed as she exchanged handshakes with all of the opposing party's members.
"As is to you, Captain." Tubbo shook hands with Magia.
"So, what be it that you thought you'd need to contact a rogue group who enjoy piracy for help?"
:Well we need help finding a way to revive someone whose body was never discovered."
Magia looked at Tubbo_ with concern.
"But we want to get comfortable so why don't we get you situated so we can have this talk in a more comfortable atmosphere?"
Magia nodded "why don't I grab some of my advisors and I'll come with you."
"I don't see why not"
Magia walked over to go get Tommy, leaving the kids with H.D on the ship. Magia had gotten Tommy to come with her and Schol to talk with Tubbo_. Tommy made sure to bring a few pencils and his notebook. They all walked around the path leading up to the community house. When they did reach the meeting room they all sat down, and Tommy busted out his notebook. Tubbo started;
"So like I said we are looking for you and your crew's expertise in this specific area."
"And that happens to be how to bring back the soul of a dead person even though the body has yet to be found."
"Well yes, but also no we want the person to be living again."
"I see..." Magia thought for a moment. "Who would we be bringing back to life?"
"I understand the fact that is a reasonable question to have but why must you know?"
"We just want to make sure that we won't be bringing back a worldly threat."
" Very well come with us." Tubbo got out of his leather backed presidents chair and walked out of the room gesturing for everyone to follow him. Once everyone was out of the room the mixed company made its way out to the front of the building. Tubbo walked in the front of the group followed by the others closely behind. They all stopped at a beautiful bronze statue at the front of the path. The statue depicted a young boy with short curly hair with an undercut holding two music disks. He was holding a sword and had it pointing at the sky, with a large smile on his face. The boy had the old la'manburge uniform's coat on and was standing with one foot on a rock.
There was a single sheet of carved metal on the bottom that read, Tommyinnt - friend, brother, son, and fallen soldier. At this point Derrick had stopped burying his face in his sketchbook and was looking at the statue. Magia had already recognised the figure that was molded out of bronze. And looked over at a very much breathing and living tommy who goes by Derrick. Tubbo began;
"This was my best friend, he was exiled by me to save my dying country, one deed which I am not proud of. The place is bustling now and we decided to pay the second founder of this great nation homage. His body was not found after the third death message was received on our communicators. We all want him back and his brothers want to see him again." Tubbo finished.
A very alive Tommy stood with little tears in his eyes, but would not let them fall. After a while Magia spoke up.
"I will help you in any way I can. You should be able to see him again, most likely to apologize."
"Yes I really would like to see him again." A sad smile made its way on the faces of all present.
Before long Derrick walked over to Magia "can I talk to you?" he whispered
"Yes of course." she replied
"Please excuse us." and they walked a short distance away and kept both of their voices down.
"Is something wrong bubba?" she asked
" I feel really bad because they are talking about me, and I feel like they deserve to see me again. You know to apologize"
" Well all that matters is that you are comfortable with whatever you decide to choose to do."
" That means a lot thank you, I think I know what to do now thank you."
The two walked back over to the group that previously they had split from.
"I see you both finished now, and I would very much like to hear what your decision is!"
Derrick spoke before Magia or schol could get the chance, and he chuckled a bit before doing so.
"I would very much like to say that there are no currently known solutions for your current predicament, but that I would like to say I might have one for you."
He looked over to school and Magia who had stepped back from where they had been standing previously. They both nodded and smiled, as Schol put their hand on the hilt of their three sided dagger that sat at their side. He continued;
"Do you maybe have something that they gave you or that they were wearing before they went missing?"
"You really think it will help us find him?" Tubbo looked like he was starting to question everything.
"Yes, I'm almost entirely positive."
"Well there is something..." he paused
"We both had compasses that pointed in the direction of each other no matter where we were on the server. Only if the person was dead would it stop spinning, according to the ghost of his no longer deceased brother."
"Oh that makes my job a whole lot simpler, may I take a look at it?"
"If you must, It was placed in a frame above his grave."
"Well, why don't we go pay our respects and see if the compass can help, Yeah?"
