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𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐗 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞. Higit pa

eye surgery update!
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
new hair color got me feeling like I can rob herbert.


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a verse for y'all today 💓

please vote & comment ! ♥︎
how are y'all today mls? 🫶🏽💕


How do you know if your partner is cheating?

You don't, right? Not unless you're with them twenty-four hours a day and you're on their ass like white on rice. I didn't want to think that Kashmir was cheating on me because he never gave me a real reason to believe that, but lately he had been coming home late. Running straight to the shower and locking himself in the bathroom. But when he came out, the nigga acted like nothing ever happened. Like he ain't just barge into our apartment like a damn maniac, fidgeting and acting frantic. I don't know if I'm tripping or what.

"Wass good bae?" He question as he strolled back into the living room where I sat, on the couch, folding up our clothes. I shrugged.


I'm not gone lie, I wasn't in the mood to talk to this nigga at the moment. I've been feeling like this for a while and I was just waiting on the right moment to tell him how I felt.

He groaned and threw his head back, "What chu' got a attitude for now, huh?"

I sat in silence for a few seconds, letting the question marinate. You've been coming home at two and three o'clock in the morning every day, walking around like you the shit and you wanna ask why I have an attitude. I honestly didn't know what to think, he didn't smell like perfume or have lipstick on him or anything. He was never nervous when he got back home, just fidgety like he had to get something done, he always looked me in my eyes when I asked him about what he was doing.

He always said 'working' with no hesitation and I accepted it with no hesitation. Why? I don't know.

I just ain't wanna say anything and end up looking crazy, but at the same time what if he is cheating and he thinks that I'm just letting it happen? I'd look even dumber. Damn, so I'll look stupid either way! Fuck it, ima just ask.

"Is you cheatin'?"

Kashmir raised an eyebrow, "on who?"

I took the time to briefly analyze his facial expression because he had me fucked up. I was waiting on him to laugh, chuckle a little or something. But he didn't. I scooted a little ways away from him.

"Hea' you go, bro."

"Fuck you mean, on who? Who the fuck you wit' besides me?"

Kashmir shrugged, "God."

Out of all the times and moments he could have told a joke, he chose now. When I was feeling how I was feeling. He's sitting here haha hehe-ing when in reality, wasn't shit funny. We'll see if he's laughing when he's living in this small ass apartment all by himself.

"You laughin' and shit, you must wanna meet the nigga earlier than expected." He continues laughing while I stare at him, obviously annoyed. It really wasn't that funny, Hell, it wasn't funny at all. I don't get people who tell a joke to make someone else laugh but ends up laughing harder than the other person, if they even laugh at all. Like did you have this planned? Did you go through the motions of this conversation beforehand in your mind?

"Ain't shit funny, bra. Answer my question."

He stops laughing abruptly and sucks his teeth, but before he could answer, my mother walks in with a wine glass in her right hand and a cigar in the other.

"My son asked you a question, if you can joke then you can answer his question. So answer it." Kashmir turned around and mugs her mid sentence and she shrugs, they always went back and forth. My momma stuck up for me while Kashmir actively defended himself even when he knew he was wrong.

"Aye nah, crawl back into whateva' hole you just came out of."

My mother smiled, "I just came out of your bathroom, picking out every unused piece of soap, body wash, colognes and deodorants for my man. Would you still like me to go back to your hole which I conveniently just so happened to be coming out of?" She question, raising the wine glass to her lips and taking a quick sip. Still maintaining the tight lipped smile.

Kashmir frowned and leaned up from his spot on the couch, "On bro go put my shit back." He exclaimed, staring over at her.

"Hmmm, I'm thinking that you can go purchase some more at whatever store you bought the previous ones from."

Kashmir sucked his teeth, turning towards me. "Bro, why every time me and ya' motha' get into it, you jus' sit hea' looking dumb? Take up fa' me, nigga defend me against this bitch." I sigh and run my hands down my face as my mother speaks up for herself.

