Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.6K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

We need to talk?

440 19 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

I feel better after having that talk with my grandmother. Even though she didn't give me any advice, the conversation made me realise that i need to focus and stop letting these feelings get in my head otherwise I'll become mentally unstable, which I already am but I don't want to make matters worse.

I go back downstairs and i go to the kitchen and sit at the bar stools. "So you didn't curse your father out?" asks mom. "No don't worry even though he can be like his favourite daughter I shall never cuss him."  I answer. "Where do you get this thing that Asanda is his favourite daughter?" "Wow mama you want me to take you down a trip on memory lane again."

"He also loves you." she says. "I never said he doesn't love me I'm just saying that Asanda is dad's favourite child." I say. "I wonder who told you that but anyways." "Actions speak louder than words mi hermosa mamá you of all people should know that by now." She sighs. "Do you think I have any favourites?" "Yes it's Asanda you just keep it subtle unlike your novio."

"Sthembiso is your novio and your father is my husband." she says. "No need to get defensive...I'm sorry if I'm coming across as disrespectful but that's how I really feel." I say and raise my hands in surrender. "Whatever." "I'm tired of you guys making me feel guilty for feelings this way when we all know that the treatment between me and Asanda isn't the same."

"Amukelani.." "No I'm honestly tired and i won't stand for this. I've been quiet my whole life and you still want me to be quiet. Why do you think I was so quick to accept the case and move so I can get away from you guys." I say. "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize now. You only saying it because I highlighted your wrongs not that you actually feel sorry."

"I am sorry. I never realized how much it affected you until now." says mom. "Yeah right..did your mom have any favorites amongst the girls?" I ask. "No." "So why are you guys treating us like this? You are the reason why me and Asanda have a messed up relationship because you condone her actions and crucify me instead of disciplining us equally." "Amu.." "Save it mamá I don't care."

I stand up and walk to the living room and plop myself on the couch. "What's going on?" asks Abuela. "Nothing. Have you met Ayanda's novia?" I ask. "Yes I did." "How is she and what do you think about her?"

"I like her a lot. She is humble and very respectful and i can see she makes Ayanda happy because I've never seen my grandson that happy in any of his last relationships and that's all that matters to me..I don't care who his dating as long as that person makes him happy then I'm happy." she answers. "Just so you know I met her before you guys." I say. "He told us."

"Does she accept our lifestyle?" I ask. "Yeah she does accept that we in the mafia and all that stuff and she promised not to tell anyone I'm just glad she's not jud..judgemental." she answers. "I'm glad then. Did she have a baby shower?" "Yeah she did and it was so pretty." "How long have you been here?" "Over a month now." "You know i wish I was there for this baby shower. I feel like a bad tìa."

"Don't feel bad mi niño you already a good aunt cause you were the first one to know about both pregnancies and either way you have a job so like yeah you wouldn't have been able to come." she asks. "But at least i should witness the birth of this one to lessen the guilt." "Don't worry she looks ready to pop anytime." I smile.

My dad rushes to the living room. "Guys lets go Ayanda's baby is almost here." he says in a panicked tone. "Baba you have three grandkids why are you panicking now." I say. "His always been like this even with you guys." says Abuela. "Didn't know you were a scaredy cat." "Ngzokushaya wena mtana."(I'll beat you up.)  "Ohh I'm so scared right now." "Enough fighting and let's go."

We rush to dad's car without forgetting to lock the door. Me and Abuela sit at the back seat while the couple is at the front. My dad starts speeding to the hospital. "Arabella's novio please calm down you going to get us killed!" I shout. Does he want me to die without meeting my nephew.

He slows down and i sigh a sigh of relief. "Arabella's novio don't you ever do that again." I say. "I don't want to miss the birth of my fourth grandchild." he says. "You won't miss it, don't these labour things take forever." "You never know." I mentally roll my eyes. This guy...he can do the weirdest things. It gets silent and you can feel the tension in the car I'm just glad that no one is mentioning it.

We get to the hospital and we go to the maternity ward. I can't believe I'm meeting my nephew very soon. We get to the waiting area and i see the rest of my siblings. We scream and hug each other. Yes guys this hug also included Asanda, I know shocking right but let me enjoy love I get from my big sister while it lasts.

"Mtasekhaya awusemhle." says Aphelele. (You so pretty my sister.) "Ngiyabonga last born." I say. (Thank you.) "I see someone's getting treated properly in Durban." says Asanda. "Not now woman this isn't the time to bring it up." She laughs. "Are you okay?" "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila." (I'm good too.)

Ayanda comes to the waiting room and i run and hug him. "I'm glad you made it." he says. "I was here for business purposes so I was like let me pass by and check on you." I say. "Not you acting like a family friend." I laugh. "Are you ready?" He nods. "Lets go guys." They stand up and we follow him.

We get inside the ward and i hug her. "Hey." I greet. "Hi." says Botshelo. "I'm assuming you in pain so I won't bombard you with questions." She nods. Her family members come in and we greet each other.

