Reincarnation, I Want a Peace...

By al_fluffy1209

167K 8.4K 1.2K

Dying and getting reincarnated in a different world was not something ##### expected. Now going by the name K... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Kocho Family Information
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Guardian OC Information
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Specials 2

100k Special Chapter

1.3K 75 37
By al_fluffy1209

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for 100k on this story! Like wow, I'm honored, especially since I know there aren't many people who are still in the KHR fandom around. So thank you so much for sticking to this story even though I know it's not the greatest. Also sorry for the irregular updates, college has me busy and because of that my updates are random and short. I'll try to get back into pace. Anyhow, onto the special chapters. Be prepared for chaos and fun times. Thanks for waiting!

Raccoons :

"This is not a sign that something good will happen to me!" Tomoe screeched out, running through the backyards of people as she was chased by a horde of angry raccoons.

How did she get into this situation?


(This author won't tell you how, tee-hee)

Now- I will now tell you all how this happened. Let's go back to Chapter 21.




Tomoe walked down the empty roads of her neighborhood, wearing a light green jacket to cover her short sleeves, black sweatpants that stopped at her ankles, and black sneakers. 

It was supposed to be a quick walk outside, to get some fresh air and clear out her head. But... She should have never decided to stop by the 24/7 open grocery store to get some late afternoon, almost late night snacks.

Damn. That's where all the problems started for her. Actually, she should have just stayed inside the first place, but back to the story.

The store doors slid open as she walked in, squinting at the bright lights. She glanced at the counter where a worker was wearing a blue shirt with a name tag, on their phone and waning loudly. Bet they were tired and bored from the uninteresting shift.

'Ah well, it's not my problem,' Tomoe thought to herself as she made her way to the snack isle. 'Hmm... Maybe I should get some mini marshmallows or maybe some Cheetos.'

"Mini marshmallows it is," she decided with a nod and grabbed a bag and walked to the counter. The worker looked up from their phone with a sigh and scanned the item. 

"Your total will be- argh forget it, just take it for free," the boy said, rolling his eyes. "Fuck, I hate this job. I'm quitting."

Tomoe blinked. "Absolute mood. Thanks man." And with that, she walked out with the bag of free marshmallows. Looking at the sky, she noticed it was becoming darker, the sunset rays slowly disappearing. 'Guess I should go back.'



Rustle. Rustle.


"FGHI◊HEIW-" Tomoe broke there seeing a trash panda looking up at her. "S-So... SO CUTE!"

"Squeak!" The raccoon stood on two legs, arms reaching out and up, trying to grab the bag of marshmallows in Tomoe's hands.

"Ah. You want some? Give me a sec." The raven head girl opened up the bag, grabbing a handful and pouring them into the raccoon's hands.

"Squeak!" The raccoon cupped the white fluffy goodness and ate them from its hands.

"So cute..." she mumbled, wanting to touch the trash panda. "You're a little bandit aren't ya?" She chuckled, referring to the black over the raccoons eyes which made them look like cute little thieves.

"Squeak squeak!" More rustling was heard and Tomoe looked to see that more raccoons were coming out of the bushes.

A blush made it to her face as she smiled. "You have little friends too! Here, take some marshmallows.

And slowly but surely, more and more and even more raccoons surrounded the girl, getting handed marshmallows.

Soon though, the bag was empty and Tomoe did not even get to eat a single one. "Well, looks like there's no more," she mused and got up from her crouching position. "Hope you enjoyed the snacks little guys."

Wrong answer Tomoe.

As if understanding her and seeing that there was no more food the raccoons... decided to backstab her.

The cuteness was a foil! 

They really are little menaces!

They looked up at her with their beady eyes, opening their mouths and-


Tomoe paled. "Shit."



Run bitch run.

"It was a trick, dammit! Come on! I gave you guys food stop chasing me!!!" Tomoe screamed and ran away, looking over her shoulder to see the mass army of raccoons lunging, chasing after her.

Then as if the world was against her, a giant wall signified her dead end.

Why was getting chased by a hoard the most terrifying thing Tomoe experienced while in the KHR world? No clue, but let's just say she got some trauma for it, no longer trusting the cute and innocent faces of raccoons wanting food.

'No! I can't go out like this! Being mauled to death by trash pandas!'

So, she did the only thing she could do, jump.

And jump she did.

Only to regret that when she jumped, she landed in the middle of the confrontation of the young Vongola and the infamous Varia.


Those damn raccoons.

Blind Date :

Tomoe had never been on a blind date in her entire life, also including her previous life. So she thought, why not?

Oh boy. That was the first and last blind date she ever went on, and she can thank a certain group of people because of it.

"Jun-nii what do you think of this outfit?" Tomoe asked, stepping out of the bathroom and Jun looked up from his phone.

Tomoe did a twirl as she stood in front of him. She wore a burgundy colored dress and around her waist was a brown belt. She had some light makeup on and wore ruby earrings, her hair was straightened and tied up into a high ponytail, two strands of her hair loose in front.

"Hmm..." Jun put a hand on his chin, silently appraising her until... "Acceptable." He gave her a thumbs up.

"Yessssss," Tomoe cheered, pumping her fist, finally getting Jun's approval. He was a true fashion critic. 

"So, who are you dressing up for missy?" The blond questioned, raising a brow with a teasing smirk. "Gasp! Is it perhaps. Ky~o~ya~?"

"Huh? Nah."

The background around Jun shattered into pieces. Eyes wide and pale, he shot up from his seat and grabbed her shoulders with frantic, shaking hands. "HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN "NAH"?! IT'S NOT KYOYA?!"







Jun was grasping for straws at this point.


"THEN WHO?!" Jun shook her back and forth. "TELL ME WOMAN!"

"QUIT IT! You're messing up my hair!" Tomoe pushed him away and let out a huff. "I'm going on a blind date," she said, fixing her hair that got loose and ruffled.

Blink. Blink.

"You... on a blind date?" Jun repeated slowly and incredulously.

"Yes. A blind date," she reaffirmed.

"..." Jun took a step back slowly and the two siblings kept eye contact. Then, he turned around and booked it out of her room. "MILO!!! TOMOE IS GOING ON A BLIND DATE!!"



Thus, that led to Milo and Jun, who were wearing disguises, to follow Tomoe on her blind date.

"Should we really be doing this?" Milo questioned, feeling bad for stalking his little sister. Jun had dragged him into following her and forced him into a disguise, which was really just a cap and sunglasses as they hid behind walls, tree, and in the bushes.

"Of course! Tomoe is going on a blind date. A blind date! Who knows what type of person she could be hanging out with. Besides!" Jun turned to him, pointing a finger in his face. "I have a bet with Momo that Tomoe is going to end up with Kyoya and I refuse to lose to her."

"You sounded and looked very threatening at the end, Jun."

"Oh hush, less talking and more stalking."

"So that's what you're doing," a voice piped up and the twins jolted at the sudden presence that they did not sense before hand. The two whipped around to see the one and only, Reborn.

"A kid?" Milo muttered.

"Ah! You're that brat who broke into the estate at night that one time!" Jun accused.

Reborn tilted his hat in greeting. "To think Kocho would be on a blind date. The chaos it would cause if Hibari found out."

"Exactly," Jun agreed, forgetting his previous suspicion of the hitman. 

Milo spoke up. "We have Kusakabe-kun by Kyoya-kun to keep watch and warn us if anything happens."

"Hmm..." Reborn hummed. "Well then, let's follow her."

"Huh?" The twins blinked.

"This is a good moment to collect more blackmail on Kocho, as well as help train those kids about following people without getting caught."

"Wait." "Hold on-"

Before the two could rebut him about joining the date watching, Reborn disappeared and they heard a shout before the bushes rustled and more people appeared. Some of them the brothers recognized, but the rest they were unsure who they were.

"Tsuna, you and the others will be joining the Kocho twins on following Kocho on her blind date."

"HUUUUUUHHHHH?!?!?!" 'No idea who the brunette was, but keep it down.'

"Kocho-senpai is on a blind date? Extreme!" 'Ah, Ryohei/-kun, nice to see him again.'

"Wow... I didn't really expect that. I wonder if Hibari-san knows." 'Yamamoto Takeshi, good to know you're doing fine, we love TakeSushi.'

"Hahaha! The Great Lambo will make sure to keep his eyes on nee-san!" 'Nee-san? Who is this kid?'

"Tch! Shut it stupid cow. Tenth, why do we have to follow that woman on her date?!" 'Okay if he calls our sister "woman" again we're going to hit him.'

Jun groaned, running a hand through his tied hair. "Great. Now we got a group of loud kids with us too. And I don't even know half of them."

Milo shook his head. "They are probably Tomoe's... friends...?"

"You even sound unsure Milo." Jun deadpanned.

Suddenly, more people slid into the place behind the bushes. "Jun-kun, I got your text and came as quickly as I could. I even brought backup!"