"Hasaan doesn't have to do shit for you. You're sitting in his house, on his couch and you just came home from doing God knows what at three o'clock in the damn morning and you're sitting here doing everything but answering his question. Answer the goddamned question before I throw you outta here myself with exactly what you entered this relationship with. Nothing." Nothing. Although it was true that he entered our relationship with nothing, so did I. I was sixteen when I started seeing him and eighteen when we starting dating. We were both still living with our parents, well, I was. He told me that he merely visited his parents at that time, til this day I have no clue as to where he was actually staying before we moved in together.

Kashmir shakes his head and says, "I ain't obligated to answer shit. This ain't court and you not ma' motha'. If Hasaan really wanted to know, he would keep asking. The nigga asked once and left it alone so if he can do that, why can't you? And you talkin about throw me out with what I came with, nothing. Lady, you betta' get off my dick. Me and ya' son came into this relationship with nothin but the clothes on our backs, so you sayin that means what? Nothing, exactly. You look dumb, sound dumb, like what's next?"

I start to look back and forth between them, looking at my mother in particular to see what she was going to say or do. They both had slick mouths, now it was just the battle of the slickest.

"And you know what, I'm glad that I'm not your mother. Because if I was, baby, you would have been gone. Gone with the wind, Bullseye! Or whatever the hell Woody from toy story said." Kash's smirk quickly dropped into a frown and I sniffed, biting the inside of my lip to contain my laughter.

"You would have been in the dirt, maybe even somewhere charred and scattered in the ocean. I wouldn't want you as a child and I'm struggling to understand how your mother kept you as hers," She takes another sip of her drink, not even giving a second thought to the offended look that was now on Kashmir's face. Now it was her turn to smirk. She couldn't care less.

"Okay? I don't give a fuck, I wouldn't want you as a motha'. Talkin all this shit but you living wit' ya son and his nigga." Kash says as he stands up from his spot on the couch, tugging on his chain lightly. He held eye contact with my mother as he made his way in the kitchen, stopping directly in front of the island and across from my mother.

"And you're living in an apartment that you had and currently have no parts in paying the rent for. Working until three o'clock in the morning but coming back with baggy pockets is unacceptable baby, you might want to get that checked out. Being broke is a disease."

"Bro, tell ya motha to pack up and get the fuck outta here before I boom her." Kash turned towards me and pointed behind himself at my mother, shaking his head. I knew they were going to take this shit too far, but all I could do is watch and listen. It didn't matter what I said to either one of them because at the end of the day, they were both grown and both were going to do what they wanted and say what they wanted.

Yet they still came to me when they felt it was time for me to defend one of them.

"Hasaan, are you just going to let him speak to me like that? I know you better slap this boy. Excuse my language, but you better slap the español out this niggas mouth for the way he just spoke to me. If you don't, I will!" Kash quickly turned back around to face her while I just continued to stand there, unaware of what to say to either one of them. I know I might sound like a bad son, but my mother did walk in here and butt into our conversation. In the same breath, Kash had no reason to speak to her the way he did.

"How bout both of y'all apologize so we can jus' move on? Ma, thank you for taking up fa me but I'm grown and so is Kash. You gotta let us talk shit out on our own," My mother rolled her eyes but her face softened afterwards. She couldn't always fight my battles for me and I told her that. But I shouldn't even have to, she should know that.

"And Kash, all you had ta do was answer my question but you keep talkin around it so I guess I got my answer. And nigga, stop talkin to my momma like that before I lose my patience and really deck your ass. I already be lettin you slide wit half the shit you say and do, you get away wit a lot of shit for real. This argument bein one of the many things and the possibility of you cheating is on the table now too." I sighed deeply letting my eyes fall to my feet. I felt both of them staring at me but I couldn't bring myself to hold eye contact with either of them after what I just said.

Kash chuckled humorlessly, "So that's how you been feelin?"

I kept my comments to myself, allowing Kash to openly talk to himself. I knew I should have kept my thoughts to myself but it just slipped out, I hated when people argued around me so I often just kept quiet but I did step in when I felt that it was absolutely necessary.

