Glass Heart

By CosplayCopia

425 30 9

The Rise To Power; A Smallville Saga {Part 5} The aftermath of Lex's possession by Zod left the Luthors dishe... More



27 1 0
By CosplayCopia

A/N: I don't own Smallville or any characters and places in the DC universe. Nor do I own the episodes that these chapters are based on and contained.

I also don't claim to be a writer. My inspiration is simply to get a creative outlet going.

I only own Tyla Nevin and what pertains to her character story.


"What do you mean Dr. Groll's lab is cleaned out? This schematic can't be all that's left." Lex yelled into the phone as he leaned back in his seat at his desk. "What about all the research?"

"It's gone. All gone," the director of the lab replied. 

Lex could tell that the man was flinching on the other end of the phone. It had become clear that Lex was the harsher one when it came to dealings. As an employee, it would be easier to talk to Tyla. "Just find him." Lex barked. He all but slammed the phone on its stand before seeing a skinny-looking photographer come into his purview. He remembered one of his security guards telling him that there was a James Olsen who wanted to speak to him.

"Mr. Luthor, thanks for seeing me." He said, carefully coming towards the desk.  The billionaire had never seen this man up close. He had never even met him. He only knew based on what Tyla told him about. From what he saw, James Olsen was a small-looking type of man, albeit seeming quite with the camera in his hand. 

"Because your girlfriend is out for lunch with my wife right now, that's the only reason why you're here, Mr. Olsen," Lex said, briefly. 

"Uh, would you mind if I start with a few pictures?"

Lex tensed up. "Actually, I do." He had a ton of work to go over, one task didn't include a meeting for a photo-op. "I'll have my personal assistant send you a publicity shot."

Defeated, Jimmy quickly took a seat in one of the chairs that were in front of the desk. "Right."

All Lex did was huff. He didn't offer. James was not staying long. "So, what is this about?" He asked.

"Okay, then," Jimmy said with a chuckle. However, it came out as rather nervous. "Down to business." From his messenger bag, he took out and plopped a bunch of photos in the middle of the hardwood surface. "What exactly is your connection to this man, Mr. Luthor, and what was in the steel case that he gave you?" He pointed to the first photo where Dr. Groll had come out of the limo.

Lex picked up another picture, it was a license plate of the limo; Luthor3. A look of surprise passed through his eyes as he looked through the photographs. What was his father doing in the late night, meeting with the doctor under his employ? However, he wasn't going to give Jimmy any hint of a lead. Mutual connections aside, he was still a reporter. He sighed, giving the impression that he was unfazed.

"Can I take that as a "no comment?"" The photographer asked causing both of them to chuckle.

"Try doing better research, this is my father's limo. My license plates have "Lex" in them." He started to say as he reached forward, smiling as Jimmy seemed to recoil in fear. But all he did was press a white button on his intercom. In a small moment, a security guard came walking in. "Mr. Olsen has to get back to Metropolis. Makes sure he finds the way out." Lex watched as the guard motioned the photographer to get up before adding. "A word of caution, if you ever try anything like this again, you'll be leaving through the window, no matter who you're dating." 

A small smile of satisfaction etched on his face as Jimmy was being walked out or rather the guard who had a hand gripped on the photographer's arm has hauled him out of the study. Upon the door closing, Lex reached into his pocket for his cell phone. Without a single glance to the phone pad, he dialed the number and then pressed phone to his ear. There was only a single ring before he heard her dulcet tones greet him.

"Hey, babe." In the background, he could hear Chloe clear her throat and there was some sort of shuffling and a short murmur of an excuse that she was going to the washroom. "What's going on?"

It wasn't any concern in her voice and he almost regretted being the one to give it. "Hey...Dr. Groll is gone, along with all the research. I think my father is behind it." He replied. "Did you manage to take the box from him?"

Tyla now was the one who cleared her throat. " but don't you think now isn't a good time to discuss this?" She lowered her voice into the phone.

"When you come back, put it in the vault."

"Lex..." She was warning him. He was starting to sound desperate.

"He's playing a cat-and-mouse game. He's trying to use fear and intimidation to take over," he explained. "I can feel it."

"Lex, take a deep breath." She waited until she could hear Lex inhale deeply but it was sounding sharper than her liking. "Now, how many times has your father tried to move in the shadows and failed?"

He exhaled, exasperated. "Lost count," He managed to reply. She was right. This would be one more. If she had the box, he didn't need to worry. But his father was steadily coming closer to something that he didn't want in his hands.