All heads turned towards the new group of people and Jun perked up. "Ah! Our saving graces!"

Yes, the saving graces were Momo, Aiko, Juno, Hikari, Chrome, and two other guests that Jun and Milo remembered Tomoe hanging out with, Haru and Kyoko.

Yamamoto thought for a moment before speaking up. "Should we also call the Varia here for backup as well. Dino and Basil too?"


"Who?" the others who did not know of the mafia asked.

"AH! Don't worry! They're not important!"

"Well we did call Dino," Jun revealed, arms crossed and a grim look on his face. "However..." He clenched his fists as a tear escaped his eye. "He was stuck doing paperwork to come with us!!!"

"Gasp! The suffering! Poor Dino-kun!"

"You don't even know who that is," Juno muttered. 'But that sucks. Paperwork, ew.'

"U-Um. Kocho-senpai is m-moving," Hikari pointed out.

The big group sat up straighter as they slowly and quietly maneuvered around to a new hiding spot as they followed Tomoe.

"Ok. Now that everyone is here... we should probably make a plan and move hiding spots because there's too many of us," Jun pointed out as they were all crouched down and squished in the place behind the bushes and trees.

"True." Milo nodded. "Alright, let's divide and conquer."

"Alright then," Reborn began. "The groups are...!"

Group 1: Jun, Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Reborn

Group 2: Aiko, Juno, Hikari, Lambo, Ryohei

Group 3: Milo, Momo, Kyoko, Haru, Chrome

No one grumbled at the groups, satisfied enough as all they wanted to do was hurry up and find out who Tomoe's blind date was.

"Now... our mission is to follow Kocho on her blind date. Move out!"


"Alright group one, let's set some ground rules," Jun took command, glaring at the three teenagers and Reborn. 

"Why do you have to listen to you?" Gokudera scoffed.

"Gokudera!" Tsuna squeaked, paling as Jun seemed to get even more irritated. He did not want to mess around with the older Kocho. "L-Let's just listen to him."

"Alright Tenth!"

'What a puppy.' "Good, now that I have your full attention. I want you guys to not cause trouble for my sister while she's on the date."


"You see, Tomoe has never been on a blind date before and she's always busy due to her having to take over the family business," Jun explained. "She never really gets to have fun. And since it's her first date, I want her to enjoy it. So don't do anything to mess it up or catch her attention and make her realize we're following her. Understood?"

"Right!" 'Man, he looks scary, but he really cares for Kocho-senpai...'

"Man, Kocho-san, I thought you would want to beat up the guy," Yamamoto admitted with a laugh.

"Hmph. I will beat him up if he's a disgusting bastard or hurts her or is a douche or makes Tomoe fall in love with him or if his fashion sense if not up to style or-"

"Ah..." They sweat dropped as Jun began to rant.

"-or doesn't have grey eyes or black hair and isn't a battle hungry manic or doesn't have a family of a good background or doesn't like small animals and-"

Reborn smiled in amusement. "It seems that your qualifications are molded out to fit one person in particular," he said and Jun stopped his ranting.

"Oh yeah?"

"Indeed. The qualifications fit one person only and that is Hibari!"

"EHH-" Tsuna cut off his own shout by slapping a hand over his mouth. "Hibari-san?!" He whispered shouted, looking at Jun like he was an alien.

Jun huffed, crossing his arms. "Listen kid, I trust Kyoya and been around him long enough to know that he's good for my baby sis. But that doesn't mean he's a complete perfect in my book! My ideal guy for Tomoe would not attack me whenever he sees me just because I'm a little loud and ruin the peace!"

'That is such a Hibari thing to do.'

"Argh! Forget it. Let's keep watching Tomoe, her date should arrive soon." Just as Jun said that, their walky-talkie buzzed.

"This is group two, Aiko speaking. The date has arrived, I repeat the date has arrived."

"This is group three. We have eyes on the target," Milo said. "The girls are disguised and are sitting at a table in the corner away from the target."

"Eh? The girls are?" Yamamoto blurted out and the four boys plus Reborn stuck their heads out of the bushes and looked to see the table Milo said the girls were at.

"Chrome's mist flames?!" Tsuna whispered, freaked out that she actually used them to disguise them in public.

"That was a good idea," Gokudera mumbled. 

"Wow." Jun was amazed, oblivious to the mist flames. "Those disguises are top notch, I didn't even know it was them." 

'If only he knew!!!'

"This is group one," Jun spoke back. "Keep up the good work and don't get caught. Looking at the target now."

"Alright, shall we see who this mystery man is?" Reborn mused and they turned their heads to the male who began to sit down in the chair across from Tomoe.

"Who the hell is that?" Jun growled out.

"That's...!" The group took a sharp breath. They blinked. "Who is that?"

"That's what I want to know! What was with that reaction! You actually made me think you knew who he was!" Jun snapped at them and they flinched.

"Ahaha... sorry."

"Tch. This is group one, anyone know who the target's identity?

"Group three here, the girls are listening in, but they don't know his name. Only that he's not from Namimori from what they overheard."

"He EXTREMELY looks awesome!"

"Not the time Ryohei! I don't care what he looks like just who is he?!"

"U-Um this is Hikari from g-group two... I-I have an idea w-who he is..."

"Hikari I love you sweetie! Now tell me who he is!" Jun demanded.

"His n-name is-"

"HEY! TOMOE!" a voice shouted, interrupting Hikari and heads swiveled to see Ken and Chikusa approaching her.

"Ken and Chikusa?!" Tsuna, Yamamoto, and Gokudera exclaimed.

"THOSE MORONS!" Jun screeched. "Why are they there?!"

"Oh, Ken-chan, Kusa-chan," Tomoe greeted, smiling. "Are you two out shopping?"

"Indeed. Ken ruined all his clothes by putting them together in the wash and not separating colors."

"Oi! It's not my fault. I didn't know that. Besides its quicker and cheaper to put them together!"

"Idiot." "HEY!"

Tomoe coughed, interrupting them. "Ken-chan... Next time just leave it to the maids. And Kusa-chan, please don't insult him for something he didn't know."

The two huffed. "Why are you here, Tomoe?" Ken asked, glancing at the unknown male across from her.

"Oh, I'm on a blind date."

"HUH?! A blind date?!" Ken reacted strongly while Chikusa blinked. "Why I outta-"

"Let's go."

"Hey! Chikusa let me go dammit! I got to find out who he is. HEY!"

With that, Chikusa dragged Ken away to continue shopping, leaving the two behind.

"Ah sorry about that, they're my friends and sorta live with me," Tomoe explained to her date.

"No worries, my roommates are also the same. Hahaha. You sure are popular though, Kocho-chan."

"Kocho-chan?" Tsuna repeated and moved his gaze to Jun who had a blank expression and gulped. "Um! Kocho-san, I have a question."

"What is it Tsunayoshi?"

"Well, I was wondering if the reason you brought some many people along to follow Kocho-senpai is because you were worried about her?" Tsuna theorized and saw him sigh.

"Well... of course I'm worried about Tomoe, she's my little sister," Jun answered. "You guys know that us Kocho's are big shots, right?"

"Of course," Yamamoto chimed in. "Everyone knows that."

Reborn nodded. "Your family's business is worldwide."

Gokudera glanced at Jun. "You have buildings in Italy. I'm pretty sure that my old man did business with you guys."

"Well because of that, many people target us. Assassins and what not," Jun replied, continuing. "So I'm worried that this dude might be an assassin or someone from an opposing business. It's not that I don't trust Tomoe, I know she can take care of herself, but I still worry y'know? Especially since I'm away from her due to school. I know she has other's that can support and help her, but I always want my little sister to be safe and protect if you understand."

Tsuna looked down, thinking about all his friends who have protected him and continue to do so. "Yeah... I understand."

"Good. Now..." Jun pulled a bow and arrow. "Let me get a good look at this dude's face."


"Had it on me the entire time kiddo."


"Um guys," Momo spoke up. "We have a problem."

"A problem? What problem Momo?"

"Well, Milo is currently on the phone with Kusakabe and he just told us that a member of the DC saw Tomoe-chan on  the date and reported it to Hibari-kun... and... uh..."

"And what...?" Jun's voice was strained, and everyone became even paler hearing Momo's grim voice.

"He beat up the guy who told him and is now on a rampage coming over to the cafe... Oh shit! Milo is he alright?!"

"What?! What happened?!" Juno asked at the same time as Jun.

"Kusakabe-kun tried to slow down Hibari-kun and is now down for the count! We need to get this guy out of there before Hibari-kun kills him!"

"We have a new mission everyone," Reborn ordered. "Prevent Hibari from interrupting the date!"

"WHAT?!" Shouts of protest and shock were heard from everyone.

"You heard the little man!" Ryohei yelled. "I shall stop Hibari to the EXTREME!"

"No Ryohei don't sacrifice yourself!"

"He's gone already... Ran to his death... Kyoko-chan we will make sure to hold a funeral for him."

