The Amazing Spider-Man: Hero...

By HHBStudios

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Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider at Oscorp Industries giving him the abilities of a spider but... More

Chapter 1: Your Typical Day At Hellschool High
Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 3: The Trip To Oscorp
Quick Update And My Thanks
Chapter 4: Big Changes
Chapter 5: The Father I Know
Chapter 6: The Hellschool Ball
Chapter 7: A Night To Remember
Chapter 8: A Dark Time With A Promising Future
Chapter 9: Becoming A Man
Chapter 10: "Unfortunate Accident"
Chapter 12: The Demon Inside Me
Chapter 13: A New Chapter In Life
Chapter 14: The Good, The Bad And The Deadly
Chapter 15: The Interview
Chapter 16: Concerns And New Arrivals
Chapter 17: Bridge Attack
Chapter 18: Suspicions
Chapter 19: Sewer Search
Chapter 20: Symbiote At Hotel!

Chapter 11: Graduation Day

320 11 0
By HHBStudios

DISCLAIMER: I took a lot of inspiration from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for this chapter since I loved that movie in theatres back in 2014. I had a choice to take inspiration from the 2002 graduation scene and the 2014 graduation scene and the more I thought about it, the more I decided to make this version of Spider-Man so identical to Andrew Garfield's portrayal of the character. Anyways enjoy the chapter

A week later after the symbiote took over Doctor Kasady's body, it is Peter's graduation day and everyone is at the Pentagram City National Park where the students, parents and teachers are sitting down on chairs in front of a mini stage. All the students were wearing blue and yellow graduation caps and gowns, everyone was excited to finally get their diplomas and work in the job of their dreams, everyone was there, well.... almost everyone...

in the Entertainment District a small bank is currently being robbed by four masked criminals, in the main room one robber is securing the civilians and making sure the employees don't trigger the silent alarm, the other robber is looking out the windows looking to see if the police have arrived yet if one of the employees triggered the silent alarm. In the vault the other two bank robbers are trying to crack open the vault door by using a machine that drills into the vault door

Robber 1: How much money ya thinks in there?

Robber 2: Bout two to three million I guess, they deliver hundred k's a week, at least that's what they told us in the briefing

Robber 1: Drill gonna take any longer?

Robber 2: Nah, few more minutes till we clean this place out

Robber 1: Ya think he's real?

Robber 2: Who?

Robber 1: Spider-Man

The robber scoffs

Robber 2: He's about as real as my clean criminal record, think about it, who in their right state of mind goes out every day in a red and blue costume fighting the likes of us?

Robber 1: I never thought about it that way...

Robber 2: Exactly, it's just a story the pigs are tryna scare us with and trust me, it ain't workin too well for em

Robber 1: Cause then why would we be doin what were doin now...

Robber 2: Exactly!

Robber 1: But there's people on the streets sayin they saw him with their own two eyes

Robber 2: Have YOU seen HIM?

Robber 1: No...

Robber 2: Then ya got ya answer

The machine starts beeping

Robber 2: Alright, drills done so grab the bags, bag the cash and take it upstairs

the first robber grabs the bags next to him on his left side, the second robber opens up the vault and sees thousands of dollar bills all stacked together in huge piles. The robbers open their bags and stuff them with handfuls of stacked dollar bills, once they had finished they zipped up the bags and ran up the stairs to where the other two robbers were holding up the citizens. They stacked all nine bags full of cash on the floor near the exit

Robber 3: That all of em?

Robber 1: Yeah, cleared the place out

The third robber looks at the fourth robber still staring at the window looking for squad cars

Robber 3: EY, WE SET TO GO!?!

Robber 4: YEAH, LOOKS LIKE IT!!!


Before the robber could finish his sentence, two lines of webs were shot to his face and stomach, the robber is then yanked up into the air and is then spun around being webbed to a cocoon where his mouth is webbed but his nose isn't so he would be able to breathe. The cocoon is then thrown onto the wall, the cocoon sticks onto the wall, the three remaining robbers look in horror as they see a man in red and blue spandex do a front flip as he latches onto the wall with just his hands and feet

Spider-Man: Hey fellas, here to make a withdrawal?

Robber 1: S-SEE!?! I-I-I TOLD YA HE'S REAL!!!


