Blood moon (a tvd fanfic)

By Aabicus

124K 4.7K 902

After a gruesome death by her parents. Eliana Rose once again knows she is to be reincarnated into her 27th l... More

Chapter 1: So I died.... again
Chapter 2: The void + New world
Chapter 3: New world
Chapter 4: So the plot begins...
Chapter 5: Hello little crow
Chapter 6: Dammit Vicki!
Chapter 7: Sexy Stranger
Chapter 8: Dinner party day
Her house-
her house- part 2
her house- part 3
Chapter 9: Founders day
Chapter 10: Founders day-part 2
Chapter 11: Lets get some shit done.
Chapter 12: Slater, Rose and Trevor
Encounter with a creep - snippet and soulmate poll.
Chapter 12: A new revelation (short chap)
Chapter 13: So much shit in one chap
A/N + poll (/▽\)
Chapter 14: pain, pain and more Pain
Chapter 15: Katherine MY LOVE
Chapter 16: More Katherine talk
Chapter 17: Even MORE Katherine
Chapter 18: Carnival creeps
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Kidnapping?
Chapter 21: Hello Elijah
Chapter 22: Mr Easter Bunny
Chapter 23: Oh nO I hOpE I doNT faaaaAAL!
Chapter 24: Mutts
Chapter 25: Love?
Chapter 26: Can I just Die?
Chapter 27: Betrayal????
Chapter 28: Adventures with Klaus
Chapter 29: Rebekah (Short chap)
Chapter 30: Wakey wakey
Choose a dress
Chapter 31: Cinderella Fetish (pt 1)
Chapter 32: Cinderella Fetish (pt 2)
Chapter 34: Is this a Fanfic?

Chapter 33: Mates? MATES!

1.6K 81 16
By Aabicus

I shuffle on my feet slightly, waiting for Esther to join the rest of us in the 'meeting.' 

The originals, all present besides Elijah. Rebekah stands beside me, pouting and glaring at Kol like he killed her dog. Technically he id try attack Matt, and he IS like a pet.
Klaus sat beside Finn on the couch, glass of champagne in hand, giving me a quick grin when our eyes meet.

The silence is loud, the party was over and I snap my head to the door as it pushes open, Esther striding in beside Elijah, She glances at me and flashes me a quick smile.

I furrow my eyebrows as she comes to stand in the middle of the room, Elijah, moving to stand beside me. Kol speaks up, straightening and standing from his spot on a table. 
"Why did you call us here mother?"

Esther glances at him, then to me, before expanding loudly and standing upright.
"I have something for us to discuss, as a family. I'm sure most of you are aware, You four-"

She gestures to Klaus, Elijah, Finn and Kol. "-Share a mate."

Klaus grunts. "Yes, well nothing new there. How WONDERFUL that I have to share."
Esther shoots him a look. "Yes and you are all pretty sure who it is."

Elijah moves beside me and I turn my head to him, He pulls me in by the waist and pecking me on the cheek.

I widen my eyes, as everyone turns to me, staring suggestively. The brothers, glaring at Elijah angrily. I push Elijah away and step back, wide eyed, franticly glancing over to Esther. "ME?!"

Ayo WTF? What kind of wet dream is this?

Esther smiles warmly, walking over and placing a hand on my cheek, I see Kol wink at me and Rebekah gasp and tackle me into a hug. "VAL? Oh bloody hell! I was thinking about which bitch was going to be my soul sister, I can finally live in peace."
Esther glances at her, "Hush child." She glances back at me. "She's still overwhelmed."

I clear my throat, snapping out of my surprise and turning to Elijah quickly, he caresses my cheek with a tender smile. "DID YOU KNOW THIS?"

He opens and closes his mouth, Klaus speeds over, pushing past Elijah, his voice low and caring.

"We all did love, We just didn't know it was you for sure, until tonight."
I shake my head at them all, waving my hands and pushing past them.  "What, No . . no, no, no, no!"

I pace back and forth in front of the fireplace, before turning to them. "This isn't fair! You guys are all meant to have your own EPIC loves!"

They all vamp in front of me, Rebekah's eye widening in surprise. "WHAT NO! Val you're my best friend! You're perfect for them."
Kol also coming up and grabbing my face. " WHOAH, Easy darling . . . . "

I take a deep breath in, Klaus speaks up, voice whispering out. "Love-"

I cut him off, turning to Finn, who was sitting down and watching us with furrowed eyebrows.
I gesture to him, looking at everyone. "LIKE FINN! He loved sage for 900 years! SHE love HIM, even after he's been daggered that long! She and him have each other! I can't be mated to ALL of you, when you clearly deserve to be loved by one person whole heartedly! I don't want to do what Elena's doing, Loving different people at once, That's just unfair to you guys, You shouldn't be tied down by a bond. You should fall in love . . . ."