Jun took a deep breath before standing up. Tsuna looked up at him. "Um, Kocho-san what-"

"I'll do it," Jun interrupted the brunette. "I will distract Kyoya."

"Eh?! You will?!"

"Once I'm in his sight, he'll chase me down and fight until one of us loses. It should be enough time for Tomoe and her date to leave... Just leave it to me."

The trio breathed in awe and respect. "Kocho-san..."

"This is Jun speaking, I'll go and back Ryohei up. If I die, please make sure that Kyoya isn't invited to my funeral."


"Don't stop me Milo. It's my choice."

"...I understand."

"Ha. Don't sound like that. I'm your big bro, just leave it me."

"You're only older by a few minutes. Don't act like a big shot."

"...See you Milo, everyone."

"Good luck, Jun."

Jun passed the walky-talkie to Yamamoto. "Take care boys... Make sure that this date is a success and that Tomoe stays safe."

"Of course..." Jun smiled and began to walk off. "Kocho-san please come out of this alive!"

"Heh. Who do you think I am?" He smirked, stopping and looked over his shoulder, the sun rays hitting against him as his sunglasses shined. "I'm Kocho Jun, the oldest child of the Kocho family. It's my duty to protect my siblings."


He was too cool.

Kyoya flung the blood off his tonfa and looked up when he heard footsteps approaching him. People just seemed to keep getting in his way today. First Kusakabe, then Ryohei, who is it this time?

"Yo, Kyoya," Jun said, a cocky grin on his face, bow pointing at the bow with an arrow knocked on. "Lovely day we're having, right?"

"Hn." Kyoya's eyes narrowed. "I see, you were in on this too. Kocho Jun... I shall bite you to death for getting in my way." His knees bent as he brought his tonfas up.

'Heh... I'm going to regret this.' "You're going to bite me to death, really? Well, you can try Ky~o~ya~"

It was silent until the boy charged and the arrow was released.

"What the hell are all those kids doing?" Ao said with a scoff. What were they doing in those disguises hiding around and watching Tomoe?"

"Come on Ao, they're having fun," a woman with black shoulder length hair with two side strands falling over her shoulders replied. She moved her bangs to the side and out of her face, revealing her black doe like eyes.

"Listen Kyo, I don't think it'll be fun when Tomoe fines out. Also when Kyoya comes around with blood covering him and looking for a fight," Ao responded, sipping his tea. "Also, it bothers me because their disguises are shit. What do they think this is, a movie? You can clearly tell who they are, well besides the girls, Chrome did a good job with her illusion."

Kyo's eyes sparkled as she grinned. "That makes it even more fun! It's sweet that all those kids showed up to watch over Tomoe-chan. They just want her to be safe."

"Sigh... I guess you're right."

"Of course I am."

"By the way, you know who her date is, right?"

"Mhm." Kyo pulled out her phone. "I hacked into his phone and searched around for a bit. The dude is a complete normie, background is clean and everything. Just a normal high schooler who got lucky to go on a blind date with the Kocho heir."


"Hehe~ You were worried for her weren't you~? That's why you decided to take me here."

"Gerika Kyo, one more word out of your mouth and I'm making you pay the bill."


"Hah... Hah... Hah..." Jun panted, bruises and blood covering him as he faced Kyoya. The black haired teenager was also injured, in a similar state like the blond. "Is that the best you can do Kyoya?!"

"Heh. I can do this all day."


The legend has it that their battle went into the night and till the next morning. There was no clear winner as neither overpowered the other, but the rumor is that Jun won due to the fact that he was able to keep away Kyoya from interrupting Tomoe's date.

Oh yeah, and the others got caught for stalking Tomoe halfway through the blind date due to Lambo accidentally setting off a grenade.

What if Tomoe Joined Varia :

"You know I only joined for those cool jackets you guys have," Tomoe admitted as everyone else (besides Xanxus) on the plane turned to look at her incredulously. "What? You got a problem with that?"

"You seriously joined for a jacket?" Squalo replied, not knowing how to feel about that being the first ever snow guardian's reason for joining.

"Yeah. I did."

"For the jacket."

"Yep. For the jacket."

"Huh." Squalo and Levi shared a look before Belphegor broke out laughing.

"Ushishishi! I knew that you were interesting," Belphegor said with a grin. "Boss, we can keep her, right?"

"Shut it trash. She already agreed to join," Xanxus grumbled, drinking his wine.

Lussuria let out a chuckle. "Well I'm glad you think our jackets are fashionable dear."

So, to backtrack a little bit, after the ring battles, the Varia had lost to Tsuna and the others. But for some reason Tomoe ended up brining them to the hospital where they could get healed along with everyone else.

And then, BAM!

Xanxus swooped in and someone convinced Tomoe to join.

(It was the jacket that really got to her. I mean, the Varia uniforms were cool)

Then he somehow got Mammon to convince her parents to let her go to Italy under the guise it was a study abroad program at an elite military and business school.

So yeah, she was off to Italy.

Of course there was a bunch of protest mainly from Kyoya, but they somehow came to a compromise. 

(You don't wanna know because this author doesn't even know what the compromise would be)

Anyhow, Tomoe was currently on a plane with the Varia heading to Italy to their home base.

"Woah, it's a castle," Tomoe muttered in awe. "A castle for a military base. Coolio."

"Come on Tomoe-chan," Lussaria said, putting a hand on her shoulder to guide the girl. "Bel and I will give you a tour of the base and show you your room."

"Ushishi. Welcome to the family princess."

"Thanks," Tomoe responded, smiling slightly.

Lussaria and Belphegor took her on a tour and she got to see the beauty of the castle and the amazing architecture as well. Despite it being the base of the Varia and a military base, it had a certain appeal to it.

"This will be your room, each squad leader has their own wing," Lussaria explained. "Since you're the first snow guardian ever, you'll be occupying the empty cloud wing before we make your wing and barracks for your squad."

"Awesome, thanks so much Luss-chan, Bel-chan," the girl replied, looking into the room she would be staying in, her luggage already inside.

"When you finish let's fight ushishi," Belphegor toothily grinned. "I didn't get to fight you all out and one on one during the ring battle, so I want to see what you're capable of."

"Yeah we can do that later, but I want to relax and get used to everything first."

"That's fine." Lussaria nodded in understanding while Belphegor continued to smile. "By the way, at seven o'clock we will be having a welcoming dinner for you, so don't go to sleep then."

Tomoe raised a brow. "Do I need to dress fancy?"

"Any normal outfit is fine. Come on Bel, we should report to the Boss."


"Alright. I'll see you then," Tomoe said, waving as they left and closed the door behind her. She took a deep breath, beginning to unpack her stuff. 

'A welcome dinner for me huh? Let's hope they won't be too chaotic so I can enjoy myself for the first night here.'

Yeah, no way in hell. 

Varia and no chaos? Unheard of. Absolutely unthinkable. 

How were the Varia, a professional assassin unit. Literal adults and (a) teenager(s) this chaotic?! More so than the Vongola! There was not a moment of peace with the shouting, fighting, explosions, gunshots, and much much more!

One moment they were all eating dinner together quietly and then the next the table was flipped over with all the food, Levi and Belphegor started to fight, Xanxus pulled out his gun and started to shoot bullets shouting at everyone and calling them "trash", Squalo was covered in wine from when it was thrown at him and he was dodging said bullets while swinging his sword around which was ruining the carpet and everything, Mammon vanished the moment the food fell to the floor, Lussaria was trying to calm everyone down but it wasn't working so he was also now fighting with Levi and Belphegor, and Tomoe had jumped behind the flipped over table to avoid the fighting and chaos. 

This was supposed to be a welcome dinner. Not a full out brawl. 

RIP that good quality 5 star food.

Tears escaped her eyes as she watched everything go on.


Back in Time?! :


"Lambo calm down!"

"Stupid cow quit crying!"

"Guys come on now let's all just calm down-"

Tomoe walked into the room, hearing all the noise from her office, Mukuro following in after her with a slightly annoyed expression. "What is going? I can't focus with all this noise. And if you keep it up then Kyo-chan is probably going to come in here with weapons and Gi-chan is trying to rest after training with Ryo-chan."

"Ah! Tomoe-san, Mukuro," Yamamoto said, standing up. "The kid won't stop crying."

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "And why is he crying?"

"We have no clue!" Gokudera yelled, getting ready to start throwing dynamight. "Tenth, please let me throw him out the window!"

"Kufu. Please do," Mukuro commented. At this point is was done with the noise.

"Gokudera don't!"

"WAAAAAHHH!" Reaching into his afro, Lambo pulled out the bazooka.

"Wait, I thought you took that away Tsuna because it was br-" Before she could finish her sentence, Lambo shot the bazooka and it hit Tomoe and Mukuro, making all the room occupants freeze.

Pink smoke filled the air.

"YOU STUPID COW WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Gokudera shouted.