"Yeah, let's go." The group was sullen as they all walked to the grave of their no-so-dead companion and friend. When they had gotten there Derrick realized that the grave was his house, the little dirt shack he used to call home.
"We're here." Tubbo stopped walking, just as he had said the compass lay ever moving on the grave, held up in a glass frame. Tubbo walked over to the compass and took it out of its case that it had been neatly placed in before. And looked longingly at how the point spun. The point on his compass spun for a second and then it did something strange, Tubbo called Sapnap over to see if something was wrong with the compass. Tommy smiled and waited for it to point directly at him. Tubbo looked at the point and then looked at where it was pointing. The smile on his face only grew till he saw Tubbo look at the compass, and hit it gently on the side a few times. He steadied the point again and looked to the direction it was pointing again. It still pointed at Derrick. Tubbo still tried to fiddle with it so that it would start slowly spinning again but was not able to. He looked at Derrick again and with wide eyes he saw that Derrick had pulled back a section of his pirates jacket and was reaching for a small leather loop. On the loop was a metal circle that glowed with enchantments. Tears had started making their way up into his eyes.
"W-what. H-h-how did you get that compass!?" Tubbo was shaking visibly with anger or frustration and sadness not one soul could tell. Instead of stepping back, all of the pirates stood their ground, even when the party who showed them to the gravesite stepped back.  But Captain Derrick switched accents, which he did easily now, and stayed calm and said in a british accent;
"Hey Tubs." As the smile crept back onto his face ever so slightly Tubbo was frozen in place like a deer caught in headlights. Just as instantly that Tubbo froze he started breathing again;
"Is it really?" he asked, stepping closer to The person who had been identified as Tommy. When Tommy nodded he ran full force into him and cried and hugged him.
Tommy held onto Tubbo just as much as the other was holding onto him. He chuckled into the smaller boy's shoulder. The two stayed like that for quite some time, till Tubbo punched him really hard in the arm. Multiple times. Magia and Schol both stood relaxed and chuckling at the small reunion. Tommy had already reverted back to his Scottish accent when he spoke.
"Big T when are ye' gon' stop punchin' me mate?"
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Tubbo screeched as he stood up and stepped back.
"HE DOESN'T SOUND LIKE THAT!" pointing at Tommy.
Tommy laughed in his famous bahahah laugh and tubbo stopped freaking out. The other SMP members who had been viewing the whole exchange between the two had a very confused look on their faces.
"Who do you think you are!?!" Yelled Sapnap. "And! Why did Tubbo hug you ??"
Magia walked over to Tommy and helped him up " I think he just solved ye'r problem."
Technoblade walked over with his blade drawn, and red eyes slightly showing through his mask.
He spoke after he had gotten uncomfortably close to Tommy.
"I made a deal with these people because I lost someone whom I cared deeply for. I don't appreciate the fact that you are mocking the process of me getting my brother back."
"  'm not mocking ye' mate." He started as he stood up straight. " I jus' wanted to see you after three almost four years."
"You sound nothing like him. You look nothing like him. You sure do act like him though."
Tommy was getting more and more irritated by the minute."I tell ye I am him. My captain's name is Derrick, My real name is Tommyinnit!"
"Would you drop the act please! I just want my son back!" Phil chimed in at this point Tubbo was still standing off to the side catching his breath.
"You have him! I'm right here!" he pointed at himself It's FuCKING ME! I'm Tommy Dammit!" he had gotten slightly ticked off and switched accents again back to his original accent.
He sighed and slumped back into schol as Magia spoke up.
" I don't know why you act in this way, but that is not cool." she pointed at all of them scanning the small crowd. Tommy pulled out his pencil and notebook and started sketching again.
"This boy." Magia started again looking back to make sure Schol and Tommy were comfortable.
"We pirates found him... Almost four years ago now." Magia pauses looking back for a sign from Tom that it was okay to keep telling a story that was not hers to tell. He nodded and sighed back into his light leather stained book.
"Out on the open ocean, with a severed hope." She looked at Tubbo and the others as his gaze panned around the area.
"We grabbed him up off of a sad little log that had been hit by the gnarly storm the night before we found it."
