Chocolate Milk // Aizawa x re...

By Maria_TheBrave

260 12 0

"I think I found your other kids, Shouta." When Aizawa heard your voice he turned just in time to see the... More

Chocolate Milk

260 12 0
By Maria_TheBrave

Walking through the isles of the almost empty supermarket Mina cursed herself for offering her name to make this godforsaken grocery trip. At the time it seemed like a fun excuse to get out of the dorms, also she didn't feel like doing the dishes of the class' special dinner night. She'd go with the other volunteers - Kirishima, Kaminari, Uraraka, and Midoryia - to the market, do the shopping, and be back in no time. Easy enough.

That was before it started raining. They should have done this earlier, but well, no use thinking that now. Mina looked down at the list before looking back up again. Finally the last item, finally an end to this damn task. As she looked around to find the way to the cashiers something else made her freeze in her spot. Whipping her hand out she silenced her fast approaching classmates, hiding behind the aisle, focusing her gaze on the cold section right after it. Honestly, what she was seeing now made this trip far more interesting.

Standing before one of the cold aisles was Aizawa, a shopping cart before him, with a small child sitting inside. Unaware of his students' invasion of his privacy - by this point, the others had joined Mina - he tried in his calmest, and yet clearly irritated, voice to explain to said child why he wasn't buying the chocolate milk. Even more interesting than that was how the deeply offended child kept asking 'Why not, dad?'. Oh god, they had just walked into a gold mine.

"I think I found your other kids, Shouta."

When Aizawa heard your voice he turned just in time to see the five teenagers shiver in synchrony. The group had been so engrossed in spying on their own teacher that they didn't even hear you approaching. As the five heads turned up to look at you, you looked down, grinning wide towards them before turning your attention back to the now clearly pissed off Aizawa. And to think he'd thought he got lucky because the market was empty due to the rain, now his grocery shopping took a turn for the worse.

"Mr. Aizawa," Mina broke from the others and made a beeline to her teacher, "why didn't you tell us you have a kid?!"

There went his peace. Taking a deep breath Aizawa took the chance to take the chocolate milk from Oboro's hands, he'd at least take the small victory of his students serving as a distraction for the insistent boy. After replacing the box in the aisle he rubbed his eyes and grunted in exhaustion, letting his shoulders slump in defeat.

"I kind of like my private life private."

In all honesty, he'd have thought Mina's beaming face was somewhat endearing, had it not been at the cost of his peace and privacy. Before him, the girl smiled widely to his son, who in turn watched her intently, if a bit suspicious. From the corner of his eye, he saw you shrug from behind the other confused and bemused teenagers.

"Well..." you said, voice almost apologetic, "so long to that."

Aizawa responded with just a deeper grunt. He watched as the other students tentatively came closer to Mina. Of course, she had to be the ringmaster of this goddamn circus. Wiping her head from him to you in a fast motion she finally made the first move and started the questions.

"What is his name?"

"Oboro," you replied, kind enough to take that strain off of him, a small smile on your face as you watched his students overjoyed and curious faces.

"Can," Mina hesitated for a bit as she continued to look at you, "can I pick him up?"

Aizawa's eyes locked on yours as you both exchanged glances, sharing the knowing look that now there was really no turning back. As he sighed in exasperation you shrugged your shoulders, looking back at Mina's pleading eyes.

"If he wants to," as you calmly spoke, your eyes darted back to your son.

"Heeey little guy," Mina leaned into the cart, speaking in the softest tone she could muster, "can I pick you up?"

There was a moment of tension before Oboro slowly nodded his head, lifting his small arms towards the girl. Mina's eyes lit up as she picked the little boy up and rested him against her torso. As she did that, Uraraka, Kaminari, and Kirishima fully rounded them both. In the almost five years since the boy's birth, Aizawa had managed the luck of keeping his students from reaching into that part of his life, it seemed that now he had run out of luck.

"You..." your attention was caught by the voice of the green haired kid, the only one who'd stayed behind "You are Mrs. Aizawa... right?" The boy's tone was unsure and a bit timid, he may have been the only one to have realized they'd just invaded their teacher's privacy.

"You got the idea right but, I never did change my name," you shook your shoulders and smiled at him. "And if my guessing is correct you must be... Midoriya, Uraraka... Mina, Kirishima, and... Kaminari, I think...?"

As you went through the names you pointed at each of the kids. Looking at the others near the cart you could see Mina asking Oboro his age, to which the boy responded softly and raised four fingers before looking back to his father who nodded in confirmation. In front of you, Midoryia's wide green eyes gleamed brightly.

"Y-You know us?" his reply came in an excited voice, which made him seem all the more precious.

"Oh, someone takes an unhealthy amount of work home," you side eyed Aizawa for a split second, who clearly heard what had been said. "I was also sitting on the bleachers during the Sports Festival. I wanted to go to the Cultural Festival too but I couldn't, I was on patrol."

At that Midorya's eyes grew even wilder, however, before he could start his own stream of questions, Mina's voice broke his attention. The other three were busy trying to make Oboro laugh but she was back to looking between you and Aizawa again.

"Does he have a quirk?"