"Obviously dummy. Why don't you just take your stuff and go?" My mother asked shifting all of her weight onto her left leg. I looked up to see Kash staring at me, waiting on me to say something but I didn't. I couldn't. Kash shrugged.

"Shit, I ain't gon' stay nowhere I ain't wanted." He shrugged again and walked over to our front door with the encouragement of my mother. She stood behind the island letting him know that she was more than delighted that he was leaving, but he barely paid her any mind, walking out and slamming the door behind himself. My mother clapped.

"You wanna help me put his stuff out on the stairs?"


I don't give a fuck anymore. Fuck Hasaan and fuck his motha.

If Hasaan wants me to cheat then I can go and do that. Not about to let nobody keep accusing me of something I wasn't doing but since I'm bein accused, I might as well do it, right? So what if I was out all hours of the night, nigga I'm grown. I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I wanna do, whenever I wanna do it. Meaning I could come in and out of our house whenever I pleased, shit, it seemed like now I could cheat if I actually really wanted to.

I don't know if I could actually do that to Hasaan though. He trusts me, well, he did. He obviously doesn't now.

Part of me felt bad for just walking out like that, but I wasn't about let Hasaan and his motha gang up on me like that. Especially since Hasaan always took her side over mine even though she was a nosy, narcissistic, manipulative bitch of a person. But of course Hasaan was too blind to see it, always wanting her to be right and shit.

Even though I somewhat felt bad, I didn't feel the need to apologize to anyone, definitely not Fatima. What exactly would I be apologizing for anyway? Fatima started with me so I finished it by walking away from the situation. The bitch was talking to herself as soon as I started making my way to the front door.  Cause I stopped listening. And not gon' lie, I wanted Hasaan to chase after me and tell me not to go but I knew he wouldn't do that with her there. He was always under her control, a grown ass nigga still following his motha's orders. Makes me question how we ended up together in the first place.

I had all the freedom I wanted as a kid, running away from home at thirteen and bouncing around from house to house until I met Hasaan when I was seventeen.

I was sitting on somebody's stoop, back then I did odd jobs and shit so I was sitting there counting the little money I made and he just so happened to walk by. I guess he felt bad for me and he. gave me a hundred dollars, which was embarrassing to a certain extent but I knew I needed the money and I would have been dumb as fuck to not take some money just because I felt embarrassed about my situation. So I took the money and it was unfortunately fortunate for me that this nigga decided to strike up a conversation.

It was unfortunate because this nigga talked too much and I almost walked off mid conversation, but then he asked me what made me run away in the first place. Up until then, people had blamed me for my financial situation but he actually sat and listened to me tell my story, something that people rarely did.

I always had to fight for someone to listen to me and there he was, more invested in my story than I was. I didn't tell him too much because for one I didn't know him, but each time I tried to throw a hint at me wanting to end the conversation, he asked another question and I felt that it would have been rude to tell him to mind his own fuckin business. So I told him that I wasn't comfortable going into detail like that and he just stared at me like what I said was offensive to him before attempting to strike up another conversation.

"Aye bro, I gotta go back to work in a lil bit. So ima catch you lata'."

He smiled a bit, "Ight," he said situating his backpack on his left shoulder. He tilted his head, "You come here everyday?" I stood up and tucked the money I had added onto what he had face me into my back pocket and shrugged.

"I guess."

He nodded, "I come this way all the time and I don't neva see you." I felt like this nigga was trying to work his way into a conversation again after I told him that I had to go, I walked down the steps a bit, sighing.

"Well now you do." He opened his mouth to say something which resulted in me shaking my head and walking off. I felt his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head, the farther I walked away, the more I felt his stare.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" He yelled, I ignored him and continued on my way. My first impression of him was that he was a sweet person but he talked too much and didn't know how to take hint. Shit was mad aggravating. The fact that he kept trying to talk to me is what got me, I was literally offering this nigga the bare minimum information about me and yet he still found a way to extend the conversation.

