Twins role swap

By wixliux

53.9K 146 115

Twins brother and sister swap places. More

Changing underwear
Little accident and diaper
baby clothes
Day at beach
Day at park
Shopping for clothes for cousin

Caught by mom

7.9K 24 22
By wixliux

Next morning mommy walked into room while i was sleeping.

Awww my little girl still sleeping she said.

Better check her diaper.

At this time, mommy touched my diaper and slide fingers inside as she felt it was warm and soaked in pee.

Well, its time to change her mommy lifted a gown a little and untaped both sides of tapes and opened it and what shocked them she saw was that i had  little thingie.

Then suddenly i woke up because i felt cold when i opened my eyes.,

And saw mommy looking at me.

She saw me and said.

Mom: What do we have here?

I didn't no that i have baby girl with thingie between her legs in my house.

Then she asked?

Why are you wearing your sisters gown and diaper and sleeping in crib?

Does your sister no all about this?

Yes, mom she no.

Ok let me invite her but before she left she retaped diaper back and locked crib.

I just layd in crib while mom went to wake up my sister and come back.

Then i heard mom waking with my sister back to room.

Then my sis came in room with mom she saw that me were still in crib with wet diaper and smiled while mom didn't saw it.

The she ordered my sit on floor while she took me out of crib and placed me near her.

Mom: can you tell me both what is going on here?

Why i found my son in crib while my daughter is in my son room?

Sis: Me can explain she said.

Mom: ok im listening.

Sis: Well we were playing games and we decided on one that we should switch places and would see if you mom would caught us or not.

Mom: So that why you both were hiding your privates other day is that right?

We both responded: Yes

For me it looked that you both acted strange.

So what you thing me should do with you both?

We can switch back to our roles and forget about it i said.

I have better idea i keep you both how you are now

I saw my sis have big smile in here face.

Sister: So that mean i can be boy mom?

Mom: Yes, but if you wanna be boy you have to start acting like boy.

So that mean my brother gonna be my baby sister now.

Mom : yes she will.

I saw happiness in here face while i was humiliated

Then mom looked at me and: since you decide to switch that mean you gonna be my little girl and since you can keep your diaper clean you gonna be treated like babie girl.

Me : But mom...

Mom: No buts look your pretty diaper are soaked and that means you are a BABY GIRL because only BABIES wear and pee in diapers.

And its mommy for you little girl.

We both stood up and i saw my diaper was so wet and hanging.

See sweety does big kids to that?

Nope mommy i said.

Ok time to get change for you both.

She looked at my sis go and put some clothes we heading out later

Ok mom.

Ans she run off to her new room.

Then, mommy  lay on changing matt so she could change my diaper.

 "Will I have to wear another diaper?"

Of course sweety since i cant trust you with panties because you had accidents yesterday and woke up with wet diaper in morning .

But if you can keep your diaper dry me consider to give you panties back but for now diaper for you.

Mom: did you understand?

Yes, mom i mean mommy.

She just smiled.

She started removing the soaked diaper with her soft hands  spread some baby lotion all over my body to soften my skin.

Me: no mommy! that's for babies! and it will make me smell like one!

Mom: but your skin will become smooth and good! so let me rub this in your skin...
Mom: but mom...

 She took out and put a pacifier in my mouth.

Now sweety keep that in your mouth until mommie finish changing you.

I tried to speak but my pacifier made my words sound like mumbles.

Did my girl wanted to say something mom said.

I just looked and noded.

I just had to lay here and suck my pacifier while mom was changing me and felled like real babie.

She rubbed babie oil moisture all over my body:  she started with my arms, then  my belly and  hips.

Then mommy bend me down and started rubbing my little butt with that baby oil .

Then, when she was done I was smelling like a baby girl.

Now since you gonna be little girl i will put this cream on you once in a while because it will make smell you wonderful.

Then, she slid the soft diaper over my butt, spread a little baby powder and then closed the diaper.

Then mommy she helped me stood up.

Looked at my eyes and said: From now you can be your age but you will be treated like 2 years old girl did you understand me and took pacifier out.

Willie: yes mommy me understood.

Mommy: good girl now lets get you dress up and show you to your new brother.

I just stand were with tears in my face sucking pacifier and in diaper.

Mommy: lets get you something cute to wear she went to closet looked inside and brought box with older my sis clothes then she was little.

Since you gonna be treated like 2 years old you should wear proper clothes.

I wanted to speak but pacifier made my words in mumbles again and i coudnt spat it out mom might spank me.

