Kipo and the Age of Wonderbea...

By tacomanatetoman

6.8K 152 85

(Book is discontinued) Y/n, A human who has lived on the surface for all of his life, finds a mole, err, a pi... More

Burrow Girl and Surface Boy
Hop frogs
Exploding berries
Frogs vs Bunnies.
Real Cats Wear Plaid
Cactus Town

"Magic" Flapjacks

594 17 2
By tacomanatetoman

It's now nighttime, and an orange cat scrapes his claw on some lumber.

Benson reaches up slowly and grabs some fur before pulling it off with major ease. The cat doesn't even notice, and Benson looks a little annoyed.

We can now see the entire group and the cat, who's missing all of his tail fur.

Kipo is making flapjacks along with Dave, wolf is sturring pancake batter. "Next time you want to serve cat food, leave me out of it." the wolf says as Benson makes his way over.

"o ye of little faith. We are cooking up more than substance." Benson says as he drops some fur into the batter.

"Just you keep stirring that batter, Wolfy," Dave says as he looks back from the flap jacks he put on plates.

Y/n suddenly walked back in with scratches along his face and arms. "They aren't happy about the wait." y/n says as he walks back over to the group.

Kipo gasped when she sees the wounds and rushes over. "Are you ok? Oh, they got you good." kipo says as she moves y/ns face around looking at the scars.

"I'm fine kipo." y/n says as he grabs her wrist and pushes them down. "You should get back to the 'Flapjacks'." he says as he lets go of her wrist and pushes her back towards the counter.

Kipo stares at y/n before he just gives her a smile and nods. Kipo slowly and reluctantly returns to the Flapjacks.

"So, I'm guessing we have a plan to get out?" y/n questions as he looks out the window and sees the hairless tail of the cat outside.

"All in due time my friend. All in due time." Benson says with a smirk as he turns back and walks to lean on the counter.

"Wait, this is for a plan to escape?" kipo asks as she looks away from the flapjacks.

"Err, yeah? What did you think it was?" Benson questions as the group look over at kipo with raised eyebrows.

"Uh, us getting their trust? I even made them in the shapes of cats!" kipo exclaimed as she pulled up the flapjack that did in fact look like a cat.

"Oh. They do look like a cat." y/n said as he looked at it up close.

"uh, remember they said they were gonna sell us to Scarlemagne? Of course, we're gonna try to escape!" Wolf whisper yelled.

"Well, maybe they'll have a change of heart!" kipo exclaimed as she picked up two plates and walked toward the door. Mandu throws a plate up and lets it land on her head before she follows kipo as well.

"I think that's our cue. Let's get these last flapjacks done." y/n said as he looked over at Dave, who smiled widely.

"What's funny?" y/n asked with a raised brow. "Nothing. It would ruin the surprise." He says as y/n simply shakes his head.

"Alright. Get these cakes on plates! Move!" y/n yelled as the group hurriedly went back to work.

A few minutes later and y/n, Dave, and Benson all walk out of the kitchen with Flapjacks on plates. And just in time to see a pair of cats jump by and crash into something.

Dave jumps up through some bars and walks by cats until tiny stabs one with her fork.

Putting it into her mouth, tiny'e eyes widen and sparkle. "These are so good. They fill my stomach, but not my heart!" tiny says as she lets her head fall and starts crying.

Other cats start eating but none of them seem that happy by the mystical Flapjacks.

Charger has his arm slip from under his head, and he falls, making his mug of milk fall off the table.

"I miss Yumyan!" charger says as kipo walks by and puts some Flapjacks down in front of him.

"We should add his portrait to our dome of great axe lords."Charger says as he points up toward the ceiling.

Kipo puts down the second plate as snowball looks up as well. " So he'll always be looking down at us while we eat." she said.

"No! That's just for axe birds who are already gone. I'm not ready to hang up his axe." tiny says as she drops her head and starts crying again.

Snowball slams her first into the table and brings out her claws. "Let's carve his face up there!"

Y/n looks over at them after the loud bang and makes his way over.

The cats start to argue with each other about whether or not it's time to put up Yumyan's "Axe".

"No, it's too early!" "Now's the time!" two cats argue with each other when one throws a flapjack that kipo does as it flies by and hits a large axe mixed with a guitar.

"You gotta let it go, man!" "I can't let it go!" two other cats yell at each other.

Kipo takes a step toward the guitar before she's grabbed and slightly jumps.

"What are you doing?" y/n asks as he holds onto kipo's shoulder.

"I'm gonna go up there," kipo points up at the throne with the axguitar "And I'm gonna play them a song that will hopefully help with their sadness. And also earn their trust." kipo says as y/n looks at her with doubt.

"Listen... I can do this. You just have to give me a chance. All of my other plans have worked out." kipo said as she smiled at y/n.

Y/n looks away from kipo and to the ground before he nods his head softly and lets go of her arm. "I trust you kipo. Now go up there and show off your beautiful singing skills." y/n said as he let go of kipo's shoulder and rubbed kipo's hair.

