Proud & Powerful (Goku OR Veg...

De AraxieDawn

2.8K 199 16

The last female of a mostly extinct race, who was held captive her whole life by the very being who extinguis... Mais

Author's Note
Part I: Freedom- Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Part II: After ─ Invictus
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Six

129 11 4
De AraxieDawn

TW; blood/gore


     The two beings stand across from each other, fiercely staring one another down. Frieza is reeling from the surprising betrayal from his Pet, he didn't want to admit to himself how much this treachery stung him. The Emperor was sure that he had broken the Woman over the years of mindless torture and brainwashing.

     This blowing up in his face showed him the true resilience of the Saiyans, and it angered him deeply how they had slipped so far from his grasp. His fear he had always had of the race's true power was starting to prove true. As the woman continued to gaze at the Dictator with silent intensity, Frieza's fists started to shake at his side.

     "The audacity... After all I've done for you, you'd throw all of this away for a couple of puny monkeys, an Earthling, and a Namek?" Frieza laughs, trying to ease the sting of his ego, he narrows his eyes back to Xylias,

     "They'd never accept you, and with the arrogance of the Saiyan's, you'd spend eternity alone." he says with a sly grin.

     If his comment affected Xylias, she didn't show it. "You're wrong Frieza... Just as you were wrong about me." she says without emotion, simultaneously launching herself forward for a direct assault.

     Frieza corrects his stance, bringing his tail to his front to block the incoming attack. Just as she comes up to his face she disappears, appearing behind him she spins around and delivers a powerful kick to his backside. The impact sends Frieza sliding in the opposite direction, but he put his hands on the ground to stop the movement, pivoting back to face Xylias again.

     "My, my, that almost stung. Too bad I must destroy that pretty face!" He yells as he thrusts himself forward to begin his fierce counterattack. Xylias calmly adjusts her guard stance, but inside her Saiyan instincts are giddy with excitement, 'This battle will change everything.' she thinks as she quickly prepares her defense strategy.

     Wildlife of all kinds scatter away from their nests, burrows, and other hiding places as explosions sound, echoing loudly throughout the landscape. Several geysers of dirt and water shoot up within short distances of each other, and many of the surrounding hills cracked before their towering forms crumbled due to the unstable ground that the explosions had caused, crashing to the ground loudly, shaking the planet.

     The 3 Earthlings were holding their ground, watching the intense battle take place. The 2 beings fighting could barely be seen, it looked like they were appearing and disappearing, followed by explosions and booming loud cracks from the powerful blows dealt to one another, sounding similar to thunder.

     "Can any of you see what's going on?" Krillin asks the other two, concern clear in his voice.

     "Not really... they're fighting with such immense speed; I can barely keep up..." Piccolo responds, sweat dripping from his forehead

     Gohan is silent, processing the events happening before him, feeling very unsure of everything. 'Daddy... where are you?' his subconscious cries.

     Vegeta strains to pull himself up to prop his body upright against a small rock, grunting in pain as he sits against it. His ribs, one of his arms and one of his legs are definitely broken, and the planet shaking isn't helping the pain. But through his pain he watches the battle with interest, unbeknownst to him he was one of two who could follow their movements.

     He was impressed, he looked up and watched as the Mysterious Woman efficiently dodged Frieza's incoming attacks, while landing her own blows to the Emperor. He can tell she wasn't flying, but is using hers and Frieza's momentum to propel herself in the air to imitate flight, everyone could feel the gusts of winds from their energies. They are in an all-out brawl, each throwing Ki blasts, punches, and kicks to each other's vital points while simultaneously dodging and blocking. It seems the Woman was of close power to Frieza. Vegeta watches her graceful movements in wonder, 'I must find out the identity of this Woman.' he tells himself.

     Everyone present for this fight were stunned by her power, as she went toe to toe with this powerful being, nobody could sense her energy, in turn nobody could gauge whether or not she would win this fight.

     Frieza dodges Xylias's Ki blast that was aimed for his body, he spins around and whips his tail, powerfully smacking her body. She lets out a pained cry as her body is sent flying back to the ground. The impact of her rough landing craters the ground around her, burying her in the rubble.

     It becomes quiet for a moment, Frieza descends from the air with his arms crossed, laughing to himself. Vegeta scowls as he holds his injured side, blood still dripping down his forehead and chest, "Come on... Get up Woman." he growls

     Krillin exchanges a look of worry with Gohan and Piccolo, "Looks like she wasn't as tough as we thought..." Krillin trails off, memories of Frieza impaling him flashes through his mind, he begins to shake in fear, scared for their uncertain fate.

