RWBY: Bee Family


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This is a fan fiction that takes place after the main RWBY story, in a hypothetical future. Years after defea... More

Chapter 1 - Starting a Family
Chapter 2 - Boy or Girl
Chapter 4 - Yang's Mission Story
Chapter 5 - Baby Shower
Chapter 6 - Yang's Fear
Chapter 7 - The Birth
Chapter 8 - Her name is....
Chapter 9 - The Promise
Chapter 10 - From Friends, to Family
Chapter 11 - Do You Believe in Destiny?
Chapter 12 - Yin's 1st Birthday
Chapter 13 - Yin at Schnee Manor
Final Chapter - Yin's Semblance!?

Chapter 3 - Announcement at the Reunion

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"Alright. Today's the big day. I hope everything goes well." Ruby Rose thought to herself while she paced back and forth inside the headmaster's office at the new Beacon Academy. Since Beacon had been rebuilt, she'd wanted to host a reunion for everyone who was present during the Fall of Beacon, their families and anyone who helped in the battle against Salem. To celebrate Beacon's reopening, the defeat of Salem and honouring all of those that they'd lost along the way. She looked out the window, watching everyone walk towards Beacon from the airships. All while she crossed her arms and tensed up.

"Don't look so nervous." A familiar voice called alongside the tap of a cane. Ruby turned to see her husband, and headmaster of Beacon, Oscar Pine. "Everything's going to be fine." He said as he placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder. She took a deep breath.

"I know." Ruby said as she looked out the window. "It's just- it's been a long time since we've all been together. I just want things to go well."

"And it will." Oscar replied. "Everything is set up, and everyone's coming. It's going to be great day." Ruby turned to him and smiled.

"Yeah." Ruby said. "It will. As long as we're all together, that's all that matters." The two continued to watch everyone approach Beacon, hoping to spot some familiar faces too. For Ruby, it was crazy to think of how long it had been since Beacon fell all those years ago. "To think. We've all come so far." She said. "When we first met, I was just a huntress in training. And you were a fourteen year old farmhand. Now look at us." Oscar took a brief moment to think about everything that brought the two of them to where they are now. He chuckled.

"Who'd have thought." Oscar said. Ruby looked back to her husband briefly. She tensed up again and began to fidget with her fingers. Not noticing the ding of the elevator behind them.

"Yeah. The two of us have come a long way." Ruby said quietly. "And who knows, maybe one day, it could be more than just the two-"

"Ruby! Oscar!" Weiss called as she stepped out of the elevator. The two turned to see her, Ruby smiled and rushed to her friend with open arms.

"Weiss!" Ruby yelled with glee as she and Weiss hugged one another, for the first time in a long while. What made it worse for both of them, Weiss had recently been in Vale, but told Ruby that she was too busy with work to see her. At least, that's what she was told. Weiss hated having to lie to Ruby. She just didn't want to risk letting the surprise slip out. But that didn't matter, because today was the day that would make it all worth it. Once Blake and Yang arrive of course. "It's so good to see you." Ruby said as the two broke off their hug. "How've you been?" She asked.

"I have been splendid. And absolutely ecstatic about today." Weiss said.

"Wow. You're that excited for the reunion?" Ruby asked.

"Well, yes. That too of course." Weiss said. A split second later, she realised she might have said too much already.

"Wait. What do you mean by "that too"?" Ruby asked. She noticed that Weiss suddenly looked nervous.

"Oh nothing. Just-" Weiss said as she tried to think of something to distract Ruby. "You know. Blake and Yang weren't too far behind me. So they should here any moment." Ruby knew Weiss was definitely hiding something now.

"Weiss? What're you hiding?" Ruby asked. But before Weiss could answer, the two heard the ding from the elevator. They turned to see the elevator door open as Blake and Yang walked into the office. Ruby was too excited to see Blake and Yang again, she decided to pry Weiss further another time.