All eyes were on you as Aizawa gave a defeated sigh and went back to trying to find whatever product he was looking for in the aisle. You almost pitied him, to think his day had been going so well so far. Well, luck would run out someday. You looked back at Mina and then to Oboro before you spoke.

"Well, do you now, Boro?"

The boy quickly nodded, by this point, all five students were surrounding him and you were just glad he wasn't overwhelmed. A short chorus of cools and greats was heard before the teenagers' wide eyes were back to you. Now was your turn to sigh and close your eyes as you responded to them.

"Kindergarten teacher's favorite quirk, the big old nope button," you smiled and looked at Aizawa before continuing to talk to them. "It's erasure."

The five kids took their attention back to Oboro now, singing a chorus of praises in excited voices. Aizawa dropped in the cart the products he'd picked, a look of true pain crossing his face. You looked at him with apologetic eyes as he exhaled a heavy and tired breath. Voice coming out low and strained.

"My life is over."

"Huh..." you put on your best soft voice, there were going to be a couple of difficult days ahead. "You can always say you are going to expel them if they try anything funny."

He finally opened his eyes with a look of pure exhaustion and disbelief as he spoke, "That is counting on them having the common sense to fear being expelled. They don't."

His eyes darted back to the students, who now had completely forgotten about the two of you. He should really find a surprise test to give them when Monday came or else he'd never hear the end of it. You rubbed his back lightly for a second before picking the shopping list from your pocket and turning to the other end of the aisle.

"Well, I'll go ahead to the breakfast session, I'm gonna have an easier time there without him," you spoke as you started to leave, turning back to wave at him. "Have fun with your kids."

The sarcasm in your voice didn't escape him. Nor did your almost sadistic smile as he looked you dead in the eyes, a noise between a grunt and a growl emerging from deep in his chest. You were leaving him as bait, abandoning him to deal with this mess alone. With a tight grip on the handle of the cart, he continued to stare holes into your back until Uraraka's voice brought him back to earth.

"Mr. Aizawa," she spoke softly, pulling her best pleading eyes as she caressed Oboro's hair, "can we stay with him for a while?"


Before he could even fully form a thought, Mina interjected. "Just while you are shopping."

Rubbing his tired eyes for what seemed like the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes he tried to reason his way out of this. "Don't you have your own shoppin-"

"We got everything," this time it was Midoryia's cheerful tone stopping him mid sentence. They weren't even giving him a chance to talk.

Aizawa made to respond again but Kaminari was faster than him. "We'll just trail behind you."

"We promise we are responsible," it was Kirishima's time to pull the pleading eyes now. For a second there Aizawa considered using the Kamino card on them, reminding them that the stunt they pulled didn't leave the best record in regards to being responsible, but that would have been too cruel.

If they put half the determination they were using now to study, they'd all be model students. However - as Kaminari's grades proved - they were far more interested in causing chaos - and right now in disrupting his private life - than they were in their academic life. All eyes were on him as they finally gave him a moment to gather his thoughts and fully respond. He closed his eyes and thought of the simplest way to explain to them why this was a bad idea. Taking a deep breath he started to speak again.

"Pleaaaaaase," tough luck, Kaminari kickstarted the chorus of 'please'.

Now with five teenagers in a chorus of pleas he was definitely about to lose his mind. Clearing his throat he finally managed to get all the kids to shut up. All but one of them, of course, as the teens fell into silence one tiny voice made itself heard.

"Please, dad," Oboro's big pleading eyes stared deep into his father's own as he tightened his arms around Mina's neck.

There was a moment of pause as the father-son staredown happened. Hell, he'd blame the boy's stubbornness on you later but right now he was too tired for this shit. And you were right, at this moment at least he'd forgotten his desire to grab colorful things off of the shelves. With a defeated sight Aizawa rubbed his hands over his face before turning to address the possibly most responsible out of the group: Uraraka.

"Don't offer him anything, don't give him anything he asks for, don't let him grab anything."

His tone was equal parts warning and threat, as he finished his words he looked around the students who after a pause nodded vigorously. With that warning out he turned to the sixth problem child now, his son. Bending down to be eye level with the boy, Aizawa turned his stern gaze to him and lifted a finger.

"And you better behave, Oboro."

The small boy gave his dad a fierce nod before thanking him as the teenagers around now erupted in a chorus of 'yay'. For their own good, he'd better not regret this decision. Not any more than he already did, that is. Straightening his back he unfolded his shopping list again, putting one hand back on the cart before giving a last warning.

"You'll stay behind me at all times. I'll know if any of you mess up. Don't make a commotion."

Once again they all nodded and Aizawa turned back to his shopping cart, checking the list another time before beginning to move again. Now being tagged by a gang of teenagers carrying a four year old. He could hear them excitedly talking to his son, and he could also hear the joy in the boy's voice. Oh, he'd never hear the end of this mess. It would have been a sweet moment, but he knew his students and he knew his son, he was sure this was just the beginning of bigger headaches. Well, for now, he took the small victories: at least the boy let go of the damn chocolate milk.

Away from his sight and far from his attention you stood partially hidden behind an aisle behind them. Pulling your phone up you took a picture of this surprising turn of events, looking it over you quickly typed in a message and hit send. In an apartment somewhere else in the city Nemuri pulled her phone up to check the message she got.

'You won't believe what just happened!!!'

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