Stay Alive

By Maridcfan

743 13 4

(Pokemon AU x Stay Alive Crossover) After finding out about a new game called Stay Alive, Ash and his friends... More

The New Game
Getting the Gang Together
Initiating the Game
The Mysterious Death of Drew Hayden
In Which Things get Worse
Everything Goes to Hell!
Time to Fight Back
Research leads to Results
Level the Playing Field

This All Ends Now

51 1 0
By Maridcfan

Gary's P.O.V
I didn't expect Ash to call me. I'm glad I wasn't playing the game when he did, I rather not end up dead in real life if possible. I asked him what was wrong, but he didn't tell me... just said to hurry up and get to their position

Course I would have gotten there if not for the fact that I find myself staring at a freaking carriage that looked more like a horror show. No way was this ghost going to kill me. I Gary Oak refuse to become a pancake or die at the hands of this game. I plan to live until my 90a if possible, grow old and maybe have a family... I plan to take a stand! I can just imagine the Newsline if I get killed 'Gary Oak, killed by a medieval carriage horror game come to life'

How did this become my life? "You wanna kill me so badly?! Well come and get me you sorry excuse for a ghost!"

I unfortunately fall into a bush of red roses as I see the carriage getting closer to me

Leaf's P.O.V
This is a nightmare! I wish I never played this game in the first place! Too many of my friends dead because of it and now there's a chance I'll be next on the list

"Leaf! Get your head out of the clouds and help me here"

I run over to Red and see him loading a gun? What good will that do and where the heck did, he even get one! He passes me a freaking axe of all things "How do you expect us to win with these?"

"You rather stay defenseless? So, what if she's a ghost, everything else here is tangible and we might even slow her down with these. Now let's go and don't scream or give away our position. We got a ghost to take down"

If I weren't so against this idea, I would comment on his bravery and willingness to keep going... but I wouldn't since I still think this will end badly for us

May's P.O.V
Ash was literally dragging me outside after Gary failed to show up. Red and Leaf were still inside, but he promised they could take care of themselves. I gasp in horror at the scene outside and hope Gary wasn't involved or worse dead

"Do you... think he got out?" I asked in a worried tone as Ash turned to face me with a haunted look in his eyes. This whole event has shaken all of us and Ash blames himself for the deaths of Lucas and Dawn "This isn't your fault!"

"It should be. None of them would be dead because of me. I was the one who got the game and allowed this to keep going. After Drew's death, none of us should have continued or gotten involved deeper into this. What's worse is I'm the one who brought everyone here for that she-devil to kill us"

I can't believe I did this, but I actually slapped Ash "Knock it off! You think you forced us into coming along? Into playing the game? None of us knew this would happen and none of us blame you either. Lucas knew what he got into when he decided to go at it alone. Dawn shouldn't have done what she did either, but neither of them blamed you. Heck, you tried to stop them and suspected from the beginning... Ash, you are the one who gave us hope at stopping this"

Ash was quiet during my rant... guess he wasn't expecting me to say all that "Now... are you ready to end this once and for all or keep having a pity party?"

"You're right... let's end this nightmare before anyone else gets hurt" Ash agreed as I smiled at seeing his fighting spirit return 'There's the Ash I know'

While we walked, I felt myself being pushed and saw what looked like zombies rising from the ground. Looking in horror, I watched Ash dodging and keeping their attention on him, giving me some safety

Suddenly a gunshot went off and I saw one of the zombies explode. Soon more gunshots were heard and I looked to see none other than Red with a freaking shot gun and Leaf with an axe as she joined the battle, swinging the axe into the zombies' heads

3rd P.O.V
"Thanks for the quick save" Ash says, standing in the middle of the dead zombies

Red gives him a lookover and sighs when he sees that younger teen is in one piece "Couldn't let you become a zombie now could I?" he teases as Ash rolled his eyes

May wanted to check on Ash, but Leaf was clearly not alright as she helped her fellow brunette calm down. Seems she must have been running on adrenaline before

Ash was about to join the others, when a door appeared out of nowhere and separated the group "Ash!" shouted Red and May, having seen Elizabeth before the door closed

"You guys stay there and don't move!" they heard Ash shout

May had tears in her eyes "We're not going to let you fight her alone! That's suicide!"

