Forbidden Desire

By shree_storyteller

212K 9.8K 594

Betrayal indeed hurts the most. But can anyone ever justify it? How cruel it sounds to even take side of som... More

Author's Note
CH 1 || Craving To be Found
CH 2 || Holding Tight For The New Venture
CH 3 || Last Thread Of Hope
CH 4 || The Night Of Supreme Anguish
CH 5 || Premium Quarry
CH 6 || The Interview
CH 7 || Sealed Promise
CH 8 || His Burning Desire
CH 9 || Modern Alice In Wonderland
CH 10 || The God And The Forbidden Woman
CH 11 || The Man From The Sinful Night
CH 12 || The Face Off
CH 13 || Insidious Menace
CH 14 || Skedaddling The Vicious Devil
CH 15 || Game Of Vengeance
CH 16 || Inception Of The Party Night
CH 17 || Need Of A Monumental Step
CH 18 || Trapped For Eternity
CH 19 || Colossal Ruination On The Way
CH 20 || From Threat To Ultimate Peace
CH 21 || Calamitous Battle Vs Forbidden Emotions
CH 22 || The Betrayal
CH 23 || A Monster
CH 24 || The Curses
CH 25 || The Vow Of The New Beginning
CH 26 || The Anchor
CH 27 || The Traitor
CH 28 || The Venator
CH 29 || The Mighty Deal
CH 30 || In The Arms Of Her Love
CH 31 || The Egregious Crime
CH 32 || The Beast On Loose
CH 34 || Fighting The Fate
CH 35 || The Tempest And The Quietness
CH 36 || The Feeling Of Spurnness
CH 37 || Surprise Or A Whammy
CH 38 || The Unlooked For Encounter
CH 39 || Forbidden Desires

CH 33 || Two Can Play The Game

2.8K 183 4
By shree_storyteller



There was chaos after the bone-chilling silence. Everyone who knew Aditi irrespective of whether they were close to her was trying to reach her. Arvik was sparing no effort to dodge unnecessary calls he had been receiving. He was even trying to reach Aahir whose locality was still a conundrum. Arvik and Reyansh had full confidence in their friend that he could never do something like that. Indeed, even Dhriti also was certain yet not Adya.

Arvik was going to call Kevin to look for his assistance to discover Aahir as things were leaving his hand, in addition, time was slipping like sand yet he couldn't. Before he could even take a step he received Ashwin's call.

"Arvik, I need you to find Aditi's location." Ashwin's voice was stern, blended with worry. Since Aahir wasn't there and the manner in which the news oozed, Arvik figured it was smarter to tell Ashwin where Aditi was.

"I know where she is."

"You know?" He didn't in any event, for once, determine that Arvik would know.

"She is at Aahir's place."

That was anew a shocking piece of info for Ashwin. Arvik knew there would be a lot of explanation following but for that moment he found the revelation a better option. Reyansh left for Kohli's house as he needed to ensure a couple of individuals who weren't the offenders were fine. In absence of Aahir, the two young men didn't want any other trouble for anyone.

After Ashwin hung up the call he received one from his wife. He got what that was for. He had ensured Aruna didn't see the news however his plan didn't function well.

"Ashwin...the news. I...I don't have a clue what to do." Aruna cried the second Ashwin picked up. Aruna was broken. A similar inquiry was waiting for everyone, that how was it possible that the gut-wrenching history rehash the same thing. Nobody had at any point felt that one day they would see Vidyut in where his dad Vishal was once.

Aruna couldn't talk more. She just cried. Aarav had attempted to not tell her mom but somebody informed her. He took the phone from her.

"Hi, dad." Ashwin swallowed the lump formed in his throat and instructed his son, "Aarav listen, take your mother to your brother's place. I will be there soon." He didn't clarify anything nor did Aarav addressed anything. After the call ended Ashwin went back to Varun Kohli's room where he was being inspected by the doctor. Varun could not take the news well and had a fit of anxiety.

The doctor saw Ashwin was lost when he entered after the call. He was a family doctor who knew a ton of things about the Aryas and Kohlis. Even he was shocked when he saw the news the first thing in the morning.

He cleared his throat to acquire Ashwin's attention and said, "He needs to take additional consideration of his well-being. For now, I have increased the dosages of his drugs."

