Gabriel Agreste X Nathalie Sa...

SpeedForceJoJo által

4.4K 97 22

In this story Nathalie comforts Gabriel, but that comfort leads to much more. What will happen when Nathalie... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

342 6 2
SpeedForceJoJo által

I don't own Miraculous Ladybug, please support the official release.

     Nathalie was 4 months pregnant. Paparazzi was starting to spread rumors about her pregnancy. "Gabriel people are beginning to notice that I'm pregnant, rumors are also beginning to spread." Nathalie said.

"Yes I've seen them, it was only a matter of time before people started to get suspicious." Gabriel said.

"Do you think it's time we came out about the pregnancy?" Nathalie asked.

"That seems like the wise course of action yes, there's a photoshoot happening tomorrow that would be a perfect time to announce it." Gabriel said.

"You know this means the public will believe you moved on from Emilie. Are you ready for that?" Nathalie asked.

"Yes, I am fully ready for that." Gabriel said

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this, I know this must bring you a lot of stress." Nathalie said.

"Actually your pregnancy brings me zero stress, it's going smoothly and your morning sickness has died down. Honestly I can't remember the last time I've been so happy." Gabriel said.

"You're...happy...?" Nathalie asked.

"Yes, I'm actually looking forward to being a father again." Gabriel said. Nathalie teared up a little and hugged him. Gabriel hugged her back.

"You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that." Nathalie said. Gabriel smiled.

"Dinner's almost ready, I'll go get Adrien." Gabriel said and left.

Adrien was playing a video game while Plagg was eating cheese. "I'm in heaven, I'm surrounded by camembert and it's the beginning of winter, what a day to be alive." Plagg said.

"Yeah, I'm honestly surprised by how soon it snowed, I'm surprised school wasn't out this week." Adrien said.

"It's just a little powder, it's not like snow means the end of the world." Plagg said.

"True, but a day off from school isn't all that bad." Adrien said. There was a knock at the door. "Hide Plagg." Adrien said. Plagg hid.

Adrien answered the door. "Hello Adrien." Gabriel said.

"Evening Father." Adrien said.

"Dinner is ready, please wash up and head to the kitchen." Gabriel said.

"Yes Father." Adrien said. Adrien washed up and then went to the dining room. Nathalie was setting the table. Gabriel helped her set the table.

Adrien walked into the dining room and sat down after they finished. "Tonight we'll be having salisbury steak with mashed potatoes." Nathalie said.

"Sounds delicious." Adrien said.

Gabriel walked out with the food. "I hope you like it, it's a family recipe." Gabriel said.

"It smells good." Adrien said and they began eating.

"This is delicious Gabriel." Nathalie said.

"Yeah, it's probably the best salisbury steak I ever had." Adrien said. Gabriel smiled.


Marinette was getting ready for the photoshoot for tomorrow. "I can't believe Alya got tickets for Adrien's photoshoot." Marinette said.

"The style is supposed to be based around the miraculous' so she's probably going to take pictures for the LadyBlog." Tikki said.

"Yeah probably, but I'm glad she gave me one of the tickets, it gives me another chance to see Adrien." Marinette said.

"Which miraculous like outfit do you think Adrien will wear?" Tikki asked

"I don't, maybe the fox, or the snake, or the dragon." Marinette said while daydreaming.

Tikki yawned. "We should go to bed." Tikki said.

"Yeah we should." Marinette said and yawned. "It's kinda weird that ShadowMoth hasn't attacked in months, do you think he's planning something big?" Marinette said.

"Maybe, or maybe he's just taking a break from being a super villain. Unlike you he doesn't have to worry about someone destroying the world." Tikki said.

"I'd laugh if that actually were the case." Marinette joke and got ready for bed. Tikki and the other kwami's cuddled with Marinette and fell asleep.

-The Next Day-

Adrien and Kagami were getting ready for the photoshoot. Marinette was sitting in the front row eagerly waiting. "Is this seat taken?" A familiar voice asked.

Marinette looked at where the voice came from. "Felix?" Marinette said.

"Nice to see you again Marinette." Felix said.

"I wish I could say the same." Marinette said.

"I see you're still mad about me pretending to be Adrien, that's understandable." Felix said.

"Why are you here?" Marinette asked.

"I simply just wanted to see my uncle's photoshoot and hopefully spend time with my cousin after this." Felix said.

"Is that all?" Marinette asked.