     Xylias had not physically fought someone in a long time, it had been over a year since Frieza had last used her on a mission. Not to mention the cuffs she wore hindered her body and soul from connecting with her true power. They made her body fight with itself, not letting her use her full power like her mind wanted and pushed for. She didn't realize she was dangerously pushing her limits, the power inside of her welling up, threatening to implode on her at any given moment while she pushes herself during her battle with Frieza.

     'She was propped up in a chair, her ankles tied to the legs, her chest and arms were held in place against the backrest of the chair by being wrapped with special chains made from the newly found Usiminite rock. Her chest was heaving, lungs desperate for air, but the strain of the chains were limiting her ability to take a full deep breath. Her head hung low as blood dripped down her forehead and out of her mouth from the relentless beating that she had been given moments earlier from Zarbon. Bits of light shined through her swollen and blackened eyes and she could barely make out the outline of Zarbon's body. He stood in front of her, admiring his work before the Emperor walked up beside him.
     "Oh, don't pass out on us now, we're just getting to the good part!" Frieza said while laughing,
"This is what happens when you disobey me. I told you to wipe out all existence from that planet, which means NO survivors. There can be no room for error, not while you serve ME!" He screamed in her face, he raised his tail to firmly wrap it around her neck, squeezing the remaining air from her constricted lungs. She coughed out a splatter of crimson blood which caked his tail, Frieza swiped his tongue across the small puddle, lapping it up and reveling in her taste.
     She had been in his grasp for 1 year now; this was her first time capturing a planet for the Emperor, and in his eyes, she had failed when his team had found a few straggling survivors on the planet.
     "Mmm, I do love the sweet taste of your blood, I must have more!" Frieza exclaimed as he used his glowing hand to slice into her stomach, causing blood to spill from her body and onto the floor.'

     The memory tears through her in her half-conscious state, as she lay deep within the rubble, her body begins to glow from the immense emotions she was feeling. 'No more... No more... No more...' her subconscious screams

     Rumbling coming from deep within the planet was soon felt by everyone, the rocks on top of the rubble slowly begin to rise. Then in the next moment a bright white beam of light burst through the rubble, causing dust and dirt to cloud everyone's vision.

     When the dust clears, the Woman is seen standing in the middle of the deep crater, shaking, and intensely looking up at Frieza. "No.... More!" she screams ferociously as she concentrates her power to her feet, jumping out of the crater and towards Frieza. He swiftly dodges her attack, but that's what she wanted.

      When he moves to the side, she uses her momentum to swing her body around and deals a powerful kick that breaks through his guard and sends him flying up in the air, using instant transmission she appears above his body and in a downward flip she delivers another devastating kick sending him back towards the ground, using instant transmission again, she appears on the ground below and leans back on her arms, swinging both her legs up to once again deliver a bone crushing kick that sends Frieza into a nearby boulder. 

     "Damn! What a good combo!" Krillin exclaimed; the others nearby nod in agreement.

     When she appears in front of the massive rock, it explodes. She crosses her arms in front of her body, blocking the impact, sliding back a few feet. Frieza steps out of the cloud of dust, fists clenched, his rage coursing through his body.

     "You... are finished!" Frieza screams, he had to finish this fight. He raises his hand and promptly closes it in a fist. In the next instant, purple lightning encases the dense restraints on her arms, ankles, and neck. It shocks her with such intensity that it immediately brings her to her knees, she screams out in pain. Frieza begins walking towards her, laughing evilly.

     "You've never pushed me this far, so I've never had to use my power to restrain you like this. It pains me to see you like this, Woman. How sad really, I don't know why but I still care for you enough to put you out of your misery." he says, mocking her.

     Intense pain courses through her body, she had forgot about the restraints momentarily and cursed at herself for not trying to remove them before facing the Emperor. Frieza kicks her, her body bounces and hits the ground multiple times before skidding. She is near the Prince now. Vegeta sharply inhales, 'This is it...' he thinks shamefully as tears fills his eyes.

     Her vision is blurry as she tries to get up, but Frieza just clenches his fist harder, which increases the devastating shockwave. Purple lightning sparks all around her, bringing her back to her knees. She screams in pain again, "You... coward!" she gasps, clenching the restraint around her neck.

     The Emperor glances at the Prince and Earthlings, who are shaking in fear, "Don't worry, everyone gets a turn."

     Frieza's smug grin deepens as he raises his other hand, ready to deliver the final blow, and when the beam of energy burst from his fingers, she closes her eyes, accepting her fate.

     Before the blast could make contact, she feels a gust of wind go past her followed by the sound of an explosion off in the distance.

     Everyone had been so distracted by the battle, nobody sensed the awesome power that had arrived some time ago, and had watched Xylias's battle with curiosity.

     The shockwave is still there coursing through her body, through her pain she opens her eyes and sees a tall man in an Orange Gi standing in front of her off right. When her eyes focus, she recognizes the hair as belonging to that other Saiyan, Goku.