"Do you know the name you going to give the baby?" asks her mom. "Yeah but you shall find out once his here." answers Botshelo. I take out my phone and start playing games. I thought by now i would have received a message from you know who but that's okay cause I don't need any distractions right now.


"You guys can come and meet the baby." says Ayanda. We all stand up and follow him to the ward. When we get inside I see Botshelo holding him. I look at Ayanda and i see tears in his eyes. "Ncoo his crying." I say and we all laugh. "Tears of joy." he says. "His mature now njengoba akhala." says dad and we chuckle. (now that his crying.)

"Have you carried him yet?" I ask. "Yeah I did." he answers. I walk closer to Botshelo and he is sucking her breast. Yah neh guys babies have got to be the ugliest people I have ever met in my life. At least when they get older they start looking more proper but for now they just like...babies...

"I know that face." says Ayanda. "Ayanda just shut your big ass mouth I'm currently admiring a baby here." I say. "You not admiring you are trying to process the way he looks." I roll my eyes. "Just leave me alone Ayanda." We laugh.

"What's his name?" asks Aphiwe. "His name is Ayanda Jnr." answers Ayanda. "Nah man you must have lost your mind." I say. "Ngyadlala his name is Bayanda Ofentse Mngomezulu." (I'm joking.) "You wanted it to rhyme with your name." "Yeah and we also wanted to change the cycle." "I understand you and i like it." He smiles.

"Can we carry him or his still breast feeding?" asks her mother. "His still breastfeeding you'd swear it's his first time eating." says Botshelo. "Technically its his first time drinking milk so hence his enjoying the experience." I say and we laugh. "Ayanda if his enjoying breast milk now just know that it's going to be difficult for him to quit it." says Aphiwe.

"Talking from experience I see." says Ayanda. "Yeah but you shall see for yourself should it happen." says Aphiwe. We all take turns to carry the baby and when it is finally my turn I smile. I can't believe my little brother has grown so much. From him being with my best friend to him impregnating this girl and now his a father it sure has been a year.

"2 down, 2 more to go." I say. "Count me out sis we are only left with one more." says Asanda and we laugh. Funny how its the women in the family that don't want kids. "Aphelele you better make us proud." "Don't worry i got your back sisters." We laugh.

The baby starts crying and i rock him until he is silent again. "I guess his found a favourite." says Ayanda. "I told you I was gonna be the favourite aunt." I say.


I'm currently chilling in my bed listening to music with my headphones on. The song that I'm listening to was getting to my favourite part but my phone rings. Why do people have to do that? I check the caller ID and it's somebody's novio.

"You know i was about to cuss you for disturbing me from my little performance I was having in my head." I say. "What performance is that?" he asks. "I'm having a concert in my bedroom." He chuckles. "I'll face time you I definitely have to see this." He switches the call to face time and he is sitting on his bed.

"Perform for me please." he says. "It comes at a heavy price." I say. "How much?" "R5000." "You must have lost your mind you not a stripper." "I would have been if my career didn't work out." "Is that why you have a pole?" "Yeah. All I need is for my career to go down hill and I'll be doing the same on the pole." He chuckles.

"Do you have one there?" he asks. "Yeah there is one here." I answer. "Please then entertain me." "It's R5000." "I'll pay you in other ways." "I'm a stripper not a prostitute." "But I'm your boyfriend." "This is a business transaction so currently I'm not your novia and you not my novio." "Okay fine I'll pay that amount."

I put on a song and i start working my magic on the pole. I ended up putting a pole in my room while I was in varsity so that I can keep myself busy when I'm home. "I'm sure you forgot that i was there." he says. "I was in my own world." I say and we laugh.

"Uright?" he asks. (Are you okay?) "Ngiyaphila wena." I answer. (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila." (I'm good too.) "Did you guys torture them already?" "Yeah and it's done but then Ziyanda asked me to do something for Siyanda's daughter." "What did she ask?" "Since we both know that they are absent parents in the child's life she wants me to create a trust fund for her."

"Wena do you want to do it?" I ask. "I'm not sure." he answers. "Look I'm not you and we don't have the same personality so I won't be able to give you advice about this thing but the only thing I'm going to say is that follow your heart." "Really?" "Yeah. Just think things through and make sure the decision you about to make you won't regret it."

"This is really difficult." he says. "If I was put in that position I would say fuck no but since its's going to be tough." I say. "Enough about heavy requests just give me one more dance before I sleep." "Just imagine my dad walks in seeing me strip for my novio." "We bonding moes." I roll my eyes and we laugh.

"Just one more dance?" I ask. "Just one more dance." he answers. I play another song and start dancing again. As i am dancing I'm interuppeted by my dad entering my room.

I quickly get off the pole and rush to drop my phone. "What are you doing at this time?" he asks. "Some of us can't sleep so I decided to dance just to try and get sleepy." I answer. "We need to talk." "About what?" "Come to my office you shall find out." "Okay ngiyeza." (I'm coming.)

I put my phone in the charger and wear my silk gown then follow him to his office. I wonder what he wants us to talk about....

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