Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy...

By MisakaLovesYou

46.5K 1.5K 768

Academy City. A city of science, of fact and powers. Here, humans can come to develop supernatural powers of... More

ALfheim Online
Fly Like an Eagle, or a Crazy Bumblebee
Having a Meltdown
Blades and Rage.
Trapped Princess, Evil King
Fight and Win
The Dragon King
Adventures in Railgun-Sitting
Railgun V.S. Eugene
Number 3 V.S. Number 4
The Railgun And The Meltdowner
Viral Railgun
The Fairy's Dance.
The Seed

Academy City

4.6K 95 60
By MisakaLovesYou

A black haired boy, wearing a black jacket and pants rode through the city on his bike..

It wasn't as if he hadn't rode before.. however.. since 2 years ago, the environment in which he rode had drastically changed, especially given the strange robots cleaning the streets, and all the other strange incredibly advanced technology that filled his surroundings.

Academy City. A city with population of 2.1 million, with 80 percent of that population being students due to the fact that the city was comprised almost completely of colleges, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools. With 60 percent of those students possessing incredible super powers thanks to the city's power development program.. a program that created psychics called espers.

Though of course, Kazuto Kirigaya wasn't here to go under the Power Development program, even though many of the people who were here for the same reason as him were given the option of doing so..

Supposedly, in a few weeks, a new school would be opening up to teach a certain group of high school aged kids who had fallen behind thanks to 2 years trapped inside a Virtual Reality video gam called Sword Art Online.

Most of the students who were in this situation, lived outside of Academy City, so the city, with it's incredibly fast building and technological potential, built a monorail faster then any other of it's kind.. one that went all across Japan, and led back to itself.. so that even those who didn't live within the sovereign land locked city could attend.

Kazuto, in fact, lived in Kawagoe City, in the Saitama prefecture of Japan. A small Edo town with a population of 340,000. A ride on the monorail only took around 5 minutes to reach Academy City.

Kazuto was here for no academic reason though, in reality, he was here to visit a friend.

And he found her, sitting at an umbrella table at an outdoor café that had opened up about a year ago during Sword Art Online..

She wore a black shirt with yellow hearts and blue denim short shorts. Her medium length chestnut brown hair fluttered a bit in the breeze, causing her small gold colored lightning bolt shaped hairpin to glint in the sun.

Mikoto Misaka smiled and waved at Kazuto as he approached the café table. And as he sat down, a small cylindrical pink robot, about the size of R2D2, roved over and set a small menu down for him.

"Thanks." said Kazuto, not really sure if he was required to thank a robot.

"I've got two more coming." said Mikoto. "They should be here in a minute."

"Uiharu and Saten again?" said Kazuto.

"Yep, Kuroko had to do some more stuff for Judgement." said Mikoto. "So how are you Kirito?"

"You know you're not supposed to call me that IRL right?" said Kazuto, raising an eyebrow.

"Eh.. sorry, it's just become sort of a habit." said Mikoto cheerfully. "Kinda like how I had to get used to Touma calling me Biribiri.."

"Referring to you by onomatopoeia." said Kazuto. "Kamijou told me that he used to get shocked by you a lot for that... you do know it's actually more like a term of endearment for him right?"

"I know.." said Mikoto. "It just took a while to stick for me."

"Well all this mega tech is going to take a while for me that's for sure.." said Kazuto as he stared at everything around him.. a Space Elevator.. a Windowless Building able to take a Nuclear Bomb.. Anti-Skill.. super powered Espers.. it's like I'm in a science fiction anime."

"The fact that we went into an VRMMO was already like a science fiction anime." said Mikoto. "Well you're going to have to get used to it.. we're all going to be going to school together here.. Lisbeth and Silica too.."

"So what is it like?" Kazuto said. "Living in Academy City?"

"It has it's nice moments.." said Mikoto. "Then... it.. well.. it has it's very dark moments too.. if you knew half the terrible stuff that I've encountered here... just be on your guard, with the stuff we've been through, I don't doubt there'll be jerks wanting to experiment with our brains.."

"This place really is that wild then.." said Kirito.