The three robbers aim their assault rifles at Spider-Man and shoot at him as all of the hostages run out of the bank, Spider-Man does a back flip dodging the bullets and shoots two webs at two of the robbers faces temporarily blinding them. Spider-Man lands on his feet in front of the robber who hasn't been webbed in the face and shoots two webs at his feet, Spider-Man then yanks the two web lines making the robber fall to the floor, Spider-Man takes advantage of the situation he has created and webs the robber to the floor. One of the robbers successfully tears the webbing off of his face and quickly grabs his handheld transceiver and radio's the getaway driver


The other robber also tears down the webbing off of his face and starts shooting at Spider-Man once again, Spider-Man does a side flip to the right and shoots one web with his left wrist at the robbers gun. Spider-Man yanks the gun out of the robbers hand and grabs it, he webs the gun to the floor making the robber unarmed. The robber looks in horror as Spider-Man shoots one web from his left wrist at the robbers stomach and then yanks the web line launching the robber to Spider-Man. Spider-Man punches the robber in the jaw breaking it as his unconscious body hits the floor, Spider-Man webs up the unconscious robber to the floor and then aims his left wrist at the last robber ready to web him until...


Spider-Man is launched back two meters from where he was originally standing and hits the ground, a removal van backs into the hole in the wall that the getaway driver had blown up by planting a sticky bomb to it. The getaway driver opens the back of the van as the robber rushes towards the bags full of cash

Getaway Driver: QUICK, BEFORE HE GETS UP!!!

The robber grabs two of the bags and rushes towards the getaway driver and hands them over, the getaway driver throws the two bags into the van and waits for the rest. They do this four more times before finally reaching the last bag

Getaway driver: Dat all of em?

Robber 1: Yeah, now let get outta here! Cops'll be here any minute!

The two get into the van and start the engine, Spider-Man slowly gets up from the rubble and watches the van leaving the bank

Spider-Man: Oh no ya don't!

Spider-Man exits out of the bank and jumps into the air and starts swinging, he chases the van through Pentagram City swinging closer and closer to the van. The Police were in pursuit of the van as one of the bystanders walking across the bank heard the explosion and called the cops, four squad cars chase the van with little success of catching up to it


The van doesn't listen and continues to evade cops at every turn, eventually they reach the city square where at this time of day it would be quite busy with people having their lunch. The van almost hits an imp woman walking across the pedestrian crossing until Spider-Man shoots a web with his left wrist at her back and yanks the web line making her fall backwards into Spider-Man's arms who is at the sidewalk of the road and releases her as the squad cars race to catch up with the van

Spider-Man: You okay there ma'am?

Imp Woman: Y-yes... Thank you...

Spider-Man: Anytime

Spider-Man jumps into the air and starts swinging towards the van getting closer to it, Spider-Man finally reaches the van and does a front flip onto the roof of the van and is about to stop the criminals unitl...

(Iphone ringtone sound effect)

Spider-Man takes his phone out of his suit and looks at who is calling him, the contact name "❤️Charlie❤️" pops up on his phone along with a button to accept the call and a button to decline the call. Spider-Man grunts

Spider-Man: Charlie, not a good time right now...

Spider-Man presses the accept button and puts the phone up to his left ear

Spider-Man: Hey Char, are you- i-is everything ok?

Charlie: Peter, where are you!? The ceremony's about to start!

Spider-Man: Oh yeah, um, I decided to go for a walk cause, ya know, I'm a bit nervous, so... I'll be there soon, okay?

Charlie: Peter... a-are those sirens I'm hearing?

Spider-Man: OH! um... w-well, that Spider Guy is currently chasing down some bad guys near me so....

Spider-Man regretted what he said since he knew Charlie would overthink and worry about him

Spider-Man (whispering to himself): Damnit Parker!

Charlie: Oh my God, Peter are you okay?! Are you hurt!?

Spider-Man: No, no, Charlie, I'm fine, they, uh, haven't come near me yet so I... uhhh... I-I'm heading back to the park now, so, uh, I'll see you in a bit!

Charlie: Okay, be careful... I love you

Spider-Man: I love you too, I'll be there soon!

Charlie hangs up the phone and Spider-Man puts it back into his suit, he then jumps in front of the van where the robber and the getaway driver scream at the sight of Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Hey guys, I'm running a little late for something so could ya do me a solid and let me wrap this up? Thanks

Spider-man webs up the windscreen so that the getaway driver can't see, the van starts driving all over the place until Spider-Man jumps into the air and shoots four long and wide web lines at the back of the van. Spider-Man lands on his feet and with all of his strength stops the van to a halt, the robber and the getaway driver get out of the van with their assault rifles and walk to the back of the van to grab the bags and run but Spider-Man webs both of their guns at the same time and yanks the two web lines, Spider-Man chucks both of the rifles to the ground and webs them up. The robber and getaway driver run away from Spider-Man, Spider-Man jumps into the air and lands in front of the robber and shoots a web from his right wrist at the robbers left hand knocking him to the side of the van and making the web stick onto it. The robber tries to free his left hand with his right but Spider-Man shoots another web from his left wrist at the robbers right hand knocking it to the side of the van and also making the web stick onto it.

