[DISCONTINUED] Shut-in Astron...

By yuhfae

2.7K 70 146

This can also be found on AO3 under the same title! [SLOW UPDATES] (Y/N), an aspiring astronomer, finds thems... More

Chapter 1 - Beyond Castle Gates
Chapter 2 - Dangerous
Chapter 3 - Unnecessary Distance
Chapter 4 - The Surprise
Chapter 5 - What the Hair?!
Chapter 6 - Great Expotations
Chapter 8 - Memories
Chapter 9 - Secret of the Sun Drop
Chapter 10 - Rapunzel's Return
Chapter 11 - Day of the Animals

Chapter 7 - Help

177 5 10
By yuhfae

(Queen For a Day)

A/N: Pay attention to the word 'help'

It appears often.

'To (Y/N)'


I opened the mysterious letter.


"Who's that from-?"

"Varian." I replied to Cassie. "He says he needs help.. with something."

I glanced at Cass.

"Well, I won't stop you from going. It's not like you don't spend 12 out of 24 hours of your day with him--plus you keep that purple necklace on while sleeping, so.."

I grinned in amusement. "Ha-! Ye-Yeah.. I guess so.."

I started thinking about something, staring off into the distance..

"...You really do like him, don't you-?"



I looked up at Cass, perched on her bed, who had a teasing smirk on her face.




She simply chuckled in response.

"It's not like that, Cassie, he's just a friend. Besides, that would be weird. I barely know him-!"

"'You barely know him..?' You've been 'friends' with him for a year and a half--maybe even two!"

"Yeah--and that's only like--1/7 of my life."

"Oh well, you beat me, now go be a nerd somewhere else."







"..Hellooo? Varia--"

The door opened. Finally.

"(Y--Y/N)-! Hi..! Thanks for coming-!"

"Yeah, no problem... Varian, what did you need help with..-?"

"...Right. Here, just, uh--follow me..."

Varian led me into his lab, which in the center of it, had something huge covered under a rustic sheet. He didn't give me time to ponder it, before removing the sheet to reveal a huge black rock in the center of the lab.

"Varian-! This is--"

"Yeah. I know.. it's getting worse..."

"But, uh--on the bright side-! This gives me a direct source of experimenting! My dad never let me go near these things to study them, but now I have one in the center of my lab! I've only been able to study them for a couple hours.. But--But I found out these things are unbreakable! Yet, I still haven't entirely figured out what they're made of yet..."

I inspected the rocks closely. They seemed to have some sort of blue lines engraved inside them..

"Have you been able to experiment with them yet..-?"

"No, I only wanted to study them until you got here! So we can--uh.. you can help me experiment.. Ma-Maybe..?"

"I..I'd love to, Varian-! But I uh--don't know any alchemy... I only know engineering, and--"

"Then I can teach you!"


"Yeah! Come on-!"

"..Alright, Var. So.. if I'm correct, once I pour this acid compound into this liquid, I should be able to get a reaction of pure evaporation--which means that if this works, it should be able to break through this 'unbreakable' rock."

"Sounds right..-!"

"Oh-! And uh.. thanks for teaching me this stuff, Varian.." I smiled.

"..Ye-Yeah! Of course.."

"Alright, here we go..."

I selected some of the acid with a protective eye dropper, and carefully squeezed the top to get a small drop into the liquid solution. And...

In an instant, a giant puff of water vapor generated from the liquid.

"..Yes--! Aha..! This took.. so long-! I did it-!" I turned to Varian in exhilaration.

"..Haha-! S-See-?" I exclaimed, unable to wipe the excited grin off my face.

"Hah.. Yeah, I see, (Y/N)..-! Your first success will always be your biggest one.." Varian smiled, staring at me in some sort of trance.

"Let's test this thing-!" I quickly grabbed another sample of the purple acid, and dashed over to the black rock in the center of the lab.

"He--Hey-! Careful..!"

Varian tossed me his goggles.

"S..Safety first..-?"

My cheeks tinted pink. "...Right--! Yeah.."

I fastened the scratched goggles on my eyes, making sure to keep my distance, and carefully placed a drop of the acid on the black rocks... which resulted in a quick burst of violet fire.

"Wh-hoa--! Uh.." I frantically searched the room, looking for something to extinguish the flames.

"He-Here-!" Varian picked up a worn cloth from the floor and quickly covered it around the flame.