"So.." Mikoto took a deep breath as she prepared herself to ask the question that she most wanted to ask. "How's... Asuna?"

Kirito's gaze dimmed. "She's okay... there's been no change in her vital signs... but.. I plan on visiting her later today. Want to come?"

"Yeah... sure.." said Mikoto. "I was thinking of buying flowers for her room..."

Everyone had thought that the nightmare of Sword Art Online was over.. but.. it really only partially ended.. several hundred players never woke up like the others.. and among them was Asuna Yuuki... Kirito's girlfriend, and in game wife.. as well as Mikoto's close friend..

She lay in Academy City's high tech hospital, with that Nerve Gear on her head, still sleeping.. trapped who knew where in the VR world..

The sad thoughts of Asuna were interrupted by a finger poking Mikoto in the cheek.

"Oh Miiiiisaaaaakaaaa!!!" Ruiko Saten gave Mikoto a cheery wave, her black hair fluttering slightly in the breeze, next to her.. was Kazari Uiharu, a shy looking girl with short hair filled with flowers.

"Oh hey you two!" said Mikoto. "I already ordered drinks for you guys, if that's alright."

"Well no problem with that!" said Saten with a wink. "You always know what we want after all.. oh, hello Kirigaya!"

"Hey there Saten, Uiharu." said Kazuto. "It's great to see you two again.."

"K-Kirigaya-san...." Uiharu went red and bowed. "H-hi.."

Mikoto smirked. Uiharu had a major crush on Kazuto, even if she knew Kazuto wouldn't date Uiharu, it was still rather cute.

"So.. I thought you two should hear the big news.. Kuroko already knows by the way.." said Saten. "Uiharu is taking Kendo class!!"

"What?" said Kazuto. "That's great!"

"I-I thought it would be good to learn to defend myself.. so maybe Judgement would let me go out into the field." said Uiharu.

'Wouldn't judo be more suited for that?" said Kazuto. "I mean it's not like Judgement carries swords with them all the time.."

Judgement was a volunteer organization in Academy City, mostly comprised of espers and other students, like a volunteer police force, charged with upholding the law in Academy City. Mikoto's best friend Kuroko Shirai, and Kazari Uiharu were both part of this organization.

"W-well.. I thought.. that since K-Kirigaya-san's sister was so good with Kendo.." said Uiharu.

"That's right.. Suguha is going to try out for regionals this month." said Kazuto. "Well she'll be glad to hear that you're taking Kendo.. I'll ask if she can give you some tips.."

"K-Kirigaya is too kind.." Uiharu whispered to herself as her face turned the color of a fire truck.

Mikoto had never actually met Kazuto's cousin, who was also his adopted sister.. yet Kazuto had told her plenty about her..

"I'd love you two to meet some day, you'd be good friends.." Kazuto would say.

But due to the large amount therapy Mikoto had to go through recently, it had been hard to find the time..

As it turned out.. Mikoto had needed a little more then physical therapy for her recovery from SAO. During her time in the game, her real world body had been sending large electrical impulses continuously through her body due to large amounts of stress, as a result, she had gained a large amount of arthritis.

Academy City had been using a soothing massage machine to relax Mikoto's muscles for the past few months, slowly and steadily curing her by also using Mikoto's own esper power. it had been gradual.. but she finally regained all her motor functions just last week.

"Oh no.." said Uiharu as she suddenly noticed something. "Guys.. just pretend I'm not here.." Uiharu took her bag and put it on the table, trying to hide behind it.."

"Eh?" said Kazuto. "What's the matter?"

"I know..." said Saten with a frown. "It's them.." Saten pointed at several guys walking past, all of them looked pretty athletic, and were carrying bamboo swords over their shoulders. "They're the top people in Uiharu's class.. and they're absolute jerks.. they love picking on the newer students.."

"Do they?" said Mikoto, a little arch of electricity sparked out of her bangs with irritance.

"Doesn't your instructor do anything about it?" Kazuto asked.

"H-he's too busy.. it's a really big class.." Uiharu muttered.

"Oh.. if it isn't the new squirt!" Much to Uiharu's obvious dismay, the group of guys walked over, giving Uiharu belittling grins.