I see everyone in the room glare at him.

Elijah's voice raises as he steps forward and grabs my shoulders to face him, His eyes are furrowed and distraught. "We ARE in love, With YOU!"
His suit is ruffled up.

I shake him off. "But that's it, you THINK you're in love, because of a bond!"

Esther sighs, grabbing my arm. "A bond that is formed through love. A mate bond is sacred, just because you have multiple mates, does not mean anything different, if not, I would say that it holds our family together"
I gulp, feeling Kol wrap his arms around my waist from behind, his touch making me calm down. sighing, I look at everyone. "I- need some time . . . . Esther, You understand why?"

She smiles and rubs my hand. "Very well dear child, Please, take your time. Don't be afraid, Your love for my sons, it's pure, it's okay to show them."

I smile slightly and look around, the brothers glancing at me expectantly, eyes full of worry, like I was made of glass. Finn looks away, zoning out, deep in thought.

 "I need some time, but I'll talk soon? Klaus, don't kill anyone okay? you too Kol. . . ."

I vamp out of the house, just as Elijah reaches out to me, breaking out of Kol's arms, that wrapped around my waist.

What's going on?

Oh . . . right, the moron of a god did tell me something about mates. . . . 

Fuck, I know I'm a simp, And I do like them . . . . .  I'll think about it later.





Timeskip- The next morning.

I groan,  hearing the alarm clock ring, causing me to roll over and smack my hand down onto it angrily, still half asleep. The force, causing it to smash, and it's pieces to fly across in various directions.

I hear footsteps approach my room, and finally stop, my door creaking open slowly.
I smell hot chocolate.

"Good morning cupcake- OH COME ON! that's the 5th clock this week!"
I grumble and sit up, looking over to my grams, who I decided to stay with lately, since, Who wouldn't.

I yawn and turn to her, scratching my head sleepily as my hair sat in knotts, I follow her as she huffs, setting down the mug on my bedside table and walking around my bed to look at what remained of my clock, she pulls in her knit sweater to cover her short, plump stature.

She picks up the last few pieces of the clock, holding it up and turning it to me. "Now just HOW did you manage this? I SPECIFICALLY asked Bob to get one from his old workshop! These are INDESTRUCTABLE!"

I shrug, smiling sheepishly as I lift the hot chocolate to my lips. "Sorry grams . . . . It's the Hormones?"

She grunts, freezing and quickly turning to me. "Oh ATLEAST BRUSH YOUR TEETH FIRST!"

I gulp, quickly complying. Supernatural or not, A little old lady is scary AF when she's mad.




I leaned against a couch that sat in Stefan's room, deep in thought about the mate situation. I look up and smile at Stefan, who walks up to me, handing me a cup of blood, going to sit down next to me, Diary and phone in hand. 
"You ok?" Stefan hums as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"It just . . . hurts."
I feel him lean his head onto mine, I sigh, bringing my hand over, to rub his comfortingly.

"Thanks Val . . .  I, Don't know what I would do without you."
I look up at him with a smile, "You would be miserable, that's for sure."

Stefano grins, pecking my forehead, as I go to rest my head on his shoulder once again.
He turns his head to his phone which starts ringing, Picking it up to check who it is. I hear him swallow and cut the call, setting his phone back town.

"Who is it?"

Is face is grim as he looks at me, and I sit up straight and stare at him. "Elena?"
Stefan just raises his eyebrows and pours down the rest of his animal blood down his throat, I give him a firm hug, which he returns eagerly, nuzzling into my neck.

We both freeze as we hear Damon's phone ring, I chuckle as I hear his stubborn conversation, but give Stefan another hug as he makes a pained face, hearing Elena call up Damon immediately afterwards.




Rebekah walks down the stares, and I quirk an eyebrow at her from were I sat, Damon also following behind, shirtless. I groan and point a finger at Damon.

"There NO way you scored a chick like her." Rebekah smirks, Speeding over and tackling me into a hug, causing me to fall back onto the couch with an oof. "VAL!"