"..Varian--! Are you alright in there-?!" I heard Quirin call out from another room.

"Yeah, Dad-! I just, uh.." Varian paused trying to find a good excuse. "I just dropped a book-!"

The fire then exploded from the pressure, resulting in smoke, and Varian managing a ridiculous look to his hair.

"It's one of my.. one of my big bo-books..-!" Varian called back to Quirin.




Varian quickly glanced at me in confusion.

"Lo..-! Look at yo-your hair--!"

Varian dashed to a window to check his reflection, the sound of my bursting laughter in the background. Varian quickly patted down his hair.

"He-Hey--! I didn't look that funny.... and give me back my goggles..-!"

I simply tossed them to his direction, still trying to stifle my chuckles.

Varian looked back into his reflection in the window, hesitantly checking his hair now and then.. I had noticed something looking out the window.



He turned and glanced towards me. I walked towards the window, inspecting the farmland carefully.. before dashing off outside.

"(Y-Y/N)--! Wa-Wait up-! What are you--"

I abruptly stopped when I had just reached outside the door frame, inspecting the ground below me. Varian had just caught up with me, barely out of breath.

"Varian, look..-!"

"H..Huh..-?" Varian managed to huff out.


"...Wow." Varian muttered. "Last time I saw snow in Old Corona was... four..? Maybe.. five years ago..-?"

"It's beautiful..."

"..Yeah it... really is." Varian grinned.



"..Hey, (Y/N)-?"

I perked my head up in Varian's direction.

"Shouldn't you uh.. be heading home soon..? I mean, I don't wanna keep you here if this turns into a storm--which it may. I've been keeping track of air pressurization and masses, along with weather, and there's a very high probabilit--"

"Yeah.. you're right, I should. Cassie's probably getting worried for me.."

I glanced down at the snow, and back up at Varian, who seemed saddened to see me go.

"I had fun today, Var. I'll see you tomorrow, alright..-?"

"Yeah.. bye, (Y/N)." He turned his head from the oh-so-interesting floor to smile at me. I smiled back.

"Oh, and you've got snow in your hair."

By the time I was getting to the Corona town square, the storm was getting rough. Really rough. I'd almost lost my bag a couple of times in the strong winds. I also noticed the lack of people out, it felt like a ghost town. Nevertheless, I made it to the castles in one piece, and knocked on the huge front doors. A guard opened them.

"(L/N)-! What are you doing outside?! Here, come in."

The guard escorted me up and upwards in the castle. I never considered myself royalty, but apparently any friend of Rapunzel is..

We reached one of the higher floors, which had a huge, yet cozy lounge area, where I found most Corona citizens sheltering.


And on the other side of the room I found Cass. She looked more worried than ever.. I've never seen her like this.

Cass dashed over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where have you been-?!"

"..Varian's... but mostly trying to get here in the forest of Old Corona."

"I was so..." Cassandra paused. "Nevermind, you're here now, that's what matters. Go sit by the fire, it's almost below zero out there."

I followed her instructions, I didn't want to worry her too much. I'm sure she's got a lot already, she doesn't need me added to that list..

I stared at the fire, the crackling of the wood calmed me in a way, as well as the way the flames frantically moved left to right.. left to right..

I glanced over at Rapunzel, who seemed stressed. As far as my information goes, her parents--the king and queen--went on a trip and left Raps in charge. I wouldn't blame her for being stressed, in this situation..

I turned my direction back at the fire. What a time to think, isn't it..?

I found myself thinking about Varian.

More or less, worrying about Varian. I wondered if maybe he went out somewhere and got caught in the storm, maybe the harsh winds shattered his windows, perhaps he made a mistake testing on the rocks, and--

Why am I thinking this way..?

Normally, I have faith that Varian would be safe, I had faith that he was smart to not get hurt, but...

Why was I worrying about him so much...-?

Though, sooner or later, my worrying was justified.

"Princess Rapunzel-!!"

I jerked my head up. '..Varian..?!'

I rushed to where he was, desperately clinging to Raps.

"Ra-Rapunzel-! My dad's in danger--you-you're the only one who can help, please-! I need you to come to Old Corona with me. Please..!"

He seemed out of breath. "Varian-! Wh-What happened-?!"

"The rocks-! They--They're encasing my dad!"

"Encasing-?" Rapunzel sounded confused, and brought Varian to a hall. I followed them.. I was too worried to not follow.