     "It's okay guys, it's really me!" Goku says to his friends and son. "I'm glad to see you're all in good health." he starts to walk towards the group

     "This is the first time I've arrived at the battlefield that you haven't been all beat up!" he exclaims

     "Yeah... Well we had a little help in that department." Piccolo says while eyeing Dende's corpse nearby.

     Goku pauses by Piccolo, "It's great to see you again, I can tell you're a lot stronger now, and not just physically!"

     Gohan runs up to his father followed by Krillin, "Hey Dad welcome back! We missed you!"

     "Heh... What do you think of our new duds?" Krillin says, pointing to their outfits

     "Not bad... but I don't think Master Roshi or Chi-Chi would approve." Goku remarks, earning giggles from Krillin and Gohan

     Goku rubs his son's head, "I'm proud of you guys! Especially of you, Gohan. Leave the rest to me, it's my turn."

     Krillin's eyes widen, "Say what?!?"

     Frieza turns his attention to the stranger, still holding his grasp onto Xylias, "hm?"

     "Goku did you get hit in the head or something? It's going to take everything we've got to beat him!" Piccolo scowls

     Goku waves off his comment, "I'm fine." he starts to walk past his friends and towards Frieza, a blue light trailing behind him.

     "I— I believe in you, Daddy."

     "Hey you're the man Goku, do it! Take care of that big bully! Be careful, and watch out for that tail!" Krillin exclaims

     "Thanks!" Goku replies without looking back

     Vegeta's eyes dart between the Woman and Kakarot, he could sense the depth of his adversary's new power, but this time, he let go of his pride. 'Kakarot's different now, maybe his last battle pushed him over the edge, maybe he's done it at last. A Super Saiyan... this is what we need, help her before it's too late.' he silently pleads.

     "You must be Frieza, the one responsible for the horrible chain of events that have taken place here on this planet." Goku states

     "The proof is in the pudding don't you think, hm?" Frieza replies

     Goku looks at Vegeta and the struggling Woman, "Whatever problems you have with Vegeta and her, you can take them up with me now."

     Frieza raises a brow, "huh?", he studies the stranger, recalling the familiarity of his face.

     Vegeta grunts in pain as he turns his head towards Goku, "Hey Kakarot, it looks like you made it finally."

     The Emperors head perks up, "Kakarot? but that's a Saiyan name isn't it?" Frieza questions

     'Kakarot?' Xylias took note of his Saiyan name, 'Goku must be a nickname...' She grunts and squeezes her eyes shut as more shocks encase her body.

     Goku continues to stare at Frieza, and in that moment Frieza realizes that Kakarot is the son of a Saiyan who had challenged the Emperor just moments before their planet's destruction.

     "Yes, you are a Saiyan. I was in a skirmish with a Saiyan who looks just like you. You're his offspring, the resemblance between you is unmistakable."

      Xylias cracks open her eyes, focusing through the pain, she sees Goku's full face. She immediately recognizes the uncanny resemblance between him and her old friend, Bardock.

     "I don't care!" Goku exclaims, earning a shocked reaction from Frieza.

     "Well I would love to proceed, but I'm not quite finished with this one. You'll have to spare a moment I'm afraid." Frieza chuckles, turning his attention to the woman, who was still fighting the shocks that encased her body. She looks up at her tormentor clenching her jaw, her vision blurring.

     His movement went almost unnoticed due to his speed, but Kakarot propels himself towards the Emperor. Appearing behind Frieza, he delivers a kick that sends Frieza flying, Frieza quickly adjusts using his free hand and tail to pivot himself back to a standing position. Goku jumps to Frieza's position to face him again.

     The Emperor had kept his fist clenched, so Xylias was still unable to move. Frieza clutches his bruised cheek with his other hand.

     "Amazing! I couldn't follow any of that, could you?" Krillin asks incredulously

     "No!" Gohan replies, just as shocked.

     "Nice move but your shoe came untied." Frieza says mockingly

     "I'm not going to fall for that, I don't even have shoelaces!" Goku replies

     "Darn, I guess you're a little smarter than the average Saiyan."

     "Very funny!"

     Frieza giggles at his own joke, "Goodness, no sense of humor.." he raises his other hand, pointing his finger to the Saiyan.

     "No Goku! Don't try to block it!" Krillin exclaims as he and Gohan jump away from his firing range. "Everybody hit the dirt!"

     Goku stands confidently against the powerful being, ignoring Krillin's comment.

     Frieza chuckles, "You fool, die." the energy beam bursts from his finger.

     Goku quickly reacts, slapping the blast into a nearby mountain. Causing it to explode, the rocks falling cause a small tremble in the planet.