"He had Severed code when we picked him up crying out loud! He had attachment issues and plenty of other issues he was free to tell you on his own accord."
"Now that's just a load of bullshit mate. If that really is Tommy, which I doubt it is. He would yell at you for helping him to the point where you would have left him where you found him."
Tommy might've not looked like he could hear what Phil said but Magia and Schol knew he never fully zoned out, and could hear what Phil said. Magia looked over at Tommy to see him shaking with tears. No one would notice if you hadn't known him for a few years but Magia knew he was on the brink of tears.
"Why would I leave a Teenager out in the open ocean?!" Magia looked back at Phil
" Theseus is annoying, that's why most people wanted him dead or in jail for being such a gremlin child and stealing everyones stuff."
Tommy sniffed and took the compass from under his coat again.
"If you don't want to say anything kind or of any worth of my time then Tubbo can have this back..." He looked sadly at the compass and tossed it over to Tubbo.When he threw the compass Tubbo caught it in his hands and looked it over. It really was Tommy and he was going to lose him again because of his stupid family. Tubbo stood up and handed the compass back over to Tommy and hugged him again.
"I believe you. I'm so sorry I didn't at first. I thought you stole it off him! My brain was just going a million seconds a minute ." Tommy sighed into the hug humming in response.
"Tubbo You believe this swine? I thought you wanted your best friend back?" Technoblade said
"This is him, you massive dickhead!" He only held him tighter.
"Tubbo it's alright, I'm used to it, but I really should get back. I have people who need to be checked on."
"NO I-I just got you back you can't leave so soon again!"
"Big man, I'm just going to make sure they aren't causing trouble. I promise I'll come back."
"You promise?" Tubbo looked up at Tommys face and saw his big icy blue eyes proving it was indeed him.
"I promis- you know what why don't you walk over there with me?"
"You'd let me?"
"Of course, Plus I'm sure Clem wants to meet The uncle bee."
They both started their way over to the docks to check on Clem and Shroud.
"Hey you can't just invalidate our deal like that!" Yelled Techno
"I wanted my brother back and you failed to uphold your end of the bargain."
"He is Tommy you dimwit! He has the compass that matches! And look in those eyes, you can't tell me he doesn't look a whole lot like Phil!"
Techno stopped and looked at the pirate. He really did look like What an older Tommy would look like. When he looked at the compasses that stuck to each other like magnets he looked down at his feet, releasing what he had said about Tommy in the heat of the moment.
Tommy looked back and said " We can continue this conversation later, for now I have important matters to attend to." and walked back to the ship with Tubbo and both the pirate captains.
They had arrived and H.D. asked how it went and what the big fuss was about. Before he could even answer, two little kids ran and absolutely plowed Tommy over.
"DAD DAD!! How was it? Is it safe? Can we see!!?!?!"
"Hey calm down I just got the wind knocked outta me hold on" he gasped and laughed between words. Tommy stood up and introduced Tubbo to his kids.
" This is Clem and this is Shroud, both of them are moth hybrids." Both kids looked at tubbo and smiled
"Tommy, you have kids!! Since when?"
"For almost two years now actually, both adopted while on a jailbreak!"
"A JAILBREAK" Tubbo took a deep breath.'' We have a lot to catch up on, boss man."
It was not long before they were interrupted again, this time by the kids.
"Hey dad, are you gon' take us flyin' today or do we have to wait to be out on the big blue again." Asked Shroud.
"Sure but first we gotta make sure you guys have lunch then we can go for a fly."
Yelling really loud he asked " HEY WHEI HATS FOR LUNCH??"
''Now , wanna talk over lunch?"
"Boss man would I ever."
They both walked into the dining hall of the ship and sat waiting for everyone who accompanied them to join the lunch. Magia and Schol both had walked into the room at this point and all were conversing happily with Tommy's old friends and telling him all about the adventures the crew constantly had. Afterwards Tommy was practically dragged outside onto the lower deck of the ship because they wanted to fly with him.Tubbo laughed at how persistent both little kids were, till he realized that he had no clue whatsoever how they planned on flying around. To make matters more confusing Shroud and Clementine both acted like it was a regular occurrence for the group. He spoke up.