This should be perfect mommy said took all peaces of outfit.

I mommy was holding  Hello Kitty sundress with white babie socks babie red shoes and walk over to me as I feel it slide over my head making my hair all messy.

"Oh that dress looks so pretty on you sweety maybe i should keep you in only babie dresses from now on your sis have all those cute dresses that you can try.

 I feel mommy putting the white socks and red babie shoes on  my feet as she buckles them closed.

Okay we are done sweety . 

Now we only need to to take care of your hair.

The she pick me up again and sit me in in front of the small white vanity.

Now lets give you pretty haircut sweety she pick hairbrush and starts brushing it and making in in two pony tails with pink hair bows in it

As i walked diaper made crickle sounds that made me even more embarrassed.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror." 

I feel her hold my hand as she walks me over to the mirror. 

"I coudn't believe i look like a little girl in this dress like 4 years old or even younger "

Mom was smiling ear to ear. "You look so precious."

Do you like it sweety and took pacifier out?

I wanted to her  don't be mad  i had to thing something.

 "I love it. Thank you mommy." 

Im so happy that i got my baby girl back and pushed pacifier back in my mouth.

Lets go into the kitchen while new brother waiting for us.

Mommy picked me up and carried me downstairs.

 We walked downstairs and saw my new brother  waiting at the table. He was already dressed in his baseball outfit.

My brother "You look amazing and very cute my older clothes sure fits you perfetlly!"

You really look like baby girl now brother said.

Mommy: yes , she is your baby sister now right sweety and looked at me.

Yes, mommy i am .

Then mommy took out pacifier again and put it on table and i answered.

"Thank you bro," I smiled back. I sat down next to him.

Mom made us pancakes. The second they were on the table, i saw that mine was cut in little pieces like for babies and was on baby plate  while my brother had normal ones

Mommy why my pancakes are on baby plate and cut like this while my brother have normal pancakes i asked?

Mommy: Remember what i told you since you dressed like baby i will treat you like one now eat up sweety or mommy have to feed you.

I see then my new brother smiling from ear to ear.

No mommy i will eat i take babie fork and started to eat.

Brother: Awww look and my baby sister trying to be big girl.

I just get blush all over my face

Then mom handed us both some juice while my new bro got normal glass  i got toddlers sippy cup.

Mommy but this for babies i cant drink from that i say.

Mommy: Sorry, sweety since toddler you have to drink from this or you get bottle choose.

I choose soppy cup i took it and started to drink from it.

My sister is like babie drinking from sippy cup my new brother said.

Yes, she is hurry up and finish it up me gonna go to cheer your brother up while he plays baseball.

We finished drinking and we went to get our shoes on and ready ready to go.

Then i see mommie carring  my sister and now mine diaper bag.

Mommy why you need diaper bag i ask?

Because i will need to change you sweety i put some diapers in and few others items and some snacks with sippy cups.

Lets go kids its time to go.

We went to a car were i remembered that my sis was still sitting in car seat but i realised now that its gonna be mine.

Willie: mom do i really have to ride in it i asked?

Yes, sweety you do because you babie and babies rides ir car seat.

Then i hear sis giggling behind me.

Then i thought its to do what ever mom say before i got in more trouble.

Come on princess lets strap you in she said.

Mommy picked me up  strapped me  into my new  baby car seat.

On the way to the soccer field me felt that i need to pee and i just let it go and felt how diaper absorbed my pee and got expand.

Then i hear sis saying mom i thing my brother i mean sis pee herself.

You, right i bet she did since she baby now and babie pee diapers.

Yes, she is baby now and both mom and my sis lough.

And i got shamed more but i will have to get used to it.

Then, we arrived mom help me get out of car seat  and lay me down for new diaper i saw my sis took her baseball stuff went to prepare.

 Then mom turned to me it looks like baby had an accident!" 

She said, looking at the soiled diaper. "Lets get you changed!"

Mommy brought me back to car, layd in the back and took off  diaper. She disposed of the smelly item, and got wet wipes out and slowly wiped away my  bum to clean it up. 

She powered and strapped on another diaper.

Were we go she fixed my dress and put my pacifier back in my mouth.

"My lovely little baby girl! Such a precious darling.

Now lets go to cheer for your brother.

Then, sis entered soccer field we watched it from the benches, but we wasn't alone we so some lady with other little girl joined us.

We all said hello and mommies talked and pointed witch boys were on field  are theyrs.

"Say," said Lucy's mom. "Your baby looks a lot like my Lucy. Did you get that outfit at the mall?"

