Hockey Towns Favorite Girl

بواسطة flyergirl0519

668K 12.6K 1.5K

Hazel was what they called the best. An image for woman's hockey, the girl that was going to be good. Till sh... المزيد

1| Take it From the Top
2| Let's Get You Some Help
3| No One Knows you
4| The New Girl
5| Routine
6| Welcome to Rice Creek City
7| Making A Friend
8| Help Wanted
9| Game Plan
10| Lunch Table Talks
11| A Reminder of Who We Are
12| When You Don't Smile
13 | Team Work
14 |Game Time
16| Rules to Win a Fight
17| Who I Am
19| Game Time?
20|Open Skate
21| At My House
22| What have I done
23| Best of the Best
24| Drink orders
25| Count down
26| Game 1
26| Who Are You?
27| Who Are You? cont.
28| Hi I'm Conner
29| You Didn't Know?
30| Together
31| Ladies and Gentleman, Hazel Underwood
32 | Life
33| In a Boys Mind
34| She.
35| I know Something No One Else Does
36| No One Likes a Tattle Tale
37| Body in Hell
38| Ive Been Cheated
39| Cant or Wont?
40| Numb.
41| Go Ahead and Crush My Dreams, Its Fine
42| I am So Sorry
43| Go Get'm Tiger
44| Deal With It
45| The Big Bang
46| The First Game Back
47| The Night to Remember
48| Where we ended up

15| The Arcade

13.5K 306 90
بواسطة flyergirl0519

P.O.V: Zach

I had my both hands on the steering wheel trying to concentrate on the road, but I had 5 idiots in my back seat.

"Dude you look tired." Mick said in the passager seat.

I didn't bother to look at Mick and kept my eyes on the road.

"I couldn't sleep all night, I was up thinking about Hazel." The words were wrong the second they came out of my mouth and I knew it.

Now I had everyone ones attention in the car and not in a good way.

"Ohhh ok I bet they were some real good thoughts." Hayden said with a smirk that I could see in the rear view mirror.

I rolled my eyes and focused back on the road.

"Not, like that. I was worried." I explained not really going into detail which was my second mistake.

"Worried you would find the clit or..."
Micah said, I didn't need to look in the back seat to hear all the boys snickering like teenage girls.

"Micah, shut the hell up." I stated harshly

"Dude seriously if you dont get on that faster someone else will." Mick stated, not directly stating the hockey team because I think they were all just content with having a pretty girl around. Not having sex with her or dating her but just having her around for help getting girls.

"What she already shot you down twice." I stated raising an eye brow and looking at Mick.

Mick raised his hands in defense.

"Not my type." He said causing Zane to laugh

"She was your type 4 weeks ago." Zane pointed out and Mick threw a unused straw at him.

I huffed in annoyance knowing my tuck was going to be a mess by the end of the night.

"Seriously dude what made you worried?" Mick asked getting down to business.

I thought back to yesterday after the mini mite game. I left for maybe 5 minutes and when I came out she was standing in the middle of the with tears down her face.

"After the game yesterday she was crying on the ice and when I asked her what was wrong she just said, "I just got some really good news."

The boys looked slightly baffled.

"Maybe she just got some really good news." Micah said

"you a fucking idiot?" Zane asked looking at him baffled.

Micah just played innocent. I rolled my eyes, focusing back on the road.

"Isn't she coming with us today?" Mick asked pulling back out his phone.

"Yeah. We are literally on our way to her house now."

God these guys were anything but smart I swear.

"Well then ask her at the arcade today." Mick said with a shrug as we pulled into Hazel drive way.

Almost immediately she came out of her front door. Wearing mom jeans and a crew neck that read 'east coastal services' with a fishing boat on in.

She opened up the passenger door and looked at Mick with eyes that could kill.

"What I was here first." Mick defended.

Hazel just rolled her eyes reaching over and unbuckling Mick like a 4 year old.

"Girl gets passenger seat, house rules." She stated matter a factly.

Mick just scuffed with a smile on his face getting out of the front seat he made his way to the back. First falling on top of Zane and Micah just to hear them complain. Hazel sat in the passenger seat and gave me a small smile before I began to drive towards the arcade.

As I drove to the arcade I kept stealing glances at Hazel, trying to find that one missing piece in her personality. After yesterday that feeling sat back in my mind

The small feeling of something huge in her life that she wasn't telling me.

Even after I found out about her father.

Hazel was texting frantically on her phone, she seemed to always be doing that. Switching between messages and snap chat.

