Alpha Minds (Owen Grady x Dau...

By BurntSS

121K 2.5K 199

(Y/N) Grady has always taken after her Father in just about every aspect, by the time she's 13 she already kn... More

The Bond
Let The Training Begin
Panicked Accident
Owen's Involvement
I'm Bored
Home (Away From Home) Is Where The Struggles Are
You Didn't Mean To Hurt Me
Moving Day
Two Packs, Two Alphas, Two Beta's
Father Daughter Work Day
And So It Begins
Saving The Day Is Scary
Trust Is Easily Broken
Let The Fall Begin
Don't Talk To Me Like That
What Have I Done?
Friend or Foe?
Could This Day Get Worse?
This Is It
Don't Risk It
The Decision
Precious Memories
And Hard To Repair
Don't Worry
It'll Be Okay
Maybe It Is Stress Relief
We're Goin'!
Let's Get 'Em
A Not So Happy Reunion
Can't We Get A Break?
Can't We Ever Walk On The Island?
Are We Done Yet?
Here We Go Again
Escape From Hell
Why The Raptors?
Just Go With It
Plan Or No Plan?
New Possibilities, New Dangers
New Member
Stop The Bidding!
Never Underestimate The Unknown
Think Fast
That Was. . . Odd
Makin' It Up As We Go Along
This Is Bad
Very Bad Idea
Any Better Ideas?
Why Does This Stuff Keep Happening?
Almost Done With The Crazy
We Can't Just Leave Things Be?
Dominion Update (no spoilers)
Stay Safe
Gotta Be A Better Way
This Is A Mess
Peace & Quiet: Too Much To Ask
No Way This Ends Well
More Running, What A Surprise
Dramatic Much?
Eclipse's Experiment
We're Not Done Yet
Find Her
Alright, Now What?
Explanation (A/N)
What Can We Do?
I Interrupt This Story For An Important Message: An Eclipse Special
One Decision After Another
Speak Your Mind
We're Done Now, Right?
Pick Your Team!
Bring It On
First Mission
We'll Be Okay
Hybrid Trouble
This Is The End For Us

Let's Go Home

452 10 1
By BurntSS

Owen's eyes kept darting between the Giganotosaurus and T-Rex closing in on each other, trapping him in between them. Debris had fallen too close to both creatures for him to be able to get around them if one of them got knocked down. He had spotted (Y/N) kneeling on top of the water feature/decoration but since then she had shaken herself from her fear-induced trance and abandoned her perch. Before he had a chance to move the two apex predators began charging at each other, it would only take a few seconds for them to reach him. He made a run for the sliver of open space to the left, knowing he wouldn't get far enough fast enough. At very nearly the last second something slammed into him, knocking him out of the way. Instincts took over getting him over the pile of rubble seconds before one of the carnivores came crashing down. 

"Come on!" (Y/N) shouted over the battling dinosaurs.

It was only then that Owen looked back to see Eclipse caught up in the battle, narrowly dodging feet and tails. It took him a few seconds to put two and two together and figure out what had happened. She had been the one to push him out of the way.

"Crazy dinosaur,"  Owen thought, mostly in awe.

"Did you tell her to do that?" Owen asked.

"I had no idea where she had gone, she did that all on her own. I guess you've redeemed yourself in her eyes," (Y/N) answered, knowing she was referring to the grudge Eclipse had held against him since the fall of Jurassic World.

From there Eclipse was able to get out of the way and the battle played out. It seemed as though Rexy had lost, nearly being killed in the process before the Therizinosaurus stepped in and helped Rexy win the battle once and for all. 

"That was a little dramatic, again," (Y/N) joked from where she and Owen had taken cover with Eclipse in the doorway of the main center. 

The helicopter found a safe landing space nearby.

"Can we go home now?" Maisie asked.

"Ah, I was thinking of a few more near-death encounters first, what do you think?" Owen asked jokingly, turning to (Y/N).

(Y/N) was facing back toward the main center where Eclipse was trailing behind them by 20-30 feet, both of them staring directly at each other.

"You know she can't come with us in the helicopter, right?" Owen questioned.

"Yeah, I know," (Y/N) responded.

Then she was silent for a few seconds, her face an unreadable mix of emotions. Then she turned to Kayla and a mischievous grin broke out on her face.

"But I wasn't really thinking about in the helicopter," (Y/N) stated.

"Oh no! We are not strapping a cage with a Velociraptor to that helicopter," Kayla protested.

"Well, if she has to stay here, I'm not leaving either," (Y/N) said simply.

Owen looked at her as if she had completely lost her mind, in reality, he had been expecting her to say that but it still caught him off guard at first.

"Well, if she stays so do I," Owen said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey! If they're staying so am I!" Maisie added, jumping out of the helicopter.

"Hold on, Maisie. . . I guess I'll stay too," Claire tried to argue.

"You're crazy, I like it," Ian added before joining them.

"It's not every day you come across a Raptor, or any dinosaur for that matter, like Eclipse," Alan continued. 

"Alan! Alright, why not," Ellie said before joining the protest.

Then, all eyes fell on Dr. Wu. All of them knew they weren't actually going to stay, after Owen they had all gotten the idea of what was going to happen and that was half the reason they joined in.

"I've already put so much time into her, what's a little more," Dr. Wu finally agreed.

Eclipse looked around at all people, not entirely sure of what was going on, but she had enough of an understanding to get the general idea. (Y/N) gave a sharp whistle and Eclipse was right behind her within a few seconds, looking over her left shoulder. Kayla looked at them as if they had all lost their mind.

"You're all insane!" Kayla finally snapped, already knowing she was beat.

"You're only just figuring this out now?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Alright, what's your plan?" She asked after a few seconds, with a laugh.

"There are some tranquilizer darts back at the main center, by the time she wakes up we'll be back at the cabin," (Y/N) stated simply.

Eclipse started to freak out when Owen grabbed the gun back at the center.

"Here, give it to me," (Y/N) said, reaching her hand out for the gun.

He looked between (Y/N) and Eclipse twice and then handed it over. She took the dart out of the gun, dropped the gun, and walked up to Eclipse. She placed her hand on the tip of her nose, right where the stripe ended. Then slowly traced the stripe back to Eclipse's eyes, then traced the moon shapes around her eyes. Finally, bringing her hand to a stop at the middle of the underside of her jaw. 

"It'll be okay, when you wake up we'll be home and then we can spend all the time in the world together. I promise," (Y/N) whispered.

Once it was clear Eclipse had calmed down, (Y/N) spoke again.

"Ready?" (Y/N) asked.

They weren't sure if the Raptor really understood her but she nodded her head ever so slightly. Using a little more force than she would've liked to use, she jammed the dart into Eclipse's neck. After a few seconds, she slowly dropped to the ground.

"Huh, you really can get through a dinosaur's scales with a needle with your hands. And I thought you were exaggerating about the T-Rex blood," (Y/N) joked turning back to Owen.

"Let's go home," (Y/N) whispered, looking down at the sleep Eclipse. 

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