Precure All-Stars Christmas A...

By Monsterhigh38

1.2K 5 0

It's the holiday season and the Precure All-Stars are getting ready for the holiday party, while Nagisa was t... More

Title Cover versions
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

73 0 0
By Monsterhigh38

Back with the Suite and Tropical-Rouge teams, they are still fighting against the Giant Sugar Plums. "Beat Sonic!" Cure Beat said, using her attack on the Giant Sugar Plums. "Pretty Cure! Sunny Summer Strike!" Cure Summer said, using her attack on the Giant Sugar Plum. Almost all of them are done except for one in front of Cure Melody and Cure Rhythm. "Ready Rhythm?" Cure Melody asked her friend. "Yes." Cure Rhythm said. Both Cures clap their hands and then take two steps back and forth. Then, they both join hands, spin together, "Pretty Cure Passionato Harmony!" The two raise their joined hands in the air, collecting purification energy. Then a golden G-Clef appears which spins and fires an energy blast into the Negatone, hitting it directly. A G-Clef mark appears on the back of the Giant Sugar Plum. The Giant Sugar Plum fell asleep and all the Giant Sugar Plums were defeated. "I think that's the last of them?" Cure Muse said. Cure La Mer motioned the direction of their friends ran off, "Come on. Let's catch up with the others." The two teams then run off in the same direction as their friends.

Meanwhile at the end of Sugar Plum Grove, Jolly and the rest of the All-Stars made it out of the Grove and took a breath. "Huh, that was close." Saki said, relieved. "I hope Hibiki, Manatsu, and their teams are okay?" Alice asked in worry. Jolly then noticed something ahead and shaken in fear, "I'm more worried about us." "Why?" Hikari said, while holding both Pollun and Lulun in her arms. Jolly pointed in front of him and the All-Stars turned their heads and their eyes widened and saw a huge snow monster growling at them. "What is that?" Tsubomi asked, while she and Chypre hugged each other scared. "That's one of the snow monsters that Santa sent to guard close to Gingerbread Lane." Jolly said, shaken in fear. The snow monster roared at them and started to get close to them, as everyone moved back. "How do we stop it?" Rin asked. "The only way to stop it is by singing a Christmas song." Jolly explained quickly. Then Haruka then got an idea and turn to her team, "What about our song we sing back at Noble Academy?" "But we promise Manatsu and her friends that they will hear the song?" Kirara asked. The snow monster roared at them. "We have to do it." Haruka said. Minami then put her hand on Haruka's shoulder and nodded her head, "I agree, let's do this." Both Towa and Kirara looked at each other and looked back at Haruka and Minami and nodded their heads. "You girls better hurry?!" Nozomi said. Then the Go Princess team walked up to the snow monster, who growled at them, as Haruka walked up to it. "Hi, do you love Christmas songs?" Haruka asked. The snow monster tilted its head and nodded. "Well, we have a song for you." Towa explained.

Meanwhile, the Suite and Tropical-Rouge teams are running down the path to catch up to their friends. "How far are we?" Cure Coral asked. "Not far," Cure Melody said, then the teams heard the Go Princess song. "Hey, do you girls hear that?" Cure Summer got excited, "It's Haruka and her friends' song!" "Follow the song!" Cure Flamingo said, as they followed the song. Once they made it, the two teams saw the Go Princess team singing their song to the snow monster, while the rest of their friends and Jolly watched. "Girls you made it!" Ha-chan said, happy to the two teams. "Yeah, and is that a snow monster?" Cure La Mer asked, seeing the snow monster. "Yep." Jolly replied. *Song finished*

The snow monster looked at the Go Princess team, then the rest of the group. It bowed to them and gestured to Gingerbread lane. "You girls did it!" Elena said. The Go Princess blushes, as Jolly and All-Stars follow the snow monster. Honoka looked up at the sky in worry, "Nagisa, please hang on. We'll save as soon as we can." "Honoka," Saki said, as she walked up to her. "You okay?" "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I was just worried about Nagisa. I hope she's okay?" Honoka answered. Saki smiled, "Hey knowing Nagisa, she'll hold her own." "True, like you and Mai." Honoka giggled, as the two went off to catch up to the others.

(Will the All-Stars and Jolly find Santa, Mrs. Clause, and his reindeers in Gingerbread lane? Find out in the next chapter. I really wanted to put the Go Princess Christmas song in this story.  Plus in the next chapter, there will be one more character in trouble. Till then peace out.)

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