"Are the ten year versions of them here now!?" Tsuna questioned, standing up from his desk and they watched as the pink smoke dispersed, only for no one to be there.

"They're... not?" Gokudera said, confused.

Yamamoto gulped. "Uh guys... wasn't the bazooka broken?"

They paled. "Oh no..."


"Cough! Cough!"

'Damn that bazooka. I'm so taking that away and giving it to Spanner to fix later. How the hell did Lambo even get it back?'

"What the heck is that?!"

"Pink smoke???"

'Italian? Shit,' Tomoe thought to herself as she heard unfamiliar voices. 'If they were from the future they would know what this. If they don't then...'

'Tomoe are you alright?' Mukuro communicated through her mind. A while ago, the two found out they could communicate through a mind link. At first it was fun when he appeared in her dreams using his mist flames, but then he took it to another level and began to speak in her mind at times like he did to Chrome.

'Mukuro! Yes, what about you?'

'I'm fine, but I think we're in a situation.'

'Agreed. I think we're in the past and if we really are then-' She felt Mukuro grab her hand before he began to weave an illusion, transforming into an animal. 'Really?'

'Kufufufu. If we are in the past then they will put the pieces together as I look very similar to that melon. It's best if I hide first.'

'Leaving me to fend for myself, ugh. Fine. Get in my pocket.'


When the smoke cleared, Mukuro was already hidden in Tomoe's jacket pocket and she was revealed. Looking around, she noticed she was in an older looking Vongola office.

Oh yeah, and the fact that the first generation was looking at her in suspicion and had their weapons out.

"Who are you?! An intruder?!"

"I'm more curious about the pink smoke."

'No matter how many times I see it, you and Daemon really look alike.'

'Ugh. Don't remind me Tomoe.'

'He's still salty about the possession and everything. Not that I don't blame him.'

"I asked you a question! Who the hell are you?! An assassin?!"

"Okay assuming that I'm assassin is just straight up rude," Tomoe sassily replied, rolling her eyes at G. "It's not like I wanted to suddenly appear here either y'know."

"G, stand down," an authoritative, yet peaceful sounding voice ordered and Tomoe looked over to see that it was the primo, Giotto, Tsuna's ancestor that talked. "She doesn't seem to be a threat."

'Omg practically twins.'

'The similarities are uncanny.'


Giotto smiled at her, ignoring the protest coming from G, the "pink" haired storm guardian. "Hello, I'm sorry about this, but you suddenly appeared. May we have your name?"

"Kocho Tomoe. Call me Tomoe," she replied and the rain guardian perked up.

"You're Japanese?" Ugetsu questioned in his home language. 

Tomoe looked at him, nodding. "Yeah, I am."

"How did someone from Japan suddenly appear here?" Lampow asked, scratching his head.

"Magic?!" Knuckle exclaimed.

"That's what we want to find out!" G growled out. 

Then, it happened suddenly. Tomoe's HI rang out in warning and she quickly dodged a surprise attack by ducking. Her nunchucks slid from her sleeves and in response she quickly spun, retaliating.

Metal hit metal. Her nunchuck hit handcuffs. And the other one was caught by a hand.

Shit. She just attacked Alaudi, the strongest cloud guardian.

The room seemed to go quiet.

"...Was there a reason for that?" Tomoe questioned, still wary of another attack and Alaudi stared at her the same way Kyoya would when assessing an opponent.

Then, he put away his handcuffs, let go of her other nunchuck, and backed away, not even sparing her another glance.

'Mukuro what the hell was that? I feel like I just got rejected for some reason.'

'Who knows what those skylarks think.'

"Nufufu. How interesting," Daemon mused. 

'Ew. Tomoe hit him for me.'

'I don't want to die so I'll refrain from doing that.'

"Ahem." Tomoe put her weapons away, standing up from her position. "Is anyone else suddenly going to attack me or can we actually talk?"

Giotto smiled, putting a hand up which seemed to be a sign for his guardians to put their weapons away and back down. "Yes. Tomoe, may I call you that?" The girl shrugged and the primo continued talking. "How did you get here? What was that pink smoke?"

She sighed. "Well you probably won't believe me, but the pink smoke is an affect from the Ten-Year-Bazooka."

"Ten-Year-Bazooka?" Knuckle tilted his head. "What's that?"

"A bazooka that can take anyone ten years into the future-"


"No way!"

"That sounds impossible!"

"Well it's possible because I'm from the future," Tomoe spoke above them and they all looked at her dumbfounded. "It was... mistake that I was sent here since the bazooka was broken and I unfortunately was hit with it."

G scoffed. "The future? No way. That's a bunch of bull crap!"

Tomoe let out another sigh, something she seemed to be doing more often. "I guess I fully have to introduce myself..." she muttered in Japanese before looking at Giotto and standing up straighter. "My name is Kocho Tomoe and I am the Snow Guardian of the 10th generation of the Vongola familia, the strongest mafia in the world. It is a pleasure to meet the primo and first generation of guardians." She then put a hand to her chest and bowed slightly. "It is an honor."


'Shut it. I don't want to act this formal.'

'You are a rich girl after all~ Anyways I must say that your Italian has greatly improved.'

'Thanks to Reborn-chan's tutoring and practicing with you.'

"Tenth generation..." Giotto repeated, stunned. The group shared shocked and proud expressions. 

"We made it to a tenth generation..."

"Did you not hear what she said?! The strongest mafia?!"

"So our legacy continues."

"What's a snow guardian?"

Tomoe turned to Alaudi who asked that and deadpanned. She thought it was quite obvious what a snow guardian was. Snow was literally in the name. "A snow guardian is someone who has snow flames." She then noticed his deadpanned and wanted to facepalm. He was asking about the abilities. "Snow flames have the ability to cancel out other flames."

"That's impressive!"

"There's more types of flames other than ours?" Ugestu looked surprised.

"Indeed. There are many types, but I am the first snow guardian to ever appear throughout the history of flames," she answered, looking proud. 

"Prove it," G blurted out. "All this seems like some grand lie."

Tomoe wanted to smack her head. This guy was just as stubborn as Gokudera. She looked him straight in the eyes and lifted up her right hand and showed the full Vongola Snow Ring that was on her middle finger. Then, she clenched her fist and light blue flames burst to life, surrounding her hand. "This proof enough?"

"Wow... Your snow flames are beautiful," Giotto complimented and Tomoe felt her ego boost even more.

"Thank you."

"Kufufufu. Of course Tomoe's snow flames are beautiful."


"What the?! Who are you?!"

"Another intruder!?"

"Wait he looks a lot like Daemon!" Lampow yelled out and everyone took a moment to look at Mukuro, instantly seeing the similarities. Aluadi's brow twitched at another pineapple.

'I thought you wanted to hide in my pocket?' Tomoe raised a brow, looking up at the male who towered over her, his arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

Mukuro looked down at her with a small smirk. 'Your snow flames dispelled my illusion.'

'Oops- my bad bestie.'

'Kufufu. It is alright.'

Daemon seemed slightly shocked. "You're my decedent?" '...with Elena?'

The mist gave the older mist a look of disgust. "Hell no. Thank God I'm not."

"PFFT!" Tomoe covered her mouth to stop her laughter. She expected Mukuro to show his hatred for Daemon, but didn't expect him to be blunt from the get go! 

She looked around to see that the storm and lightning also were holding in their laughter while the cloud looked amused.

An irk mark appeared on Daemon's head. "Is that so? Mind telling us who you are?"

Mukuro gave the group a closed eyed smile. "My name is Mukuro, Mukuro Rokudo. The half mist guardian of the Vongola."

"Half mist?"

"Kufu. Indeed. My dear Chrome is the other mist."

Tomoe decided to expand on his answer, seeing confused looks. "Due to some complications and deals, the tenth generation has two mist guardians. So both Mukuro and Gi-chan are half mist guardians that make up one."

"The future sure is interesting!" Knuckle mused.

'You don't have a clue... All that damn chaos.'

'The future would be too crazy for them.'

'Oh. I didn't mean to project that. My bad.'

'Kufufu. You still need to get used to separating your own thoughts and the telepathy.'

'Ugh I know.'

"Well, since you two are stuck here for who knows how long, we will help you," Giotto said, gaining their attention. "The Vongola helps their family, even from other generations. We will protect you two, give you housing, feed you, and help find a way to get you back to your time."

Tomoe smiled. "Thank you so much Primo."

"Ah you can call me Giotto," the blonde said, looking embarrassed at the title.

"Giotto-san then.

"That works..."

The raven head then looked back up at Mukuro who looked down at her. 'Thank him too.'

'Why do I have to? You already did for us.'

Rolling her eyes, she gave him a look. 'C'mon. Just a quick thank you. It doesn't have to be genuine. It's just to be polite to the first generation.'


'Mukuro I'll take away your chocolate privileges.'

His eyes widened and he glared at her. 'You wouldn't.'