Spider-Man: Be a good boy and stay right here, okay?

Spider-Man notices the getaway driver making a run for it across the road, Spider-Man jumps into the air and lands on a traffic light pole. He shoots two webs at the getaway driver's legs and yanks the two web lines yanking the getaway driver up in the air, Spider-Man places the two web lines onto the traffic light pole leaving the getaway driver to hang from his feet screaming, Spider-Man jumps down from the traffic light pole and on his feet looking at the getaway driver

Spider-Man: Okay guys, I've gotta go, don't HANG out here too long ya hear?

Spider-Man swings away heading back to the Pentagram City National Park

Getaway Driver: I hate his jokes way more than I hate him...

Back at the Pentagram City National Park, the graduation ceremony has already started and Principal White is currently giving a speech to the parents of the graduates while Charlie is texting Peter on her phone worried on his whereabouts, she continues texting on her phone until...

Principal White: And of course, where would we be without a speech from the princess herself, Miss Charlotte Magne!

Charlie looks at the principal on the stage shocked as everyone cheers at her, Charlie puts her phone away and then walks up to the stage. She then shakes principal White's hand as he hands her the diploma, Charlie smiles as she stands near the mic

Charlie: Good afternoon fellow graduates, it is an absolute honor to be here on this beautiful day today. I look around me and I see great people around me, people who will go on from Hellschool High and will achieve great things! But we didn't get these diploma's because we got good grades in school, we got these diploma's because we believed in ourselves, we believed that if we put our mind to do things then we shall accomplish those things!

As Charlie continues her speech, Spider-Man arrives at the park with his backpack on his back and his graduation cap and gown in his hands. He enters one of the public toilets to get dressed out of his suit and into his gown

Charlie: I want to give some advice to all of you before I finish, please, don't turn your back on goodness, don't swindle your way into hatred and despair but instead swindle your way into love and forgiveness, help people in need, take care of your loved ones and make Hell a better place! I love you all... and I wish every single one of you the best in life

Everyone goes wild over Charlie's speech cheering her and clapping for her, the principal takes the microphone from Charlie

Principal White: Thank you Miss Magne for such an inspirational speech that we all will remember for the rest of our lives, now if I call your name please come to me and Vice Principal David on the stage and we will both give you your diploma's

Principal White takes out a list from his pocket and reads it out loud

Principal White: Steven Yates!

Everyone claps and cheers as a demonic student comes up to the stage and grabs his diploma from the vice principal, he walks down from the stage

Principal White: Seviathan Von Eldrich!

Everyone claps and cheers as Seviathan stands up with a cast on his left arm, he goes up to the stage and grabs his diploma from the vice principal, he walks down from the stage

In the public toilet, Peter is now fully changed into his graduation attire and runs towards the graduation ceremony as he hears all the names of the students being called to get their diploma's

Principal White: Octavia Goetia!

Everyone claps and cheers as Octavia comes up to the stage and grabs her diploma from the vice principal, she walks down from the stage

Principal White: Peter Parker!

No one sees Peter

Principal White: Peter Parker?

Peter appears from behind the stage and grabs his diploma from the vice principal, he then walks over to Charlie still on the stage and kisses her on the lips. Charlie surprised at first that Peter kissed her very quickly kisses him back as everyone cheers on for Peter and Charlie, Aunt May and Lilith both look at each other and smile as they knew that Peter and Charlie were always meant to be together. Peter and Charlie separate from their kiss with Charlie blushing and staring at Peter giving Principal White a high five with a smile on her face as Peter walks down from the stage

After the graduation party Peter is wearing a white shirt that says "Go Get Em, Tiger!" on the front, black and red runners and black jeans. Aunt May who is wearing cream trousers, cream high heels, a blue overcoat and a white top rushes over to Peter to give him a hug

Aunt May: Oh Peter, I'm so happy!

Peter hugs Aunt May Back, they separate after a minute of hugging. Peter shows her his diploma

Aunt May: Oh, I've got to hang this on the wall!

Peter chuckles

Peter: It's yours now, all that is for you

Aunt May tears up while looking at the diploma

Peter: You okay, Aunt May?

Aunt May looks at Peter

Aunt May: Oh no, I'm fine... I... I just wish your parents and your uncle were here to see this...

Peter wraps his right arm around Aunt May

Peter: Yeah... me too...

Aunt May smiles at Peter, she sees Charlie, James and Lilith together looking at the two of them smiling

Aunt May: Ben and I always knew you two would eventually end up together...

