My Boyfriend - Harry Styles

By MrsHariboStyles

692K 4.4K 522

Jess is your typical 22 year old girl. She's got a job that she loves, friends that make her smile everyday... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 15)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 16)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 17)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 18)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 19)
My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (The Last Chapter)

Chapter 15

25.5K 176 22
By MrsHariboStyles

OVER 80 VOTES! WHEYHEY!! Thank you so much guys :) I'm so glad that you're all enjoying the story and the comments are really supportive, so thank you :) This chapter is really just a filler, nothing MAJOR exciting happens but please still vote, comment and fan because so far you've been fantastic with doing that! Enjoy! Lana XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX

Chapter 15

I get into the car and then, I let all the tears I had been holding in, out. They just all flow out of me, I'm heartbroken at the thought of him spending time with that... that.... whore! I jump as my window gets tapped. What is it with people tapping my window and scaring the shit out of me!

It'sHannah, she's standing there with three Jack Wills bags in her hands. "What happened?!" She asks as I unlock the car and let her in.

"He was with Lauren! The freakin' whore!" I exclaim as more hot tears flow down my face.

"Ohhh Jess!" She says putting her arm around me.

"Why?! Why would he do that?!" I still can't believe he was with her out of all people.

"Oh god. I'm ringing Louis. You're in no state to drive." She says, taking her phone out. She dialls his number and within minutes he's here in his red beetle.

"What the hell happened?" He asks as we get into the car.

"Well, we were in Jack Wills and we bumped into Harry and he was with em... Lauren." Hannah explains.

Louis turns the engine off and look at her in shock. "What?! You mean fake tan, short skirt, whore Lauren?!" He asks looking at me now.

I nod, still angry and upset about the whole thing. "That idiot, that complete shit bag! What the hell does he think he's doing?!" He exclaims whacking his steering wheel in frustration.

"Let's just not talk about it, okay!" Hannah says, clearly noticing my hurt expression. She flicks te radio on as Louis begins to start the car again. "Your so beautiful, but that's not why I love you." I gasp as I remember the song, waiting for the flashback to take me away...


"Happy birthday baby." I smiled.

I was standing at Harry's front door holding a brand new X Box. I'd saved up for months to buy him it...

"Jessie! My girl!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Here you go, here's another thing for you to game on." I said passing him the X Box.

"Did I mention I love you and you're the best girlfriend in the world?" He replied staring at the white box which he was now holding.

"I should think so!" I smiled as I walked into the house. He was supposed to be having a party here so the DJ was all set up.

"How's about we have a little dance before everyone comes." Harry said smiling at me.

I looked around at all the decorations put up. The room looked great, there was a banner that said 'Happy Birthday Haz!' and balloons everywhere. I went up to the DJ and requested I Love You by Avril Lavigne. The music started playing and I looked at Harry to see him beaming with a huge smile on his face as he recalled what song it was.

"I like your smile, I like your vibe.I like your style." I sang, making Harry laugh. "But that's not why love you." I sang the whole song as we swayed back and fourth.

We both laughed when it got to bit were it says, "I like the way, you misbehave, when we get wasted." I hugged him even tighter as I sang "Do you need me, do you need me? You're so beautiful, but that's not why I love you. I'm not sure you know, that the reason I love you is you, being you, just you. Yeah the reason I love you, is all that we've been through and that's why I love you." The song ended and I looked up at Harry who was near in tears.

"Oh Harry." I smiled kissing him. "Happy Birthday baby."


I try to muffle my sobs in the back of the car but neary impossible. It actually hurts to cry now. If I could back in time and change everything, I would. But unfortunately time machines don't exist yet...

They drop me off at my house and I wave them goodbye, thanking them for looking after me and apologising fo rbeing in such a state. I walk through the door to find Filo still ignoring me. "You know what, fine. Be that way." I sigh as I chuck my bag down on the ground and curl myself up on the sofa.

My eyes are all puffy and red and I keep sniffling. "Meow." Filo jumps on to the sofa and curls himself up on me. "Thanks Filo." I smile as I cuddle into his fur. He senses I'm upset so I guess he's just given up on being angry with me.

I hate what he's done to me, I hate that he's ruined our friendship. I just don't want to speak to him ever again.

Remember to vote and comment guys!! Thank youuuuu ;D xxxx

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