She smirked. 'I would. I'll even force you to come back home with me. Mom has been wanting to see you again.'

At that he looked fearful, probably remembering the torture her mom put him through when he lived with them along with Ken, Chikusa, and Chrome. Tomoe had bought Kokuyo Land and ordered it to be repaired so when the group moved out and back there it would actually be habitable. 

'Alright fine.' Mukuro sighed and reluctantly mumbled to Giotto, "...Thank you.

"...Did you guys just have a full on silent conversation?" Lampow pondered, looking at the two who where still in an... intimate position. "What are you guys? Lovers?"

Lampow said what the first generation was thinking.



Mukuro and Tomoe blinked, looking at Lampow before slowly looking at each other. Then, they looked at Lampow again and burst out into laughter.

"No no!" Tomoe replied, composing herself while Mukuro was still laughing, letting her go as he clenched his own stomach. "We're not- pfft- lovers. Mukuro stop laughing- pfft!!!"


Lampow blushed, having the decency to look embarrassed. "Sorry- I just thought..."

Mukuro composed himself, wiping a tear that was building up in his eye and looked at Tomoe. "Phew... I haven't laughed that hard since that skylark got beat up by you when you were on your period."

Tomoe sniffed. "He shouldn't have messed with me, especially when he knew I wasn't feeling good."

"Kufufufu. He was sulking for a while until he went up to Chrome to ask her questions."

"And then he went out and bought me chocolates and other snacks," Tomoe remembered, then frowned. "And you ate those chocolates which caused a fight between you two and made me even more mad and made Tsuna panic because not only did you destroy part of the mansion, but pissed me off even more."

"Then you proceeded to beat us both up and scold us while the other guardians hid and Tsuna supported you along with that Arcobaleno," Mukuro finished, huffing, but had a playful smile on his face.

"Ahh. Good times." Tomoe smiled, patting his arm. "A good lesson learned for you two."

"Um, Ugestu what did they say?" G whispered.

"They're just talking about some memories," he summarized to the group. 

Ah right, they forget for a moment that they were with others.

"Anyways, do you mind if we invade your kitchen?" Tomoe blurted out. "I haven't eaten since breakfast and it's getting late."

Giotto perked up. "We will be having dinner soon, you can join us. In the meantime, Ugestu, please show them to some free rooms."

"Yes Giotto."

"Thanks." Tomoe nodded and both her and Mukuro followed the rain out of the office room.

'Hey Mukuro.'

'Yes Tomoe?'

'Do you think Elena will be there? Daemon's lover.'

'Perhaps. Who knows. I'd rather not eat in a row with him or that skylark look alike.'

'Aww, don't pout you big baby.'

'Tomoe I'll smack you.

'If you smack me I'll smack you back. And once we get back home I'll tattle on you.'

'Kufu. What are you, a child?'

'If I'm a child so are you. You seem to forget physically wise, in this life, I'm older than you.'

'...point taken.'

After a while, a maid had knocked on their doors telling the two that dinner was ready and guided them to the dinning room.

When Mukuro and Tomoe entered, the entire first generation was already inside.

"Great, you two arrived," Giotto said with a smile. "Come sit so we can eat together."

There were two empty seats next to each other. One at the end of the table and the other was next to Alaudi. Knowing Mukuro's attitude, Tomoe took the seat next to the cloud and Mukuro took the other seat where no one would be next to him.

"Ah, yes. I suppose you two know her, but let me introduce you. That is Elena, Daemon's lover." Giotto gestured to the beautiful blonde haired woman.

'Shit she's hot. Daemon's got amazing taste.'

'Tomoe. Separate your thoughts, please.'


"It's nice to meet you two." Elena smiled gently at them. "Daemon explained everything to me. I hope you two will be comfortable with your stay here, Tomoe, Mukuro."

"It's nice to meet you too Elena," Tomoe responded, also smiling. This woman had a gentle, welcoming presence that just made her feel relaxed. "She really is more beautiful in person. Mukuro you got to agree with me on this."

Mukuro let out a cough, looking done. "You said that last part out loud Tomoe." 'And yes I agree with you.'

"Shit." She blushed and Elena laughed while Daemon smiled.

"Thank you. You are very beautiful too."

'Mukuro I think my heart went doki doki.'

'Please just stop Tomoe. I don't want to hear it'

'Doki doki.'

He stomped on her foot from under the table and she winced, biting her lip to stop herself from cursing.

"So what is the future of Vongola like?" Elena asked and they blinked.

"Er..." 'What do we say? That they were a bloody mafia organization that killed for centuries until the 8th generation when it started to get peaceful again? And that Tsu-chan is a direct decedent of Primo, who had to fight the Varia and different mafia groups before becoming the Tenth but is doing his best to make sure Vongola stays peaceful and has many allies with old friends and enemies. I mean, that basically summarizes it, keeping out the chaos.'

Mukuro shrugged, cutting into his steak. He really didn't care. 'Sounds good enough.'

Tomoe shakily smiled. "Well, the Vongola has had its ups and downs from the second generation until the eight where it got better. Vongola had a small problem about an heir but they found one, Tsu-chan, ah, I mean Tsuna, a direct decedent from Giotto-san." Said male sat up straighter. "Despite many battles, he is currently the Tenth of Vongola and is doing his best to keep the peace in the mafia world with our allies."

"I see..." Elena smiled and grabbed Daemon's hand. "I'm glad that te legacy of Vongola is still standing strong."

'Yeah we are so not telling them about her death and Daemon going crazy and the bloodshed.'

"So Giotto's direct descendent is the tenth?" G mumbled. 

Tomoe nodded. "He didn't want to be the boss at first, but was basically dragged into the mafia along with most of his guardians. Mukuro was already in the mafia and eventually joined."

Mukuro scoffed, bringing his drink close to his mouth. "I wanted to destroy the mafia and possess his body. Not be part of the Vongola. I'll possess his body one day."

The first generation all tensed but it was broken when Tomoe laughed. "Keep saying that Mukuro. You're still sticking around. Face it, you got attached to us."

"I did not."

"Did too."

"I did not Tomoe."

"You so did."

"Alright you two." Elena stopped them from going further. She had a motherly tone on, uh-oh. "No arguing at the dinner table."

"...yes ma'am."

"But anyways," Tomoe continued awkwardly. "Our generation is said to be the most similar to yours."

"Really?" Daemon hummed.

"Yes. Personality and look wise. Well that's what they said about the others." She scratched the back of her head. "I'm the odd one out when it comes to the comparison on the first gen."

"Can we see?" Ugestu asked. 

Tomoe blinked. "Um, yeah. I should have a picture." She rummaged through her pocket and pulled out her wallet which had a picture of the group together. 

It was somewhat chaotic and a mess due to what happened when taking the picture, but it was the perfect photo. The perfect representation of the tenth generation, of their bond.

She passed it to Alaudi and the blond took it from her and looked at the picture, gaze softening slightly. Tomoe leaned in closer, but not too close and pointed at Kyoya. "That's Kyo-chan, he's our cloud guardian. That's Ryo-chan, the extreme sun. Then we have Haya-chan, our storm. Next to him is Take-chan, the rain. That's Bo-chan, our lightening and beside him is Gi-chan, the other half of the mist. Then you know Mukuro and I. Finally we have Tsu-chan, our sky."

"...We do look alike," Alaudi admitted and passed the photo to Ugestu who was next to him.

"Wow! Amazing.

They passed the photo around, awing at the similarities. When it got to Giotto, he smiled brightly, looking as if he was a proud dad about to cry because he saw his child take their first steps.

'You really have a picture of us in your wallet?' Mukuro chuckled and she blushed.

'Shut it. You guys are important to me... my family, so of course I'd have one. I love you guys after all.'

'Kufufufu... I see. I care for you as well Tomoe.'

'You better, after all you are my platonic soulmate.' She nudged his foot table and Mukuro did so as well. They both smiled.

"I'm happy," Giotto suddenly admitted. "To think our hard work would blossom into something bigger in generations passing." He smiled. "Tomoe, Mukuro, I hope that you two as well as your friends continue to protect the Vongola and what it stands for."

Before either of them could get a word in-


-pink smoke appeared.

"Shit?! Again?!"

'Who do you think appeared?'

'Probably-' He didn't finish the thought.

Bang! CLANK!

When the smoke cleared, everyone could clearly see two weapons, a trident and tonfa pressed against each other. Mukuro's chair had fallen to the ground and he was looking pissed. The black haired teen in front of him also looked annoyed.



"What the-?"

Mukuro and Kyoya started to fight, not caring for the others in the room nor the damage.

"What the hell are those two doing?!" G shouted.


"MY TABLE-!!!" Giotto cried out as the table broke from Kyoya's attack that Mukuro dodged.

"THE FOOD!!!" Lampow screamed.

"We have to stop them!" Knuckle hollered.

"Wait!" Ugutsu stopped him, pulling him to the side when a purple flame was thrown his way.

