Searchin' | Shuri

Por ndanielle_

37.9K 1.1K 930

You've been searching for this long and hard.. You've been staring at it all along.. You've been searching... Mais

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty

Part One

4.7K 73 31
Por ndanielle_

* I just wanted you guys to have a visual when imaging Hazel *

| Hazel |

Just one more week, I thought to myself watching the clock on the wall tick for what felt like years.

One more week until Fall Break. Five more minutes until the end of this Anatomy class. It didn't feel like either of those things could come fast enough.

Usually it isn't this bad but today the only person who ever makes this class tolerable decided to torture me and not show up. Just my luck, huh?

"Well that's the end of my lecture for today class. Don't forget about your check offs for our midterm next week. Please come prepared & knowing all of the material in chapters 1 through 10." My anatomy professor announced as me and the rest of the class began to pack up our things.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of completing another check off for the semester. We've had two already, how much more can we prove we know about the human body.

I sighed, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and walking towards my car.

Just wait until I get home. This girl is not going to hear the end of it for leaving me to suffer all alone and not even telling me she wasn't coming.

• • •

"Riri I really need you-" I exclaimed busting into her room, quickly shutting up after discovering someone sitting on the bed next to her.

"Hi" I smiled, embarrassed by how dramatic I was about to be.

"Hey Hazel!" Riri smiled standing up, walking towards me. "This is Shuri" she gestured to the girl sitting on her bed. "Shuri, this is my best friend and roommate, Hazel"

"Nice to meet you" Shuri smiled, looking in my direction.

She looked about our age with chocolate brown skin and a curly mohawk sitting on top of her head. I heard many stories about her and her family from Riri, but I've never actually had the privilege of seeing her in person.

Hm, I guess it makes sense why she ditched me now. The queen of the most amazing country and person who basically saved her life coming to town isn't something that happens on a daily basis.

"You too, I'm just gonna steal Riri for a minute if you don't mind."

I grabbed Riri's arm and pulled her out of the room before anyone had a chance to say anything else.

"Would you like to explain to me. One, why you were not in class with me today and two, why the queen of Wakanda is in our apartment, just casually sitting on your bed? Is someone out to kill you again?" I rambled, starting to panic.

"First of all, chill." She laughed, "No one is out to kill me. The fact that you had to add again to the end of that sentence is actually sad and concerning. I missed class so that I could be here to greet the queen." She stated casually, shrugging her shoulders.

I could tell that my face had looked even more confused than it did before her explanation.

"She's here for... research purposes" She hesitated, "I told her she could stay with us for the few months she'll be here. Just to have a familiar face around. I didn't miss too much from class, did I?"

"Hm, I'm glad this was a collective decision" I responded sarcastically. "No, I honestly can't remember half of what we talked about. I'll give you the little bit of notes I took later."

She rolled her eyes at me before walking over to the refrigerator, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Is it okay with you Hazel? or would you like for me to kick the queen out & have her stay at some fancy hotel?" She asked as if a fancy hotel was the worst thing on Earth.

"Whatever," I laughed, "I guess it's fine, as long as you don't leave me in anymore anatomy lectures alone."

"Don't worry bestie, I won't" She winked.

Me & Riri have been best friends since the 3rd grade. We bonded after she pushed some little boy down the slide for cutting in front of me. We've been inseparable every since which is why it made sense for us to attend the same college & end up sharing an apartment together. I couldn't imagine randomly being assigned a roommate in a small dorm room. Just the thought of it disgusted me.

"So exactly how long is she going to be here for?" I asked sitting down on the barstool.

"Not too long. At the least, 3 months and at the most, 6 months."

"They really just let the queen of their country travel all the way here to the ghetto. Also known as America, without any protection or anything else?"

"Oh trust me, I have protection here. They're just not always noticeable" I heard a voice say behind me making me refocus my attention.

"Oh okay," I nodded, "Well, it's good to have you here, I hope you enjoy our humble abode. I know it's nothing like what you're use to in Wakanda."

"Nothing at all" She responded looking around.

"Way to be humble Shuri" I heard Riri mumble under her breath.

"I'm joking," She smiled "I appreciate you guys letting me stay here for the next few months."

"It's no problem" We replied as a unit, something we do more often than not.

"Anyway, I have to get going. I have a meeting that I have to get to, but I'd love to take both of you out for dinner tonight just to show my appreciation"

"As much as I would love to, I actually have plans tonight. Thank you for your offer though" I frowned.

Going out to some fancy restaurant for dinner with my favorite person and her royal guest would probably be much better than what I have planned, but I already agreed to it.

"You know I'll be there" Riri said.

"I'll see you tonight then. Hazel," She turned her attention to me, looking me up and down. "It was really nice meeting you. I hope I can take you out whenever you're free" She licked her lips "You know, just to thank you." She smiled.

I heard Riri chuckle as Shuri made her way out the door, making me look at her confused.

"I guess she likes what she sees" She responded to my facial expression now full blown laughing.

"Is Shuri... ya know?" I asked flicking my wrist down in a downward motion making her laugh even harder.

"Aren't we all a little "ya know"" She responded, mimicking my hand gesture making my mouth fall open.

"Anyway" I said laughing, "I have a... date tonight, and I need some help finding an outfit."

"Hazel Lee you've been holding out on me! A date with who?!"

"I have not" I rolled my eyes. "I just didn't wanna jinx it. Remember the guy from that party? Andre?"

"That's not just some guy from a party miss girl, that's like the finest human that walks around campus! When did this happen?!"

"At the party," I reiterated. "but I know he's a player and more than likely wants what's in between my legs more than he actually wants me"

"Uh uh, we don't do bootycalls. Why are you going then?"

"Free food" I shrugged. "Now let's go, I at least wanna look like a decent human" I grabbed her arm, dragging her to my room.

"At this point, I may as well be your pet with how much you drag me around" She laughed.

"And don't forget it."

•      •      •

Hi! I've been contemplating writing this & finally decided to actually do it. I hope you guys enjoy it. ♥️

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