Now look at me, wishing that he talked more. Shit, he talked more when we first met and when we got together than he does now. And now I gotta force him to say more than two words to me, otherwise he's bein dry. Don't nobody wanna be in a relationship with somebody they have to pressure into talking to them,  so I guess I understand why he would think that I was cheating. But once again, I wasn't.

If I wanted to then I would, do you know how many times the opportunity presented itself and how many times I didn't take it or shot it down? What Hasaan didn't understand was that if I wanted someone else then I could have them. Easily.

I hear my phone ding and pull it out of my pocket, shielding the screen from the sun as I look down at it. Speaking of the devil. I bit the inside of my lip as I read his texts.

ma heart ❤️
Kashmir, come back..ts wasn't even that deep for you to leave. You and my momma get into it everyday and ts aggravating, so you can't just get mad and walk out cause I told y'all about y'all selves. You act like I went off on you or some shit. I said somethin to both of y'all. Not just you. And you need to apologize to my momma. Fr fr, Mir.
*Read at 3:24pm*

I scrunched my face up and stopped walking, glancing up briefly at nobody in particular to see if they was seeing what I was seeing. Apologize to his motha? For what? She started with me. See, this is exactly what I was talking about. He lets his mom run over him and tell him what to do. Ain't no way that he actually thinks that I should apologize when I said absolutely nothing wrong.

If anything, she should have been apologizing to me. One for butting in our conversation and two for insulting me and talking about shit that had nothing to do with our conversation. Bitch said she wouldn't want to be my mom like I was supposed to give a fuck. I didn't even support her being Hassan's motha, I'll be damned if she took on the role of mine.

ml 💓
ian apologizing to nobody and I told you that. Fuck i'm apologizing to her for when she started with me? Why you always on her side bro, like you scared to agree wit me or some shit? Like you scared to really tell her about herself.  Gone on fr.
*Read at 3:25pm*

He read my shit almost instantly, as he should. I'm not playing with him or her, if he asks me to apologize again then he's getting blocked. Simple as that. Ima go home and shit, but I don't know if I want to talk to him. I'm not trying to hear shit about no apology because I made it crystal clear that I'm not going for it.

My phone dings again and I got to look at it and when I do, I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from cursing out loud at what I just read.

ma heart ❤️
She's my momma nigga, treat her with respect. And I'm not scared of shit, you do more wrong than she does. So what am I disagreeing wit her about? Bffr Mir. You just stomped outta the apartment like a lil ass kid but you always sayin how somebody is grown. Ima tell you like this, you can either apologize, which BOTH of y'all need to do. Or you can come back home and get ya stuff off the steps. Which one is it gon be?
*Read at 3:27pm*

I let out a shaky breath of anger, staring at the message. Now he talking about kicking niggas out, it really wasn't even all that deep. How he gon try to kick me out over an apology? What started out as a conversation about whether I was cheating or not turned into an argument about me not apologizing to his mom. Which I'm still not, so she bet not prepare herself to hear one. Whatever. If he was this bent over an apology that's not even 'owed' to him, it's 'owed' to his mom then I didn't know what to say.

But the shit made me think, ain't nobody gon get this mad over no apology. Made me question what Hasaan had going on, cause why you so adamant on me apologizing to her? Any other time me and her argue, he doesn't say anything. Now all of a sudden it's just bugging him that I won't.

What if whole time he's the one cheating and is trying to start an argument over little shit to cover his ass? At this point, it was whatever. I didn't need Hasaan, his mother, nobody and none of the shit they had. I had my own shit going the whole time, cause I knew some shit like this would happen. If Hasaan thought that I had a problem with leaving, he was sadly mistaken. It was just the fact that it was over an argument. I shrugged and decided to text him back.

ml 💓
Sit my shit on the steps, I'm omw.
*Read at 3:30pm*

ma heart ❤️ is typing...

ma heart ❤️
So you deadass gon leave? afta everything we been through, you fina leave ova an argument? I guess bro, whatever. All you had to do was apologize.
*Read at 3:30pm*