"P-please just go away.. class doesn't resume till tomorrow.." Uiharu whimpered.

"Hey! We're your seniors, we have to show you the stick every opportunity we get, or who knows what self righteous attitude you might develop! Hahahahaha!!" The lead boy in the group laughed. Mikoto was rather sickened by that man's eyes.. so arrogant, so drunk with his own stupidity..

"Why don't we take you for a walk!!?" said the boy, grabbing Uiharu's hair and intending to pull her out of her chair. "Refresh you on the rules you know!?"

Kazuto stood up abruptly, grabbing the boy's wrist. "Back off..."

"Oh! Somebody thinks he's a hotshot!" said the boy, glaring at Kazuto. "Don't interfere with another's business, unless you're prepared to have your ass handed to you.."

Mikoto couldn't take it anymore, she stood up as well. "One of you.. hand me your sword.."

The lead boy let go of Uiharu and grinned. "Oh.. looky here little squirt, one of your girl friends here wants to tangle with the regional champ.. you take kendo too girl?"

"Nope." said Mikoto. "But I'd like to try it out on some dimwits before I make hasty decisions.. hand me a sword.."

The boys all laughed, as the main boy chuckled and threw Mikoto one of the group's bamboo swords. "Knock yourself out... by the way.. you should probably stick with a girl's sport.. like beach volleyball.. where you can show off that bod of yours more! About the only thing a female's good for!"

"Oh.." Kirito muttered. "You didn't just say that to her of all people.."

"M-Misaka.." Uiharu whispered. "That's the captain of the leading kendo team for this region, Captain Daisuke.. I-I'm not sure you should... you know.."

"Well.. I'm sure.." said Mikoto.

Daisuke and Mikoto faced each other and bowed like they would in an actual Kendo tournament. (Mikoto's watched Kendo tournaments on T.V. ever since SAO.)

"Eh? HAHAHAHA!! What kind of stance is that!?" said Daisuke.

Indeed, instead of a normal stance, Mikoto was holding her sword out at ready with one hand, one leg forward...

"Well.. no worries.." said Mikoto. "If this isn't the right way.. then I'm sure you'll be able to beat me easily... right?"

"YOU BET YOUR ASS I WILL!?" Daisuke lunged forward, swinging a his sword down at Mikoto's head.

But all the bamboo hit was empty air.. as Mikoto moved at vicious speed, letting out a powerful swinging side strike at Daisuke's shoulder.

Daisuke, blocked the strike just barely, his eyes widening with surprise. "What the!?"

Daisuke let out another set of furious blows, but he couldn't even touch Mikoto, whose feet were moving as if she were running on air. She dodged every single strike, bobbing and weaving through the mess of attacks.

"What's the matter?" Mikoto said as she dodged another strike. "You move so slowly, I don't even have to parry you sword.. I've met Slime Class monsters faster then you.."

"Slime.. what!?" Daisuke roared. "Whatever! You can't win if you don't attack!!"

"You want me to attack hmm?" Mikoto said. "Okay.."

Mikoto dashed at Daisuke so quickly and suddenly, that he flinched with surprise at the look in her eyes.. a look as if she were being chased by demons.

Mikoto's bamboo sword came up in a powerful uppercut swing, knocking Daisuke's own weapon right out of his hands before Mikoto stabbed her sword forward quickly, jabbing the boy straight between the eyes, and sending him sprawling..

"That.. was called a Vorpal Strike where I learned it.." said Mikoto. "If this blade was actually sharp...you'd be dead.."

The last three words contained so much venom, that Daisuke scrambled to his feet and jumped back in fright.

The rest of Daisuke's group gathered up in front of him, glaring at Mikoto and taking out their bamboo swords.

"Oh.. I wouldn't do that if I were you." said Kazuto.

"Don't warn them.." said Mikoto. "I'd like them to see.."

In an instant, 4 large lightning bolts blasted out of Mikoto's bangs and exploded into the street around the boys..

The boys yelled out, and were sent hurtling back several meters, their bodies smoking.

"Okay, here's how it's going to go.." said Mikoto. "Uiharu's going to be my eyes and ears inside that Kendo class of yours.. and from now on.. if I hear from her, that you've bullied her.. or anybody else in that class... I will kick your butt so hard, that you'll have to sit on your eyeballs.."