"Of course." Felix said and grinned. He then noticed Gabriel walking into a room and then went to follow him. "I'll catch you later Marinette." Felix said and went after Gabriel.

Felix entered the room. "Who's there?" Gabriel asked and turned around.

"Hello Uncle." Felix said.

"Felix, what are you doing here, have you come to take my other ring?" Gabriel asked.

"No not at all, in fact I was thinking about giving it back to you, for a price of course." Felix said.

"What is it that you want?" Gabriel asked.

"I want that peacock miraculous." Felix said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Gabriel said.

"Uncle, I know that you're ShadowMoth, and I know what happened to Aunt Emilie." Felix said. Gabriel froze.

"Why do you want the peacock miraculous?" Gabriel asked.

"I think you know why." Felix said.

"How do I know you're not just gonna attack Paris once you have it?" Gabriel asked.

"If I had any intention of hurting you I would have done so already. So do we have a deal, or am I gonna have to tell Adrien what happened to his mother?" Felix said with a mischievous grin.

"Duusuu, I renounce you." Gabriel said and gave Felix the peacock miraculous.

"Thank you Uncle." Felix said and gave him the ring.

"I already plan on telling Adrien what happened to Emilie, in fact I plan on giving up as a villain all together." Gabriel said.

"That's surprising, why the sudden change of heart?" Felix asked.

"Let's just say, love does strange things to a man." Gabriel said and slightly smiled. Felix put in the miraculous and hid it the same way Gabriel did and left.

"Is it true master? Are you giving up being evil?" Nooroo asked.

"Yes, I believe I am." Gabriel said.

"Is it because of Nathalie?" Nooroo asked.

"Yes and no. It is true that my feelings for Nathalie have changed and because of it, I finally realized that Emilie wouldn't want me dwelling on the past and instead look ahead to the future. After Nathalie told me she was pregnant I felt a spark in my heart I haven't felt since Emilie was pregnant with Adrien." Gabriel said.

Nooroo smiled and hugged him. "I'm very proud of you master, are you going to give up the miraculous or are you going to become a hero?" Nooroo said.

"I don't know, I haven't given it much thought" Gabriel said.

There was a knock at the door. "Sir you're on in 10 minutes." A Nathalie said.

"Got it, I'll be there in a minute." Gabriel said and got ready. Nooroo hid in his coat and Gabriel left the room and walked up to Nathalie.

"Are you ready?" Nathalie asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Gabriel said and they joined Ms. Tsurugi on stage.

"Welcome everyone to the event, now before we begin, me and my assistant have an announcement to make. We are expecting a child in the next couple of months so Agreste products may have delays due to this. We're not answering any questions at this time about our relationship and her pregnancy. Now enjoy the show." Gabriel said and they walked off stage.

"That explains a lot." Felix said sitting somewhere in the audience. Kagami and Adrien went onto the stage to show off the new line of clothes Gabriel made.

"He's so dreamy." Marinette whispered to herself. Felix was looking at Kagami with awe in his eyes.

Suddenly there was an explosion. "What was that?" Adrien asked.

"I don't know." Kagami said. There was villain attacking the city.

"I didn't make that villain." Gabriel whispered to himself. The villain crashed through the wall. Adrien, Marinette, Kagami, and Felix went to hide.

"I guess ShadowMoth is at it again, Tikki, Spots On." Marinette said and turned into Ladybug.

"Kagami hide here I'll get help." Adrien said and put her in a closet.

"Adrien wait." Kagami said before Adrien closed the door and ran off.

"Plagg, Claws Out." Adrien said and became Cat Noir. Ladybug and Cat Noir showed up to fight the villain. "I see ShadowMoth is back from his little vacation." Cat Noir said.

"I don't work for ShadowMoth." The villain said.

"What?" Ladybug said.

"I am Nexus, I've come to collect the miraculous'." Nexus said and shot a blast at them, they dodged but it went for Nathalie.

"No! Nooroo, Dark Wings Rise!" Gabriel said and became HawkMoth. He then blocked Nathalie from the blast.

Ladybug and Cat Noir looked at Gabriel with shock. "Gabriel Agreste, you're ShadowMoth!?" Marinette said.

"Yes, well HawkMoth now." HawkMoth said.

"So that time when you were The Collector, was just to throw us off your scent." Cat Noir said.

"Yes." HawkMoth said.

"We'll talk later, right now we have to deal with him." Ladybug said. Nathalie ran off to hide.

