When There's No Light You Hav...

By shineouttheboogieman

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(A Rise Of The Guardians themed story.) Janelle Black. The daughter of fear itself. But what if she's good? W... More

Janelle Black
Jack's Story
Over The Night Like Sky
Transformation Sequence
Safe And Sound
That's It! You're The Girl!
Where Am I?


105 4 2
By shineouttheboogieman

 I have time off apparently Sandman takes over during the night with his dream sand so I'm reading a book that this little girl gave me. It's actually pretty good. I don't think Jackson every read a book except for his studdies. But this one time where a little boy runs through me I get tired, Jackson would always be hurt when someone would walk through him. And when that happens little flakes of white fluff would fall down and then he'd leave. I would try going after him but I'd always lose him. It's hard to keep up with this kid because of my job but I always land back in Burgess long enough to catch the first snow day of the year. Those were always the best, he was always the happiest. I'm pretty sure if he'd see me now he'd think of me as another girl. He'd wonder why I could see him and why others couldn't see me at times. But to tell you the truth the closer I get to Jackson, the more I figure out him.  He hates being alone and ignored. He loves the joy he brings to kids when school's out. He has gotten used to his powers and it's been a year since his death. How am I gonna compare? I barely can control my flight. The wind takes me places where I'm not supposed to be in. And then to get back on track is like fighting a water current. Trust me, I've had experiences other than saving him and my own death. But that's another story that's for later. 

  "That's interesting book, is it good?" This voice said behind me. 

"Uh?" I say turning around to meet a pair of blue eyes that are as blue as the ocean sea.

  "The book," He said walking around me. "Is it any good?"

"Oh, yes. It is," I say noticing his features. White hair, with brown jagged pants, a white shirt, and a cloak.

  "What is it about?" Brown eyebrows with white specks in them, no shoes, and a stick. No my correction a staff.

"This boy named Peter Pan and his adventures in Neverland," I giggle closing the book wiping the cover holding it to my chest. "I tell stories about him you know, sometimes I'd make them up with another boy."

  "And who may that be?" He lifted up a smirk and leaned on his staff.

"Jack Frost," I roll my eyes walking now. I started to feel awkward speaking. 

  "Hey! Where are ya going tell me more about this Jack Frost and Pan fellow!" He ran next to me. 

"Peter Pan is a boy that never grew up and flew away to Neverland to advert any problems in the real world. While Jack Frost never grew up and brings snow to children," I state looking down. 

  "So this Jack Frost, do you think he's cool?" He asked me grabbing my arm for me to stop.

"Y-yes, I believe so," I look down. "Why do you ask?"

  "Because I'm curious! A man may bot be curious?" He asked me rubbing his neck.

"Um, yes but not that curious," I say. "Jack Frost died at a young age and became immortal but he forgot his human memories so he doesn't remember anyone or anything that I'm a where of. Man in the Moon chose him to be a guardian. He just doesn't know what he's good for yet."

  He looked at me strange, "Who were his friends? Family?" 

"His friends were the little kids, Eric, Fredrick, Deliah, Liliana, and Janelle. His sister was named Emma, his mother was named Sarah, and his father was named Andrew," I say placing a hand on his hand trying to loosen his grip but that only made him get closer.

  "I know a Janelle! I tried to save her from dying in a lake but I failed," He raised  my chin up and I can see the sadness in his eyes.  

'Jackson? No, but it could. Jack. Jackson, same man, but different time' I had thought. "Oh really? I'm sorry for your loss." 

  "In matter of fact she reminds me of you," He looked up at me as if he saw a flash back. He laughed. "But that can't be you because she's dead, right? Yeah, but wait a minute you can see me?"

I nodded my head giggling, "Of course I can see you! You're funny, you're human of course, but never been here in these hoods huh?"

  "Actually no one else sees me so I'm surprised you can," He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh don't worry nobody sees me either, I'm nothing important to them so," I say fake laughing rubbing my arm which by the way he's still holding and I can't feel anymore. 

  "Oh, I'm sorry," He says. "What's your name?" 

I freeze. My name? I look down and slowly try to back away. 

  "Your name," He said stepping closer making me bang into a tree and him so close I can hear his breathing. 

It's hard to move with another body so close to you, you know when you're dead you're supposed to move through people and stuff. It's not happening. I blurrted out, "Jan."

  "Jan huh?" He smiles. "Is it short for Janni or something?" 

"No, um it's really January," I smile. 'Nice save.'

 "Well that's pretty name," He says. "Well I'm Jack Frost."

I laugh, "That's cute. Now what's your name?"

  He looked at me with daggers, "Now I'm certain that your name is Janni because Janelle had that same nickname and had the same attitude. But I'm serious."

"But it is not my name and stop comparing me by now you probably have a whole lot of Janelles."

  "No, actually I only knew two," He said looking down. 

My heart stopped, "T-tw-two?"

  "Yeah," He whispered. "The first one tried to save me then the second always had a girl with her. But those two seemed so similar I don't remember."

My eyes widened as the snow began to fall hard as a kid runs through both of us. Slow motion and hard. This one was no where close to believing in faith or Jack. He looked like he was going to break but he held it. 

  "Are you okay? Did he hit you?" He grabbed my face. Chills were sent to my nose. "You don't look too good Jan."

"No, I'm fine I'm used to it. I'm just tired, that's all," I started to feel dizzy. "I have to go return this. I'll see ya around okay?"

  "Yeah, becareful Jan," He said letting go of me. "I'll keep an eye out for you." 

I nodded and walked away. I looked back a few paces and saw that he wasn't there so I ran. 

I was running so hard that I wasn't sure that my heart would burst. But I didn't care, I couldn't let Jack find me dead tracks. I needed to get home. But that didn't happen. My eyes gave out with the rest of my body as it hit the cold white snow.

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