Daemon held Elena at his side, protecting her. "Nufu. Aluadi how about you stop them."

The cloud had his arms crossed, Tomoe by his side. "I'm not interesting in fighting children."

Giotto was still crying over his table. The dinning room was going to be ruined and if this kept up then so would his mansion.

Tomoe took a deep breath. 'Count to three. One, two-' She ducked, doing a plate that crashed against the wall and shattered. 'That's it.'

Sky flames erupted from her hands. "QUIT IT YOU TWO!!!" And then, she got between them, punching their stomachs and sending them flying back to opposing walls. "Have you no respect?!"

"Ouch. Kufu. Tomoe you should be punishing the skylark for starting the fight, not me."

"Hn. You were the one who destroyed the table."

"It was YOUR attack."

"Well you dodged it which makes it your fault for not taking the hit to protect the table."

"Kufu you-!"

They stopped arguing, seeing the demotic aura coming from Tomoe. "You two..."

"You can use sky flames?!" G yelled out. "You said you were a snow guardian!"

Tomoe pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath, extinguishing her sky flames. "Snow flames are really sky flames in disguise. I can use both," she explained before turning to look at the mess Mukuro and Kyoya made. "Now. You two clean this up."

Mukuro sighed, snapping his fingers and using mist flames to fix the mess. "Done."

"That's not what I meant."

"Tomoe," Kyoya called out.

"What Kyo-" She turned around only to get her faced grabbed by his hands. Kyoya moved her head to the side as he checked over her to make sure she had no injuries. He hummed, pulling back, satisfied. "I'm glad you're alright."

She smiled slightly at his concern. "I'm alright Kyoya."


"Aren't you concerned for me?" Mukuro dryly asked, appearing behind Tomoe.


"Kufu. How cruel."

Now that they were both in reach, Tomoe quickly grabbed their ears, tugging on them, both males letting out grunts of pain. "Now you two... apologize right now to Giotto-san for causing a mess and fighting."

"No," Kyoya protested and grunted when she pulled his ear. 

"What did you say Kyo-chan?"



She then glanced at Mukuro.



Mukuro and Kyoya silently turned to Giotto and the rest of the first gen who were watching the scene.

"Hn." "Apologies."

Tomoe sighed, letting them go and they rubbed their ears. "That's the best you'll get from them. I'm so sorry Giotto-san."

"It's quite alright... That's your cloud guardian, correct?"

"Yes. Hibari Kyoya." She then glanced at him. "Did you use the bazooka to come here?"

"Hn. The herbivores told me what happened."

"Kufu. So do you have a way back home for us?" Mukuro questioned, raising a brow, a mocking smile on his face.

Oh, how Kyoya wanted to hit him. "Hn." He pulled out three light purple marble balls. "The carnivore said to smash them on the ground to bring us back."

"The carnivore...?" Tomoe looked confused before sensing familiar flames. "Kawa-san?"

When Kyoya didn't reply, she saw him glaring at Alaudi who was staring back at him with an unamused expression. "Him."

"Ah." She then turned to the first generation. "Sorry about him Alaudi-san. Kyo-chan is still mad over your ghost not wanting to fight him."

"Excuse me but ghost?"

"Don't worry about it." She waved a dismissing hand. "Anyways, we have our way back home now."

"That's good," Elena replied. "It was a pleasure meeting you and learning more about the future of Vongola."

Giotto walked up to Tomoe, handing her back the group photo. "May you have a safe trip back. And please tell my decedent that I'm proud of him."

Tomoe grinned. "Of course Giotto-san."

"Let's go Tomoe," Mukuro ordered, wanting to leave already.

"Alright, coming," she replied, rolling her eyes. Backing up from Giotto, she stood next to her companions. "It was nice meeting you all!"

"Let's never meet again," Mukuro added, saying that more towards Daemon than anyone else.

Then, the three threw the marbles on the floor, cracking them and puffs of pink smoke filled the room. When it cleared, they were gone.

Lampow then sighed. "I wonder how those guys function in the future if the mist and cloud fight like that upon seeing each other."

"Haha! Just like Daemon and Alaudi!"

"Not true."

"Absolutely not."

Back to the Present...


"They're back!!!" Tomoe heard Tsuna shout happily.

"Thank goodness that worked," Yamamoto breathed out a sigh of relief.

When the smoke cleared Tomoe saw Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Lambo, Ryohei, and Chrome all inside Tsuna's office.

She smiled. "Yo! We're back from the past."

"The past?!" Tsuna paled.

"Yep, those guys were pretty cool, right Mukuro?" She nudged him and he scoffed.

"I think we were better," he replied. "I'm leaving, Chrome, let's go."

"Right!" The purpled haired girl nodded and followed him out the room.

"Tch! And we were worried for him yet he acts like that," Gokudera scoffed.

"Now now. He must be extremely tired!" Ryohei patted the storm's back.

"Quit that!"

"Lambo-same is sorry nee-san!" Lambo cried out in Yamamoto's arms.

"It's okay Bo-chan." She patted his head and before she could say anything else, her arm was grabbed.

"Small animal, we're leaving," Kyoya said, dragging her out of the office. "Herbivores, stop crowding and if I hear any more noise I'll bite you to death."

She could hear shrieks and shouts of protest, but they soon died down as they continued down the hall.


"What's so funny?" the raven head questioned, looking back at her.

"Just thinking how grateful I am for you guys."


"Awww Kyoya are you blushing~?"



"Shut up."

"Where are we even going."

"Out. Some herbivores decided to cause problems on our territory."

Tomoe hummed. "Welp, as the duty of the Vongola we have to protect our people. Let's go!"

Yep, the first and tenth generation weren't so different after all.

Another Timeline :

When ##### experienced death she thought it would be the end of it. But imagine her surprise when she was reborn, being a baby once again.

She was in Italy. 

Her mother was a beautiful black haired woman that had a mix of Japanese and Italian features. And while she did not understand a word she said, from her actions, ##### knew that she was a lovely woman with a kind heart. Her father on the other hand, she had yet to see or meet him even once.

The years went by quick as ##### slowly grew up, her new name Tomoe. There wasn't a last name, her mother didn't have one and apparently she wasn't going to get her father's name since he was never in their lives. 

Growing up in Sicily, Italy during a time full of violence and economic crisis it affected her and her mother as they grew worried of how they would continue to live, thankfully in the 1970s, the economy began to gain success once again.

(A/N: Idk the ages of the Arcabaleno or what year they were born so ima say Tomoe was born in 1968, a year before Shamal was born bc the curse happened like around 21 years before cannon. That would make her around 15-16 when she got the invite from Checkerface. I'm roughly assuming the ages. Like I feel like Skull would be 19 before he was turned bc he was young and cocky building up a reputation as a stunt driver. And Aria was born a few months after the curse happened, so Luce had to be in her mid to late twenties like maybe 25 years old. As for Reborn, before the curse this was gonna be his "last job" plus he was thinking about retirement and he already made his reputation as the Greatest hitman so I'm guessing he is at least in his 30s. Get my thought process on this?)

She learned how to read and write in Italian and even helped work at a bakery owned by a nice elderly couple to get some money to help support her mother. Her mother worked as a maid in some rich man's estate and despite not getting the best education as a child, she made sure Tomoe learned how to read and write in Japanese as well.

When she found out Tomoe had an interest in art and painting, she insisted on hiring her a tutor or mentor to help her. Tomoe had refused, not wanting to waste money on expensive tutors for a hobby, but surprisingly, her neighbor used to be an art professor and had lessons with her time to time for free, but in return Tomoe had to help him clean his house which was an amazing deal.

The community she lived in was a tight nit community, everyone knew everyone and they had each other's backs. And it was something Tomoe loved despite the not so great living conditions. She was just another average civilian that had more knowledge than others thanks to her past life.

One day, when she was painting something happened. It was nighttime and her mother was already asleep. 

She heard a shout.

Tomoe paused in her brushes. She knew her community was usual safe, but there were still mobsters and mafia members lurking around, but they never come this close to the neighborhood.

'I should just ignore it,' she thought to herself and decided to put down her brushes. She was feeling wary and wasn't in the mood to paint anymore. 

As she cleaned up her set, she heard another shout.

Okay, now Tomoe was getting nervous and suspicious. But she still wasn't going to go check it out. She was a white bitch, she's seen the movies. It's always the white people who go out first by acting like idiots checking out the scene instead of running away.

The shouting continued, getting louder.


'Okay maybe a peek through the window wouldn't hurt.'

Moving the curtain slightly, she peeked out the window for only her eyes to widen. 

There were men in suits, fighting out there looking all ruffled, but that's what wasn't caught her eye. It was the flames that coated the figures.

"What the hell," Tomoe whispered, watching in awe. 'Is it magic? What's with those flames? They have different types and it looks like abilities too...'

Tomoe wanted those powers. Did she somehow have them too?

