I am not okay with this.//☆Sa...

By DreamsMegaGrippers_

12 0 0

If you haven't watched this show yet go do it!!!(Its on netflix:) ) I really dont know what to say- More

1. ★Bullshit. / Meeting Kurama! ☆

12 0 0
By DreamsMegaGrippers_

A/N: I will make adjustments!

Tw : Slurs, homophobia, swearing (ofc), blood, sexual assult mentions, and mommy issues

★Naruto's POV

"Bullshit" I scream at my what I thought was my bestfriend.
"But-- Naruto!" Sakura screams back
"No. Im done with you. All I ever wanted is for you to be happy yet your here with 𝐡𝐢𝐦 after all 𝐡𝐞 did to me?" Im beyond pissed at my 'bestfriend' 𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧 what a joke.


You might be wondering whats going on. Well lets see, my now ex-bestfriend was just casually hanging out with the person who basically tortured me and made my life a living hell.

He would come up to me in the middle of recess and kick me to the ground, his little group would follow along and beat the absolute shit out of me.

I tried telling an adult, but they never listen anymore. "Your too much of a trickster" one of them would say. Others would call me slurs and try to tell me I was insane. I never really understood them, why they would say such disgusting things.

But ive learned that some peoples mindsets are wired, or stuck, to what they remember being treated like as children. Especially the older ones.

Now, im nearly done with sophmore year. I have a bad temper and really bad anger issues, so picture how that works with school and the people around me.

My dad died when I was younger and now im stuck with my mom and my little sister. My mom is always working or wasted. Which leaves me to take care of her.

I might get mad at her sometimes but shes the closest person I have right now.

Sakura was my only friend. I never hung out with anyone else. No one else made me smile as much as she did, but she just had to go and touch on 𝐡𝐢𝐦.

"Ino get in here! You too Naruto." My mom calls from the kitchen. I get out of bed and walk out to the kitchen. "You both look like shit. Anyways, im going to work.

"Naruto have you seen my stockings?" She asks me "No one even wears those anymore, not since like- the 90s" she gives me a dirty look "I might have washed them and they ended up in the dryer" "Naruto!" She yells "They were in the tub!" I tell her. She looks in the dryer and finds them. "Whatever, just make sure to feed your sister." "Ok." I walk back to my room and put some clothes on.

"Are you ready yet?" Ino yells from the kitchen. "Slow your roll" I grab my phone and headphones. I walk out of my room and to the kitchen. "Ok, lets go." I dont normally dont walk with her but recently there's been a kid whos been picking on her and I dont fuck with people who think they're better than others.

We get to school and she goes to the junior high door while I walk through the high school door.

"Naruto!" I hear from behind me. "No" I say blandly. I know what she's going to do. "Naruto please, I need to talk to you" she says.

I turn around and look at her in disgust. "What could be so important that you need to talk to me after you went and fucked the guy that was such an asshole to me all my life?!"

She goes silent. "I- I " "I- I- I- shut up." I walk away and go to my locker. I grab all my morning class stuff and head to first period.

The only thing I could think about is why would she ever want to betray me. I know she grows crushes like wildfire, but she went way to far this time. If she wants to be my friend she'll have to find herself again.

Im done playing these games with people. So many of them just end up in the gutter all because of my stupid, stupid temper.

"Naruto, whats the answer to this question?" Godamnit Iruka! Why do you always do this to me?

I look at the qustion for a minute and calculate it in my head. Ive always been good at math, its my strong suit. "Y=12.870 repeating" I say looking at him for approval. "Correct" He writes down the answer on the board. "You see, Naruto wasnt even paying attention to anything I was saying and in the end still managed to get the answer completely correct." He says, looking at the other students, aggravated.

"Well its not our fault that we're not like the freak-a-zoid mathematician blondie." He snickers. "Ok. Listen here bald headed ass bitch, you think your so fucking funny when really, no one is laughing but you. Sit the fuck down." I snap back. He stops smiling as his face turns to embarrassment. "Exactly".

Iruka looks at me with a proud face. He walks up to me and puts his fist out. I bump mine on his and he goes back to teaching.

After first period

After first period math I have second period english. Fuck, I hate english so much

C- is the best it'll get. I walk into the classroom and snatch the seat in the back farthest away from the teacher.

"Alrighty! Today we'll write an essay on something that we strongly dislike. Rules are: Only one thing, dont go too into detail, four paragraphs max and finally, there is no deadline so take as long as you need!" She's way too energetic. I dont like it but I dont hate it.

I grab a piece of paper out of my binder and try to brainstorm. This paper only holds my ideas, once im finished Ill narrow it down to a minimum of three remaining. From there ill choose which one will be easiest to write about.

This project is an advantage since I hate alot of things.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, you can pair up with only two people in your group!" Great. Just great. All the ftiends ran up to each other. Instead of going to find a partner I just sat there in my seat and kept on writing down my ideas.

"Naruto? Arent you going to find a partner?" I look up to the teacher and stare her in the eyes. "No" Then I looked back down to my paper. She sighs "You do know that you need to socialize, right?" "Yep, and I choose not to" She tried to continue but cut herself off, "I- sigh, if you need some help, come up to my desk, ill be there the rest of the period." She walks back to her desk as I nod and continue writing.