"We'll fight one day, not today though." Nexus said and turned around to leave.

"Cataclysm!" Cat Noir said and touched him, but it didn't work.

"Impossible!" HawkMoth said.

Nexus slapped Cat Noir away. Ladybug wrapped him up in her yoyo and HawkMoth went to attack him but Nexus broke free and threw him into Ladybug.

Kagami came out of nowhere and smacked him with a chair. Nexus grabbed her by the arm and crushed her arm. Kagami screamed out in pain. "Duusuu, Spread My Feathers." Felix said and transformed. He smacked Nexus in the face with his fan and he let Kagami and then flew off holding his face.

"Ow." Kagami said holding her arm.

"Are you ok?" Felix asked.

"Yes, but I think my arm is broken." Kagami said.

"I can take you to the hospital if you like." Felix said.

"No, I can take myself." Kagami said trying to hold back her tears. She then got up and left. Kagami then got into her mom's car. "Tatsu, take me to the hospital." Kagami said and the car drove her there.

"Who are you?" Ladybug asked Felix.

"Me? I'm uh...Argos." Argos said.

"Where did you get the Miraculous?" Ladybug asked.

"I gave it to him." HawkMoth said.

"Why?" Ladybug asked. Argos then quickly left. "Dang it." Ladybug said.

"What're we gonna do about Gabriel." Cat Noir said.

"I don't know." Ladybug said.

"I understand if you want the miraculous back, I was already planning on giving up being a villain anyway." HawkMoth said.

"How do we know you're not lying?" Ladybug asked.

"If I still wanted to be evil I would've hid and akumatized Nexus and used him to take your miraculous'." HawkMoth said.

"I guess that makes sense, tell you what. I'll let you keep the miraculous of the butterfly if you decide to become a hero, if you don't wanna be a hero then I'm gonna need it back." Ladybug said.

"Considering that Paris is currently in danger due to Nexus, I think I'd like to assist you in defeating him." HawkMoth said.

"Ok, then it's decided. Meet us at the Eiffel tower around 7:00 so we can discuss a plan." Ladybug said and left with Cat Noir.

"Dark Wings Fall." HawkMoth said and de-transformed. He then went to look for Nathalie and Adrien.

Cat Noir hid in a locker. "Claws In." Cat Noir said and de-transformed. He then looked for Nathalie.

"Adrien, there you are." Nathalie said.

"Nathalie, do you know where Father is?" Adrien asked.

"I'm right here." Gabriel said and hugged them both. "I was so worried about you two." Gabriel said.

"We were worried about you too." Nathalie said.

"Come, let's go home." Gabriel said.


Argos hid in an alleyway. "Fall My Feathers." Argos said and de-transformed. He then gave Duusuu an apple.

"Are you my new holder?" Duusuu asked.

"Yes I am, my name is Felix." Felix said.

"Nice to meet you, I have a feeling we'll get along just fine." Duusuu said.

Felix saw a flower shop and got an idea. "Hide Duusuu." Felix said and Duusuu hid. Felix bought some flowers and went to the hospital Kagami was at. Kagami walked out of the hospital with her arm in a cast.

"Hello Kagami." Felix said.

"Felix, why are you here?" Kagami asked.

"I heard that you broke your arm so I thought I'd get you something to help you feel better." Felix said and handed her the flowers.

Kagami took them. "Thank you, I didn't expect this." Kagami said.

"After my last visit, I reflected on how I acted. I wish to be a better man than that, otherwise I'm just like my father." Felix said.

"I see." Kagami said.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Felix asked.

"No thanks, I have a ride." Kagami said and blushed.

"Ok, I guess I'll see you later." Felix said and left.

Kagami got into the car. "Why were you at the hospital?" Ms. Tsurugi asked.

"I broke my arm during the villain attack, so I went to get it checked." Kagami said

"You'll have to put off fencing for awhile now." Ms. Tsurugi said.

"I'm sorry Mother." Kagami said.

"Don't be, it couldn't be helped. As long you're ok that's all that matters. Tatsu, take us home." Ms. Tsurugi said and the car drove them home.

Kagami looked at her flowers and smiled.

Felix got back to a flat he was staying in while he was in Paris. He called his mom. "Hi Mom." Felix said.

"Hello Felix, did you get it?" Amelie asked

"Yeah I got the peacock miraculous." Felix said.

"Excellent, I'll be waiting for you to get home." Amelie said.

