My twin brother best friend

By Fanficstory_boys

460 1 0

Love story about gavi More

Meet the cast
Part 2
Part 3

Part 1

134 0 0
By Fanficstory_boys

Childhood flashback

Me and Pedri always been close like most twins are we did everything together we would sleep in the same bed and do everything together like most twins.

Olivia 6 years old

Mom- no you guys can't have a sleepover
Olivia- why not mom I want to play with pedri
Mom-no I'm sorry sweetie but he has to train for football
Olivia- that is every week I miss him
You look sad
Mom-I'm sorry sweetie you can go with him to trainings
Olivia-yesss please
Mom- okay put on your shoes *she laugh
After you put on your shoes you left to pedri football training
Mom-he is almost done but you can see him for a little
Olivia- go pedri! You screamed
Your mom laughed
Then pedri look and he saw you and smiled

After practice
We hug each other

Pedri:we have a couple days off
So that means sleepover!
We both start to look at each other and then at our mom
Mom:okay you can have a sleepover but try to rest both of you
Pedri, Olivia:yes mom thank you
We then run to the car

Coach:the are always together it's good. He tell me everyday that he want to be in a top team and make his sister proud
We both smile
Mom:she is already so proud of him and when he get there she will support him at every game
Coach:he will be playing in a good football club just wait I will promise you
Mom:let's hope as long he is happy I will be happy

End of flashback

Pedri PoV
I have been training a lot because the World Cup is coming up. I haven't been seeing my twin sister but I'm planning on surprising her to come with me so I hope she say yes. I'm now going to her house she lives not to far from my house.

Pedri-hi sis
She give me a big hug
Pedri-told you so
I wink
Olivia- oh shut up I know you missed me too
Pedri-I did I have been training a lot I'm sorry little sis I couldn't be there a lot
Olivia-no it's okay you are going to play in the World Cup you have to train a lot it's okay
Pedri- yes I'm happy that I can do that but I couldn't do it without your support
Pedri- and I have something for you
I give her a bag
Olivia- no it's okay you don't have to give me anything
Pedri-just open it
He laugh
She look inside
Olivia- aww you didn't have to do that
Pedri-look better in the bag
Olivia look confused and then look in the bag again
She tackle me with a hug and start to cry
Pedri-aww don't cry
You wipe her tears away
Olivia- I can't believe it
Still crying
Pedri- well believe it little sis we are going tomorrow
Olivia-omg I need to pack
She started to run to her closet I laugh
And follow her
Olivia-for how long do I have to pack
Pedri: if you believe in us you pack for a long time
I laugh
Olivia-of course I do
I help her pack and we went to my house

End of pov

We are on the way to the airport
Olivia pov

Pedri- you haven't met my team yet so you will meet them at the airport
Olivia- okay I'm kinda nervous
Pedri-don't worry the are nice or else you have me
Olivia- don't worry I can help myself
We both laugh
Pedri- and your hotel room is next to mine
Olivia- I can't wait to see you in the game
Pedri- me too I'm a little scared
Olivia- it will be okay the wouldn't ask you for the World Cup if the didn't think you were good for it right?
Pedri- true
We arrived at the airport I got our luggage out of the car and we walk inside and I already saw the team waiting. I start to feel nerveus i don't know why but I'm spending a lot of times with them so I hope I will feel comfortable around them.

Pedri:hi guys
?:I didn't know you had a beautiful girlfriend
I blush a little and look away but he noticed it and smiled
Pedri:shut up Gavi she is my twin sister she is off limits
G:you never told me that you have a twin I feel betrayed
He put his hand on his heart and laugh
P:this is going to be a long month
G:I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Gavi
He put his arm out
Olivia:nice to meet you I'm Olivia
And shook his hand and he smiled
Pedri:let me introduce you to everyone
I introduce myself and then we start to walk to the plane. Gavi was really sweet boy and funny and I think I will have a fun time with him and  he is kinda cute wait stop he is your twin best friend I try to forget it and we then we got on the plane.

Y/n:pedri can you sit next to me please
Pedri:still scared of flying
He laugh
Y/n:it's not funny but please
Pedri:no sorry I have to talk to the coach
You look sad
Pedri:it's okay the boys will help you
You start to look and saw your seat and start to put your stuff away and you then heard a voice
Gavi:so I see we have to seat next to each other the whole trip
Y/n:yes we do pedri couldn't be with me I'm a little scared to fly
Gavi:don't worry I will help you
He smiled
Y/n:I appreciate that thank you Gavi
I smile
Gavi:don't worry
He put his stuff away and sit next to you
Gavi:so you are pedri twin
Gavi:he never told me he had a sister
Olivia:oh but now you know
We both smile

I then close my eyes to forget we are flying

End of PoV

Gavi PoV

Gavi:why do you have never told me that you had a sister
Pedri:I thought you know
Gavi:no I didn't
Pedri:how is she doing she is a little scared of flying
I look at her she had her head on my shoulder
Gavi:she is okay she is sleeping
Pedri:like always
We laugh
Gavi:I will wake her up when we got there
Pedri:okay thank you
Gavi:no problem
I look at Olivia I smile and I also fell asleep
End of PoV

Ferran:look at the love birds
Marco:naww look at that
He took a photo
Pedri:what are you guys doing
Ferran:shhh you are talking to loud
I saw Olivia and Gavi sleeping together with each other head on each other
Pedri:Gavi wake up!
He yell and Gavi jump up
Gavi:are you okay
Pedri:yes but why are you already all over my sister
Gavi:I just fell asleep
He look at Olivia
Marco:is she always sleeping even tho you are yelling
Pedri:yes she is a heavy sleeper
He then went to Olivia and begin to shake her
Pedri:Olivia wake up
Olivia:let me sleep
Pedri:you can sleep later we are here
Olivia:I didn't sleep for that long did I
We all laugh
Pedri:you did little sis
Olivia:we are only 2 min apart
Pedri:still my little sister
He then make her hair a mess
Olivia:I hate you
Pedri:love you too
We All laugh and got our stuff and went to the car
Olivia:are you guys training today ?
Ferran:no we have free today but tomorrow we do
Olivia:yeah so I'm not alone then
Pedri:you are never alone you can come to our training

We got to our hotel we drop our stuff and we then all went to explore the city

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