Arrowverse Group Chat ☕

By AgentofDreams989

3.2K 95 72

Text-style writing sessions of your favorite Arrowverse characters. This will include characters who are aliv... More

Author's Note
Team Arrow
Team Flash
Team Arrow (Smoak-Queen Family)
Team Flash (West-Allen Family)
Justice League
Team Supergirl
Team Arrow
New Team Arrow
Team Flash 2
Future Team Arrow
Team Supergirl 2
Couples' Group Chat 🏹⚡
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Family
Future Team Arrow 2
Justice League 2
Team Flash 3
Future Team Arrow 3
Smoak-Queen Family 2
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Kids
Smoak-Queen/West-Allen Kids 2
Team Supergirl 3
Justice League 3
Future Team Arrow 5

Future Team Arrow 4

46 3 4
By AgentofDreams989

Dedicated to @Aviles_125 and @CamrynKissel for their fantastic support :)

Author's Note: Hey, everyone! Sorry if this is A LOT of Future Team Arrow chats, I'm just still really into my Arrow phase. Lol
Love you all and hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 💚

Mia Smoak-Queen 🥊 has added Conner 🔦, Felicity 📱, Zoe 🏵, and Dinah 💪to the group chat.

📱: Hi, Mia. Glad you invited me 😀

🥊: You didn't give me much of a choice considering you never leave me alone, but you're welcome anyway 😒

💪: It's better than what you normally get

📱: Unfortunately, yes 😔

🥊: Just to be clear, I actually have a question to ask this time so, let's not make this whole thing about our family problems

📱: 👍

🔦: Does that include my family issues too or no?

🔦: Just so I know what to talk about

🏵: 🤣

📱: Wait, I'm confused. Weren't you the only one of our kids who had a very close relationship to your parents?

🥊: We could've too, if it wasn't for your natural talent of lying 🙄

📱: Ugh...

💪: Trust me, she was NOT a natural liar

🏵: Dad said the same thing.

💪: Rene is bad at a LOT of things, but he always acknowledged that I was right, even if he ignored my commands anyway 😒

🏵: Sounds like him

🔦: Wait, wouldn't this be the point in the chat where Roy says that Zoe's just like her father?

🥊: Which is the exact reason why he's not here

📱: 😂

🔦: But we need Roy here in order to bring the humor in the chaos that's known as us🙏

🏵: Lol

📱: Roy? Bring the humor?

💪: Yeah, really shows you the lives we're living, right?

🔦: Please, Mia!

🥊: Fine, but this is your final straw, Diggle

🥊: Next time you anger me, you're going to be kicked from this chat

🔦: Ok, M! 😁

🥊: Don't call me that 😡

🔦: Noted. 😬

The Host has added Roy Harper 🗡 to the chat

🏵: You got hard core fast, Mia

🥊: I'm always hard core and awesome 😎

🗡: Just like your father was...

🏵: And he's already started it 😒

🥊: See, what you did to us?!

🔦: Yes, but I think it's nice to have around

🥊: 🙄

🔦: Nice to have you back, Roy 👋

🗡: Thanks, JJ

🔦: No, JJ's my brother! Why does everyone confuse me with him?!

🗡: Sorry, meant Conner

🥊: Lol

🏵: How is JJ these days?

🥊: Alone and brooding in a hidey hole he hand crafted for himself 👑

🔦: I was trying to answer that

🥊: I know, but my way is more fun 😏

🔦: 😕

📱: Wow, that's... different

🥊: Family does tend to change pretty quickly, doesn't it 😉

📱: Ok, I deserved that one 😌

🥊: You always do, mom. You always do

🏵: 😂

🗡: Is JJ still working under the Deathstroke title, Conner?

🔦: Yes, he is. Also, can we please stop talking about this?

🥊: Meh, we'll see 🤷‍♀️

🗡: Sounds just like what Oliver would say to John...

💪: True.

🥊: 🙄

🏵: Why isn't William here to help us deflect all these insults?

📱: 😥

🥊: She's just joking, mom 😒

📱: I know, but it doesn't mean it can't hurt

💪: For supposedly not talking about family drama, it sure seems like that's still what we're talking about

🔦: Agreed

🏵: You were doing it, too!

🔦: Yeah, but only because you guys forced me to

🗡: Well, this is getting out of hand, again.

📱: Ok, maybe everyone should just calm down

🥊: Agreed. Because I actually had something I wanted to ask one of you idiots and none of you will close your mouths long enough to let me tell you!