"Y-you're the Railgun!!! Oh my gosh!! The 3rd Level 5!?" Daisuke yelled. "L-let's get out of here!!"

Covered in electrical burns and humiliation, the group of boys ran off, taking their cowardice with them.

Mikoto sighed and collapsed back into her chair. "Th-that was exhausting.. I kept on expecting to trip...."

"It's not as easy without the system guiding your movements.." said Kazuto. "I got beat by Suguha just this morning because of that.. I'm thinking of maybe getting back into Kendo..."

"W-wow!!" Saten stammered. "Misaka! I've never seen anything like that before!"

"To be honest.. I wasn't even sure it would work." Mikoto muttered. "Using gaming moves IRL...usually it ends badly when I look at the News.."

"SAO imputed a lot of research on real sword techniques from other cultures." said Kazuto. "I'm actually not surprised it works to some degree IRL.."

"So.. " said Saten. "Moving on from that situation.. what are you two going to do later today? Me and Uiharu are planning on taking a look at some new manga stores.."

"We're going to visit Asuna.." said Kazuto. "And then.. I guess I'll head home.. Mikoto? What are you going to do?"

"Guess.. after the whole Asuna visit.. I'm.. er.. going to visit somebody.." Mikoto went pink.

"Ahhhh.. is it this mysterious boy you don't talk about?" Saten said, with a sly grin.

"N-none of your business.." Mikoto stammered.

After the friends talked for a bit, Kazuto decided it was high time that he and Mikoto get to the hospital... so they bid Saten and Uiharu farewell..

Originally, Asuna had been treated at a hospital in Tokyo.. but the 300 who were still trapped in their Nerve Gears had been moved to Academy City for treatment, as it was expected that a scientific superpower like this place would be best suited for treating such unusual patients..

Mikoto and Kazuto were regulars there of course.. so the nurse instantly recognized them and guided them to her room.

"She's quite peaceful compared to the other patients.." said the smiling nurse. "Her heart rate is quite stable.. take as much time as you need."

Mikoto and Kirito stood next to Asuna's bed silently as the nurse left.. there she was.. frail and weak looking, her eyes closed as if she were in peaceful slumber, with her Nerve Gear on her head. (Actually her brother's Nerve Gear..)

"Hey Asuna.." Mikoto said as she took out a vase and set it on her bedside table. "I bought you some daffodils today.."

Kazuto held Asuna's hand. "Warm as always.. you'd almost believe that she was suddenly going to wake up.."

"Oh? Kirigaya and Misaka?" An elderly man in a brown suit walked in and smiled at the two friends. "Back visiting my dear Asuna again?"

Shouzou Yuuki, none other then Asuna's father.

Mikoto bowed respectfully, as she always did in the presence of the CEO of RECT inc. "Hello Mr. Yuuki."

"Ahh.. Misaka I've told you so many times, you can just call me Yuuki." said Shouzou. "Any friend of my Asuna needn't observe too many formalities.. both you and Kirigaya are always welcome here.."

"She's steady as always.." said Kazuto. "Mikoto brought daffodils..."

"Ahh.. yes.. Asuna would love them if she could see them." said Shouzou. "You two have been so kind to visit her these past months.. I was afraid that might have been alone within that world.. after all, gaming wasn't exactly something she was into. But.. I'm glad she had you two around for her."

"Likewise.." said Mikoto. "Mr. Yuuki, my Papa has a message for you, he wanted me to tell you the investment's ready... "

"Right.. Tabigake's been generous to RECT, be sure to send your father my regards." said Shouzou with a nod. "Oh yes, by the way.. I would love to introduce you two to somebody with me here today.."

Kazuto and Mikoto both watched curiously as a tall looking young man with a business suit, glasses, slick hair, and a red tie walked in..

"Hello! I am Noboyuki Sogou. " said the man cheerfully. "Head of RECT Progress, a division of RECT inc."

"This man has been a great help to our Full Dive division." said Shouzou. "After that terrible incident with the Nerve Gear, he has been hard at work developing safer software for VRMMOs, and as a result we were able to develop the Amusphere."