"Bossman, I have no clue why they are acting like you can fly by waving your arms around like a chicken, but I'm pretty sure that is not how flying works."
Tommy laughed and walked over to Tubbo.
"I keep forgetting that you people haven't seen or lived with me for years." He chuckled a bit after putting his hand on Tubbo's shoulder.
"Watch." He then walked over to where Clementine and Shroud were jumping up and down.
"Come on, you guys go up first, that's how that works."
"We were' jus' waitin' for ya Dad, now LET'S GO!"
They all started climbing the rope ladder up to the crows nest. Both little kids got up there very fast and kept yelling at Tommy to hurry up. When he had finally reached the top of the crows nest he yelled down at Tubbo.
"HEY MATE STAY PUT DOWN THERE PLEASE! I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET FALLEN ON!" Letting out a loud cackle as he saw the bewildered look Tubbo gave him after he yelled.
"BOSSMAN ARE YOU SURE THAT'S SAFE?!" Tubbo yelled back up at Tommy and the kids when he saw Tommy let the kids take off.
Tommy gave him a confused look as he hopped onto the edge of the crows nest perching there for a minute.
"BOSSMAN DON'T JUMP YOU WILL  HURT YOURSELF!!" Tubbo screeched when he saw Tommy stand up out of his crouching position on the edge.
With that Tommy started to take off his pirate's coat. Revealing the slightly off-white poet's shirt underneath, and revealing his big colorful wings. The wings still looked like they did when he first got them, except they were just as big as Philza's now. He stretched them out for the first time all day where the beautiful things were stuffed into his trench coat so that if they encountered an enemy he could use the shock to his advantage. He sighed and jumped at the amazement of Tubbo when he caught himself on the sir and flew all around the ship with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Woah bossman!" was all Tubbo could say after Tommy landed in front of him.
"Quite the sight huh?"
"You bet. when did you get these?"Tubbo gestured to the wings that were slightly tucked back behind his back again.
"Oh Magia helped me out on that front. But do you wanna know what Bees feel like?"
"Bees? I don't see what that has to do with anything but sur-" Before Tubbo could finish his sentence Tommy raped his arms around his waist and took off into the sky.
"JHVGHCFYTFIKFTUDIU! TOMMY" Tubbo clung to him as they both flew high up into the sky to meet with the littles. Tubbo was heaving and kept holding onto Tommy.
"No P-p-ut me d-d-d-down now p-please!!!"
"Tubbo look." Tommy's voice was surprisingly soft so Tubbo did and he relaxed instantly. He could see all of the SMP, all of where Manburge and La'manburge once fought and all of the misty shore. He could still see Phil and Techno sitting on a bench over by Tommy's memorial.
"WOAH! BOSSMAN ARE YOU SEEING THIS?!?" Tubbo shouted at Tommy despite him being right next to9 him.
"Yes Tubbo I can, that is the reason I brought you up here dude."
"Thank you Toms." Tubbo laughed "Hey can you scare Phil and Techno with this?!"
"See that right there is why we are friends. I was thinking the same thing!"
"How are we going to scare them even though they can see us?"
"Not right now they can't, we are too high up for them to see us easily, and neither of them think I can fly so."
"I get it you wanna just drop me on 'em?"
"What! no! You'd get hurt!"
"Bossman I've got a bucket of water on me."
"Oh! then that's not a half bad idea."
"Let's do it, a little payback for being mean back there."
"Oh yea!"
They both snickered as Tommy flew directly above where Techno and Phil sat down with the others, and dropped Tubbo.  He prayed that Tubbo really did have a bucket of water on him.
He watched as Tubbo, thankfully, landed safely right in front of Philza and Technoblade.
Tommy quickly flew back over to the boat so that he could get his coat. Once he put the coat on and walked over to the chaos that unfurled as Tubbo laughed while holding his sides.
Tommy walked over and acted clueless.
"What happened? I wasn't gone for more than two hours?" This caused Tubbo to cackle even more by how scary good his acting skills were.
"Tommy What the fuck!" Yelled Techno
"What did I do when I just got here?"