Tyla crossed the halls towards the vault in the study. She glanced behind her before typing the password just in case she wasn't alone. After she dropped off Chloe at the Daily Planet with a request to look into Lionel a little closer as a potential lead for her, she went straight to her office in LuthorCorp to take the fragment piece from her own safe. It was risky to keep it there, but she wasn't going to have Lionel sniffing around in her office. There were strict rules in place to keep him from coming around.

She heard the doors swing open and she walked into the vault, placing the purple stony device on one of the shelves. She nodded, triumphantly and crossed her arms before she walked out of the vault. "Safe and sound from the evil clutches of Luthor," She said as she turned around and paused, seeing Lex stand close to the fireplace.

"I hope I'm not the one with the evil clutches...or you," he said, with a raised eyebrow and curious look that didn't completely look pained.

"I meant your father," she said, apologetically, coming over to kiss him. "I didn't hear you come in, I'm sorry. I'm still trying to get used to the name, to be honest." She even had to think about it during lunch when the waitstaff kept calling her Mrs. Luthor. "I may have reserved that for your mother, in my mind."

Lex wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. It was a sentiment that was full of Tyla. She acted like the woman was still alive, but he knew it was just her form of respect. He was about to speak but then he heard someone at the door, just where he had come in. He looked over to see a man in a black hoodie. He was panting with sweat with a glare that looked almost inhuman. "You have something I need." He stated.

"Tyla, call security!" Lex raised his voice as he let her go. But as she turned to run to the intercom, the man spoke again.

"They're kind of unavailable right now." He turned his eyesight over towards the opened vault door before he beelined it over.

Lex took a step toward the man, stopping him short from making any movement. "You're not getting near that safe," he said, feeling a newfound bravado. The man made a mocking sound and then grabbed Lex by the collar of his shirt. He tossed him back and Lex felt his legs give out before he fell onto his glass desk. He yelled out in pain.

"Lex!" Tyla shouted, taking another step, and trying to help him up.

The man walked into the vault and placed his hand over the box. It lit up in a sea of pink light and it hummed. It was as if the man was feeding off its energy, but the device was slowly turning to ash.

Lex was about to run to stop but she grabbed his arm. "No, it's not worth it." She said, taking his hand and getting him to run out of the study with her. The entire room started to become engulfed in pink light but neither of them looked back.


They had reached her car, seeing the unconscious bodies of his guards at the entrance. While Tyla drove down to Smallville Medical, she sent paramedics over to the manor, hoping that the man just took what he needed and left. She felt dizzy from the whole event, but she was cleared once the nurse ran a few stress tests. But her husband was the more injured party. "Lex..." 

He looked over as she ran in to see him. "Just minor bruises," he brushed off as he buttoned up his black shirt. "Nothing to worry about, honey. I promise. They want to run an x-ray to make sure my ribs are all right."

She gave him a quick nod. "How did he know about the box?" She asked.

"I was wondering that myself. He didn't have blue hair or anything..." The boy was bald as they came, by choice.

"I don't think we're going to have another clairvoyant involvement," Tyla said, puzzled. "As far as I know, I would be the only one." Then, they heard footsteps approach, but it was the frown on Lex's face that told Tyla that it was Clark. She turned around. "Clark?" She didn't expect Clark to come to Lex's aid.

Neither did he. "What are you doing here?" Lex demanded.

"I went by the mansion. I heard you were taken to the hospital." Clark said, looking over to Tyla. "You okay?"

"We're fine, Clark...both of us." Lex moved so that Tyla was behind him.

"What happened?"

"We had an uninvited guest, but...we're used to that kind of thing." He heard Tyla say his name, warning him to be civil.

"I'm glad you're all right then."

The conversation was only brief as the doctor as a sign for the interaction to end. "Mr. Luthor, let's get you down to x-ray." He said, outstretching his hand towards the hall to lead the man.  Lex gave Clark a lasting look of warning before he followed the man out.

"Actually, it would be nice to know what happened." She started to say, crossing her arms. "As good-natured as you are, I don't know if you're really interested in Lex's health anymore. What's the real reason you're here?"

Clark sighed. "Didn't you not want to get in the middle anymore?" He asked.

"I don't but it went after the device that I thought you destroyed completely." She watched as Clark looked conflicted at her. "It doesn't matter anymore. It's a pile of ash now. Whoever that was, they destroyed it."

Fear swept over him. "What were you planning on doing with it?"

"It was a power source," she explained. "We were trying to prevent another Dark Thursday from happening. But Clark...what does it matter? If the thing is lost, you don't have to worry."

"There's still worry."

"Then I'll give you the same tip as I did with Chloe. Lex's father seemed very keen on the device too. Maybe those two are connected, maybe they're not but it's worth looking into."

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