I couldn't quite catch the name of the group chat on snap chat, but I could catch the name on messages.


It did make my heart sink a little. I never did ask if she had a boyfriend, I just kind of assumed. She never mentioned anyone special back home. Granted she rarely talked about home.

Not that hurt it my feelings, or I cared.

I mean good for her, she is really pretty, and nice, and smart. She deserves someone, so like how could I be jealous.

Not that I'm jealous of this Conner guy.

I'm sure he's really nice, I would like to meet him.

We pulled into the arcade and everyone filed out of the car quickly looking like a circus car as they did.

Hazel took her time, not rushing. As she put her phone in her her back pocket then unbuckled before exiting the car she looked at the other boys as if they were maniacs.

As we entered the arcade the boys instantly filed around the sports section of games. You know the kind with the basket ball and football throwing games.

There was even a hockey one that Hayden held the high score on and he was proud of it.

"Boys! Look who's gonna beat Haydens score today?" Mick asked bouncing on his toes infront of the game.

It was loud in the arcade and he practically had to scream to be heard, the neon lights from the games flashed on all of our faces.

"Oh no one is beating that score." Hayden replied challenging Mick.

Delighted to watch this battle, I sat down at the nearest bench to watch. Hazel following me, sitting down next to me so close our knees and shoulders were touching.

"You not going to play?" I asked gesturing to the arcade games around us.

"Are you?" She rebuttal and I smirked.

"After I watch them fumble with the stick and puck like idiots." She chuckled as I said that and I looked down at her with a smile on my face.

Her eyes reflecting the lights of the arcade she had a small smirk planted on her face. She even had on a small amount of mascara on her eyelashes.

Such a small amount I would have never noticed if we weren't this close.

"Are you alright?" I asked finally getting the words out of my mouth.

She kind of laughed at my question, brushing it off and again that feeling of not knowing his my chest again.

"Yeah, I'm great. Why do you asked?"

In the distance I heard Mick yell "yeah Zane holy shit you need to shoot like that in a game!"

I held back laughter and continued my conversation with Hazel my eyes not leaving hers.

"Just yesterday you made me a little worried." I admitted.

She rolled her eyes and patted my thigh jokingly. It took everything in me not to stir in my seat.

"I told you it was good news, don't worry about it." She stated almost laughing as she did.

"You were crying" I stated with a stern face, she clearly wasn't taking this seriously.

"Tears of joy." She said back with raised eyebrows.

I wanted to question her further, but it felt wrong. I wasn't anything to Hazel, other than a friend, and we weren't even that close it felt like.

Plus I didn't get a chance as Micah called her name.

"Hazel! Why don't you try?" He shouted gesturing to the hockey game.

Hazel almost immediately shook her head.

"Oh no, I told you guys I can't play hockey!" She shouted back causing the boys to fake be upset.

"Come on just give it a shot!" Zane shouted holding out the stick.

Hazel shook her head again looking at the stick.

"I don't want to have the lower score on the game!" She replied.

Mick rolled his eyes. "It only shows high score, dont be a pussy and try Hazel!"

Hazel seemed stuck to the bench we were on, so I practically pulled her up and out of the seat.

"Come on, I'll help you. One shot then I'll take over for the rest of the time." I whispered while walking with her towards the game.

Hazel took the stick reluctantly from Mick and walked over to the game. I stood behind her grabbing her hands and placing them where they should be on the stick.

"Here place one hand here, the bend over and put your other hand here." I explained and she followed my steps perfectly.

Mick looked at me with a smirk and I rolled my eyes at him turning back to Hazel.

"Good now its just a wrist shot so flick your right wrist forward to push the puck and your left hand will naturally fall back-"

And boom, without me explaining much more she just shot.

Shot like a fucking pro. Corner shelf and everything, the points racked up on the screen from the shot and she even seemed surprised herself.

"Damn." Zane said looked shocked.

"Girl you a fucking natural." Micah stated crossing his arms processing.

She handed me the stick for me to finish the game but I just stood there shocked.

"You sure you don't want to finish" I asked sounding like a complete idiot.

I was still quite surprised, but she just shook her head. Moving her brown hair onto one shoulder she seemed self conscious all of a sudden.

"Don't back out of our deal now knight" she stated using my last name.

I took the stick and quickly shot off the last 5 pucks before time ran out. As I did Hazel made her way back to the bench, Mick high giving her as she sat down.

I returned the stick back on the game rack and sat down at table with everyone else. Sitting acrossed from Hazel and next to Hayden.

