The Person that I admired mos...

By Itsmekzelfaye

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The Person that I admired most :)

1.1K 3 1
By Itsmekzelfaye

An article...

Hope you enjoy reading it ^_^

True to life ...  :))

Virtually, all the people admire someone, especially us teenagers nowadays. Being teenagers, we admire movie stars and singers who make a lot of money and are famous. Also when a teenager hears the word “admiration”, the teen may also think of someone who inspires him or her, or a mere infatuation rather than love. However, some teenagers admire those people without really knowing much about them. For me, I see the word “admiration” in a different perspective. Admiration is a kind of respect given to people who are competent and showcase talents that can motivate self improvement through looking up to these admirable people who I see as role models.

I admit that I have a lot of people who I admire but beyond these hundreds of people who I look up to, the first person that popped in my mind the moment I was given the topic was my elder cousin who I refer to as my “ate” or sister and also my best friend for life. She is not a world famous celebrity or a multibillionaire but I am proud to admit that she is a very important character in my life. I look up to her and save my admiration to her because she is a special woman with an admirable personality. Ate Trisha is my first cousin on my mother side and she is the fourth eldest in our cousin line and the eldest in terms of us who are girls. I don’t only admire her because of her exquisite personality but also for all she has done for me especially during life situations where I am feeling down.

Even though we are not sisters by blood, I regard her as my older sister since my family and hers had lived together under the same roof the moment I was born and before I started to go to school. Ate Trisha is the youngest child of her family and has an older brother named Darylle. Being the youngest child, she often told me that she wishes to have a younger sister so that she can share her collection of Barbie dolls and do makeover for hours. Looking at my baby albums, I see my cousin beside me when I was a baby sleeping and grimacing towards me. My mom told me that she really wanted to have a sister that she even persuaded her dad to buy her a baby doll. Even at her young age, she wanted to have a baby sister to take care of.

Being her as the first person I admire the most, she is my confidant -my partner in crime for life. Just like any other siblings, we also fought even though we are not really siblings at all. We may act stubborn towards each other but at the end of the day we can’t help but laugh about how we acted. She is the person who helps others and tries to put a smile to everyone’s face. She is a good student and I can see that she is really determine and focused on her studies because she wanted to make her parents proud. Being a good student, she does not usually hangout with her friends regularly during the weekends and prefers to stay home to study. She grew up to become a self-disciplined daughter and a student who learned to budget her time wisely and efficiently.

Because of her determination, she graduated as class valedictorian during sixth grade and that was the time that I regard her not only as a best friend but also a role model. Reminiscing these past years, I was accustomed to her face that every after school I go straight at their house to visit her and ask her to help in my school works. Until one time, her parents decided to continue her studies at Guam and at their last departure as she bid goodbye, all of us her cousins cannot she will be gone and we cried for tons as we bid our goodbyes to her.

Maybe to those who knew my cousin, they think that she lives a happy-go-lucky life but the truth is, she is happy in living a simple life at Guam. Just like others, she had also experienced being down and she has no one to talk to for her problems because here in the Philippines we usually discuss what is bothering us and advice each other. I can just imagine how hard it is for her to transfer to another school which she had considered her second home throughout her life where she had experience loved and built friendship. And worst of all, moving to another country, having no idea what to expect. Whenever she comes to visit for summer, which for us studying here in the Philippines it would be around the month of June and July, she usually waits for me to ask me how I am and how school is going. I don’t even think twice on having a sleepover at their house during her vacation because I do really miss my best friend. During our late nights before we sleep, we talk about some girly stuff like our crushes and also our main priorities in life. I admit that even though, I was too sleepy I still manage to listen to her talks especially how she lives in Guam and through her stories, I discovered a different side of her.

Discovering a new side of her makes me admire her more. I remember her telling me that it was an unexpected experience attending an all girls school for the first in her life. She jokingly told me that she even imagined her first day to a be like the movie Mean Girls where those mean clique bully a new girl student in town but not of that happened to her on her first day. She was quietly crying at her bed during her first week because she was not happy being there and she admitted that she misses us her cousins –her playmates, and her “adings”. Mostly her life routine was going to school, library then heading home. It hurts for her to not hear our voice for how many months and even though she wanted to visit during Christmas, she just cannot because the fair was too expensive. Since she did not know anyone, and an introvert, she was braved to introduce herself to new people and met bunch of friends at her new school especially Filipinos who were born at Guam. Being there for three years, she sharpened her skills in talking English confidently to overcome her shyness and when she visits her hometown here at Ilocos, we had a fun bonding with each other and tried to speak English even if most of the time we stutter and just laugh it off.

Ate Trish has many positive character traits, especially having long patience in terms of taking care of us her cousins. Even though we are naughty and talk loud, she patiently reminds us to minimize our voice and act properly. She scolds us but when I make a funny ugly face, her frustration suddenly vanish and cannot help but laugh. Also, she is very helpful and loving. Therefore, I can always rely on her. If I am having a bad day she is always there to help make it better that is why my best friend never fails me. At the same time, she is very determined and knows what she wants to achieve in her life. Even if she transferred to another school during her sophomore year, she managed to be on the principal’s and honor roll’s list of having straight A’s on her report card and still get a certificate every end of the school year. Because of her perseverance in studying, I am also moved to do my best and to prove that I can do it too by just believing in oneself and doing what is supposed to be done. I am also happy that she got accepted to the universities she applied and got into her first choice in studying at UST. What I can only say is that she got accepted not because of luck but because she studied well, did her best and committed everything to the Lord. She is very ambitious and really wants to pursue her goals in life successfully. I am so proud of her being my best friend and cousin. Her academic excellence inspires me to try my best everyday at school. The last time she called, she even asked me to join her and study in Manila after I graduate in high school so that we can be together and help each other. My best friend Ate Trisha, cousin, sister for life is truly a wonderful and admirable person.

Overall, a best friend is the first person who comes in when, out of the door, the whole world has gone. Ate Trisha is my best friend who loves the truth and me and will tell the truth in spite of my imperfection and attitudes. There are lots of people who you make friendship with, but it is very hard to find a true and honest friend like her whom I can share my feelings and divide grief with. Moments of happiness with her made us even closely like blood sisters. She dresses modestly and is a very down-to-earth person that makes her more admirable. Even though we are thousands of miles apart, our hearts will always be together.

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