The Mechanic

By plaguerisers

147K 3K 64

Letty Milkovich grew up around the club. It's all she has known. All the guys joked saying she is Happy's old... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59

Part 51

775 27 0
By plaguerisers

3rd person's POV:

The lockdown was still on going and some people were getting slightly restless but managed to keep it under control as Jax hoped that the lockdown would ease soon.

As Letty had managed to get herself comfy on the couch while she watched Abel drawing some pictures at the table in front of where she sat, Happy placed himself next to her before starting to rub Letty's stomach causing her to rest her head against his shoulder.

"You won the bet, there is something going on behind Chibs and that cop." Happy huffed

"Get in! That means you have to get your arse in the kitchen more often" Letty chuckled causing Happy to huff some more.

While the guys hovered around the bar, they began watching the loved-up couple sat on the couch not too far away causing them to smile at the interaction.

"God he really is a big softie when he's around Letty. If anyone from outside the club was watching them right now, they wouldn't believe you if you told them that Happy has killed a shit tone of people." Rat commented leaving the guys to laugh

"If you think this is something, you should have seen them when they were in Tacoma. As much as they tried to claim that they were just friends, they would be walking around acting like an old married couple." Quinn chuckled

"They would act the same here as well when Happy would be up from Tacoma, that's how Piney's rumour started." Chibs commented before taking a shot to his lips

"You know, Happy had a thing for Letty before they had officially met." Quinn confessed leaving the guys shocked

"What really?" Bobby questioned with a shocked tone

"Yeah he spotted her at a party when we were in Charming helping the club. She was dating that David dude at the time and he began asking me and Kozik about her which we told him everything but he never brought it up again until she came to Tacoma." Quinn explained leaving the guys to become even more shocked

"Holy shit - that's something else" Chibs shook his head

"Wait why ain't you shocked about this?" Bobby questioned, slightly pointing his finger at Jax

"Because Letty also had a thing for Happy too back in the day. She secretly started asking me and Opie about him without trying to catch anyone's attention which was also happened to be at a party when you guys were up from Tacoma" Jax had also confessed, joining Quinn in making the guys shocked

"And now the two are expecting a child together." Chibs shook his head with a grin on his face

"That's some serious fate shit" Tig smirked


Letty's POV:

After a few hours into the second day of lockdown, Jax had stated that it was safe for us to go home and that there was no need for the lockdown to continue which I was glad about as I missed my bed. Driving home, I slightly chuckled to myself at something Tig had informed me about which I had made a mental note to talk Happy about it which I was lucky enough that Happy wasn't tired when we got home as I could talk to him about it.

"You wouldn't believe what Tig had told me today" I grinned, getting into bed next to Happy

"What stupid shit did he say to you this time?" Happy grinned back

"That you used to have a crush on me back in the day." I smirked

"Well I can confirm that Tig hasn't told you false information... I did have a thing for you but I didn't think anything of it until you came to Tacoma which I had no intention of making a move on you or us being close for that matter. All that shit we went through together during your time at Tacoma wasn't planned, it just happened." Happy explained

"You know I had a thing for you too, I used to had it so bad for you whenever I would see you around the clubhouse but I was dating David at the time so I couldn't have done anything and the only thing I could do was ask Opie about you which he was kind enough to share. Even Wendy ended up finding out and she was willing to get me to break up with David and set us up if you weren't from a different charter" I confessed leaving Happy to smirk

"I'm glad that things worked out between us, I know that it took a long time for us to get to this place but I don't regret it for a minute. You're the best thing to happen to me." Happy also confessed leaving me to start tearing up

"Jeez! Between you and Jax, I'm a damn emotional mess" I chuckled, wiping away tears that had escaped. "But I don't regret it either, this shit that we've built together is too good to be having with anyone else."

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