Ash wished he could give her hug or send her a reassuring look "This is my fight May, always has been since the first death. I won't allow myself to die, but... if I do, then I need you to know something May. I love you!"

May looked at the door stunned with his confession, not able to say or do anything after that. Red was shocked his brother had finally admitted his feelings but didn't expect it to happen this way. Leaf was the only one who bothered to scream out Ash's name as she heard his footsteps getting farther away from the door

Of course what none of them noticed was the ghost looking directly at May with hatred

Ash's P.O.V
I couldn't believe I just said that! Still can't take it back now. I need to get to get to the roof, needed to end this whole thing! The others can take care of themselves... hopefully

"There you are!" I shouted at seeing the doorway leading to the roof. Opening it up, I found the preserved body of none other than Elizabeth "Your time in this world is up" I said, getting the hammer and three nails ready. Hard to believe this of all things would be what ends it all

I nailed the three nails into her body, remembering what May said of making sure it was the heart, neck and forehead. What I wasn't expecting was to see her ghost suddenly appear before me and literally slam me into the wall

What the heck was that last thing I needed to do again? Damn it! I dodged another one of her attacks, feeling blood dripping from the impact I had before. I need something to give me sometime before I can burn this whole place! What I'd do to have freaking fire powers at this point

Suddenly I'm thrown over the edge of the roof as I grab onto the ledge, looking down at the long drop. Scratch fire powers, I wish I had immortality! I see her ghost watching me with that damaged face of hers as I recall her hating mirrors

I take out my phone from my pocket and open the camera as I show her the reflection of herself as this allows me to have some time. I just need something to burn her now... but what? I'm literally hanging for myself on the edge of a tall tower!

Wait! I rummage my pockets as I find what I wanted. Lighter! I knew getting this was going to be useful! Now I just need something that will catch fire

I noticed a window a few feet away and hoped I wouldn't regret this. I let go and at the last second was able to grab the edge of the window... still this is gonna leave a bruise on my arms as I kick the window, glass shattering and allowing me entry into the room

This will work. I run at the candles just as Elizabeth reappears before me. I smirk lighting up the candles and throwing them at the curtains near her "Burn witch!"

Watching at the scene, I hear her yell in pain, but couldn't bring myself to feel sorry. I just turned away, but I'm not able to get back onto my feet as I lie on the ground... at least I was able to end it all

Luckily for me, the door burst open as none other than Gary appeared. He grabs me and helps me out of the burning room "You're alive... I'm glad you didn't die"

"It takes more than a carriage to kill me and also that roses sure were a big help. Now come on time to reunite you with the others... besides was it me or did I hear you confess to May"

I turned red at that "You heard?! Not cool" I tell him as I see the others and sigh in relief at seeing them still alive

May literally ran into me, hugging me tightly "Never do that again! You cannot just tell me you love me and drag yourself into battle!"

"Trust me May, this loser would sacrifice himself all over again if it meant you guys would be save" Gary says as I rolled my eyes, but don't argue against him

"Good to see you still alive Oak Tree. Was scared for a second there that you died" Leaf cries out in relief at seeing her childhood friend still alive "Don't you ever give me a heart attack again and I might consider you taking me out to dinner"

Gary felt he'd gone to heaven as he nods, making me snap him out of his thoughts by pinching him in the arm

"Let's all just agree to never play another game involving anything like this ever again" Red says as I laughed and look at the others. It's unanimous "We agree" 

Author's Note: Ahh finally, I finished this story! Sorry for not keeping that promise from the last chapter, but I had some stuff I needed to do and almost lost this story process. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this crossover story with Pokemon and the movie Stay Alive. It was a fun ride and at times hard to write, but overall worth it :)

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