Kipo leaned into it slightly but y/n pulled his hand away before she could lean into it too much.

A blush spread across her face as y/n looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Kipo spun herself around and marched up toward the guitar. She strums the guitar and all of the cats suddenly gasp.

The group are now looking over at her as the cats started in disbelief.

Kipo looked up and gave a nervous giggle as snowball used her claws and slowly pushed herself up. "That's Yumyan's guitar, human," she said.

"Nobody plays it but him." snowball says as wolf smacks her face.

"uh well..." kipo looks down and y/n gives her a thumbs up. Breathing in to regain her cool, she speaks "Well, since he's passed on, I figured I could play it for him."

Tiny takes a flapjack out of her mouth as she raises an eyebrow. "Passed on? Whoever said that?" she questions. "He's just stuck up in a tree!" tiny says as she points the fork holding her Flapjack upwards.

Kipo lets out a scoff as she raises her eyebrow now. " wait, what? All this time? Why don't you just climb up there and get him back down?" kipo questions as all the cats gasp collectively.

One cat even starts hissing.

"He went above the canopy." Snowball said as she points upwards. "No Timbercat has ever gone above the canopy." she said like it was just something everyone should know.

"So instead of going up there to get him, you just stayed down here as your society's practicality breaks down?" y/n asks but snowball answers him harshly " Be quiet human. I don't require your opinion about my culture." " You clearly need Yumyan's." y/n said with a shrug.

"Why I..." Snowball said as she took a step towards y/n.

"Err, Yumyan! Tell me more about why he would ever go above the canopy!" kipo yelled out as she tried to calm the situation.

Snowball looked over at her as she straightened her posture.

"When that stupid beast came and stole the great scratching tree, yumyan climbed up there to fight with the giant beast. He's yet to return." Snowball said with a sigh of sadness.

"Sounds really brave. Perhaps you might wanna... Share a few stories about him?" kipo asks as she strums the guitar again.

Snowball took a quick glance at charger, who nodded his head as he grew a smile.

"Think that's impressive?" snowball asks as she turns back to face Kipo. "Your gonna think he's a legend after this." she said as she picked up her own guitar.

After strumming it a few times, she swipes all the strings and all the cats perk up in excitement.

"🎵 He was born with an axe in his fur🎵" Snowball said as she walked toward kipo.

Kipo smiles widely as snowball goes to a different table.

"🎵The toughest cat that you ever saw🎵" she goes from table to table as the cats bob up and down.

"🎵Well he could chop down a tree with just one swing🎵" snowball said before she turned around.

"🎵We call him yumyan Hammerpaw🎵" snowball said as all the cats smile and reach down grabbing other things to create music with.

"🎵Whoa! Whoa!🎵" all of the cats say together.

"🎵We call him Yumyan Hammerpaw!🎵" the cats all said in unison once again.

Some cats lean on wolf who glares at them. Y/n smiles at the show before he's suddenly picked up.

"Huh!?" y/n looked down and saw a timber cat just crouch down before standing back up.

"🎵He could punch out a thousand grizzly bears 🎵" charger said as he punched another cat

It's revealed that charger holds onto wolf's death stick. Before he jumps up and lands on a table.

"🎵He's mighty tall at seven feet 🎵" charger said as he kicked two mugs filled with milk away.

He shows off the deathstalker stick to wolf, who just glares as she gets an eye of her prized possession.

"🎵 His beard is so tough it gets in fights🎵" tiny and charger say at the same time.

"🎵His favorite food is luncheon meat🎵" they say again, tiny picks up a flapjack before she tears it apart.

"🎵Whoa! Whoa! His favorite food is luncheon meat🎵" the cats sing as wolf frees herself. She accidentally bumps into a large buff cat, who turns around.

"Hello." y/n simply said from atop one of the large cat's hands.

The cat reaches down before he starts juggling y/n and wolf with seeming ease.

Y/n had a smile on his face but wolf was having nowhere near as good a time.

"🎵 Yumyan Hammerpaw!🎵" they all say together when one of the cats suddenly hacks and rubs his throat.

Benson and have stopped dancing and share a knowing look.

"🎵Yumyan Hammerpaw!🎵" more cats suddenly start hacking and tiny does as well.

"How much fur did we put in the batter?" Benson asks before it cuts to the cat that he stole fur from earlier lacking all of it carving into a small piece of lumber.

"A lot." have said as he stared down at the flapjack stack in his hands.

The two suddenly hear more hacking and turn slowly.

The cat that was juggling wolf and y/n dropped the duo and they both fell. Y/n hits the floor butt first and rubs his back as he looks up annoyed. "What's the big deal man? Why would you..." y/n stooped when the giant was repeatedly hacking.

"Are you... Are you ok man?" y/n questions as the giant falls to his knees and y/n pats his back.

Looking around, y/n notices that all of the cats are doing the same. "... The batter." y/n said as his eyes widened and he stopped patting the cat's back slowly.

Kipo however continues in her own little solo. "🎵I hear yumyan write manly poems🎵" kipo yelled before she picked the giant axe guitar up and got to the highest point on the throne.