Time skip!

The bell rang. I can stay an extra minute to pack up though. I have a free period, or thats what they call study hall. I just use that time to wonder off. I have to be careful as to not run into Sakura since she has the same free period as me.

"Naruto, what are you doing out of class?" Annnd theres Kakashi. "The same shit I do everyday. Why do you ask?" I reply. "I dont know, just messin with you. Are you doing anything after school, me and Iruka would like you to come over for dinner, like old times". Yep, old times, when me and Sakura were inseparable.

"I can, but Sakura wont be joining." "Why's that?" Here we go. "Because she decided that it was a good idea to fuck the guy that almost killed me." I can feel the anger rushing through my veins, my words threatrning to spill. And just like that I could see a pink blob walking through a door.

'Are you kidding me.' Why now dude. "Speak of the devil" I rurn around and walk the other way. "Naruto! Wait!"
"Shut the hell up. Didnt I tell you I dont want to talk to you?" I turn aroumd to face her.

(SA mentions, blood, and slurs up ahaed)

"I understand that you're mad at me, but it wasnt what it looked like!" Kakshi turned around and continues walking the opposite way of us. "Then what was it Sakura?! What?" Well knowing that he's a dick, it could have been a lot of things. "He tried to- He- Naruto, he raped me." What. "He led me into the room and told me I was going to be ok as long as I listened to him.. Sniff. Then he told me to take my clothes off. I tried to refuse, I promise!" By now she was sobbing.

"Sakura.." I didnt know what to do. The only thing I could think to do was to hug her. "I didnt want to! I didnt-" What the actual fuck dude. "Sakura~ what have you done now?" That fucking bastard. "Stay the fuck back Neji." "What's the little fag doing hanging around you Sakura?" He was getting visibly pissed.

Sakura had told him to go away various times before I lost my shit.
"Get lost Neji." He looked directly at me. "If I beat your ass all the way to Junior High, I can do it again." He stepped closer to me with every word he spoke. He's now in my face. I stared him in the eye for a good 30 seconds.

"You should leave before things get bloody." He scoffed and laughed in my face. "As if you, Uzumaki Naruto, could lay a hand on me." My breathing sped up as I got much more angry. He started freaking out and holding his head. I took that to my advantage and grabbed his head and bashed it to my knee multiple times before he fell back.

As soon as he hit the ground, I got ontop of him and started beating the shit out of him. "Do. Not. Touch. My. Best. Friend!" I said in between every punch he took. Kakashi came back from whatever be was doing and dragged me off of him. There was blood gushing out of his nose and mouth. He also probably has a concussion from the knee bashing I did earlier.

I kicked and squirmed to try and get out of Kakashi's grasp to no avail. "What the fuck are you thinking Uzumaki?!" "I'm thinking that i'm going to FUCKING KILL HIM!" I screamed out. A few nosey heads peaked out of the classroom doors. They quickly whipped out their phones to record. Some were there before, during, and after the fight.

They definitely got everything on camera. To me screaming at him, and to me beating the absolute shit out of him. My phone started buzzing in my jeans pocket, notifying me that someone already posted the video.

"No you're not! Do you want to get yourself into jail at 16?!" "By all means, let me." I let a laugh slip out. I could hear people start whispering. 'Has he gone insane', 'Why would he do that to Neji', 'Has to be something serious for Naruto to get involved.', 'Juvy time for him I guess', 'Naruto's showing us his true colors', 'Bro finally snapped', ect. ect.

The last one was pretty true. Neji was my 13th reason to go off the rails. My fists were bloody and some probably broke open. I win. Neji loses! 0 points for highschool Neji. 1 point to Naruto!

I didn't even realise that Kakashi was still yelling at me. "You're really stupid, kid. But, you were helping a friend even if you did knock the shit outta someone." He patted my shoulder. The ambulence must've been called because they put him on a strecher and escorted him out of the building.

"You're getting suspended for sure." He said, a bit dissapointed. "Worth ittt!" I said back. The bell rang and kids started piling out of the class rooms. A lot of them were pissed off at me, but I REALLY did not care. Like, at all.

"𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝑼𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆. 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝑼𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖." "Thats my call!" I got up off the floor and proudly walked up to the office.

Before I went into the office the nurse called me into hers. "C'mere dear" I love the nurse, shes so sweet. "So, what did you do this time, Uzumaki." "I beat Neji Hyuga's ass. Thats what I did." She snickered "Bout time he got his ass kicked."

She's an older lady in her 50's. She always told me stories of this one girl she really liked, but couldn't be with her, so they had a secret relationship. Now that same sex marriage is allowed in the U.S, they got married.

She says that love isnt a choice, but a natural cause. She's the first person I came out to as pansexual. I can't even trust my own mom, but an amazing nurse at a shitty school.

She cleans the blood off my hands and bandages them. After she gets done she tells me to head over to the principle's office then once I find out how long im going to be suspended for, if I do, then to tell her.