My phone dinged and I let his message sit there for a few minutes, letting it marinate in my phone before replying. I was basically back at the apartment now. Not even thirty seconds away.

ml 💓
The fuck my stuff at?
*Read at 3:36pm*

You not leaving my nigga, jus come in and stop doin the most. We can talk about it. I'm sorry.
*Read at 3:37pm*

ml 💓
Lol, toss my shit onto the steps.
*Read at 3:37pm*

Nigga why? You doin the most, why is you tryna leave and shit? I was jp when I said you had to come get your stuff. I'm sorry, can you please just come in?
*Read at 3:38pm*

ml 💓
Afta this I'm not responding to you. Throw my shit to the curb or somethin. Fuck that sorry.
*Read at 3:39pm*

(917)-884-6287 is typing...

Aigh bet. You can come in and get ya shit. Not bringing shit outside.
*Read at 3:39*

This shit was mad funny to me, how the nigga gon tell me to get my shit and when the time came for me to get it, he doesn't wanna bring it out? Talking about he's sorry and shit, that apology meant dirt to me. He only apologized cause he knew I wasn't playing, but fuck it. I don't have to get my stuff, I have clothes elsewhere. And I hope he figures that out.

I stop in my tracks and do a U-turn, blocking his number in the process. I honestly couldn't care less, this back and forth shit with him wasn't for me. Bad thing about it is, this is the most we've talked in a long time and it turns out to be an argument. I don't give a fuck about this relationship anymore to be honest, shit was wearing me out anyway. Now I'm a self-proclaimed free agent. So whatever I did from now on wasn't classified as cheating. Hasaan will get the message that I'm done with him once he realizes that he's blocked.

When he sees me with someone else, he can't say shit. Now I was gonna do whatever the fuck I wanted to do with no consequences and repercussions. It's sad to say that because I actually did love Hasaan, but shit like this blew mine and I'm not about to be dealing with this shit everyday for the next five years, ten years or however long.

It might look like I gave up on him easily but we were together for four years already, it had only just gotten serious after about two years. I ain't gon say that I was cheating on him before two years, but I wasn't taking shit seriously. I don't know if he was. But he doesn't know about all of that because there's no reason for him to know. When he told me he was serious, I got serious too.

But I guess none of that matters now, four years down the fucking drain. Oh well. On to bigger and better things in life.

Didn't have time to be sulking.


"So he's not coming inside to get his things?" I questioned as I poured myself another glass of wine. I wasn't exactly the saddest person in the world that Hasaan was putting Kashmir out, I actually might have been the happiest.

I never liked Kashmir from the start. I mean, look at how he acts and how he talks. That hood persona and thug lingo grossed me out, my son deserved someone way better than the likes of someone named Kashmir. What kind of name was that anyway? Hm, he's a bit short of intelligence. I wouldn't put it past his mother to be short of intelligence as well. He had to get it from somewhere or someone.

Hasaan shook his head no, sadly. Aww, my baby was upset that his boyfriend was leaving him. Ah well, he'll get over it. I had a bunch of nice young women lined up for him, I didn't tell him because I wanted them to be a surprise. I didn't support my sons homosexuality, but at the end of the day he was still my son and I loved him. I just had to get rid of all this gay nonsense and fix him.

It was bad enough that he was gay but the fact that he went out and chose someone like Kashmir to be gay with made me sick. I was so unwell when Hasaan introduced him to us that I had to be hospitalized. I knew there was a possibility that he could be gay but that really wasn't the reason I felt unwell. It was more of the fact that Kashmir was what I expected. My son was a good, respectable young man and for him to settle for someone that was from 'the ghetto' and was thuggish and cursed like a sailor really did a number on me.

I was in the hospital for a week after the mere sight of Kashmir. It took me a little over two months after just seeing him walk around our house and interact with Hasaan and his dad for me to finally introduce myself. I didn't want to touch him or anything because I never knew what slum he was coming from, so I gave him a smile to which he smiled back, allowing me to take notice of his gapped teeth. That was the second time he had almost put me into the hospital and I was beginning to think that Hasaan was doing this on purpose so I had a talk with him.