Moving the curtain back, she quickly went to her bedroom, shutting the door closed and looking at her palm, imagining those red flames. Nothing happened. Maybe she had to imagine those blue flames instead?

Nope. Nada. Nothing was happening.

'Is it a cult or religious thing perhaps?' Tomoe wondered, humming as she closed her eyes, trying to feel for something.

And that something reacted. 

It was hard to breath, it felt like her veins were on fire and her blood was boiling. It was painful and quick. But it hurt. Gasping for air, Tomoe fell onto her back, curling up in a fetal position on her bed as the something seemed to erupt.

Flames. It was a light blue color that was sparkling. It reminded Tomoe of snow. And then, it flickered, changing colors into an orange flame.

It kept flickering between that lovely shade of blue and orange.

"Beautiful..." she breathed out, watching the flames in her hands continue to change colors.

And so, life moved on. Studying, work, painting, and playing around with these flames

She used them more in secret and learned more about them. Snow and sky. Something in her gut told her to hide her sky flames and to only use her snow ones. And a month later she made a friend, a white haired male named Kawahira who calmly explained everything he knew about flames to Tomoe. He of course explained that he never knew of a snow flame ever existing and that is was the first of it's kind, but he did everything he could to help her understand.

When acquiring these new powers, she thought nothing major would change in her life, that nothing would happen. However, that changed when a man wearing a weird outfit and metal mask appeared in front of her, coming out of a purple mist.

"...What the fuck," Tomoe blurted out before she could stop herself and before the unknown male could get a word in.

From the way his posture stiffened slightly, she could tell he was a tad bit surprised. Was it at her language or something else?

But anyways, he was suspicious... Like she had a feeling she knew him from somewhere.

Anyways Tomoe did not want to get involved in whatever voodoo shit he was going to invite her too based on that envelope in his hand. 

"Tomoe, correct?"

"Who's askin'?" She replied, brown eyes narrowed at him, her posture tense.

"My name is Checkerface, the administrator of the Tri-Ni-Sette. You Tomoe, have been chosen as one of the representatives of the Arcobaleno, one of the strongest eight," Checkerface explained, handing her the invitation. "It would do you good to show up and to learn more of those snow and sky flames of yours."

Tomoe inspected the envelop before looking back at Checkerface who was still standing there expectantly. "Quick question," she said and the male hummed. "I never told you what flames I have and only one person knows, that being Mr. Kawahira." He paused. "Mr. Kawahira, why are you wearing that stupid mask?"

Suddenly, he let out a laugh and remove his mask, his entire get-up changing, revealing the kind white haired male that she knew and drank coffee with all the time. "I had a feeling you'd find out Tomoe, but not this soon."

"It was your slip of the tongue, and now that I'm looking closely, your flame signature is the same."

"Ah, must be my old age catching up to me."

"Pfft... So, do you want some coffee so we can talk things in order."

"That would be lovely dear."

A week later...

Tomoe was in front of a house in the middle of the forest. It was well hidden and kept in good condition.

She looked back down at her invitation before sighing. She really came here even after what Kawahira revealed to her. She was selfish, so why was she acting so selflessly now? Was it because she felt guilty, regret? Because Kawahira was her friend?

She was going to be turned into an immortal baby for who knows how long until she dies or if the curse is lifted.

Pfft. As if.

Fixing her hair and straightening the hood of her outfit, she clenched the strap of her bag which held her art supplies, a small sewing kit, and an extra pair of clothes. Why? I mean Kawahira told her that she'd probably have to stay in the mansion for a while. He already prepped some clothes for her beforehand in her new room. 

Oh yeah, she also packed a semi-automatic service pistol, specifically a Beretta Model 92 (M92). Just in case something happens and she can't use her flames. The old man at the bakery she works for gave it to her for protection a while back and she never used it once.

"Ugh... I can't believe I'm doing this... dammit," the raven head mumbled under her breath before taking a deep breath to steel her nerves.

With her head held high, she opened the door and walked inside.

Okay, she was the last one to arrive which made all heads turn towards her. How embarrassing. 

'Damn, they all look so professional... except for the purple dude.'

Inside the room were seven other people that Kawahira informed her of beforehand. Reborn, the sun. Fon, the storm. Verde, the lightning. Lal Mirch, the rain. Viper, the mist. Skull, the cloud. And finally, Luce, the sky.

"Hello," Luce said, smiling. Tomoe eyed her very much pregnant stomach. "Would you like a cookie?"

"...Thank you," Tomoe replied, hesitantly taking one off the plate before going to her seat which was beside Skull.

Luce beamed, sitting back down in her own chair. "Now that everyone is here, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Luce, the donna of the Giglio Nero Famiglia."

Next was the man wearing a suit and fedora. "Reborn, the Greatest Hitman."

"My name is Fon," the black haired male said, bowing his head. "I'm a martial artist."

After him was the blue haired woman. "Lal Mirch, former COMSUBIN instructor." 'What a queen she is.'

"Verde, scientist." Ah! Tomoe recognized him. Many called him the next Da Vinci.

"Viper, informant. If you want information you better have money," they said and Tomoe couldn't tell if they were male or female, especially with their face covered.

After them was the other teenager. "I am the great Skull-sama! Be glad to be in my presence!"

At that moment, all mafia related members had one similar thought. 'Civilian.'

Tomoe winced at Skull''s introduction and was the last to introduce herself. "Tomoe, civilian. A pleasure."

Some brows were raised. 'Two civilians?'

Luce smiled. "Great. Now that we all introduced ourselves." She held out some folders. "We were gathered here to do some tasks and missions together. We will spending tome with each other for a while, I hope we can get along. There are various rooms in the mansion, please pick one out since we will be living here for a while. Let's get settled in before we go over the missions, okay?"

And with that, Tomoe stood up first. Hey I mean, first come first serve, right? With her bag, she got out of her chair and began to walk out of the meeting area to find her room. Like a chain reaction, the others began to follow. 

'Hmm... Mr. Kawahira already prepared me a room.' She looked around before suddenly stopping in front of one of the doors. It had a snow symbol on the doorknob. She turned to others who were also looking around. "I'll be taking this room," she said before walking in and shutting the door behind her.

Then, she took a deep breath, letting out a sigh of relief. 'Thank goodness...' Tomoe was really scared. I mean, those guys could have killed her instantly (well besides Skull, and Verde probably).

Tomoe looked around the room, it was normal sized. There was a desk with a bookshelf next to it and on one of the shelves was a jewelry box. She had a twin sized bed and beside it was a night stand with drawer. She placed her bag down on the ground and opened the wooden wardrobe. 

Inside there were various clothing options that looked expensive. Dresses, skirts, shirts, pants, jackets and more. Also attached to the inside of the wardrobe was a body sized mirror.

Wow, Kawahira came in clutch. She would have to thank him later.

Opening her bag, she put her extra clothes in the closet and left her sewing kit and art supplies on her desk. Tomoe did keep her gun on her person though, slipping it inside her cloak, attaching it to the hostler on her pants. She didn't think she'd need it, but she wanted to stay safe in case it did come to that.

Adjusting her hood to cover her face again, Tomoe walked out only to stop, almost bumping into Fon. She took a better look at him. He had brown eyes, his long black hair was braided back and he wore red clothes that was from China. 

Fon smiled down at her. "Hello Tomoe. It seems my room is next to yours."

"Yeah..." she awkwardly replied. 

Seeming to sense her discomfort, he took a step back, giving her room. "I was about to head back to the meeting room, care to walk with me?"

'...He's respecting my boundaries.' "If that's fine with you."

His eyes gleamed in amusement. "I wouldn't be offering if it wasn't."

She chuckled sightly and the two walked off. It was quiet, neither of them talked, but that made Tomoe realize something. She could only hear her footsteps when they walked.

'It must be from the martial arts.'

"So... you're a martial artist?" she questioned and Fon hummed. "I'm guessing you know a lot."

"I know over 108 styles," he replied and Tomoe's eyes widened.

'What the heck?! How is that possible?!' "A-Amazing... You're really dedicated to your craft."

Fon merely smiled as they continued to walk in silence. When they made it back to the meeting room, Verde and Viper were already there. Both Fon and Tomoe took their seats and the girl played with her fingers as they waited for the others. Next came Reborn, then Lal Mirch, and after a few more minutes Skull arrived. Luce came out of the kitchen, holding a new batch of cookies. Well they didn't look new, more like pre-made and kept in the oven to keep warm.

"Great, everyone is here." Luce sat down, placing the new plate of cookies in the middle of the table for anyone to grab. "As we live with each other we must go on missions before the very last job," she explained and passed out folders. "Our first job-"

Tomoe regretted this already. She cursed Kawahira in her mind as she and Lal Mirch hid behind a wall together. I mean, at least she was lucky to be partnered with someone normal compared to the other guys. 

This woman was part of the military. Way more normal compared to the mafia.

Skull and Reborn were paired together while Fon was with Viper. Verde was with Luce in a safer spot, but Verde would still be participating by telling them the enemies locations and giving outside held with his machinery.

