Home Of The Hurt

By Big-Chungu

480 19 4

There's a group of people running around. No one can tell their names, numbers, faces, or anything. A group w... More

Police Database
HOTH and the Hurt Homes (Part 1)
HOTH and the Hurt Homes (Part 2)
To Fight!
Start of USJ
USJ Horror (Phase 1.1)
USJ Horror (Phase 1.2)
Special: Hurt Home Moments
Morning After
USJ Event

USJ Horror (Phase 1.3)

7 1 0
By Big-Chungu

Kashiki entered, wings fully spread. Flying down quickly and landing in front of students.

Her hands crackled with electricity, lightning bolts ready to be unleashed at any time. Her wings slowly beat in the air, the electricity almost pulsing, and her eyes gleamed.

Lightning travelled up her spine, and through her shoulders.

In a heartbeat, a thunderous explosion occurred, and the entire middle exploded. Courtesy of over a dozen lightning bolts.

Using that as a smokescreen, she jumped and flared her wings again, flying down the giant staircase to begin the fight in a more close manner.

Aizawa had a problem, and that was this entire event. He had stayed with the students against his better judgement, only for the group of vigilantes he had been chasing for months to show up and start chaos.

He expected the vigilantes to be at least weary of the hero's, and the hero students present at the staircase.

What he got, was them not only saving students and bringing them back, but also leaving themselves defenceless while taking care of injuries.

The one who flew down as well could hold her own, firing off what seemed to be lightning in waves to keep herself fighting.

He electric wings kept her back protected, and he lightning warded off whatever came at her front.

Villains did have ranged quirks, but she kept herself always in the centre of the group, making shooting risky.


A large explosion occurred overhead, no doubt a stray bolt of lightning, and it caused many in the group to jump, and a few to cower. The vigilantes were halfway done with the evacuation at that point, so with the bandaged in hand and a little over two dozen people split into 3 groups, the teachers and students retreated with some of the vigilantes and the rest of the students meeting them outside outside where it was safer.

Inside, Tomura scratched his neck, stress and anger building from every moment the vigilante ahead seemed to survive.

He had a job to do, and that was kill All Might. He didn't have time for this small time secret minion.

He looked over to the hulking beast on his right, smiling crazily.

"Remove her."

That order was received, and the beast marched forward. It's body was scar ridden and full of muscle. It's exposed brain sat there on it's bird-like head.

It just felt wrong to Kashiki. Something that shouldn't exist.

It's eyes, though lifeless, screamed from pain.

It was a human, trapped in a doll, forced to obey orders.

A life ruined for a sick joke.

That thought made Kashiki grind her teeth.

Charging up a little more, she unleashed a dozen blasts of lightning in a ring, having the remaining villains either be blown unconscious and out of the way, or forced back from the shockwave.

Either way, the stage was clear, and the battle was going to happen.

The beast rushed forward as it screeched, and ear piercing scream that promised death.

Kashiki underestimated the power and speed, reacting a little too slowly to the beast coming.

It appeared in front of her nearly instantly, it's fist already balled and ready to punch.

"Who do you think you are?! This weapon is for the final boss, not just some mob like you! It's designed to fight All Might! Nomu is a punching bag made to defeat him! You can't win!"

Kashiki was not having it. Blowing the beasts fist to pieces, she jumps up, flying to avoid the next fist that impacted where she was a split second earlier.

Letting out a small relief sigh, Kashiki turned for a split second to check on the condition of the students outside. The beast, now named nomu, had other plans. Letting out another screech, and leaping off the ground, aiming to turn the distracted vigilante into meat paste, a guttural scream from the ground was heard instead when the Nokia fist hit something.


Getting blocked by a blast of sound, the beast fell as blue, visible sound waves began to encircle and tear the nomu apart.

Each vibration tore muscles and ligaments, but it simply made the nomu angry, as it regenerated from every little wound.

Kashiki, seeing Tokachi's attack, recognized what happened, and now focusing on the battle, would make sure she wasn't hit.

Noticing the black smoky villain doing something, Kashiki threw a few blasts of lightning at them, intent on knocking them out.

The villain who seemed to be made out of most however, covered the other villain covered in hands, and the bolts were sent into the sky.

"This is just the beginning you noobs. I'll beat you next time."

With those words, the villains left, and Kashiki refocused on the nomu fight.

Tokachi could hold himself off well. Using the crackling of Kashikis thunder wings and the nomu's screeches to keep his quirk working.

Joining him, Kashiki then began to pelt the nomu with lightning bolts, further adding to the arsenal that Tokachi could pull off.

The problem was time. Her arms started to tingle as her quirk began to be overused.

Slight burns began at her fingertips, spreading more and more as her arms started to blacken.

The wings on her back began to fade as well.

The wings that used to be large, glowed yellow and blue in a mesmerizing dance, and could nearly cover her whole body was now a barely there group of sparks that could barely leave her back.

The fight continued, the goal was the stall for time.

If the hero's could arrive before they were turned into mincemeat, then they'd survive.

The other vigilantes were outside. Now tending to the wounded. The smoke and dust from the explosions covered the whole battlefield and due to Tokachi using all the sound, nothing could be heard.

As a few vigilantes were about the enter, 2 figures were thrown out of the building. The figures smashed through a tree before landing, digging a trench with the leftover kinetic force.

Tokachi and Kashiki were in terrible shape. Some bones were broken, Kashiki's arms were broken, and Tokachi had blood coming from his ears.

It was then another screech was heard from the building, and the dust and smoke got blown away, revealing the nomu still standing, regenerating from its arm being sliced off.

The original limb sat behind it. A total mess, and unusable.

Preparing to fight, all the vigilantes entered a combat stance, waiting for the nomu to make a move.

They waited for a few seconds, but the nomu didn't move.

It just say there, even when Zumoto went and stabbed a knife into its chest.

"Think... I think he's dormant."

The next minutes we're a blur. The hero's arrived and arrested the remaining villains.

The nomu was taken into custody, and Aizawa covered the vigilantes.

Students had their statements taken, and after an exhausting checkup from Recovery Girl, they all mingle back to their residencies, a large group making its way back to the home they know and love.

"Hey guys. How's it going?"

Seeing the vigilantes in sweaters and long pants, some having a few bandages on their head, the people who saw them leave and the UA students believe their lie about a logging accident, courtesy of the firewood they had chopped in a frenzy when they had returned.

"Now, who wants to make a campfire?"

As the exhausted students and some of the other residents perk up at this suggestion, todoroki lights the fire as the group all huddle around it.

Stories of the USJ were told, and promises were made to visit the other USJ at a later date.

For now though, it was time to be cozy. Not to worry about the future.

"S'mores anyone?"

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