"Did you know that he was from the hood?" I whispered looking around frantically, I didn't need any run-ins with Kashmir while I talked to Hasaan about him. I didn't need him sicking his homies from the hood on me.

Hasaan shrugged, "Yeah, so what?"

My eyes bulged out of my head. My child just said so what to me at the thought of a hoodlum roaming our home.

"What do you mean, so what? He could be a thief, you can obviously tell that he's a thug. He probably sells drugs or something when he's not here, Lord knows he eats up everything we have," I started, "Poor child probably doesn't get enough to eat out on the streets, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he marches in here everyday like he owns the place. Not to mention the fact that he's.." I paused to look around.

"From the hood." I whispered and Hasaan shook his head.

"Stop sayin that. That's annoying. So what, the nigga wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Have you ever stopped to ask ya self if everybody is as well off as you? He doesn't have money like us, get over it. I like him as is, I don't care where he's from or where he lives or how much he eats. Like you said, he probably doesn't get enough to eat at home. That alone should be enough to give him some leeway in our house. But no, you pull me to the side and start talking about this nigga to me like he's some sort of criminal. Well, I hate to break it to you Ma, but he's not goin anywhere anytime soon. I like him and he likes me. I found someone that makes me smile and makes me happy. And I don't give a damn about how you feel about him because you have the person you'll be with for the rest of your life, you have you're husband. Now let me help and cater to mine."

Hasaan walks off leaving me shocked and silent. I couldn't believe how he just spoke to me, he had never talked back to me before and not once has he ever cursed at me. I knew it. I knew Kashmir was going to change him for the worse. But the damage was already done and unfortunately, I couldn't do much to change that.

After that conversation, Kashmir began to come around even more than he already had been. Eventually I had to start acknowledging him but even when I did, he got the bare minimum version of me. That's the only version that he ever gotten and it's the only version he ever will get.

I struggled with coming to terms with who he actually was. Hasaan, his brother and father seemed to look past his shabby appearance and street talk, treating him as if he was one of us. I seemed to be the only one who could see right through his bullshit. I knew he was selling drugs, I knew that he had some sort of gang affiliation. Hasaan didn't know that and still doesn't, it's not my place to tell him either. He wanted to be with Kashmir not knowing who he was getting with or what he was getting himself into. So that's was his fault.

It wasn't my place nor business to tell him that I had saw Kashmir out late some nights, selling what seemed to be marijuana on the corners. And I failed to tell him that Kashmir was gang affiliated, I knew that once he had gotten the letters DOA tattooed on the inside of his left arm. I wouldn't be surprised if Hasaan didn't notice, the boy already had numerous tattoos on his shoulders, chest and forearms.

"So what're you going to do with his things? Would you like me to sell them? I can make good money off of his belongings in this troubling area." I sighed deeply and shook my head, "Remind me again why it was that you two decided to move into one of the worst neighborhoods around."

Hasaan sighed as well, "I told you Ma, his mom lives near here and he wanted to be closer to her since she's been sick." Hmm, how convenient that she was sick. I was sick as well. Sick of her son, that is. Maybe it was a good thing that they lived here, Kashmir could go right back to where he came from. Too bad he couldn't put himself back into his mothers womb, we'd all jump for joy if that was even remotely possible.

"Cancer isn't it?" I questioned glancing over at Hasaan who nodded.

"I wonder how she paying for treatment, she obviously can't work because she's too weak. Unless..Kashmir is paying for it, but how could that be when he comes home with little to no money? He's paying to put you through school, paying for studio time since he thinks he going to become some big time rapper and now he has to pay for his mother to get treatment. How sad." I set my glass down, turning towards him. Taking a small hit from my cigar.