"Jeez Hazel its like your secret talent we didn't even know about." Zane joked as he set a pizza down at the table.

When the hell did he have time to get pizza? God I was questioning everything right now.

"We don't know a lot about her, she could be a sports prodigy for all we know." Micah said with a laugh

Hazel reached over the table and grabbed a piece of pizza.

"What do you want to know?" She stated with a raised eye brow and a smirk.

I felt dumbfounded.

No I felt dumb.

If I wanted to know something, I could have just asked. What happened to the Zach who just flat out asked things when he wanted to know? Hazel was messing with my mind, not that I minded it but It was making me blind to clear decisions.

Except I didn't know what to ask, the thing that was bugging me about her was the fact something felt like it was missing from her personality. Not a question, how could someone ask that? Where would you even find the words?

"What town are you from?" Zane asked

God don't start with the basics ask her something good.

"Plainwell." Hazel stated

"Got any friends in Plainwell, I feel like you don't talk your old home that much." Mick said trying to play it off as a random question but I knew where he was going with it.

"Yeah, like 20 boys who annoy the living hell out of me." Hazel said it with a fond smile, she looked down at the table.

And again that feeling hit, like there was more.

"Why are you always hanging out with guys, you a lesbian or something?" Hayden asked wiggling his eyebrows.

Hazel laughed her shoulders shaking slightly as she did.

"No, I grew up around a lot of guys so I guess it's just normal."

I looked at her curiously, every awnser feeling so far from complete yet everyone seemed content with her awnsers.

So I'd ask her a question she couldn't dodge.

One that didn't have a wrap around the missing piece awnser.

"Who's Conner?" I asked startling the whole table.

Hazel whipped her head to look at me, her tan skin seemed to turn pale.

Boo-ya, her we go babe not tip-toeing your way around that one.

Mick and everyone else seemed confused by my question, but Hazel knew.

She studderd, words caught in her throat.

"It's my brother." She said with barely even a whisper for a voice, yet we all heard her.

For a question that was supposed to get me a straight forward awnser it left the hole even bigger.

Like everything in her God damn life was connected to this one missing piece. Like her little puzzle of a personality wasn't fit without it.

"You text him a lot." I stated, not realizing everyone was watching us, silent.

"Well he is my brother." Hazel stated once again brushing off continuing a conversation about him.

"Where is he?" I asked now realizing I'd never met or seen any sign of him.

"Why do you care?" Hazel shot back pretty fast. "Got a crush on him or something? Or did you think he was my boyfriend and get jealous?"

She gave the comebacks fast. Chirping away as if she was a hockey player on the ice, this was the personality that was missing.

She was too nice, too soft, too kind. Not the girl who got community service hours for destroying a abandoned house.

There was a fire missing, a drive.

Her puzzle may be 95 percent Mrs. Nice, kind, caring, good girl.

But that missing piece that made up the other 5 percent of her. That completed her.

God it was driven, it was angery, it was committed, it was firey, and enough to make everyone in this room believe that she was going to punch me right then and there.

"Is it just the fragile ego? Or the no bitches? I'm confused on why you care so much about my brother?" Hazel continued.

I just crossed my arms and watched, entertained.

Because I'm not a fighter, I'm an instigator. That's what I do best on the ice, and right here God I was going to irritate the hell out of her to find something, anything about her.

"I'm confused why you're getting so defensive?" I said calmly allowing a grin to fall on my face.

"Dude cut it out." Mick said tugging on my pant leg like a 4 year old.

I wasn't planning on it, that is, till I watched what happened next.

Hazel just smiled, she pulled her hair back into a pony tail with a smile on her face.

Dimples forming on the corners of her lips.

She rolled up the sleeves of her crew neck and for a moment I really did think she was going to beat the shit out if me.

But instead she picked up a second piece of pizza set it on her plate, she just looked up at me and smiled.

It was terrifying because she didn't blink.

Her brown eyes looked deep into my soul.

"I'm not defensive, you asked a question and I gave you an awnser." She said plainly with no emotion behind it.

She smirked while raising her eyebrows before taking a bite into her one of her two slices of pizzas.

And the whole table sat there in shock.

That one missing piece of Hazel was terrifying, but God I wanted more.

I liked it.

It was confident and made you so scared you questioned why you were still sitting at the same table as her.

And get it was so God damn attractive. Like it was some stupid drug.

"Hazel I think I'm officially terrified of you." Zane said still looking at her in shock.

Hazel didn't take her eyes off mine as she said,


Words: 2650

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