"The--The rocks..? Encasing.. Varian, what are you saying-?" Rapunzel was worried. Not as stressed as I was.

"Co-Come see for yourself--! You can help, I--I know you can-! You're connected to these rocks, and--"

"Varian.. it's.. it's a state of emergency here, I--I'm sorry, I can't help you-!" Varian stopped dead in his tracks.

I turned to Raps. "..R..Rapunzel..-?"

"..Not right now."

"..No-! No.. nononono--listen to me--! My dad doesn't have much time--You are the only one who can help--!" Varian was pleading at this point, frantically yelling at Rapunzel for help.

"Ra--Rapunzel, please-!"

"Princess, please-!" One of the royal butlers interrupted. "Whatever this boy's problem, it must be set aside-! The storm's growing stronger by the secon--"

"N..No-! Nononono--please! Princess--yo-you promised you'd help me-! You promised!"

'She.. what..-?'

"R..Rapunzel..? What did you--!?"

Suddenly, the guards came in and started dragging Varian away.

"What are you doi--?!"

"Princess..-! You promised--!"

"Varian--! Var, no--" Rapunzel grabbed me, stopping me from going after him. I tugged from the grasp.

"Rapunzel-! S..Stop--Varian--!"


He was gone.

I stood. For two minutes--which felt like two hours. Years.

Rapunzel reached for my shoulder.

"..(Y-Y/N), I--"

I swatted her hand away, as my breath hitched.

I turned around to reveal tears almost nearing my eyes, before quickly wiping them with my sleeve, and dashing to my room I shared with Cassandra.

"(Y/N)-! W-Wait--!"



I sighed.

It's not like crying was going to fix anything. Not in this situation. I glanced out the window by my far left.. the storm was still as strong as ever.

But I had to do something.

I put on a coat and grabbed a bag of emergency supplies, and food if I got lost.

If Rapunzel wouldn't.. I would help him.

Only after about thirty minutes of traveling, I noticed the storm began to slow down in wind speed.. as well as the snow. Then, the snow abruptly stopped.


At least that takes one worry off my shoulders..

Not saying I still had a heavy weight of anxiety for Varian. The whole purpose of this trip was to relieve that anxiety--to help him.

And yet.. I had no idea how. How to help him. I would find a way, though. If it was the last thing I ever did.

I knocked on the front door of Varian's home. The door--and home, essentially, felt shallow. I got no response from the knocking.. I began to worry. I knocked harder this time.

"Varian..? Are you alright..-?"



No answer.

I started panicking. Did something happen on his way back-? Worry and anxiety cluttered my brain like a wave--unable to think straight. As a result, I didn't knock this time. I let myself in.

"Va-Varian--! Where are--"


A type of amber. A growing amber.

I stared.. and stared. The rocks--amber. Fully encased around Quirin.


He stood across the room, infront of the orange structure. It was quiet--he was quiet. Almost as if he wasn't breathing.

The silence was soul crushing.

"I think I know how to free him."

My breath hitched.

"..Varian... what are you--"



"Her hair's unbreakable. She's connected to these rocks--the amber. The amber is unbreakable."

He turned around, facing towards me.

"If I use her power--ma-maybe it can--"

"Varian.. wouldn't that.. break her..-? Hurt... her..?"

"Do you really think I care about whether I hurt Rapunzel-?"

"..Varian--?! You--"

"No--(Y/N), listen-! D-Do you think Rapunzel wants to help me..? She doesn't. She rejected me. Why should I help her-?! If-If Rapunzel doesn't think I deserve help, than neither does she. She.. She would deserve pain. She would deserve it if I hurt her--accidentally or on purpose..."

..I understood what kind of help he needed now.

"...Varian.. what are you saying..? Rapunzel--she was your friend-! Listen--I have.. no idea what you're going through right now.. but this isn't you! Please... Varian, let me help yo--"

"No--No, I don't need your help-! I never needed your help--I never needed you!"

And yet again came the unbearable silence. Instead, now interrupted by my soft cries. I tried to stifle them.. It was hard. Especially after he revealed what I assumed had been the truth.

After two years..

Had it all been.. for.. nothing...?

Varian didn't bother to break the long streak of silence. He just stared..

This wasn't the Varian I knew.

Or was this the Varian that never exposed himself...? It didn't matter now.

I dashed out the front door.

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