"Are you ready?" Lal Mirch asked and Tomoe took a deep breath.

'Now or never.' "Yes ma'am."

Lal Mirch glanced at her. "Try to stay behind me and leave the men to me. You're my support and as a civilian you probably don't have any combat experience. Correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then, watch and learn. Understand?"

"Y-Yes ma'am." Tomoe nodded, tensing up as she gripped onto her gun with white knuckles, hands shaking slightly. 

She was nervous. Of course she was nervous! She was a civilian about to attack a mafia familiga! She didn't want to die again and at such a young age too! She had to trust Lal Mirch and the others to do most the work. Oh god, they were going to kill. People were going to die. She was going to have to kill if necessary.

Tomoe wanted to throw up when she heard a gunshot, Reborn's signal.

It was now or never. Do or die.

Lal Mirch loaded her rifle and then she ran out from behind he wall. Tomoe crouched behind the wall, hearing the gunshots she winced, her entire figure shaking in fear.

How she wished Lal Mirch used her rain flames on her before.

'Breathe in and breathe out. Come on just keep calm. Keep calm-'


Taking quick breathes, Tomoe peaked out from her spot and saw Lal Mirch easily fighting against the enemy. Not like she needed Tomoe's help in the first place. Her eyes widened however when she saw someone looking out a window, gun in hand aiming down at her blue haired companion.

Tomoe's eyes widened. She had to move. Shout. Do something. She had to warn Lal Mirch. She needed to move her body.

Her hands shook as she brought the gun up. They were widely shaking and she couldn't keep them still. She was wheezing with how fast she was breathing, surely a panic attack was about to happen.

'Please shoot!'

Tomoe closed her eyes shut and her finger pressed down on the trigger.

Bang! Crash!

Her eyes snapped open and she watched as the glass shattered, making the male recoil. She didn't hit him. She didn't kill him.

Thank God.

"A-Above you!" Tomoe yelled, scared and hands still shaking as her gun lowered.

Lal Mirch looked back at Tomoe, seeing her fearful figure before looking up. They had them surrounded on the ground and above. She jumped back from an enemies attack and ran back to Tomoe, grabbing her arm.

"We need to go, quickly!" Lal Mirch ordered, dragging Tomoe with her. She looked so pale as if she were going to pass out. "Verde! We're surrounded over here!"

"Fon and Viper are on the move heading in your direction. ETA one minute."

Lal Mirch dived behind a barrel, pulling Tomoe to the ground with her as gunshots rang out. "Tomoe, are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah..." She obviously was not. "I mean- no- I..." Oh god, don't cry. Do not cry right now.

"Good job," Lal Mirch said, patting her head and Tomoe looked at her with tear filled eyes. "If you didn't shoot that window and shout, I could've ended up in a worse position. So take a deep breath and calm down, you did good."

She could feel the rain flames and Tomoe took a deep breath, rubbing her eye with her sleeve and starting to calm. "We're okay... We're okay..." she repeated, mumbling. 

"Lal Mirch, Tomoe!" Fon called out to them, quickly dodging bullets and freaking catching them with his bare hands as he punched and kicked enemies around.

Tomoe paled. 'He's a fucking monster.'

"Are you two alright?" he questioned, joining them behind the barrels, Viper appearing as well.

"Yeah, we were outnumbered and surrounded so we had to retreat. Do you know the situation with Reborn and the kid?" she responded.

"Mu~ Reborn is using the kid as bait," Viper answered.

'WHAT?!' "He's using... a civilian as... bait..." Tomoe took a deep breath, worried for Skull. Oh god she was feeling even more faint now. She would probably be dead or unconcious if she was partied with Reborn.

Fon titled his head. "Are you alright Tomoe, you're looking quite pale."

"I'm going to pass out dipshit," she blurted out, hands shaking. Fon looked quite taken aback at being called "dipshit". "I just want to go home and take a long nap. I shouldn't have accepted that invitation."

"Er..." The three looked at each other. How the hell should they comfort their partner who was obviously going crazy and into a panic?

"Tomoe, uh-"

"Why are you for hiding back here like frightened children?" a new voice said and they turned to see Reborn with a worse for wear Skull. He raised a brow, seeing Tomoe's state. "Tch. Why did we have to bring the civilians along if they're just going to get in our way? They don't even know how to use flames and panic when in danger."

"They were invited as one of the strongest," Viper reminded him.

"Now now, we should be helping each other," Fon replied, a hand on Tomoe's shoulder for comfort.

"I think it's most important to figure out how to beat the rest of these guys before we get injured," Lal Mirch argued. "Where the hell is Verde?"

"Still with Luce," Fon answered.

"Verde, can you give us a location of the enemy," Reborn said.

The scientist spoke into the walky-talkie. "They've all gathered in one location in front of you. You can take them out easily and in one go."

"How the hell are we going to do that?!" Skull shrieked. "The Great Skull-sama doesn't want to get shot!"

"Shut it Lacky," Reborn smacked his head.

"Excuse me," they heard Luce's voice coming from the device. "I believe there is a way to defeat them all in one attack."

"How?" Lal Mirch questioned.

"Tomoe," Luce said soothingly and the girl looked up, still shaking. "I have a message from a friend."

"A... friend?" she muttered.

"Yes! He said, "You should yeet the snowball"."

Everyone deadpanned at that besides Tomoe. 'What the hell does that mean?'

Tomoe perked up. "Yeet... the snowball... Did he really say that?"

"Yes. I don't know what that means, but it sounds like some advice," Luce replied and beside her Verde was trying to search up what that meant, but no results popped up.

"...Alright..." Tomoe breathed out, letting her body loosen and calm down. 

Yes, she could be calm now. If Kawahira told her that at this moment, then that meant he was watching. If something bad happened he could protect her.

"Lal Mirch," she mumbled, making the rain look at her. "Hold this for a second."

"Your gun?" 

Reborn raised a brow. "What do you think you're planning to do without a weapon?"

Tomoe looked the older male. "Yeet the snowball," she answered confidently.


Loosening the cloak that covered her body, Tomoe grabbed the collar and threw it up in the air. Instantly, bullets made holes into it. So they were waiting for them to pop their heads out and when they did they'd be instantly shot with bullets like that cloak.

Fon's eyes widened. "You're just a kid?"

Shit. They had a literal child- a civilian child with them as a partner. As one of the strongest. And they dragged her into this dangerous mission.

Tomoe took a deep breath and when she exhaled, you could see the puff of her breath. "Correction, I'm fifteen."

It was getting colder.

"That's still a child," Lal Mirch argued.

They started to shake. Why did it suddenly get so cold?

Tomoe pressed her hands on the ground. "Stay behind me," she told them. "I wouldn't want you to get hit as well."

Skull tilted his head like a puppy. "With the snowball?"

"Yes, the snowball," Tomoe confirmed.

Reborn deadpanned, but still moved behind her along with the others. "What snowball?"

"This snowball."

Snow flames erupted all around Tomoe's body, coating her.


Ice erupted, freeing and destroying everything in its path.

Shouts were heard and the others had to squint their eyes from the cold air and dust(?), particles that filled the air.

Once it stopped, they fully opened their eyes, looking on in shock at the frozen winter wonderland in front of them. They stood up, seeing that everything was covered in ice.

"What the hell," Lal Mirch blurted out quietly. 'How is this possible?'

"I didn't expect this," Fon admitted, touching the hard, cold ice with his hand. "It isn't an illusion."

Viper frowned from behind their hood. 'What flame could do this beside mist flames?'

Skull was in awe. "COOL!"

Tomoe let out a cough and fell onto her back, looking pale and exhausting. 

Reborn looked down at her in amusement, hiding his amazement. "That's a snowball?"

"Yeah. It's a snowball," Tomoe replied, laughing weakly. 

"This is Viper... the enemies have been defeated."

Verde nodded from his side. "Understood, come back and regroup with Luce and I."

"Let's go," Lal Mirch said, the ice crunching beneath her feet. Viper floated beside her and Reborn was already walking off. Skull slipped once or twice, causing him to take baby steps. Fon calmly walked across the ice, hands in his sleeves.

"Ah, hey guys," Tomoe called out and they all stopped, looking back at the girl who was still laying down. "Mind giving me some help? I can't move."

Oh, looks like the adrenaline wore out. Fon walked back, carrying her under his arm.

"Thank you." 

"No problem Tomoe."

Looks like their second civilian partner was more interesting than they thought she was.


This was 13023 words. Thought it would be longer but I did cut some stuff bc it didn't fit or make sense to add it. Maybe I'll add it to a diff special chap and give you more content *shrug*

There will be another part of the Different Timeline in a future special chapter or a second part/variation to something else. Idk when it'll come but I'll write one, promise.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these cute special chapters, I had fun writing them :)

Once again thank you for 100k!

Love y'all so much. Mwah <3

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