"Hey sis!" Yang said. Ruby was overjoyed to see Blake and Yang after all this time. She soon noticed that Blake's stomach looked a little bigger than the last time she saw her. Oscar realised what was happening and began to smile. Weiss had a smirk on her face due to already knowing. Ruby began to it piece all together.

"Wait. Blake, are you?" Ruby asked. "ARE YOU!?" Blake smiled and nodded in confirmation to her sister in law. Ruby gasped as a massive smile formed on her face and she Petal Bursted over to Blake and Yang "You two are having a baby!?" She asked excitedly. Yang nodded but before she could say anything, Ruby began Petal Bursting all around the office. "This is amazing!" She shouted. "My sister in law is pregnant! I'm gonna be an aunt!" Ruby stopped and Petal Bursted back over to Blake and Yang. "Oh my gosh I have so many questions! Blake, how far along are you? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet? Aww, are they gonna have little cat ears just like you? That'd be so cute!" Ruby quickly regained some of her composure. "Nonono, wait. I need to be asking the important questions. Is everything okay? The baby's healthy right?" Yang was about to calm her sister down, but Blake beat her to it.

"Ruby, everything's fine." Blake said. "I'm almost four months gone. The baby's perfectly healthy, we're keeping a close eye on everything." Blake places a hand on her baby bump. "And yes, SHE is a cat faunus like me." Ruby went starry-eyed as Yang put her arm around her wife's shoulder.

"Well sis. In a few months time you'll be able to call me Yang Xiao MOM." Yang said proudly while everyone else in the room groaned, except for Blake who chuckled.

"You don't have to." Blake said. "But if you do. At least call me Blake Bella-MAMA." She said with a cheeky wink. Ruby thought Yang's puns were bad enough, but Blake had been making them more often since they got married. And what was worse, Ruby couldn't even say "Great, now there's two of them" anymore. Because there was going to be a third soon enough. Nevertheless she was happy. And a tad confused on how this even happened, but that was quickly explained.... Along with the news that Weiss had been named godmother and not her.

The Beacon reunion was underway. Everyone that was present during the fall of Beacon had turned up. Those who were students of Beacon, or those from Haven, Atlas or Shade. Many eyes were on Blake and Yang while they shared the news of their upcoming baby. Their old classmates gave them words of congratulations. Some even had big news of their own to share. Such as Velvet Scarlatina and Yatsuhashi Daichi, from Team CFVY, who had gotten engaged. Others shared news of new relationships or new jobs.

Outside of Team RWBY, the first of Blake and Yang's close friends to hear their news were Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. Much like Blake & Yang and Ruby & Oscar, the two had gotten married after Salem was defeated. They lived in a village in Mistral, not terribly far from Argus. Nora was absolutely ecstatic to hear about Blake and Yang's baby. Ren was happy too, but much calmer about it than his wife.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Nora cheered.

"Congratulations you guys." Ren said. The two couples hugged.

"Thanks." Yang said. "You two wanna see the sonogram picture?"

"Yes!" Nora said with her hands pressed to her cheeks and her eyes sparkled. Blake took out her scroll and pulled up the picture. The four stared at it and awed at the sight of Blake and Yang's developing baby. "Aww, that's adorable. Isn't it Ren?" Nora asked while giving her husband a suggestive look.

"Yes. Of course." Ren said. He used his semblance to see what Nora was feeling. Something that she and Ren had discussed before, but he didn't want to discuss it in front of Blake and Yang. "Have you two found out the sex of the baby?" He asked wanting to avoid that subject with Nora.

"Yeah, we did." Blake said. "It's a girl." Ren and Nora awed again. The two couples talked up until Blake and Yang had to go to catch up with some more of their friends. Once they left, Nora turned to Ren and smirked.

"So. Blake and Yang are having a kid." Nora said.

"Nora. Listen." Ren said with a wistful tone. "I want to one day, I do. I'm just not ready right now." Nora's expression saddened.