     Frieza growls, firing several more beams towards Goku, but he slaps away every single one. Multiple explosions sound, destroying the areas around them.

     After the series of blasts, waiting for the dust to clear, Frieza keeps his finger pointed to where the Saiyan stood, sure of himself that he had eradicated his problem. As the dust clears Goku remains standing, seemingly unharmed.

     "Huh?!? One hand?! Not only did he block them but he was able to aim them away from his friends?!" Frieza exclaims

     Vegeta busts out laughing, he turns his head towards Frieza, "Who would've thought? A lowly soldier like you Kakarot, I commend you." Goku and Frieza turn their attention to the wounded Saiyan.

     "Frieza you fool! You just don't get it, do you? Kakarot's not a normal Saiyan... Kakarot is a Super Saiyan!" The Prince exclaims

     Frieza cannot hide the shock on his face from Vegeta's comment, "Huh?!"

     Vegeta grunts as he leans up further, "That's right you heard me. If there's a God he must be good for letting me live long enough to see this day." Vegeta tries to laugh again, but gets caught in a coughing fit, he clenches his side and catches his breath.

     "How great! This is a dream come true to see you beaten by a Saiyan!" he laughs louder than before, forgetting his injuries.

     If Xylias wasn't getting the life shocked out of her, she would laugh alongside the Prince. She keeps trying to focus her eyes, gripping the restraint on her neck, she had to get free of these cuffs before her heart stopped.

     As her eyes focus in on Frieza, she sees his brow twitching in anger. She sees his hand rise up to blast another death beam, immediately she knows who that blast is destined for, and in that moment everything seems to go in slow motion. Frieza's hand rising, Vegeta's laugh echoing in the valley, the shocks sparking all around her, coursing through her body. Unbeknownst to her, this is the cataclysm she needed.

    The death of her family, her home planet, her culture and people, her life that was taken away from her, the endless pain she had endured, all seemed to flash through her mind as the beam in Frieza's finger slowly comes to fruition.

     The immense guilt, the shame and frustration she felt at herself, and intense rage towards the vile creature swelled up inside her like it never had before. Pain, anger, and hatred coursed through the woman like a raging storm, she felt the agony so deeply it was as palpable to her as her own heart beating. The emotional dam she had built over the years finally breaks.

     An iridescent white scours her vision, and as the beam leaves Frieza's finger, she lets out the most guttural, primal scream of a thousand voices that raises the hair's on everyone's neck.

     "NO!!!" the gut wrenching voice screams. A powerful energy wave explodes all around her, causing the restraints on her neck and limbs to shatter. An iridescent aura with magenta fire surrounds her, her appearance changing in an instant. Her snowy white hair glows and stands up at all angles, her face darkens similar to that of a demon, causing her features to become almost unrecognizable. Her entire eyes glow a solid bright gold, she grows small canines, and tribal tattoos that were not there before spread like fire out over the top and front of her shoulders, her arms, and her chest going down in the middle. The tattoos glow white, with cracks inside the designs that transition from gold to blue. The mark on her back burns with light too, actually burning the clothing it touches, exposing it.

     Nobody has time to react to or process the colossal but primal power up, because in the next instant she flings herself towards the beam that is heading towards the Prince. Running on all fours like a primitive beast.

     From the naked eye, it looks like a ghostly apparition was moving towards the beam. Afterimages of the demon with a trail of light could be seen as she comes upon the powerful beam. Her unrefined power is completely unleashed, and she doesn't have complete control of it. Her power overwhelms her senses, when she swipes her hand to block the attack from hitting the Prince she overestimates the angle and doesn't block it. Instead, she grazes it, which changes the trajectory of the beam. Instead of hitting the Prince's heart like Frieza intended, it goes through his shoulder close to his collarbone.

      Vegeta lets out a wail of pain as the beam goes completely through his flesh, although it didn't kill him, it wounds him even further than before, worsening his already injured condition. He collapses into a laying position, coughing up a pool of blood in the process.

      In the next moment Xylias uses her momentum to swing her body around the Prince's head with her hands, then wildly takes off running towards Frieza.

      Frieza is too slow, unable to process the afterimages and just stands there frozen as the beast runs towards him on all fours, zig zagging across his vision before her spine-chilling face appears before him. With a demented smile she delivers a most devastating uppercut to his abdomen, launching him through countless mountains sending him far across to the other side of the planet.

     When Frieza disappears, the 'heat of the moment' disappears too. Xylias had never used this much power before, her body is completely unadjusted to having her full power, and her form fizzles out, returning to her normal self.

     She collapses onto the ground, breathing heavily and feeling drained.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

DUH DUH DUHHHHH! Our first power up yay :-)))  hope everyone enjoyed it! don't forget to vote, comment, and message! Have a safe holiday 🖤

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