🔦: Um, I think you just need to take a step back, Mia

🥊: 😡🤬😡

💪: And it just keeps getting better and better 😒

🔦: We need William, stat!

🏵: Yeah, he's the only one who can calm her down

🥊: I don't need my brother here to calm me down! I've only known him for like two weeks, anyway!

🗡: Maybe that's why you have so much anger. Because you were longing for that lost piece of you, your brother

🥊: Shut up, Roy

📱: Mia, please don't tell Roy to shut up

🗡: Isn't the first person who's said it and won't be the last

🔦: Completely understand 🙃

🥊: One of these times we should just do a chat without the guys

🏵: It would be so much quieter

🔦: But you guys need your Diggle!

🥊: Meh 🤷‍♀️

💪: Let's just move on to the next subject so, this chat can be over.

🥊: Finally, something we agree on!

🔦: Ugh... 🤦‍♂️

🏵: Typical Tuesday for Team Arrow 😒

📱: So, what was your question, Mia?

🥊: I just wanted to know from Dinah a little more about the Canaries. Felt like I kinda owe it to Laurel for her saving my life

📱: That's a great question ❤

🥊: Don't go making a big deal about this, mom 😒

💪: Probably too late for that

🗡: Lol

📱: Ok, ok, let's give Dinah a second to answer Mia's question

🥊: Finally 🙄

💪: Well, the Canaries all started with Sara Lance. The most fierce fighter I've ever met

🥊: Think that might be a bit of an overstatement, but okay

🏵: At least she's listening this time

🔦: 😁👍

💪: She became a beacon of hope for the Glades after the Undertaking

💪: And then, her sister, Laurel, picked up the mantle after her death, the second time

💪: And after that, the Canaries basically became this honor passed down from one canary to the next

🏵: And I was lucky enough to be part of it

💪: You deserve it

📱: Aw, that was such a sweet way to describe it 💗

🥊: Yeah, that doesn't sound half bad, after all

🔦: That's actually a big compliment coming from her

🥊: Don't ruin this, Conner 🙄

🔦: 😔

🥊: Aside from his interruption, I guess I should thank you for telling me that story, Dinah

💪: You're welcome

🥊: Didn't say thank you, just said I should say it 😉

📱: Okay, sorry everyone, but I think it might be time to end the chat. Dale's still trying to track us

💪: Fair enough. Bye, everyone!

Dinah Drake 💪 has left the group chat

🏵: She sure left quick

🥊: Probably just had some big crime boss to stop or something 😒

🏵: Jealous you aren't going with her?

🥊: Maybe...

🗡: Lol

🏵: Bye, guys!

Zoey Ramirez 🏵 has left the group chat

🔦: Guess I'm next. Thanks for inviting me, Mia 👋

Conner Diggle 🔦 has left the group chat

🥊: And I know what you're trying to do, mom. You're not going to wait till the end of chat to have some mother-daughter time 🙄

📱: Okay... 😥

🥊: Bye, mom. Love you ❤

📱: Love you too, Mia 💗

Felicity Smoak-Queen 📱 has left the group chat

🗡: Glad you invited me, even if it was at the last minute

🥊: If you say it, I swear...

🗡: You really are just like your mother

Roy Harper 🗡 has been kicked out of the group chat

🥊: It felt so good to do that 😈

🥊: Ugh... I can't believe I'm actually doing this...

The Host has added William Clayton/Queen 💻 to the group chat

💻: Everything alright, sis?

🥊: As much as it is usually. Aren't you wondering why you weren't invited earlier?

💻: Eh, not really. Just figured you wanted some time away from me 😅

🥊: True, but I changed my mind halfway through when Roy started throwing all the comparisons jabs at just me

🥊: Turns out you make a pretty good insult shield

💻: Aw, you really do need me ❤

🥊: Don't make me regret this 🙄

💻: Don't worry, I'm not mom 😉

🥊: Lol

💻: So, what'd you wanna talk about?

🥊: Nothing much. Just wanted to state that I'm going to be killing Conner and Roy later

💻: Um... you're not being serious, right?

💻: Because not only are they our friends, but Roy isn't exactly the best person to pick a fight with, to say the least

🥊: ...

💻: Mia?

🥊: Of course, I'm joking. Just wanted to see your reaction 🤣

💻: 😒

🥊: Also, I wanted to say that you aren't completely awful to have around. Just mostly 😂

💻: Thanks, sis. Love you

🥊: Yeah, yeah. Bye, bro 👋

Mia Smoak-Queen 🥊 has ended the group chat.

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