I smirk, pulling her into a tight embrace by the neck. "BEKS!" Then going to stand up.
She pulls away, with a disgusted look on her face. "Are you MAD? there is NO way I would associate myself with this idiot, I came looking for you this morning actually, The door was open, so I invited myself in."
I quirk my head in confusion at her, before nocking back the rest of the bourbon. "Why are you still in the dress?"

She pull me in by the waist playfully, "SOMEONE ran off before I could do or say anything, Everyone was pacing around the whole night, except mother, who looked far too calm."

I awkwardly clear my throat, Looking to Damon who walks towards us shirtless.
"And what are YOU doing?"

Damon scoffs, sipping on a blood bag, "Everyone seems to have forgotten that I LIVE here."
I give him a middle finger. "Well Elena owns it now."

He freezes, turning and pointing towards me, sounding fed up. "And THAT was the worst mistake of my life."
I chuckle, feeling my phone buzz and picking it up to look at it, Seeing Jenna's name.

I glance back up to Damon who was staring at me intently, like he was zoning out. "Now Damon, be a gentleman and escort this beautiful lady out."
He scoff. I hear Rebekah groan and I snicker, walking off and pressing my phone to my ear.
I hear him mutter 'I'm surprised you would want to talk to me . . . '

"Hey Jen?"

"VAL! literally, just saw all your messages, I was held up on campus, DID THEY REALLY MOVE THERE?!"

" . . . Jep Jen, they did, I also have some other things to tell you, Come back quick."


I laugh and humm. "Yeah Jen, Be quick! I have SO much tea."

I hear her hum franticly on the phone.


I furrow my eyebrows as I hear Elea talking to Damon in the background, annoyance taking me over, but I shake it off and put the phone back to my ear. "Hey Jen? I gotta go, Mystic Falls n all."

I hear her oblige, giving me a quick bai before cutting the call.

I stuff the phone into my pocket, slowly walking into the room, Just as they get to a familiar topic. Damon sips on his bourbon, shirt half put on, revealing his bare chest as Elena huffs, looking away.

"Well, just so you know . . . I found something out about mates."

Damon rolls his eyes and turns to her. "And WHY should I care?" 
Elena huffs smacking both her arms down on her legs like a fed up toddles as she glares at him. 
"Because Esther told me that the death of their mate, can kill the person, or supernatural being. If we find the mate and kill her, All our problems will be solve, All the Original brothers will be dead and that, includes Klaus."


Damon snorts, setting down his drink and turning to her. "And WHAT makes you think we can just find their mate down the street? What even IS a mate?"
Elena sighs, stepping towards him. "The way she said it . . . It's like she knows who she is, as though she's already found the person. We just need to figure out who, Kill her, And good bye Original."


Their a bunch of teenagers, why should I be scared? I'm OP, I can deal with them . . . . 


Damon grunts, pouring more bourbon into his glass. "Well great, we can have Klaus dead."

Elena gasps, suddenly looking but hurt. "What NO! If we do this, we'll kill all the originals, Excluding Rebekah! That includes Elijah, and he doesn't deserve this!"
Damon gives her a 'Bitch WTF?' look, I decide to make an Entrance with a quirked eyebrow. Just a Stefan walks in.

I walk up to the three. "Now what part of peace do you idiots not understand?"
Stefan, also humming. "She's right yknow, Don't destroy what we have right now Damon, Val made a vow to Klaus, If you try to kill him, you'll have to kill her." He wraps one arm around my waist as I look at them, nodding.
Elena cuts in.

"Can't we just knock you out? Tie you up? We're doing the world a favour Val."
I grunt, rolling my eyes. "You really aren't Elena, Stop trying to be super man, you're a teenager. Also, to tie me up, you have to beat me, And even after seeing what could capable of, you severely underestimate me Elena."

Elena's face turns sour as she steps towards me. "Look Val, all that power was probably because of Klaus's witch Gretta, your tied to Klaus, you doing a turn with him, actually makes sense." 
I hear Stefan snort beside me. "Now THAT is idiotic, Even for you Elena."

I see Damon's eyes widen in surprise at his brother, Elena's eyes, also widening as her mouth hangs open. Stefan glances at me, mouthing 'Pool?'.

I nod. Mouthing back. 'Later.'

Elena, now snapping out of her surprise, steps forward. "Stefan, What's going on with you? Don't tell me . . . you've turned it off!?"

I hear Stefan groan, before grabbing my shoulder and turning the both of us around, away from Damon and Elena.
"I REALLY am questioning all the decisions I'm made so far."
He raises his arm, flicking it. "BYE ELENA!"