He looked at him and stood up and they all hugged lightly with Phil.
"For your information Tubbo dropped from really high up in the sky and we have no clue how he got up there."
"Hmm, that is a bit weird. I haven't had that happen in a while." He scratch his chin
"You've grown up so much Tommy 'm really sorry for what we said earlier."
Tommy sighed "You all need to learn how to be better than that."
Techno scoffed "Yeah, like I'd listen to you, you're still a tiny gremlin child."
"Uhhh You seem to have forgotten how old I am now." Tommy deadpanned
"Wait how long were you gone again?" Phil looked very deep in thought
This hurt a little bit and Tommy frowned "I thought you wanted me back?"
Phil knew what was going on.
"Oh No no no! Tommy we just kinda exempted your death when we heard about it and started grieving. That was till we found out that there might have been a way to bring you back."
"Well I'm sorry I made you all wait to see me for four years."
"We're sorry for making you feel so bad Child." Techno scuffled with Tommy hair. "It's gotten so long. Have you cut it since you left?"
"No, I haven't. I like My long hair ." Tommy shrugged
"AND!" He pointed at all of them "I'm not a child anymore!"
"Uh yeah, you are like seventeen?"
Tommy laughed "Man Blade I thought my sense of time was terrible!"
"What 'yer a child.?"
"Techno I'm 20 years old now." He stopped chuckling and Phil looked bewildered. Techno had been rendered speechless.
"Wot?" Followed by a long "HEEEEEEH?!?" From Techno
Tubbo smiled and said ''yeah, sixteen plus four is twenty he is right."
Magia walked up the path near the bench with two small kids following in suit. Both giggling and happy. And said,
"Derrick! They're look'in for ya'!" As she saw Tommy.
Phil and techno watched as His eyes lit up and sparkled more than they had ever seen.as the two children bowled him over and into the grass laughing and wrestling with him. Phil and Techno looked at each other before they looked back at the scene playing out in front of them, till they heard one of the little kids squeak when Tommy squished them under his weight.
"DAD! I Gi-" and it faded into laughter "Stop ok ok we get it Dad!" the other squeaked.
Techno looked at Phil to see him look like he was going to cry. The two adults kept looking back and forth between each other and Tommy playing with his kids as they all rolled around on the ground. After Tommy had gotten them both under his grasp he stood up and laughed
"Sorry Phil, Techno, But these are my kids who really wanted to go on a long flight but our time was cut short when Tubbo dropped in so now they want me to make it up to them."
Both men looked astonished "Tommy! You have kids!" they both said at the same time
"Uhh ,Yeah. I'm twenty now remember?"
"Shit! I keep forgetting that" Phil laughed "Well introduce us."
"This little shit is clementine and the other one is Shroud."
"Tommy! Language in front of your kids!"
"Where do you think I learned my foul language from? You two let me parent how I see fit please!"
"Sorry." they looked at their feet.
"Hey Dad? Clementine said
"Can we finish that flight now or is it not a good time?"
"No it's alright kid let's go."
"Tommy, a flight? What are you talking about?"
"Oh yeah yet again second time today, It's been four years I don't blame you for not knowing. Feel free to join us,"
Phil looked at Tommy with visible confusion on his face, as Tommy started taking off his Coat and walking over to techno.
"Hey hold this for me?" as he had it balanced on his back resting on his shoulders.
"Sure?" Techno looked at him weird.
Tommy ripped it off of his back and ran to his kids before the others could react.
"Take off! Take Off! Can't let Phil catch us!"
And burst into the sky. All three of the company took upwards and Phil looked at Tommys wings as Techno just stared with his mouth wide open.
Tubbo started to jump around waving his hands in the air.
"Tommy! Tommy! Let's do the thing again!" Tommy swooped down and picked him up and took off again this time with Phil on his tail. They all flew around into the darkening sunset sky laughing that night they all got along.Playing a game of tag in the night breeze was the funniest thing Phil had done in years. When the night was most definitely upon them all Tommy tucked his kids in and sat down for a drink with everyone to tell them tales of the sea before they set out again.  THE END

A/N; I hope you enjoyed have a good day/night or afternoon!"

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