"I will ensure that," Ashwin said. Nisha wasn't there. Prior to all that happened, she had left the manor, deceiving everyone that she needed to go to a conference in London. Getting everyone in the trap of her falsehoods she had escaped, to help her child in his wrongdoings.

At the point when Ashwin accompanied the doctor to the exit, the doctor turned to him and said, "I saw the news." Ashwin just nodded.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened." The doctor patted Ashwin's shoulder before he left. Naisha had seen everything. She was still a lot certain that her brother would never carry out any wrongdoing. For her, the news was only a rumour incited to taint her brother's image.

She was flabbergasted to how everybody had as of now trusted it, even her granddad. Besides, her mom was unreachable on call.

"This isn't true. I know my brother. He can never do it. Somebody is planning against him, I know. I'm certain it's Aahir. He even came here two days back." She shouted at Ashwin when the doctor left. She was dejected. Ashwin didn't answer her. What could he have said then, at that point? All he needed was to take the family from the house before they got drawn closer by media faculty.

"Naisha, pack your and your grandfather's stuff. We are leaving now."


"To Aahir's place."

"He kidnapped my dad. He is a criminal." Ashwin was told what Aahir did to Vishal the second he showed up at Kohli's house. That was the point at which he perceived Aahir lied about his business trip. There was no reason for explaining as it wasn't significant for him then, at that point.

"We need to leave."

"Nobody is worried about my dad and brother. Fine, I will go find them myself." She said and ran out of the house. When she arrived at the entryway she found the crowd of columnists attempting to contact her. Notwithstanding the gatekeepers, she would have been squashed somewhere near them. She was numb, frightened, and had never confronted any such circumstance.

All of a sudden somebody grabbed her hand and pulled her away, to the other part of the garden.

"Leave me." Without taking a look at who the individual was, she was attempting to liberate herself. She was pushed against the wall by her capturer, Reyansh.

"Listen to me carefully, we are leaving this place, right now." She had no idea how he entered but it wasn't crucial for her.

"Release me. My brother didn't do anything." Reyansh would have lost control however he didn't. He gritted his teeth and said that was more significant and would have persuaded her, "Aditi needs you."


There was no trace of reporters or journalists outside Aahir's house. Arvik raised the news that Aditi had resigned after the disarray of her extra-marital issue and none of the staff knew about her whereabouts.

Dhriti and Adya were devastated. They were dumbfounded and couldn't ponder what they ought to do. Lisa was in her room as she needed to be distant from everyone else for some time.

Aditi, like every other day, had taken her medicines and food on time. Nobody had gone to check up on her apart from the medical staff appointed for her. It's not like she wanted anyone with the exception of the person who wasn't wanting to return at any point in the near future.

Unexpectedly a vehicle pulled up before the house. A man who always looked beguiling, captivating, ventured out. He was unrecognizable. It was absolutely impossible that anybody would have identified him at the first impression itself.

Blood blended in with soil was all around his garments. His hair was tousled and had eye packs too as though hadn't got any sleep for quite a while. His appearance was unkempt.

He didn't have the spunk to confront Aditi, not until he made everybody pay for their sins but rather the news had pressured him to return to her. He went into the house, startling everybody.

"Aahir." Arvik was very much surprised after looking at his friend. He appeared to be more than broken, excessively fragile.

Adya, who had allegations prepared, couldn't let out the slightest peep. Dhriti was certain before that Aahir could never stoop low to hurt Aditi, however, after taking a look at him her conviction reinforced that Aahir would never hurt her friend. Since that is not what one looks like after hurting somebody.

Aahir chose to ignore everybody and kept moving towards his destination which was the wooden lodge at the rear of his home. Forthwith, he arrived at the spot and discovered the lock open. That room used to always be shut and just Aahir had the key. At the point when he discovered the door open he wasn't amazed.

The call to the reporters was gone from the telephone that was at Aahir's place. He didn't have to track the number as he recognized. He even got to the CCTV footage as well only to be dismayed at the revelation. The call was gone from the same wooden lodge.

He walked inside the room with dread and guilt springing. The room was lit. It had all the proof of her mom like her photos, her clothes, everything. That all used to be locked yet not any longer. They were in the open, out of the cases and cabinets.