Before the both of us vamp away to have a break.




Third POV

Rebekah walks into the Living room of the Mikaelson mansion, Shoes handing off her hand and the other, holding up her dress skirt. Klaus and Kol, who both sat on the couch, Glance up at her, Kol, pulling on a mischievous grin and going to block her way as she tries to pass.

"Well well well, There's our girl!"

Kol blocks her as she moves to the left, doing the same as  she moves the other way. Rebekah lets out a frustrated sigh. "GET out of my way, Kol"
She hisses at him as Klaus glances up at them from his sketchbook.

"Out all night, WHAT A SCANDAL!" He pauses and stares at her, raising an eyebrow questioningly
"I guess you did better than that commoner. MATT, was it?"

Rebekah glares at him. "If you don't shut your mouth, the last thing that's going to be coming out of it, will be your TEETH,"
Kol just narrows his eyes at her with a grin.

Klaus, glances up at the two and chuckles, Rebekah growls at him as she shoves past Kol, who turns and watches her. "Don't start, Nik."

He raises his eyebrows as she walks up in front of him. "I didn't say anything."
Rebekah scoff and picks at her nails, smirking to herself. "Well, you two can mock me, I just went to visit Val is all."

Klaus pauses, and Kol stumbles slightly as they both snap their heads towards Rebekah. 
"So? What did she say?!" Kol, vamping over to her expectantly. 
Rebekah shrugs, still picking at her nails in disinterest. "Oh, I don't know, we just talked a bit."

Klaus stands up, His eyebrows furrowed in impatience. "Rebeka-"

Rebekah huffs. "God RELAX would you? both of you make me sick, and you say I'M the one who loves too easily. She's FINE, confused, but FINE. In fact, I would say she loves you, You're lucky she's the one you boys are mated to. If it was the doppelgänger, I probably would have killed her." The vampires relax, But eager to see her again, Klaus plops himself back down on the couch, proceeding his drawing with a small grin. Kol grunts, satisfied with Rebekah's answer, before plopping himself down on an armchair. 

"Well I'm BORED. I would love to see our little mate, Beks? tell me where she is."
Rebekah huffs, glancing at him. "Everyone in the wretched town spends their days at the Grill, She's probably there, clearing her head." Kol smirks, Jumping up enthusiastically, swinging his jacket over his shoulders.

"FANTASTIC! Come on brother!" Klaus stays silent, thinking about Val as he continues his sketch, no interest in going to the grill. Kol whines, "Join me Nik. . . . .  It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart."
His voice is quiet, full of faux sadness, Klaus glances up at him, Sighing and putting aside his sketch pad. "Okay, WHY not, I haven't had nearly enough to drink tonight, with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." He says, the last part, passive aggressively as he walks past Kol, who walks behind him with a satisfied smirk.

Rebekah grin's at her brother's excitement and calls out to them. "Yes, PLEASE go, this house already has enough men rolling around in it." Kol turns around last minute with a smile.
"Just like you bekah." He slips out the door just as Rebekah throws a shoe at where he stood, The shoe, causing a dent in the door.

Rebekah rolls her eyes and turns away, but pauses as she hears Elijah. 
Rebekah, once again rolls her eyes and turns to her brother's voice. "Elijah, Not you too! VAL'S FINE!" She pauses as she spots him walking out holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a necklace in the other. He purses his lips. "So? which one."

Rebekah looks at him, dumbfounded. Then she looks between the two gifts. 
"Elijah . . . .  Never mind . . . . Just- Don't give that to her somewhere PUBLIC."

Elijah quirks his eyebrows. "Why not? I think it's a Wonderful gift?"

Rebekah grins. "Follow me. I have been waiting for this moment, my WHOLE life."






Alaric sat beside Meredith, Who tells him about the likely hood that the killer was a vampire.

"There are no other suspects. It's the obvious conclusion." Her voice is low and whispery, making sure no one else is listening to the conversation. Alaric furrows his eyebrows, deep in thought. Klaus and Kol, both walk up, making an entrance as hey lean onto the bar.

"Oh come on now. let not go blaming the new family in town, just cause you lot have got yourself a killer at large." 
Alaric glares at him slightly as Klaus raises his eyebrows. "Don't mind us, my brother and I are just here to let off some steam, right Kol?"
Klaus looks over at him, Kol, nods his head slowly at the two, before glancing around the grill to try and find Val.

Alaric and Meredith, Exchanging nervous glances.