"Actually I think I'll be staying in Paris for a while, a new villain showed up and Ladybug and Cat Noir are going to need all the help they can get." Felix said.

"I understand Felix, please come home safe." Amelie said.

"I will Mom, I promise." Felix said.

"I love you." Amelie said.

"I love you too, bye." Felix said and hung up.


"I can't believe that Adrien's father was HawkMoth." Marinette said.

"Do you think Adrien knew about it?" Tikki asked.

"I don't know, he could've, but I don't see Adrien agreeing with what he was doing." Marinette said.

"Do you think he's serious about quitting being a villain?" Tikki asked.

"Probably, otherwise why would he have risked me and Cat Noir knowing his secret identity." Marinette said.

"You have a point there." Tikki said.

"With this new villain in town I may have to make some changes to how we do things." Marinette said.

"What do you mean Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"I may give the current holders their miraculous' permanently. It's risky, but that may be our best play." Marinette said.

"Really?! We're all getting permanent holder?!" Daizzi asked.

"I can't wait to see Kagami again." Longg said.

"Hold on, only some of you are leaving, most of you don't have holders yet." Marinette said.

"That's true, only me, Trixx, Longg, Xuppu, Kaalki, Sass, and Fluff have holders right now, the rest of you will have to stay until she finds you a holder." Wayzz said.

"What about me, isn't Chloe my holder?" Pollen asked.

"You know why we can't give Chloe the bee miraculous again." Marinette said.

"I know." Pollen said looking sad.

"After I talk with HawkMoth and Cat Noir I'll then bring you to your holders." Marinette said.

"YAY!!" the Kwami's cheers.


Ladybug and Cat Noir were wait for HawkMoth.

"He sure is taking his time." Cat Noir said.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Ladybug said

HawkMoth showed up. "Sorry to keep you waiting." HawkMoth said.

"Great, now we can discuss the plan. First off you need to give us your word that you won't betray us once the opportunity presents itself." Ladybug said.

"You have my word, I intend to be your ally through this whole ordeal. You know where I live anyway so if I were to betray you, you'd be able to find me easily." HawkMoth said.

"Ok, so what should we do about Nexus?" Cat Noir asked.

"We don't know why he wants the miraculous', he could be after the wish, but I don't know. For now we should stay vigilant and see what he does next." Ladybug said.

"I agree, the next time he shows himself we might be able to learn more about him." HawkMoth said.

"Then it's settled, for now we'll all go home and wait for him to strike." Ladybug said.

Cat Noir nods and leaves. Ladybug and HawkMoth shake hands before going their separate ways. Ladybug went and gave the rabbit miraculous to Alyx, the turtle miraculous to Nino, the snake miraculous to Luka, the monkey miraculous to Kim, and the horse miraculous to Max.

Next on her list was Kagami. She knocked on her window. "Ladybug?" Kagami said opening her window.

"Kagami Tsurugi, I'm giving you the dragon miraculous, you are now its permanent holder, from now on it and your kwami are your responsibility." Ladybug said.

"I'm flattered Ladybug, but my arm's broken at the moment." Kagami said.

"Don't worry when you transform your arm will be temporary fixed, but when you transform back it'll be broken again." Ladybug said handing said.

"I see." Kagami said and took the miraculous.

Longg appears. "Kagami, it is so nice to be permanently with you." Longg said.

"The feeling is mutual Longg." Kagami said.

Ladybug then left to go find Alya. When she found her she pulled her into a dark alley. "Ladybug, what's going on?" Alya asked.

"Alya, I'm giving you the fox miraculous, you are now its permanent holder, from now on it and your kwami are your responsibility." Ladybug said.

"Wow, cool." Alya said and put in the necklace and Trixx appeared.

"Also there's something else, Spots Off." Ladybug said and de-transformed.

"Marinette?" Alya said.

"Normally I wouldn't do this but I need someone I trust in case something happens to me." Marinette said

"Why would something happen to you?" Alya asked.

"There's a new villain in town named Nexus, he's very strong and he wants all of the miraculous'." Marinette said.

"No way." Alya said.

"Also HawkMoth actually gave up being evil, he's had a change of heart, or so he says." Marinette said.

"That's crazy, that would be an amazing story for the LadyBlog." Alya said and laughed.

Marinette laughed too. "Well I have to get going, I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye Alya." Marinette said and left.

"Bye Marinette." Alya said and went home.

Chapter 8 End

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