Yes! I did. I see your baby, Lucy is it?, got it too."

It was true. Both we had gotten the same baby outfit at the same mall. We looked identical but i had pacifier while she did not had one.

"She looks so much like my little Lucy."

Its that right Lucy?

Yes mommy she looks just like me 

"You're right! They could be twins!"

But maybe its time to cheer for our boys my mom said.

We all  waved and cheered  mommy let me took out pacifier that i could shout but it was very very low like babies one , but it's a was progress progress and boys won the game .

After game mommies talked a little bit more.

Can we have playdate anyday Lucy asked?

Of, course i bet my Sophie would love to have playdate someday isn't that right sweety?

You could come over my house and we could play Barbie's all day and then my mommie can babysit us.

Mom took my pacifier  out that i could respond and looked in my eyes that i should thing what to respond.

Yes, mommy i would love to.
That's my girl she pushed my pacifier back in mouth.

Mommies exchanged numbers and addresses while we waited for my brother.

"Well, it was nice meeting you and your daughter."

"Yes, have a nice day!"

After about 20min brother came we gave hugs to him and congrats.

Brother: is aw you babie sis for cheering to me thx you and have me kiss to cheek.

I got red face immediately.

Well kids its such good day today , I thought we could go out for an ice cream and celebrate, and celebrate how that's sounds?

Sounds greate and we were of to ice cream parlour.

"Here we are children, looks like it's pretty crowded but I see a large table over there. 

My handsome boy take your babies sisters hand  and see that table over there why don't you run there and hold our spots while i will we get in line to order. 

What kind of ice-cream do you kids two want before you go?

We both loved vanilla actually so we said.

"Vanilla with sprinkles."

 And went to table while mom orders our ice cream and comes back with it after 10 minutes.

Brother and I are still sitting on the booth cushions.

"Here you go my big boy mom say giving him his ice cream.

Thank you mom my new brother say.

Be good boy and hand this to your sis and gives other ice cream.

"Here is your ice-cream little baby sister."

 I hear my brother calling me his baby sister, i just have to sit and act like one while sucking on my pacifier.

Then mom come to me and takes my pacifier out were sweety now you can eat your ice cream.

And we all started to eat our ice cream.

It was so yummy that finished it very quickly.

"Umm thank you for the ice-cream mommy i say" 

"Yes thank you mom my brother say" 

Ok kids time to go home now.

We left and wet back in the car.

We walk out to mommy's car and mommie straps me back into car seat while my new brother   sit in the front buckling in.

And we drove off home in about 30 minutes we reached our home.

Ok kids go and watch some tv.

And we both run to tv watch some cartoons.

 The hours past and eventually, mom barged in saying "Okay kids, time to go prepare for sleep and go to bed.

Mom and brother went first.

 I walked into my nursery and saw my mom and brother  looking at me
"Sis, mommy  and I want to dress you up," Brother  said.

"We want you to be dressed like a baby," Mary said.
Mommy held up a onesie that had "Sweet like Mom" on the front.

You'll look so cute in this!

Mom and brother undressed put me in the onesie


Then my sis now brother grabbed a pink pacifier from the bed. "Open wide for your baby sis.

 I opened my mouth. 

And new brother put the pacifier in my mouth. "There you go, almost ready for sleeptime.

Mommy picked me up and put me in the crib. "You look adorable."

And then turned to my new brother and you to go get ready for bed.

Ok, mom i will and she run off to her new room.

And you little baby girl wait here until mommy comes back and she leaves room.

So mom  went over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed out the vanilla flavoured liquid laxative and went to the kitchen. . This was to be her new baby girl  bottle added one not wanting her stomach to much . So after screwing the nipple on to the bottle she headed back to the nursery to give it to her girl.

Mom came back to room and is aw he holding baby bottle of milk.

Ok, sweety time for your first bottle.

Then she picked me up and sat on chair cradling me in her arms and held the bottle in my mouth i squeeze the teat with my lips drink up sweety.

And i started to suck liquid in bottle its tasted kinda nice and its had something else in it.

After i finished bottle my mommy patted my back and i made loud burp.

Good baby mommy said.

Now its time go to to sleep she carried me again in crib and lays me in and places pacifier in my mouth.

Mum then pulled the string on my mobile above my head and made all the lights go and all the cows and sheep spin around.

Sweet dreams," Mommyu said.

She then walked out of my room and turned off the lights.

I sucked my pacifier closed my eyes because i was so tired and fell asleep.

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