Mikoto knew about the Amusphere. It was basically just a remake of the Nerve Gear, only with larger safety features to ensure that one couldn't use the same Microwave brain frying tricks, or trapping techniques that Kayaba had to trap people in Sword Art Online. In a way, Mikoto was glad that the Amusphere was invented... otherwise the SAO scandal would have driven the VR business to ruin.. a strange gratefulness, given that Mikoto was currently too scared to lay even a finger on a VR game.

"Sugou.. this is Kirigaya and Misaka.. friends of Asuna.." said Shouzou.

"Oh!! You don't me THE Kirito-kun and Railgun from SAO?!" said Sugou. "Ahh!! yes! you two were famous in that game.. and Railgun is the same Railgun whose the Electric Princess of Tokwadai, the Number 3 Esper of Academy City!"

"Formerly Tokwadai." Mikoto corrected. "I'm going to high school in a few weeks."

"Yes of course!" said Sugou. "It's wonderful to meet you both, the Knight Kirito-Kun, and the Railgun, Misaka!"

"Right.. well I will leave you three for now.." said Shouzou. "I have a emergency meeting I need to get to.. so please.. keep my dear Asuna company as long as you like.."

Shouzou walked out the door.. leaving Mikoto, Kazuto and Sugou alone with the silent motionless Asuna..

"So.. " said Mikoto. "You helped design the Amusphere?.."

Mikoto's question trailed off as her fear meter rose a few inches... Sugou's expression had changed to that of a evil, greedy entrepreneur.

"Oh how naïve.. the both of you.." Sugou said.

"What?" Kazuto muttered, looking disturbed as well.

"Don't think I don't know.." said Sugou. "Kirito-kun, the silly knight whose in love with dear sweet sweet Asuna... well forget it.. boy.. because you're never going to save her!"

Sugou chuckled and walked over next to Asuna's head.. he took a lock of her hair and sniffed it deeply, chuckling and laughing. "How... sweet..."

"ZAM!!!" A lightning bolt nearly missed Sugou's head, frying a hole in the hospital curtains nearby.

"You.. YOU.. YOU!!!" Mikoto's body was sparking with barely contained rage.

"Careful Railgun.." said Sugou. "What if your powers cause a blackout.. and equipment is disconnected, causing dear Asuna's Nerve Gear to use that internal battery to fry her..? Then where would we be?"

Kazuto grabbed Sugou's collar and slammed him against the wall, looking enraged as well. "She's the least of your problems! What the hell is with you!?"

"Oh..? You don't know?" said Sugou, laughing. "I'm actually engaged to marry Asuna!! You see.. her father adopted me into his family.. it was a wonderous thing really.. however.. the problem is.. that she never liked me.. in fact, she always felt disgusted by me... however.. now that she's in this state.. well.. she's not in a position to protest now is she? Hahahahaha!! Well.. the wedding is going to take place next week anyways.. in this very room.. it'll be quiet.. after all.. she's not going to wake up before the wedding ends.."

"Wh-what!?" Kazuto let go of Sugou's collar.. staggering back..horrified. "No..."

"Well.." said Sugou. "That put a bee in your bonnet, didn't it Kirito-kun? Perhaps I'll invite the both of you to the wedding? You know.. that way you can say your final goodbyes.. and having a genuine Level 5 at our wedding would be a real treat... goodbye.. Kirito.. Railgun.. be sure to have a lovely time counting down the days to my ultimate triumph.."

Sugou laughed again.. and walked out..

Kazuto fell to his knees.. trembling..

"K-Kazuto.." Mikoto whimpered. "H-hey... Kazuto..."

"I.. need to be alone.." Kazuto mumbled.. before standing back up.. and walking out of the room..

Mikoto stood in silence... 5 minutes.. then 10 minutes... then..

"GOD DAMN IT!!!!" Mikoto screamed and punched the window of the room.. and a massive surge of lightning melted the glass and blasted out into the sky, tearing apart a small cloud..

Mikoto then fell to her knees.. and rested her forehead against the wall of the room.. crying..

Why...? Why couldn't the nightmare ever end?

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