Aahir saw the one standing before the enormous photo frame of Aahir's childhood picture with his mom. The culprit didn't move as she was careful Aahir was there.

Aahir was desperate to turn tail, unlike every other time. He was broken but he knew if he left horrible things would continue to go on thus he continued to stroll to her.

Blankless, she was looking at the picture as though she was in some sort of daze. Her trance broke when she saw Aahir's reflection in the casing. Without wasting a second she faced him.

She was watching him after a couple of days which were like hell for both. It appeared they remained before one another after an eternity of torment. The air of melancholy had already enveloped them.

Her head was bandaged as was her left leg and arm. She gazed directly at him yet he was unable to continue to take a look at her. His head hung low in shame. He was ashamed, penitent and his heart was constricted after taking a look at the consequence of his failure.


That question should have come from him since she was the person who had spread the news. Aditi Kohli was accountable for releasing the truth of her getting raped.

Aahir couldn't grasp her question and bent down on his knees. He was debilitated to face her. He could kill the one who would hurt her but facing her was impossible and out of the question. Tears started to flood out of his eyes. Aahir Arya was crying after years. The last time he broke down was when his mother died.

Aditi who had closed the gates of her emotions wasn't prepared for that outburst of the one she was madly in love with. She didn't need words as vocables of confession weren't indispensable anymore. She knew what Aahir felt and the way he broke down like a baby was an attestation. She shook in shock when realized he was carrying unfathomable love for her in his heart.

The gates of her sentiments commence opening, one after the other. She was losing it all, because of him. She slumped down in front of him as the last straw of courage vanished when Aahir broke down. He was affecting her and her heart was bleeding because of his state.

"Stop it." She mumbled. She was unable to take his tears. She was hurting.

"Stop it." The intensity of her voice extended.

"Aahir, stop it." Then landed a slap on Aahir's face. The power of guilt was too intensified that he carried on letting his emotions take over him. That was the weakest point of Aahir in his entire life. He was burning in pain, an unbearable one.

More than one hit landed on him but Aahir had lost himself. Cupping his cheeks, Aditi conjoined their foreheads.

"Aahir, ple...please..." She pleaded for him to stop.

Whole manor accumulated outside of the lodge. No one dared to move towards the inconsolable souls. They all remained at their places, numb.

Aditi still didn't give up. She grabbed his collars in her fists and asked him to look at her.

He didn't.

"Why are you crying?"

"Why are you crying?"




The house blared with her screams and then she had to give up. She had to let it all out with him.

Aahir and Aditi lost their way in the vehement emotions they had been carrying.

They stayed there before one another with their foreheads conjoined, holding each other's hands, and continued to cry. Their state was even difficult to witness and everyone had to dissipate with tears in their eyes. They were left alone along with their pain.


"Mom, the news." Vidyut was alarmed. He turned on the TV when he got a message about the news story from one of his men.

"Stop it, Vidyut. For the wellbeing of God quit being a weakling little dog." Nisha turned off the TV. She already knew about what was happening.

"This can't happen. My years of planning can't just go in vain like this." She seethed and was plotting one more web for her vengeance.

"This shouldn't have happened. I hurt her. I committed a grave sin." Vidyut was frightened like a ten-year-old child.

"I will take my revenge." Nisha vowed to herself before she squeezed her son's shoulders to quiet him and said, "Now you will do what I will advise you. You get that?"

Vidyut was in outrageous shock and there was no reaction from him.

"Do you get that?" The second time she was boisterous.

"Ye...yes... "


Nisha called Alex, Louis' friend, and ordered, "Hi, Alex, send those photos to the media and ensure you don't get caught. Let my son be the victim and Aditi, the culprit." She was referencing the photos of Aditi and Aahir.

Alex when agreed Nisha transferred a huge sum of money into his account.

"Two can play the game, Aahir. Now you will come to me, begging me and I will make you suffer." Nisha had that shrewd grin all over. She wasn't satisfied with what was happening. She was too lost in her vengeance game that she stopped to even notice that along with everyone she was hurting who cared for her. She had crossed the thin line of morality long back and there was no way one can bring back her humanity. She was indeed flesh but evil was residing in her body.

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