"But when will you be ready?" Nora asked. "I think we'd make great parents Ren."

"We will be." Ren said as he held his wife's hands. "I just-" He took a deep breath. "I don't know when I'll be ready. But I do want to have a baby with you one day." Nora smiled softly and kissed him.

"I wanna have one with you too." Nora said. "You better be ready sooner and not later though." The two laughed and hugged.

Whilst Blake and Yang were sharing their news. Someone had just arrived with their team. That being a friend who had some history with the two, Blake in particular. The leader of Team SSSN, Sun Wukong.

"Alright! It's party time!" Sun said to the rest of his team. "Man, it feels great to be back here."

"It really does." Neptune said. "And the place looks awesome."

"Yeah, Ruby and Oscar did a good job with this." Sage said.

"They really did." Scarlet said. "This is going to be absolutely TOP. Welp. I promised Nolan that I'd meet him here, so I'm going to go and find him. I'll see you lads later." As Scarlet walked away to go and find Nolan, Sage and Neptune followed suit. Sun waved them off and scanned the hall. He felt something poke his shoulder.

"Hey Sun." A familiar voice said. He turned to see Ilia Amitola.

"Ilia! Hi!" Sun said as he hugged Ilia. "How've you been? I haven't seen you for so long."

"I'm good." Ilia replied. "In fact, I've just joined the New Atlas Police."

"Woah! That's awesome!" Sun said. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." Ilia said. "Though I'm thinking of getting some new combat gear made. How about you and the guys? How're you?"

"Yeah me and the guys are great." Sun said. "You just missed them, they went to do their own thing. Scarlet went to find his boyfriend, Neptune's... probably being Neptune, and Sage-" He said while he looked around the hall and spotted two familiar people. "Oh hey, there's Blake and Yang-" Sun said just as Blake turned around and he saw that she was pregnant. "Oh." He gasped. As did Ilia. "D-Did you know?" He asked.

"No, I didn't know about this either." Ilia replied. The two of them were both surprised and thrilled. "Well, let's go say hi." She said as they made their way over.

"Hey! Blake! Yang!" Sun called. Blake and Yang turned to see him with Ilia and smiled.

"Sun! Ilia!" Blake called back and greeted them each with a hug. "How are you?" She asked.

"Forget about me." Sun replied. "How're you? I mean. Look at you. You're-" Blake placed one hand on her stomach and the other around her wife.

"Yeah." Blake said. "Yang and I are having a baby together."

"That's incredible." Sun said.

"Aww that's wonderful." Ilia said. "Everything's okay right? The baby's healthy?" She asked.

"Yes, the baby's completely healthy." Blake said. "And in case either of you are wondering, it's a girl." Sun and Ilia both awed.

"Have you guys picked a godparent yet?" Sun asked. 

"Actually, yeah we have." Yang said. "It's Weiss. And don't let her hear you asking if you can be our daughter's godparent." To which the two laughed.

"She's not kidding." Blake said. "Weiss takes her role as godmother very seriously."

"Yeah, good idea." Ilia said. "Don't want to incur the wrath of the Ice Queen." The four laughed as Yang heard her scroll ringing. She checked it to see a message from Ruby, alerting her that her father and Blake's parents had arrived.

"Blake. They're here." Yang said while showing her wife the message. "We should probably get going."

"Oh right." Blake said. "Sun, Ilia, I'd love to catch up more, but Yang and I have got to meet our parents. I'll see you later." She gave Sun and Ilia a quick hug goodbye each.

"O-okay." Sun said. "It was great see you two again."

"We'll catch up again later." Ilia said while giving them a small wave, watching the two walk away. Sun left out a quiet sigh and a chuckle. Ilia turned to face him. "You okay?" She asked.

"Huh?" Sun responded. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm long since over it, and so are you. Right?" He asked.