Val pulls up in front of the grill in an old convertible, Stefan, also sat beside her, throwing a Cheeto into his mouth as they come to a stop. Val grunts as she sees him go to throw the crumbs into his mouth, quickly snatching the bag off him and finishing the crumbs. 
She then jumps out of the car without opening the door, Stefan, also going to do the same.

Kol perks up as he hears her, before nudging his brother, who was already aware, waiting with a smile. They both grit their teeth at how touchy she was with Stefan but decide to ignore. As the two walk in, Stefan pauses at the door as he gets a text, making him growl in annoyance. Val stops, walking backwards to see what the text said.

She scoff as she looks at his phone. "Fucking hell, Now?"
Stefan sighs looking over at her. "It's Damon, I should go see what's going on."
Val sighs in annoyance, Running her fingers though her hair. "Yeah, no, go ahead, A text from Damon is always life and death, Come back to finish our sesh okay?"

Stefan gives a pained smile toward his phone, Val gestures to her car.
"You can take Stefanie, Kay Stefanie?" Stefan scrunches up his face playfully, pecking her on the forehead, Kol and Klaus growl slightly, Klaus refraining from breaking the glass he held.
"When I'm back, We'll have a talk on why you named your car after me."

Val hums, calling after him. "OH! you've accepted the name, If you hurt my car, I WILL END YOU MYSELF!" She huffs, watching him walk over to her car, before turning and walking further into the grill, looking around and spotting Alaric.

Val's POV

I was BEYOND annoyed that Damon called up Stefan when we were about to hang out, but I don't blame him, just because everyone's aware of how Damon's a little shit. I'm also aware that Klaus and Kol are both in the grill, because I smell them, And let me tell you, it is taking all my being not to go and jump onto them. I act like I don't see them as I walk towards Alaric, who's sitting with Meredith, they both cast cautious glances at the two originals. 
Liz texted me earlier, on how she found out she had cancer, Luckily, they found it early, So she should be safe, She's figuring out a way to tell Caroline.

I have to figure out what's wrong with the ring . . . I SWEAR that I spelled it. Don't tell me, the gods undid the spells cause they were bored . . . 


I'll check it out when I get to Alaric, I hope the thing with Meredith is professional, Jenna deserves the world.

I Give them a little wave as I walk up to them, Meredith stepping forward. "HI! you must be Valentina? I'm Meredith."
I grab her hand, giving it a little shake. "Ah yes, Damon's Serial killer lady right?"

Meredith chuckles as I glance over to Ric. "So, Any news on the Killer?"
He sighs, rubbing his neck and glancing over at Meredith. "Doc here says it's likely that it was a vampire." He speaks hushed, so no one over hears, I quirk an Eyebrow at them.

"Well if I wanted to kill you, I would've just snapped your neck, Why bother stabbing you, and then compelling you to forget me, if you're going to die anyways?"
Meredith purses her lips. "You're right, But it's the only option we've got"
Alaric clears his throat. "Well whatever it was, we've got bigger problems now."

He moves his eyes towards the Originals who were watching us intently. I roll my eyes at the two. "You two are paranoid, Forgot about peace already huh? Ric, you've been drinking with Damon too much."
Alaric hums, shrugging. "Yeah, I'm just worried that's all."

I glance over at the originals, Klaus, smiling and giving me a one handed wave, I turn to Alaric.

"I- should go and talk to our ALLIES."

Meredith widens her eyes, going to protest, but I shoot her a wink, giving rick a pat on the back as I walk past him.

Third Pov

Both Klaus and Kol sat against the bar, drinks in hand as they watched her intently. Kol leans over to his brother, his eyes, never leaving Val.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Klaus brings the whiskey to his lips as he smiles to himself, Eyes also following around his love.

"That, brother, Is an understatement."

Klaus beams as Val glances over at them, a small grin toying at her lips. He lifts one hand, moving it slightly to give her a little wave. Kol smirks as he watches her lightly bite her lip and look away, towards the hunter.

They watch as she steps away, and begin striding towards them, Kol, feels his heart pick up once again, and he holds back the urge to clutch his chest or tackle her into his arms.


Hello Everyone! sorry for the short chap, but as I said, I was going around to so many places, I barely have any time, I hope you understand. The next chap should be out in the next week, maybe two if I'm super busy, The updates will be more consistent from Feb since my trip will be over.

Please enjoy the Chapter, I am rlly bad at romance, so plz forgive me and my shit grammar.

stay safe, and ENJOY!

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