" 🎵About chainsaw, cranks, and gears!🎵" She yelled as she stunned around, keeping the melody.

"🎵He also shoots lasers from his eyes🎵" Kipo opens her eyes before she points at them and then outwards.

"🎵And puts out fires with his... Tears🎵" Kipo lost her smile and stopped strumming the guitar when she noticed the cats all hacking.

"Wait, what happened? We're the layers too much?" kipo asks before one of the cats walks over and reaches up before going back down and throwing up a hairball flapjack mix.

Kipo yelps and holds onto the axe tighter as other cats start throwing up as well.

Y/n runs over to the throne and puts his arms out. "Jump!"

Kipo looked down and did so, landing in his arms as Benson, mandu, and Dave run past.

Putting kipo to her feet, he runs forward and grabs her hand, pulling him along with her.

Charger tries to stop them, but he too falls and continues hacking. Wolf stops in front of the Cat and reaches down, grabbing her stalker stick.

Bringing the tip her head she whispers to it "stalky, I missed you." and runs after the group.

Tiny reaches out to stop here before groaning and noticing some Flapjacks and picks one up. Shoving it into her mouth, chewing, and then throwing it up.

She looks over at it again with a raised eyebrow before she reaches out and grabs it another one.

"This time I was really making progress. I was lead guitar in a cat band!" kipo complained as they ran across the tree.

Kipo notices a ledge and has to stop herself from falling off, while also saving mandu.

Benson nearly falls off when y/n grabs onto both kipo and y/n to stop them from falling to their deaths.

Wolf however was looking backward, so she ran into the group and made them all fall off the ledge.

Luckily, they landed on a yarn ball that swung them forward. "Jump!" the wolf commands as the group regained their footing and jumped to a yarn ball that was close by.

"This is a new way to travel." Benson says when wold notices something. "Feline, two o'clock!" the entire group looks over as the cat from earlier rides by on another yarn ball and throws his axe at them.

Mandu catches it and y/n looks over in surprise. "Whoa." he simply said as the cat got closer.

Mandu cut the string and the cat completely missed them and fell.

The ball hits the floor a few times and leads them out of the cat's territory.

Wolf jumps off and quickly starts running off.

"Come on!" she said as she went through some leaves. The rest of the group followed before kipo stopped and looked back sadly.

A tower suddenly fell and hit another that fell and hit another.

Kipo whispered but a hand grabbed her and pulled her slightly. "We have to go kipo." y/n said urgently.

Kipo nodded her head and followed after him as they left the area.

We now see a mushroom-infested room. Benson pushes one of the mushrooms up and allows wolf to walk in.

"We'll camp here," Wolf said as she walked over to a mushroom and fell down on it.

"In the morning, we'll pick up those mega mute tracks, see if they lead to your people." she said as Benson and have landed on a different mushroom.

Kipo falls down on a mushroom and stares at the ceiling. "Good idea. We don't need those cats to help us, and they don't..." kipo stops herself as mandu walks over and lays down next to her. Y/n suddenly lies down to the right of her and looks over at her. "...Need our help either." Kipo said as she looked around with her eyes.

Y/n looks at her for a few seconds before he reached out and hugged her. Kipo didn't mind the sudden affection, but she did wonder what brought it on.

"You clearly want to go help them. And I think what we did to them was... Cruel." Y/n said in a whisper as kipo nodded her head in agreement.

"A hug of good luck. Come back safely." y/n said before kipo turned her body and embraced y/n as well.

"I won't let you down." she said as she squealed y/n.

Standing up, kipo makes her way outside as y/n watches her go. Once she's out of view, y/n lets out a sigh and turns toward mandu, scooping her up into a hug and laying back down with the pig. He just hoped kipo would be okay.

It's now morning and the group is seen marching back toward the cat's territory.

"Guys, we had one job: keep Kipo from dying!" wolf complained as they made their way up.

"Hmm. Let me see. Who was supposed to stay up all night to make sure kipo didn't ditch the camp? That's right. None of us." Benson says as he glares forward.

Y/n rolls his eyes as he pets a sad mandu who he holds In his arms.

"Because she's her own person who makes her own decisions." benson says.

"If the timber cats haven't already killed her, I may have to kill her myself." Dave says as he crosses his arms.

Mandu suddenly squeals and jumps out of y/n's arms. running forward mandu jumps in circles.

The cats suddenly walk up with kipo riding atop Piere. The group gasps in disbelief as their mouts fall open. Even y/n's did, as he wasn't expecting this.

Kipo brides up some of yumyans hair as she grunts. "This is gonna be so cute." she said

"That's not exactly the kind of look I was going for." Yumyan said quietly as he looked down.

"Guys! There you are!" kipo yells out as she waves at the group. "You know how I said I wanted to hunt down that mega mute? And you were all like "Yeah, you and what army?" "kipo mimics as the army of cats gets closer.

"Well guess what? We have an army!" kipo yells as the group of cats stop walking and throw their hands into the air, roaring.

No fancy name into this time. Sorry guys 💔

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