"Yeah of course." Ilia said. "I'm just making sure you're okay. You sighed and seemed a little-"

"Oh no. No, I'm fine. Don't worry." Sun said. "I was thinking about how "Uncle Sun" has a nice ring to it." Hearing this made Ilia smile.

"So does "Aunt Ilia"." Ilia said. She spent a moment to picture her future niece. Before Sun snapped her back to reality.

"Oh. You said you wanted new gear made, right?" Sun asked.

"Y-Yeah." Ilia replied.

"Well this is your lucky day." Sun said. "Because I know someone who can help with that." He led her through the crowded hall in search of his friend.

Blake and Yang still had to tell their parents that they were expecting. The two had asked for a private room for this one. Blake waited sat at a table while Yang gathered their parents. Preparing herself to tell her parents that they're going to have a grandchild. Yang returned with the three soon to be grandparents, and asked them to sit with her and Blake. It took everything Blake had to not stand up and hug her parents. Not wanting to give the surprise away with the sight of her stomach. After a brief greeting and catch-up, the time finally came.

"So what's new with you two?" Tai asked.

"Actually." Yang said as she took Blake's hand. "We have some big news." Blake took a deep breath. She wanted to be the one to tell them.

"Here it goes." Blake said. "Mom, Dad, Tai." She took another deep breath. "I'm pregnant." The three gasped. After a split second of shock, they registered what Blake had just said.

"Wait. You're-" Ghira asked before being cut off by his daughter in law.

"You're all gonna be grandparents." Yang said, unable to hold her excitement any longer. All three couldn't believe what they'd just heard. Kali was the first to speak.

"Oh that's wonderful!" Kali said. Her hands covered her mouth and nose, while her eyes began to well up with tears. "Blake how far along are you?" She asked.

"Almost four months now." Blake replied standing up, to reveal her baby bump to the future grandparents. All three stood and hugged the soon to be mothers. Who explained the procedure that allowed them to have their child, and the sex of the baby.

"Aww congratulations you two." Tai said. "And Yang. I've taught you well in puns, but I need to get you well versed in the art of 'Dad Jokes'." The two laughed.

"Okay dad, just don't DRAW it out." Yang said.

"Hey, not a bad start." Tai said. He and Yang continued to trade jokes, while Ghira and Kali spoke with Blake.

"This is incredible Blake." Ghira said. "I couldn't be happier for you and Yang."

"Thanks dad." Blake said as she wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry we waited so long to tell you that you're having a granddaughter."

"You don't need to apologise." Ghira said. "We're just thrilled for you."

"Of course we are." Kali said. "Have you two picked out any names yet?"

"We've each thrown a couple out there." Blake said. "But it's just a matter of finding one we both like."

"Oh, well there's still plenty of time for that." Ghira said. Kali gasped as she thought about more baby preparations.

"Have you two bought any winter clothes for the baby yet?" Kali asked. "You know what. As soon as we get back to Menagerie, I'm taking up knitting and I'll make them for you." She continued frantically as tears started to stream down her face.

"Mom." Blake said, trying to calm her mother.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so excited." Kali said as she closed her teary eyes while she hugged her daughter. "My baby girl is going to have a baby girl of her own." She said. Blake hugged her back.

"My baby girl." Blake thought to herself. Kali had called her that a lot. Those words made her think back to her own childhood. She knew Kali would be a fantastic grandmother. So many warm and loving memories, like the two of them fishing off the cliffs of Azure Island off the coast of Menagerie. Blake pondered over the possibility of one day taking her own daughter there too. Three generations of Belladonna's, fishing for giant tuna. Of course, Blake's childhood wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. All the discrimination, the time in the White Fang and, Adam Taurus. "No." She thought. Her and Yang's child wouldn't have to go through that. Remnant had become a much better world thanks to the efforts of her and her friends. Her daughter's childhood would be full of love, laughter, many great role models, family and plenty of puns. Blake knew that she and Yang would make sure their child was safe, healthy, and above all else, happy.

Next - Chapter 4 - Yang's Mission Story

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