Hazbin Hotel (Alastor X Reade...

By HorrorFox_Universal

135 5 4

You play as y/n,a 28 year old demon who died around the 1930s by a drive by You make your way to the fine pe... More

A Tour of THE Hazbin Hotel
Hanging with Angel


65 2 4
By HorrorFox_Universal

Oh shit.

I actually ran.

I'm going to get caught if I don't find a place to hide.

"I think she went this way!"a random demon who follows my father yelled,definately nearby.


Come on.

Come on!

Wait,that's a new hotel.

I think I heard about it.

I hope they let me hide.

I just want to be free.

(Who else do we know wants to be free.)

(Dobby has been given a sock!Dobby is freeeeeeeee!)


A gunshot was heard.

ow!That hit me!

I run into the hotel and slam the door shut behind me,panting from the adrenaline and running.

The many cuts and bruises and deep wounds were bleeding heavily.

I opened my eyes to see 6 people staring at me.

The Radio Demon himself,and the princess of hell were among the 6.

I was about to speak when the door exploded and the blast threw me against a wall.

Alastors pov.

A strange demon with a long tail and fox ears slammed the door shut,gaining everyone's attention.

This will be...interesting.

She was about to say something to us when she was thrown against a wall from a blast exploding the door.

Not from Pentious though.

From some random smelly demons.

"There you are Y/n!Time to come home.Your in biiiiig trouble  for trying to run."The biggest of the demons yelled.

"Um,excuse me,but why are you chasing her?She seems super nice,and-""Shut up!We don't have any issues with you.We do with her.She outwardly disobeyed us,and now she is going to pay for it.Get ready for another heavy night girl."the head demon grimaced with a disgusting look in his eyes.

Demons these days.


"I'm not going with you!I hate you!"The girl yelled.

I think they said her name was y/n.

Couldn't be sure though.

"Oh yes you are.Your father has plans with you.His business needs you."A smaller demon explained with a giddy tone.

I glance at the bloodied girl.

She was shivering from fear and adrenilane.

And when the demon said that,the anger in her eyes turned into complete fear.


"Hey!That was rude!Please leave!"Charlie yelled softly.

"I already told you princess,not until we get our property."The bigger demon glared.

Charlie gave me a pleading look and i sighed.

"I suppose i'll help just this once.Leave."I lower my voice and look more threatening,radio symbols dancing around me.

"And why should I?"The demon glared,raising his fists.

"You should listen to him boss.Do you not know who he is?"A small demon frowned fearfully.


"No,and I don't care."The demon barked,running towards me with his fist raised.

With a small twitch of my head,the demons neck snapped.

His lifeless body hit the floor with a satisfying thud.

Most of the demons started rushing towards me,while the rest with common sense ran for their lives.

The demons fall one by one,either with a thud,or a large puddle and splatter of blood.

One demon got to the girl though and hit her in the head multiple times.

I pretended not to notice and continued killing the other demons off one by one.

The girl pushed the one demon back and cowered on the floor.

I finished off the last off the demons and killed the one towering over her.

I look at the bloodied girl with thought.

She seemed strange.

She seemed powerful.

Maybe I should befriend her.

Just to see what she tells me and what happens.

She looks at me with the fear of a poor does.

I crouch down with my normal smile.

"Don't worry,I have no intentions of killing you."I grin.

She looks less fearful.


I get up.

"Well,that got quite messy.Nifty,if you could be a dear,would you clean up this mess?I can help you later."I ask.

"Of course!And no need to help.I looooove cleaning."Nifty giggled.

"Oh poor girl,are you ok?Vaggie,could you get a room key and room set up?"Charlie asked her girlfriend.

"Fine.But I don't trust her."Vaggie glares.

"She got a nice body.I know why they want her.I may just kill the stragglers."Angel looks outside with a mad face.

He still has a strange grin on his face though.

I hear a small whimpering from behind me and look at the girl.

She was staring at her hands,as if disoriented,before passing out.

"Well that's a conundrum."I state very frankly.

"A conundrum?She passed out!"Angel yells.

He runs to his room and comes back with some bandages and clean,slightly damp raggs.

"Can someone help me?"Angel glares.

He's quite worried.

"Of course."I smile,snapping my fingers.

The bloodied girl was immediately less bloodied and dirty,and her wounds were bandaged.

"Why didn't you do that sooner?!"Angel dropped his jaw.

"I'm fine with the sight of blood.And if she dies,she dies.Wouldn't really bother me."I explain.

"Insensitive much?"Angel scoffed.

"Of course!I'm an overlord.Most don't have feelings."I grin.

Angel scoffs.

Vaggie comes back with a key and stops when she sees the bandaged and unconcious girl.

"Vaggie,could you help me bring her to her room?She lost a lot of blood and was probably so stressed,she passed out.The poor thing.Those demons are terrible!Who could do this to an innecont demon."Charlie frowned.

"She isn't innocent.She's a demon.She is probably a bad person and deserved this."Vaggie glares.

"No one deserves this."Charlie returns.

"Now help me."She adds.

"Fine!Ugh,I hate this."VAggie grimaces.

I bite back an entertained laugh.

I must say,I do agree with what Angel said about her.

She is quite pretty.

Can't tell if the blood made her look better or worse though.

I giggle a little at that.

It's like a beautiful morbid joke ringing in my head.

"what are you laughing at."Angel raises a brow.

"If she looked better or worse with all that blood."I giggle.

"You are very morbid.I still wanna suck that strawberry dick of yours."Angel plays.

"I will cut yours off if you try that."I grimace.

"Kinky,but don't do that."Angel walks away with a smile.

Weird bastard.

I am very glad i'm patient,cause I would have killed him already if I wasn't .

Or if Charlie wasn't here.

I'm very ready to kill that horny spider.

It's best to not dwell in the past though.

Look forward to the future.

I need to sleep now.

I'm going to be very busy tomorrow.

Charlie's pov.after y/n was put in her room.

"I hope she'll be ok.She seemed so scared."I frown with worry.

"She'll be fine Charlie.She looked riseliant,and she had a lot of scars already.Probably from fighting and killing other demons."Vaggie scoffed.

"Maybe,but she still deserves a place to hide and change."I smile.

Charlie just sighs and goes to sleep.

I turn and go to sleep as well.

Just a lot more worried.

Angel's pov.

That girl reminds me of a weaker me.

I wanna friend her.

Even if she isn't like me,I still wanna be friends with her.

How is her hair that luscious.

I must know.

I also really might kill those demons chasing her.

I don't like them.


Fat Nuggets came towards me with love in his face.

"Awwwww!You came to daddy!Your such a cutie patootie."I coo to my pet pig.

I fall asleep easily when my pig is near,so I obviously passed out.

1053 words -------- 12/16/2022

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