I walk over and head in the door. "Have a seat." She says. I sit down on the 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 uncomfortable chair and smile a little. "Don't worry, I already heard your reasoning Uzumaki." Thank god. Im not explaining anything.

"You're not going to be suspended either, but I do want you to ask Sakura if she wants to file a police report on Neji." "I'll answer for her. Yes." I already know she would say no but im only helping a friend.

"Ok then, take her to the police station and tell her to file the report so we can get them invloved." She says, aligning a stack of papers. "Alright I will after school." I get up and get to the door then turn around.

"Also, could I sit in the library for a while?" She nods and I walk back to the nurses office. I peek in. "Guess what!" She turns back to me. "Let me guess. No suspension?" I nod with a smile. She pats the bed in front of her.

"Let me check your knuckles again please" I nod and go sit on the bed. She unwraps my hands. "Uh, Naruto, they're healed." I look down to see no blood and a perfectly fine hand.

I move it with no pain in my lower fingers. "Thats strange.." She says in a low whisper thats barely audible. "Yea it is." She looks up at me. "I watched that video of you kicking Neji's ass, Naruto. You have something special that only 9 people in the history of the world has, and its not something to mess with." I look at her with a very confused face.

'Your point is?' Is wanted to ask, but I couldnt say a word. It felt like I was dissociating from the world around me. Then, everything went black. I heard her yell my name a couple times, but I wasnt even there at that point.

I woke up in a sewer type of place. I got up off the wet, cold ground, and took a look around. "Uzumaki Naruto. 16 years of age. 5 foot 5 and 122 pounds." A deep voice said. It seemed like it rang through my ears in a very unpleasant way.

"Im Kurama, your Kyuubi. One of the most powerful, actually." I walked towards the loud voice. There was an abnormally big cage with a seal on it. As I got closer I recognised the symbol.

It stood for a type of jutsu ancient ninjas would use to seal off chakra from an opponent. "Why are you sealed behind the Eight Trigams Sealing Style?"

"Becuase I'm not a toy for a kid to play with. Im a dangerous being that you should be afraid of. Its sad that you even found my existence before you became and adult."

I stood in front of the huge cage, waiting for something.. somewhat cool..? I guess? "Yknow, I hear you listen to Lil Peep on repeat every night before you go to sleep, and id say that Witchblades is my favorite" I let a dorky smile form on my face

"Im glad you listen to my music while im sleeping Kurama." He laughs slightly "Yea me too. It gets boring in here. Yall's new music is pretty good. Personally I loved 80's pop and rock. Specifically what your dad loved." I could hear the sadness in his voice when he spoke about my father.

"Uh, how did you know what my dad listened to?" He steps forward into the light. My eyes traveled the seeming fox thats now infront of me. "Godamn bro. Your tall as hell" He just nods.

"You see. I was your fathers Kyuubi once. When he had entered his depression and psychotic state, he brought you into the basement and performed the master level jutsu and sealed me inside you instead. Then, that week... Well, you know what happened."

I knew my father for a little while. A.K.A 10 years of my life. Right before my 11th birthday, actually, 8 months before. He was sort of a hippie but also a jock. He smoked. A lot. I'm not talking cigarettes. I mean weed.

Mom didnt know he still smoked, so he would take me on a trip to the store, get me a bug juice and a snack, normally gummy worms/bears or snickers.

When we were done, we would go to the park. He let me loose and smoked in the car. He never really let me run far though, he still kept an eye on me.

I dont know everything that my dad had done, but I know he was a recovering addict of hardcore drugs.

"Hey kid, its time to go." Kurama said knocking me out of my thoughts. I just nodded slightly. "Ok." I said blankly, and a lot more bitchy than I wanted.

We said our goodbyes and it went black again.


Je te lasserai des mots

En-dessous de to porte

En-dessous de les murs qui chantent.

Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent.


My eyes opened to a blinding light overhead. A familiar tune ringing through my ears. A tune my dad used to sing to me. My vision was very blurry and I felt nauseous. I sat up.

"Naruto.!" My mom said beside me. "Ma..?" I rub my eyes and look over, hanging my feet over the edge of the bed im in. "You need to lay down, Naruto." She says, looking at me with a worried expression.

"No, no, im fine." Tears start to fill her eyes. "Mom.? Whats wrong?" I put a hand over hers. She sniffs and wipes her tears. "I'm sorry. I- 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩.. I know you thought I would never say that in my life, but it's true. Im so. so. sorry." She hugs me. I kind of just sit there for a moment. "For what?.." She pulls back and holds my face.

"For everything. For not being your mom when you needed me to be. For not telling you. Everything." I look away. I feel my tears threaten to spill, realizing how much my mom wasnt there for me. 1 falls, and here comes the tsunami. Thats my thing. When I cry, its hard for me to stop. And my mom isnt helping.

"Its just that I was so caught up on work and-" I cut her off. "..taking care of Ino. Yea. I know." I refuse to make eye contact with her. It all makes sense now.. God I hate being the oldest.


Being the middle sucks worse😭
Anyways, thanks for reading!
I hope you have a great day/night
Eat, drink, bathe, all the necessities!!

Im also so sorry for anyone with mommy issues:(

Love you guys<3

Word count:3,338

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