Peter looks at Charlie waving at him smiling, Peter smiles and waves back

Peter: I'm glad we did end up together

Aunt May steps away from Peter with his diploma

Aunt May: Well, I'm off to talk to the Magne's over there so I'll let you two kids have fun

Peter chuckles

Peter: Okay then

Aunt May leaves as Charlie rushes to Peter, she hops onto him as Peter spins her around. Peter puts Charlie back on her feet

Charlie: I can't believe we finally graduated!

Peter: I can't believe it myself, I was so nervous going up there!

Charlie: Oh, you were nervous? They made me do a speech as I was texting you to find out where you were!

They both laugh

Peter: I'm sorry I put you through that

Charlie: Don't be, you didn't know I was supposed to make a speech

Peter: No, I mean fo-

Before Peter could finish his sentence, Charlie kisses him on the lips. They both kiss for two minutes until they finally separate from each other and smile

Charlie: I know you are, you can make it up to me tonight~

Peter blushes but smiles

Peter: Of course, your majesty~

Peter kisses Charlie's hand as Charlie's face turns read, Seviathan and Flash walk towards them. Flash hugs Peter

Flash: Hellschool graduates Parker!

Peter laughs

Peter: Better get out the parade!

Flash and Peter separate as they look at Charlie who has a huge smirk on her face

Flash: What?

Charlie: Oh nothing, just happy Peter's made a new friend

Flash blushes

Flash: Y-y-yeah! W-w-whatever man! See ya at the party tonight, Pete!

Flash walks away

Peter: See ya at the party, Flash!

Peter and Charlie look at Seviathan, Seviathan takes out his right hand inviting Peter to a hand shake, Peter accepts the shake

Seviathan: I am truly sorry for the way I treated both of you, I hope we can move on from the past

Peter smiles

Peter: What past?

Seviathan smiles as he embraces Peter to a hug, they separate after a few seconds. Seviathan then hugs Charlie for a few seconds and separates

Peter: Sorry about the arm

Seviathan: No need, I deserved it

Peter and Charlie smile at Seviathan

Peter: It's good to see the real you Seviathan...

Seviathan: It's good to see the real me too Peter and I have you to thank for that

Seviathan walks away, Peter is left confused

Peter: Why thank me?

Seviathan turns and points at the cast on his arm

Peter: Oh, have a good one Sev!

Seviathan: You too Pete!

Charlie and Peter both look at each other and smile

Charlie: I'm proud of you

Peter: For what?

Charlie: For forgiving them... that's what I love about you, you never hold a grudge over anyone, you always find a way to forgive them no matter what they've done to you

Peter smiles and pulls her closer to him

Peter: I learn from the best~

Charlie giggles

Charlie: So did I~

Peter: Your mom?

Charlie: You~

Charlie and Peter kiss once more for a few seconds but separate their lips from one another for a brief moment

Charlie: I know you missed my speech

Peter: I know, I'm so sorry Charlie

Charlie: Don't be, my mom recorded the whole thing

Peter: Really?

Charlie: Yeah, so you can watch it over, and over and over

Peter and Charlie laugh then embrace in a kiss again shortly after. A few minutes pass but they finally separate as Charlie's mother calls her

Lilith: Charlie, It's time for the family photo

Charlie: Coming!

Charlie rushes over towards her parents, the king looks at Peter and smiles

James: Peter, come join us!

Peter: Oh, I don't wanna intrude your family photo

James: How can you if you're a part of the family?

Peter was shocked over what the king said but smiled at him, Charlie was all for the idea

Charlie: Come on Peter, join us!

Peter smiled and agreed to the photo, he stood next to Charlie having his hand over her waist while Lilith stood behind Peter on the left and the king standing behind Peter on the right as they all smile for the camera

Cameraman: Alright, say cheese!

Everyone: Cheese!

The cameraman took the photo and put down his camera

Cameraman: You'll have it by Wednesday your highness

James: Splendid!

James looks over to Peter

James: Why don't you join us for dinner my boy?

Peter smiles

Peter: I can't, I gotta find my aunt, have any idea where she went? 

Lilith: I believe she went to talk with one of the teachers near the stage

Peter: Thank you, I'm sorry I can't join you for dinner but me and Charlie will be going to the party tonight-

Lilith interrupts him  

Lilith: We understand dear

Peter: Thank you, your majesty

Charlie walks towards Peter and kisses him on the cheek

Charlie: Don't keep me waiting long~

Peter smiles

Peter: I won't~

Peter walks away from the Magne's and searches for his aunt in the park, the two head home after a while

End Of Chapter 11

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