"I'm tryna help him Ma, but bein a cashier doesn't pay all that well. It would really be helpful if you gave us some money for rent, I mean, you have been staying with us since dads funeral. Ma, it's been six months." I shrugged, I didn't need to feel the need to pay them and nor was I going to. I shouldn't have to pay.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," I smile tightly, "but you seemed to forget one thing and that is, I am your mother. I shouldn't have to pay to live with you, did I make you pay to live with me? Did I make you pay for every dollar you wasted using my hot water? Did I make you pay to sleep in your bedroom that I paid for? Did I make you pay for every meal that you ate while in the comfort of my home?" Hasaan sat in silence so I took that as my cue to continue on with my little rant.

"I didn't think so. I also didn't make you pay when you invited that thug into my home, now did I?"

"Why do you always have to bring him up and talk about him like that? He hasn't done anything to you!" Hasaan shouted as he stood up from his spot on the couch. Of course what I said about Kashmir was all he heard, it was like his life revolved around him. Almost like he couldn't live without him. It disgusted me.

"You will watch your mouth when you speak to me! You don't..take up for anybody like him. He doesn't love you Hasaan, not like a woman can at least. He was probably only with you for the money before, you know he's from the hood. He could get over on anybody with that tough guy persona and that highly uneducated dialect he uses, including you. Why can't you just let me do what's best for you and set you up with someone? Ouu! What about Nylah? She a smart, respectable young woman who comes from a very wealthy family. She's Guyanese and Indian and she can teach you a lot especially about her cultures."

"I don't need you to set me up with anybody, I love Kashmir and he loves me. I'm not givin up on him over some petty argument that you started." I lifted my chin and folded my arms across my chest.

"What can he teach you? Just tell me that." I said. I knew he couldn't learn a damned thing from that fool so it would be hard for him to tell me something and I'd be amazed if he could. Hasaan had no street smarts so he couldn't say that and Kashmir was running low in the intelligence department so he definitely couldn't say that. What could Kashmir teach Hasaan about the life that he knew? Nothing because Kashmir wasn't well off like he was growing up. Kashmir didn't know the life so there was nothing he could teach Hasaan.

I waited a few more seconds before answering for him, "Exactly. Nothing. He can teach you literally nothing. He's a damned fool and so are you for defending him." I hugged as I uncrossed my arms. It didn't matter if Hasaan was happy with Kashmir, from what I've been seeing and hearing they aren't even together as of right now. He would just have to learn to be happy with Nylah. Kashmir was out of the question.

"If that boy ever steps foot back into this humble little abode again, I'm calling the police and having him jailed for trespassing and harassment. I'll tell the police that he threatened to hurt us if we didn't allow him to do as he pleased, which would be breaking into the apartment." I smiled watching tears began to weld up in Hassan's eyes. Oh, I was going to enjoy this. He wasn't so happy now, was he?

I took a step towards him, "You are not to see him again. And I don't want to hear any bullshit about you loving him because you don't! Kashmir Perez was just a phase for you, sweetheart. You will see that you love women and if not, you will come to enjoy them eventually. Until then.." I pursed my lips tightly, slowly forming them into a smile.

"I forbid you from seeing him. Grown or not. Age doesn't play a role. Sexuality certainly does." I said as my smile dropped as quickly as it appeared, I stepped to him like the boss I was.

"And if you think about sneaking off to go find him, do as you please. Just know, your apartment will become my apartment. You're life will become mine and oh what a fine life I will mold it into." I leaned up and kissed his cheek, giving him a false pout as I pulled away and wiped the single tear that rolled down his cheek.

"Ma..I love Kash." He breathed out. I shook my head.

"Aww sweetheart, the love you have for that boy is now forbidden. Find you someone else to love."

SOOOO what y'all think about this so far?

i hope that you enjoyed it! <3

do y'all think that argument was petty?

who do you think started it, kashmir or hasaan's mom, fatima?

do y'all think hasaan was in the wrong for trying to make kashmir apologize to his mom?

what do y'all think? is kashmir cheating or not? 👀🫣

what are your thoughts on hasaan?




I love y'all! ❤️

miya ♥︎

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